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So who do you think is the other 6 darknesses?

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Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Gais, we're looking for people branded with the recusant's sigil, right? And he's missing Sora now, right?


:D :D :D :D

Bwaahahahaha, Maleficent would agree to sent him over to MX immediately so Pete can mess up Xehanort's plans and she will become the big bad instead.
Sora and co. would probably also approve since it hampers MX more than it helps him. *pfffrt*


A boy in a playsuit.
Oct 28, 2005
I am actually totally supporting that idea now. It'd be too funny/unexpected.

Dawn Rebirth

New member
Sep 4, 2009
Can you say vacay on Radiant Isle, and I'm growing
Gais, we're looking for people branded with the recusant's sigil, right? And he's missing Sora now, right?


:D :D :D :D

Strong will? Check. Strong Vessel? Check. Strong Trust? Check. Is MX so incompetant that he couldn't see the outcome of allowing him as the new 13? ... B/ ... No seriously, if MX let that happen I would lose so much respect for him as a villian, for failing to see the outcome ... Unless we're to assume MX to some extent doesn't no what kind of failure he'd be allowing to enlist.

Memory Master

Gold Member
Nov 28, 2008
Hey Memory, do you think that we'll ever see the Somebodies of Demyx, Luxord, Marluxia, and Larxene?

I hope so and personally I think we will. They are the only members who have not had their original names revealed and we have yet to see them as somebodies so far so I think KH3 is the perfect time to introduce them. Personally I can't wait to see Marluxia's somebody since Marluxia was one of my favorite Organization members. Larxene I find to be the most interesting though since her position as a sadists suggests she had a very painful past before becoming a nobody.

Most likely Marluxia, Larxene, Demyx, and Luxord lost their hearts on different worlds when they became nobodies. Who knows they may have lived in Disney based worlds when they were human. I always thought maybe Marluxia was at one time the Knave of Hearts or the executioner in Wonderland. Or maybe he served the White Queen at one point. He could have plotted rebelion against one of the Queens and this rebelious nature continues on into his time as a nobody in trying to overthrow Xemnas.

Demyx I could see having been a resident of Atlantica. Luxord I could picture coming from Port Royal. Larxene i'm not at all sure about but I get the feeling her past as a human was really really bad.

I find Demyx, Luxord, Marluxia, and Larxene to be interesting and I hope we see their somebodies in KH3.

Gais, we're looking for people branded with the recusant's sigil, right? And he's missing Sora now, right?


:D :D :D :D

OMG Why didn't I see it before!? That is obviously the most logical choice to be the 13th Seeker of Darkness.

Alright, this may just be a coincidence, but I think I figured-out it out. The positioning determines the new numerial ranks for the Org XIII-2 members. MX is in Xemnas' seat. Xemnas is in Xigbar's Seat. XH is in Xaldin's seat. Xigbar is in Vexen's seat. YMX is in Lexaeus' seat. You get the picture, feel free to tell me I'm crazy, but be sure to look at positioning of the seats yourself before you do ;)


I'm not entirely sure how this works, or if this was even explained properly here in the thread ... But Keyblades are man-made tools crafted in the image of what the Real Death-Blade(Rather, X-Blade) looked like. As explained by Yen Sid himself; KH is the lock, the Death-blade is the Key.


I might be jumping the gun here, but it seems like a majority of people think the entire 'mending the hurts situation' will be resolved before the clash between the 13 Darknesses and 7 Lights, while it's enevitable that Aqua and Ventus will be saved before then, that in no way means that they will all be saved before the clash. It's not really a major part of the agenda, y'know in comparision to a war, and Roxas and Xion are safe where they are for the time being.


It's been explained by Numora that Vanitas showing-up in Notre Dame is a result of Ventus' heart being within Sora. Possibly indicating that Young Xehanort is Vanitas' refuge, but that remains to be said. Either way, Xigbar explained they put Sora to sleep twice, because of this Sora saw Namine, who turned to Xion not to long after. Roxas in fact did share his memories with Sora, as that is how Sora was able to figure-out Nobodies in some way could have hearts(Not neccessarily knowing they could grow or be nutured). It's note worthy that Sora's clothes change from his DDD clothes to KH2 clothes at certain parts. All the things Sora saw in those dreams were results of Roxas, Xion, and Ventus being in his heart. Similar to how in certain parts of 358/2 Days Xion would go from wearing a hood to not wearing a hood at random parts.


I've been noticing something else in this thread, a lot, if not everyone, of people in this thread keep calling Xigbar and Saix, Braig and Isa. I can see why, but it's Xigbar, not Braig. Go to the character files in your games, Braig is added after the scene Lea mentions him(Along with the other members who he mentions, whether they're there or not), but when we get to who we think is Braig and then Xigbar is added to the character files. In fact, go to the character files and note Isa is not among the list, but Saix is. The True Names seem more dear then the Nobody Names, that's why Lea calls Saix, Isa, when it's not really Saix(Or so is my understanding).

Now, why do the specifics matter? Simple. This is my understanding of a possible, yet probable list of the 13 and 7

7 Lights

1#Sora(They took him out of Xehanort's clutches)
4#Lea(He remains a possibility, how strongly he ends-up fighting will determine if he's fit for the task, or so I translate YS' words. And the fact he was able to be chosen in such a short time gives me good reason to believe he will succeed)
5#Kairi(Too many naysayers to go around on the topic, but YS wouldn't have requested her for absolutely no reason. I don't mean to say that means is defiantly our missing candidate, but it seems pointless for Numora to give her a Keyblade or show her in the Secret Ending if she didn't have some form of significance other than damsel in destress. Even if it means putting one of the goals on the front lines, which I admit to be somewhat risky, if said goal is not properly prepared. A very risky gambit indeed)
6#Aqua(Mentioned in Mickey's list and was in the Secret Ending, being a master makes her a very worthy addition as well)
7#Ventus(Once again, Secret Ending. I don't mean to use it as the answer to everything, but why put him in there, just to clear-up Ventus' body is still in there ... Not really a good enough reason, IMO. Esp, when The light within the Darkness is followed by Aqua in the RoD, followed by leads to the last key)

13 Darknesses

No. I - MX(New leader of the Organization, plus Xigbar said both Xehanort and Xemnas formed the Orgnization. Might I also bring-up him randomly wearing a coat when bringing Ventus to DI)
No. II - Xemnas(See MX explaination)
No. III - XH(Already revealed)
No. IV - Xigbar(Ditto)
No. V - YMX(Ditto again)
No. VI - Terra/Terranort/AX(MX has already confirmed him as on his team, and I think it's gonna stay that way until the battle is over)
No. VII - Saix(Take a guess)
No. VIII - Vanitas(Conjecture: Vanitas appeared responding to Ven's heart, alongside YMX. Kinda owes him, problem is how faithful he is. Then again, who was the last No. VIII again?)
No. IX - Braig(And this is where we reach the reason of me explaining the specifics. We know where he became a heartless, and we know he was just struck-down recently. Conjecture: It's also been hinted that Braig has been given his part of the bargain from MX, who seems like the type of bastard who would do this for his own gain as well, if at all possible. Also, when exactly did the norting take place? Is it possible, that Xehanort isn't in some way an exstention of the darkness, personified? And if so, does that mean his norting started when Terra blasted him with darkness? Xehanort is such a cunning mastermind that we can't just throw that away as part of his calculations in using Braig, and pushing Terra right into his clutches at the same time)
No. X - Xaldin(No denying it, Xaldin seems too obvious of a choice. He's strong in body, will, and trust. Conjecture: Unlike Vexen, who fails as a candidate somewhere among the lines. His chair wasn't lower than Demyx's for no reason, and his position on his numerial rank just cries-out that he's begging for respect, so to speak)
No. XI - XH controlling Riku's body/Or Riku when he was still on the path of darkness(Conjecture: Riku wouldn't make such a far-fetch guess if he wasn't somewhat sure. He's not really out there like Joshua and Riku joked about Sora being)
No. XII - Dilan(It was stated in the BBS character files that he still possessed his ability to manipulate people to some degree as his nobody could. Conjecture: It's worthy noting that the first 4 members were ironically encountered with AX in the same order as they were ranked in the first organization. Both Braig and Dilan were there with Ansem when they found him. The scene later where AX is seen walking may be after the experiment on his heart, as mentioned in the Secret Ansem Reports, Ansem did the experiment with Even present. Dilan could have very well been influenced by Braig, they did seem to work together, though once really doesn't seem all that too convincing)
No. XIII - Isa(Conjecture: Although it's been hinted he and Lea became heartless in the same place, it's yet to be confirmed. He may have very well have returned, however Lea cutting Ienzo's explaination off may leave a possible explaination for this 'away from our grasp' of understanding)

There is also a possibility that Heartless other than XH could be among the ranks, more specifically Braig and Isa's. This is my understanding, feel free to correct me if you must. XH appaeared to YMX, which regrettably was confirmed by Numora, turning-up a golden oppurtunity, but whatever. Then YMX gathered everyone else(The other versions of Xehanort at the very least) to meet-up at where Nothing Gathers, while XH went to the Secret Place on DI before it's temporary destruction. YMX confirms he has told all he knows to Sora, and what he knows may just be a piece of the truth we've yet to uncover, or rather have revealed to us. Such as what did those members do first, assemble there, or gather neccesary and suitable pieces for Org XIII-2?(Varying from member to member, of course)

Bravo. It makes that the actuall incarnations of Xehanort: Xemnas, XH, and YMX, would be in the chairs nearest MX himself. Seeing that Xemnas took Xigbar's seat from the original organization, it makes since Xigbar would be moved down to the seat next to Xemnas. By looking at that seating partern you can definately get some hints of who the remaining hooded members are.

I do have a question though, are you suggesting that YMX picked up Xigbar and Saix while they were nobodies in the past and brought them to the present? And that the present reformed Braig and Isa are also among the seekers of the darkness. As in Braig and Isa (Present) and Xigbar and Saix (Past) are all different members of the Seekers of Darkness?

Because I why was under the impression the Xigbar/Braig and Saix/Isa we see in KH3D were Braig and Isa after they became whole again but they kept the names "Xigbar" and "Saix" to show their loyalty to MX.

I also thought that Saix and Xigbar as nobodies were the same people as Braig and Isa because they kept the same identity and mind they had as humans. Where as Xemnas and XH developed their own personality/identities and minds. Which makes me wonder if Roxas and Xion personalities/indetities and minds still existence although dormant inside of Sora, then shouldn't the same be true for XH and Xemnas inside of MX?


Jul 13, 2011
Twilight Town
Gais, we're looking for people branded with the recusant's sigil, right? And he's missing Sora now, right?


:D :D :D :D

im gonna be that guy, and point out that the "X" seems to be serving as a strap, like overalls, to hold his suit together. whereas sora's "X" was more so engraved.

for anyone who actually takes this joke seriously, read that. hahahaha

Dawn Rebirth

New member
Sep 4, 2009
Can you say vacay on Radiant Isle, and I'm growing
Bravo. It makes that the actuall incarnations of Xehanort: Xemnas, XH, and YMX, would be in the chairs nearest MX himself. Seeing that Xemnas took Xigbar's seat from the original organization, it makes since Xigbar would be moved down to the seat next to Xemnas. By looking at that seating partern you can definately get some hints of who the remaining hooded members are.

I do have a question though, are you suggesting that YMX picked up Xigbar and Saix while they were nobodies in the past and brought them to the present? And that the present reformed Braig and Isa are also among the seekers of the darkness. As in Braig and Isa (Present) and Xigbar and Saix (Past) are all different members of the Seekers of Darkness?

Because I why was under the impression the Xigbar/Braig and Saix/Isa we see in KH3D were Braig and Isa after they became whole again but they kept the names "Xigbar" and "Saix" to show their loyalty to MX.

I also thought that Saix and Xigbar as nobodies were the same people as Braig and Isa because they kept the same identity and mind they had as humans. Where as Xemnas and XH developed their own personality/identities and minds. Which makes me wonder if Roxas and Xion personalities/indetities and minds still existence although dormant inside of Sora, then shouldn't the same be true for XH and Xemnas inside of MX?

Exactly, that or some other member did(Xemnas being a likely alternate candidate). It's possible, it's also possible Braig and Isa's heartless haven't been slayen, and are the real members there, but whose to say for sure at this point =/?

Even if they did keep their names, it would make no sense for Braig and Xigbar to presented as seperate characters in the Character Files.

Xigbar is debately, but Saix and Isa are very much different entities, unless BBS Vol. 2 decides to prove that false. Isa was more ... Light-hearted, less empty than Saix. Sure he would kinda put Lea down, but they really were friends, and unlike Saix the guy actually laughed. Now maybe that changed somewhere as a Somebody, maybe Isa got taken by Xehnaort during one of his infiltrations with Lea ... Or maybe his story isn't too short of Braig's end(Getting his heart opened by Xehanort), kinda how Lea doesn't have the tattoos under his eyes, maybe Saix got his scar as a nobody? Lea appeared not too far from where the others, so I can't say for sure, but as long as Isa didn't change I guess they're different. Although, it seems hearts may fuse when a person is Reborn ... So would it make a difference, considering what Saix was like at the end?

Roxas is fine, he interacted with Sora. By that logic Xion should be the same. Xemnas and Ansem inside Xehanort? My conjecture on it is that when MX gave-up his body and soul it took on some form of it's own, Xemnas wasn't specific on the body, so even if the Body and Soul wasn't considered a Nobody(For whatever reason) it could still grow a heart. That I believe is the MX we see in KH:3D, or rather that is the heart that came from it. (Of course, then again ... Mickey hinted the TWTNW was actually awake, which explains how he got there ... But Where Nothing Gathers seemed to be endlessly vast in this game ... ... ... ... ... @_@ ... That part is too confusing)


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
TWTNW in DDD is the real one, it's not in the Realm of sleep.
It's the destroyed version from after KH2. The only parts that were part of a dream are Riku's in the first (until the world logo appears) and Sora's after the first scene with Xigbar and Young MX, everything else took place in the real world.

Roxas could however only interact with Sora because Sora himself was dreaming. Sora's heart went so deep into the realm of sleep that it could eventually reach Naminé's, Xion's and Roxas' sleeping consciousnesses inside itself. The last one he met, when Sora shortly turned into Ventus was when Sora's heart was already so deep into the chasm of dreams that Sora could feel Ven and he could shortly exert some influence. When Sora in Ven's form reached out to Terra and Aqua that was Ventus trying futilely to connect with them and when he took his hands away again that was Sora re-establishing full control.


May 20, 2006
Seeing as Master Xehanort said it himself, one among his ranks must be Terra. But not the Terra you are all thinking.
Remember that the Xehanorts gathered were either from the present, past, or future. In other words from any point in time.
This means that the Terra gathered there could just as easily be the Terranort that formed once Master Xehanort possessed Terra at the Keyblade Graveyard.

It is undocumented what happened the time between when the X-blade was destroyed and when Terranort arrived at Radiant Garden.
During this time, it is entirely possible that he could of been transported by means of a message by Young Xehanort (who said he was given a role of gathering all the Xehanorts together to witness the 13th vessel) or even to the actual battle between 13 darknesses and 7 lights (which will happen in KH3)
This could also be the reason for his brief memory loss when Aqua finds him at Radiant Garden.

By this logic, it is completely possible that one of the Xehanorts is Vanitas, seeing as he possessed the yellow eyes of Xehanort also. When Master Xehanort created him, he may have infused him with a part of himself. This is also evident when Sora encounters Young Xehanort at La City des Cloches, where it implies that the part of Ven inside Sora reacted with the encounter of Young Xehanort, where Ven could feel the presence of Vanitas, which is why Vanitas' silhouette appeared beside Young Xehanort, sort of as an indication that a part of Vanitas is inside Xehanort.

With this, we have,
Ansem SoD
Young Xehanort

7 Xehanorts.

In the Ultimania interviews, Nomura confirms that 7 of the Xehanorts should be already clear to people, and that the other 6 remain unknown, however if you are clever you could figure out the remaining 6.
I believe that the 7 i mentioned above, are the 7 that should be already clear to people, as hinted by Nomura.


Apr 14, 2012
Seeing as Master Xehanort said it himself, one among his ranks must be Terra. But not the Terra you are all thinking.
Remember that the Xehanorts gathered were either from the present, past, or future. In other words from any point in time.
This means that the Terra gathered there could just as easily be the Terranort that formed once Master Xehanort possessed Terra at the Keyblade Graveyard.

It is undocumented what happened the time between when the X-blade was destroyed and when Terranort arrived at Radiant Garden.
During this time, it is entirely possible that he could of been transported by means of a message by Young Xehanort (who said he was given a role of gathering all the Xehanorts together to witness the 13th vessel) or even to the actual battle between 13 darknesses and 7 lights (which will happen in KH3)
This could also be the reason for his brief memory loss when Aqua finds him at Radiant Garden.


Memory Master

Gold Member
Nov 28, 2008
Exactly, that or some other member did(Xemnas being a likely alternate candidate). It's possible, it's also possible Braig and Isa's heartless haven't been slayen, and are the real members there, but whose to say for sure at this point =/?

Even if they did keep their names, it would make no sense for Braig and Xigbar to presented as seperate characters in the Character Files.

Xigbar is debately, but Saix and Isa are very much different entities, unless BBS Vol. 2 decides to prove that false. Isa was more ... Light-hearted, less empty than Saix. Sure he would kinda put Lea down, but they really were friends, and unlike Saix the guy actually laughed. Now maybe that changed somewhere as a Somebody, maybe Isa got taken by Xehnaort during one of his infiltrations with Lea ... Or maybe his story isn't too short of Braig's end(Getting his heart opened by Xehanort), kinda how Lea doesn't have the tattoos under his eyes, maybe Saix got his scar as a nobody? Lea appeared not too far from where the others, so I can't say for sure, but as long as Isa didn't change I guess they're different. Although, it seems hearts may fuse when a person is Reborn ... So would it make a difference, considering what Saix was like at the end?

Roxas is fine, he interacted with Sora. By that logic Xion should be the same. Xemnas and Ansem inside Xehanort? My conjecture on it is that when MX gave-up his body and soul it took on some form of it's own, Xemnas wasn't specific on the body, so even if the Body and Soul wasn't considered a Nobody(For whatever reason) it could still grow a heart. That I believe is the MX we see in KH:3D, or rather that is the heart that came from it. (Of course, then again ... Mickey hinted the TWTNW was actually awake, which explains how he got there ... But Where Nothing Gathers seemed to be endlessly vast in this game ... ... ... ... ... @_@ ... That part is too confusing)

The way I had viewed it is that the heart a nobody grows fusing with their original heart when the reconstruction takes place that restores the whole being. As it's more like the nobody heart becomes intergrated into the original heart. And since the nobody keeps the memories of it's life before it became a nobody, then basically the human form and the nobody are the same. I never really viewed any of the organization members being different people from their human forms except for Roxas and Xemnas, and of course Namine and Xion obviously but she's a replica not a nobody so it's not the same equation.

Unless of course in the case of those infected with a MX heart fragment, the combination of the orignal personality of the person and the heart fragment of MX causes the nobody to in fact become someone they weren't before. Like a split personality merge ends up creating a hybrid personality. Like Braig + MX heart fragment = Xigbar. So even when Xigbar becomes whole he is not the same as he was as Braig because of the MX fragment and as such is now someone different: Xigbar. The same would be applied with Saix and Isa of course.

As for the MX in KH3D, that MX is the present and true MX. He even says so himself. "This was all decided. My 12 selves would welcome me here when I returned as a complete person." so there is no confusion there. I do think however that MX did create a nobody when he released his heart to take over Terra in BBS and I think that nobody is one of the hooded members of the Seekers of Darkness.


New member
May 21, 2008
Jackson, NJ
Seeing as Master Xehanort said it himself, one among his ranks must be Terra. But not the Terra you are all thinking.
Remember that the Xehanorts gathered were either from the present, past, or future. In other words from any point in time.
This means that the Terra gathered there could just as easily be the Terranort that formed once Master Xehanort possessed Terra at the Keyblade Graveyard.

It is undocumented what happened the time between when the X-blade was destroyed and when Terranort arrived at Radiant Garden.
During this time, it is entirely possible that he could of been transported by means of a message by Young Xehanort (who said he was given a role of gathering all the Xehanorts together to witness the 13th vessel) or even to the actual battle between 13 darknesses and 7 lights (which will happen in KH3)
This could also be the reason for his brief memory loss when Aqua finds him at Radiant Garden.

By this logic, it is completely possible that one of the Xehanorts is Vanitas, seeing as he possessed the yellow eyes of Xehanort also. When Master Xehanort created him, he may have infused him with a part of himself. This is also evident when Sora encounters Young Xehanort at La City des Cloches, where it implies that the part of Ven inside Sora reacted with the encounter of Young Xehanort, where Ven could feel the presence of Vanitas, which is why Vanitas' silhouette appeared beside Young Xehanort, sort of as an indication that a part of Vanitas is inside Xehanort.

With this, we have,
Ansem SoD
Young Xehanort

7 Xehanorts.

In the Ultimania interviews, Nomura confirms that 7 of the Xehanorts should be already clear to people, and that the other 6 remain unknown, however if you are clever you could figure out the remaining 6.
I believe that the 7 i mentioned above, are the 7 that should be already clear to people, as hinted by Nomura.

You forgot Master Xehanort. He counts as one of the thirteen. So either Vanitas or Terranort isn't as obvious as you think and require being more clever to figure out. I do agree with you, though.

Dawn Rebirth

New member
Sep 4, 2009
Can you say vacay on Radiant Isle, and I'm growing
The way I had viewed it is that the heart a nobody grows fusing with their original heart when the reconstruction takes place that restores the whole being. As it's more like the nobody heart becomes intergrated into the original heart. And since the nobody keeps the memories of it's life before it became a nobody, then basically the human form and the nobody are the same. I never really viewed any of the organization members being different people from their human forms except for Roxas and Xemnas, and of course Namine and Xion obviously but she's a replica not a nobody so it's not the same equation.
Unless of course in the case of those infected with a MX heart fragment, the combination of the orignal personality of the person and the heart fragment of MX causes the nobody to in fact become someone they weren't before. Like a split personality merge ends up creating a hybrid personality. Like Braig + MX heart fragment = Xigbar. So even when Xigbar becomes whole he is not the same as he was as Braig because of the MX fragment and as such is now someone different: Xigbar. The same would be applied with Saix and Isa of course.

As for the MX in KH3D, that MX is the present and true MX. He even says so himself. "This was all decided. My 12 selves would welcome me here when I returned as a complete person." so there is no confusion there. I do think however that MX did create a nobody when he released his heart to take over Terra in BBS and I think that nobody is one of the hooded members of the Seekers of Darkness.

The fragment bit, you're reffering to pieces of MX's heart, right? If so, then that doesn't really have relevance. Xigbar explained it himself they were to hook 13 husks to Kingdom Hearts and then divide the heart. That didn't work, because of Ansem's interference. If you're saying that MX already norted everybody but Sora, then how does that make sense when MX was just Reborn???(So to speak) If Saix wasn't norted before this get-together, then Isa wouldn't be effected, saying he's already been Reborn. But, even if so, in this case it's versions that matter, not the mind/whatever. Not to sound silly, but any version will do as long as it's Strong enough, are willing to put their Trust in the cause(Or in Sora's case it didn't really matter), and have a Strong Will to boot.

Another factor I'd like to put on the table is that Numora is leaving us to guess the other 6 Darknesses(For the moment). Therefore, I would say we should have some idea of the other 6. Or 5, if we insist we're still missing a darkness, but even then it should just take some thought-work to figure-out the missing member, like AussyRiku said.(Who knows, it might be the aforemention possible nobody of Master Xehanort)

But here's a new question, even if we don't have a positive answer for the moment, what happened to Terra? Why does only MX get recompleted? Is Terra already saved, and just out there on some world? On that note, if that really is MX? Why of all places is he in Xemnas' chair? What about how Ienzo was going on about how a person should reappear in the place they became a heartless? Or are we to just assume that's where AX became a heartless? And so one question spawns into 5 -_-"


Jul 13, 2011
Twilight Town
By nomura saying that we already know who 7 are, we can assume it's everyone we've seen so far with gold eyes.

Master Xehanort
Ansem SoD
Young Xehanort

Terranort could be one of those special cases, where he is a less obvious answer.


The only character known so far to have orange eyes is Ansem the Wise. Why did isa have orange eyes when he confronted lea?


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Isa's eyes aren't orange, they're golden, as in Xehanort-golden.
They may be a darker shade (or it's the lighting in the scene) but Ansem the Wise truly has orange eyes without a trace of gold.

I think we already had that topic in another thread, but Ansem's eyes have nothing to do with Xehanort, they're his natural eye color as he already has them when he finds Terra-Xehanort in the Ending of Birth By Sleep after the Final Episode.


New member
Jul 26, 2012
baby xehanort 1 year old xehanort 2 year old xehanort 4 year old xehanort 10 year old xehanort etc...


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Why do I suddenly imagine Xehanort lying in a cradle with a baby's rattle uttering his very first words. *ggg*
"Da-da-da...X-blade." lol.


Jul 13, 2011
Twilight Town
Isa's eyes aren't orange, they're golden, as in Xehanort-golden.
They may be a darker shade (or it's the lighting in the scene) but Ansem the Wise truly has orange eyes without a trace of gold.

I think we already had that topic in another thread, but Ansem's eyes have nothing to do with Xehanort, they're his natural eye color as he already has them when he finds Terra-Xehanort in the Ending of Birth By Sleep after the Final Episode.

on my 3ds, they looked really orange. like, he looked like a different person (no pun intended)


Sep 23, 2009
New England
Honestly, I can see something like this happening.....

1. MX
2. Xemnas
3. Ansem
4. Xigbar
5. YX
6. Saix
7. Repliku
8. Vanitas
9. MX Nobody
10. Marluxia
11. Luxord
12. Terra

Not in that order of course, but something along those lines as a possibility.
I shall supply my reasoning and not just leave ya hanging...

Now this could just be any form of Riku's Dark Side, but whatever form it may take, I believe it could be one of the Seekers of Darkness. I'd like to believe it is Repliku.....*stares down at sig*

The same reason others have probably said. He's Ven's Dark Side, and meeting between Sora and Vanitas would be something to see.

MX Nobody
It was said that when MX took his heart out of his body and put it into Terra, that something was left behind. MX had created something, but it wasn't exactly a run-of-the-mill Nobody.

Even though he turned traitor in Castle Oblivion, if you remember in Days when he was still around, he primarily talked about the Keyblade and how it was a marvelous weapon. He was fascinated with it when working with Roxas. (I'll replay and see what he says exactly).
If Marluxia wants a Keyblade, then joining the SoD's would be a way. His reason for being one would be similar to that of Xigbar's.

Why Luxord? One reason, is that he's Nomura's favorite. But that's not the only reason.
Luxord is all about gambling and bets, when the stakes are high that's when things get exciting.
Just think, being a SoD would mean the ultimate gambit. He's throwing his individuality and self on the line for a goal.

Now for Marluxia and Luxord, there is the argument "they don't seem to look like Xehanort, like Saix or Xigbar do".
It was also said that out of the remaining Seekers, Saix and Xigbar were the two farthest down the line in the transformation. They had progressed the most.
Luxord and Marluxia are two of the latest members of the original Organization, so they wouldn't have had Xehanorts heart within them for that long.

When I think of something else, I'll throw it out there too.

Why do I suddenly imagine Xehanort lying in a cradle with a baby's rattle uttering his very first words. *ggg*
"Da-da-da...X-blade." lol.

When I read this part, I imagined a baby saying it. Then I got to X-Blade, and thought of Nimoy's voice coming out of a little baby.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
It might be the lighting as I said, I also have this sometimes with Riku. ;)
His eyes look blue in one, aquamarine or even green in other scenes.
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