OK,part 2 finaly!
Ch.2 pt.2 Misha and Reno Dedicated to Sora_ish_mine
Cloud and the two women proceeded into the arena. Standing before them were to people, a man and a woman. Reno, the man, wielded an electro-mag rod. Misha, the young woman, held a large mallet.
A mallet, seriously? There is no way we can lose! "Will the group leaders please step forward and shake hands?" The refferee asked. Cloud was supprised to see the girl step forward. Hello, it's a nice day to defeat you sir!" Misha said with a grin

. Cloud allowed himself a slight smile.
Right. The bell rang and the contestants drew their wepons. Cloud was immediatly put on the defensive as Misha atempted to clobber him with her mallet. Quistis and Yuffie were off to thee side, struggling with Reno. Quistis failed her attempt to disarm him with her whip, and she recieved a nasty shock from his electro rod. Misha knocked Cloud to the ground and charged after Yuffie. Cloud struggled to his feet just in time to see Yuffie take a severe blow to the head.
Owww, she won't be getting up any time soon. Now it was just Cloud and Quistis vs. Misha and Reno. Cloud charged forward to strike misha, but she ducked and hit him from behind.
Whoa, she is fast. Last time i underestimate a mallet. Quistis swung her whip to slash Reno across the face. Reno fell to the ground with a large welt rising on his face. Misha saw his limp body and cried out in rage. She swung her mallet into Quistis with breathtaking force. Cloud saw Quistis laying on the groun, then he turned to face Misha.
It's just me and her now. I just hope i can take her. Misha swung at Cloud, but he caught the blow and knocked her back. She was back on the offensive immediatly.
What drives this girl to push so hard? Were does she find the determination? Cloud remembered Reno laying on the ground and understood perfectly. His thoughts turned to her, the one special to him.
Aerith. Suddenly, Cloud was filled with the same kind of energy that flowed through Misha. Cloud ducked under her attack and landed the final blow. Misha fell to her knees, gave him a little smile, and passed out.
Whew, glad thats over.
A couple of hours later, while Cloud and the others were relaxing outside of the gummi ship, Misha and Reno approached."Wow, you guys realy kicked my butt!" Yuffie said with a big smile. "We just wanted to congradulate you. Right Reno?" Misha asked nudging Reno with her elbow. Reno nodded, but refused to look anyone in the eye. "He is a little grumpy, you guys beat his undefeated record." Misha told him with a grin. "That was a difficult fight, and i look forward to challenging you again." said Cloud. Quistis, who had been silent up to this point, chimed in," You guys were tough. We might be able to use your help sometime, is there anyway we can get a hold of you?" Misha wrote something on a piece of paper, and handed it to Quistis," Just call me on my PHS.Well, Bye!" As Misha and Reno left, Yuffie waved jumping up and down enthusiasticly.
Well that was fun... sort of.