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Fanfiction ► The Cloud Strife Chronicles

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Feb 25, 2006
I will post the nextcapter tommorow, i PROMISE! i have been busy with homework latly, so i hope ya can forgive me. :D
Feb 25, 2006
Ok, finnaly, Ch.3. I decided not to kill Aerith off, so i hope you enjoy.

Ch.3 Dark Advesaries

As the darkness faded into morning light, Cloud, Yuffie, and Quistis awoke to some surprising news.” All of the other competitors have dropped out of the tournament due to the intensity of your match against Misha and Reno. Meet Phil by the front gates to receive your prizes.” Hercules told them. “Ohh, I wonder what we’re gonna get? I can’t wait, let’s go!” Yuffie said dancing with excitement. Cloud and Quistis walked towards the gates while Yuffie bounced up and down like a 5 year old with a sugar rush. When they reached the gates, they saw Phil holding a small glass case with three red stones inside. Materia! “These Materia contain the powers of the summons Ifrit, Shiva, and Leviathan. You may each take one.” Cloud turned to Quistis and said, “You first.” Gingerly, she selected the stone labeled “Ifrit”. “Me next!” Yuffie yelled, shaking with excitement. She reached for the one that displayed the name “Leviathan”. “I guess I get Shiva then.” Cloud thought as he took the last piece of materia. “Well, let’s go. I received a tip that Sephiroth was recently seen in the Deep Jungle.” Cloud told Quistis and Yuffie. The group headed for the gummi ship, and they soon left the coliseum behind.

The gummi ship landed neatly in a clearing surrounded by thick forest. As they left the ship, Yuffie asked, “How are we gonna find Sephiroth?” “We will have to split up and search for anything suspicious.” Quistis recommended. “If you find Sephiroth, DO NOT ENGAGE HIM, he will utterly destroy you.” Cloud warned with a severe look. Quistis decided to take a southern route, and Yuffie went westward. I guess I’ll head north. Cloud began to make his way through the jungle, occasionally having to slash a vine or two with his sword. About half an hour later, cloud stumbled into a clearing filled with blue flowers. Panting from his vigorous hike, he noticed a brunette woman wearing a pink gown and an undersized red jacket, and she also had a ribbon in her hair. Aerith! She stood up and turned to face him. A bright smile filled her and she ran towards him. She enfolded herself in his muscular arms; He was speechless due to the mixed emotions flowing inside him. “Aerith,” Cloud asked,”How did you escape from Sephiroth?” She looked up at him and he instantly sensed the danger. Too late, a sickly-sweet smell permeated his senses; He fell victim to her drunk like spell. I have to fight it! Cloud struggled against the haze that seemed to intoxicate him, and he looked up. Aerith was gone and in her place was a raven haired woman in a long black dress. He could sense the darkness that gushed forth from the blackness of her soul. “So, you’re Cloud. I’m disappointed, I expected a much more impressive performance after all Aerith said about you. My name is Aleria.” The dark woman told him in a mocking tone. “Where is Aerith?” Cloud asked, still struggling to fight off the spell. Aleria waved a pale hand over the ground, and a mirror like surface appeared. Cloud looked into the portal and saw a woman in tattered rags that may have once passed as clothing. As the image cleared, he saw she was sitting in some sort of dungeon. Oh my god, it’s Aerith! “Let her go, or I will make you!” Cloud said, passion burning away at the haze that tried to consume him. “I will let her go, once you prove your worth. Your first challenge, fight my brother.” A young man with dark brown hair and light blue eyes stepped into the clearing. He was dressed in black, and he carried a large spear. “My name is James and I look forward to challenging someone of your reputation.” The young man said with a wild looking grin. Cloud took a defensive position as James began to circle around him. James lunged forward to strike and Cloud sidestepped and swung his sword to land a glancing blow. The wound did not slow James down; he was back on the offensive in an instant. Cloud swung his massive sword, but the blow just bounced off of the spear. James rushed Cloud to the ground. Just as he was about to strike, Yuffie jumped out of the tree and landed a flying kick on his face. “Ah ah ahh, two on one is against the rules Cloud. You’ll have to wait another day.” Aleria said, fleeing into the wilderness with James. A Massive group of heartless appeared in the clearing. “Quistis, hurry up with our guests!” Yuffie yelled. Quistis entered the clearing, and Misha and Reno followed. “I bet you’re glad to see us!” Misha said with a grin. For once, I really am.
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Feb 25, 2006
Sora_Ish_Mine! said:
O.O THAT WAS AWSOME!!!! =D good you made the chappy longer!!!!! poor Aerith!! ;-; are they going to be in Deep Jungle longer or are they going to leave for Aerith right awaay o.o yay! Reno <333 and Misha =D PLEASE CONTINUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They have to fight the heartless before they can leave.:D
Feb 25, 2006
Ok, I'm finally back from my spring break! heres ch.4

Ch.4 The Chasm of Chaos

The clearing was now teeming with heartless. This is…bad “Umm, this could be a problem.” Misha said with a slight shiver. Don’t worry; I won’t let anything happen to you. Not now, not ever.” Reno assured her with fierce determination. The gathering swarm of enemies began to advance on the group. “Charge!” Yuffie yelled with great enthusiasm. She sent her shuriken flying into the midst of the dark horde. There is no stopping her. Cloud and Quistis charged into the fray while Reno and Misha defended against the heartless attacking from behind. With each snap of her whip, another of Quistis’ foes was vanquished. As one heartless tried to ambush Yuffie from behind, its attack was suddenly cut off as it was destroyed by Cloud’s massive sword. “Thanks Cloud, I owe you one!” Yuffie yelled over the clamor of battle. Misha had been overwhelmed by heartless and now Reno was struggling to free her from the endless onslaught of heartless. We are losing this fight, I have to do something Cloud suddenly remembered the Summon Materia he had won at the coliseum. He pulled the gleaming red crystal out of his pocket and called out to the powerful entity slumbering in its depths. “Diamond Dust!” Cloud cried out, releasing the being from the crystal. A thick layer of mist covered the clearing, and out of it rose a striking blue feminine figure. The summon Shiva waved her hand and the opposition was encased in a solid mass of ice. With a snap of her fingers, the ice shattered, destroying all of the heartless contained within. With her task completed, she returned to the crystal to resume her slumber. Cloud, Quistis, and Yuffie rushed over to see if Misha had been harmed. “She broke her arm; I don’t think she’ll be fighting again any time soon.” Reno told Cloud with a sad shake of his head. Cloud busied himself with the task of making Misha a splint. Yuffie brought him some sticks, and he fashioned them with some of the bandage he kept wrapped around his sword to make a crude splint. “We should probably start following that lady that was dressed in black.” Misha said, trying to look determined in spite of the pain. “Okay, but are you sure you can handle the walk?” Cloud asked. “Duh! I broke my arm, not my leg.” The group set out in the direction that they had seen Aleria and James flee. As they proceeded deeper into the thick mass of trees, they began to notice an increase in blackened dead trees. Cloud spotted a large hole that descended at a slant deep into the earth. There was a bloodied body lying at the entrance. Cloud knelt down to examine the body closer; it was the young man he had fought earlier, James. James let out a slight moan and opened his eyes, “Oh, thank god… its… you.” “What happened to you?” Quistis asked with a worried expression. He smiled weakly, “You know, it wasn’t always like this. Aleria wasn’t always a vessel for the darkness. We used to live in a small quiet town in our world.” His voice was filled with hat now, “Then Sephiroth came, and he corrupted my sister! Together they slew the innocent people of our simple town! I vowed to protect my sister; I wanted to help her find the path back to the light. I ended up being a simple servant for my sister’s dark plan. She and Sephiroth are in that cave. It is called the Chasm of Chaos. I tried to stop Sephiroth, but his strength is god-like. I only hope you can stop him before he obtains the next piece of Heartless Materia.” Great, this is all I need, another tag along. “I’ll take care of Sephiroth, and I’ll see if I can’t help your sister.” Cloud told him. Quistis pulled out a vial of green liquid, “This will help heal your wounds.” She tilted his head back and slowly drained the vial into his mouth. “Ughh… that was… terrible.” James said as Quistis helped him to his feet. “Okay, can we go yet?” Yuffie asked, grinding her foot into the ground impatiently. “She’s right; we should get going if we want to stop him.” Reno said, clutching Misha’s uninjured hand. Cloud led the group into the dark cave. They descended into the blackness step by careful step. After what seemed like hours, they finally saw a dim light ahead. Finally, Sephiroth, YOU’RE MINE! Cloud increased his pace and entered into a huge cavern. Off to the side, he saw the remains of a huge beast. At the far end of the cavern, he saw Aleria and Sephiroth sanding on a platform that contained a single stone pedestal. Cloud charged forward, with the rest of the party close behind. “Hello Cloud, what brings you to the Chasm of Chaos? Also, you should try to find better company.” Sephiroth said indicating James who was being supported by Quistis. “Go to hell Sephiroth, you aren’t even worthy to lick his boots.” Cloud said, his anger increasing. “Well, I suppose you’re here to stop me from getting the Heartless Materia. You can have it; you need simply to prove you’re worthy.” Sephiroth waved his hand in the direction of the beast’s corpse. Before Cloud’s very eyes, the beasts flesh began to regenerate. When it stood on its hind legs it was the size of a large oak tree. It was covered in thick, mangy, brown fur. “It is called a Brazha. You and one of your little friends may challenge it. Sephiroth said with a dark laugh. Reno answered, “Cloud, let me help.” Cloud nodded. Misha was reluctant to let go of his hand when he stepped forward. “Be careful.” She whispered. Cloud and Reno advanced upon the creature. Sephiroth raised his hands and a transparent wall formed around Cloud, Reno, and the Brazha. Reno charged the beast with his electro-mag rod. The Brazha swung a massive arm tipped with razor sharp claws at Reno. Cloud slammed his sword into the beast’s fleshy arm, and blood spurted out. “Thanks.” Reno said, ducking under the Brazha’s legs. As Cloud struggled with the beast from the front, Reno began to climb the great beasts back. When he reached the top, he swung his rod into its head. The Brazha swatted him off as one would an annoying insect. Reno quickly returned to his feet and began his weary ascent up its back again. “Go for the eyes!” Cloud commanded. He was bleeding from multiple wounds, but the Brazha had suffered more extensive damage. Reno reached the beast’s head and jammed his electro-mag rod deep into the beast’s delicate eye. The Brazha fell to the ground writhing in pain. Reno wiped the gore off of his weapon. “Well done Cloud, here.” Sephiroth said tossing him a smoky black crystal. Cloud waved his hand and he and Aleria disappeared. “Aww, he got away.” Yuffie grumbled. Cloud closely examined the black Materia. “That will give you control of a small group of Heartless. Sephiroth already has several of them. By the way, would it be alright if I came with you guys?” James asked. Cloud looked at James for a moment, gave a slight nod, and returned his attention to the Materia. He held it in front of him and a shadow rose up from the ground. “Awww, he is soooo cute!” Yuffie said, “I will call you squishy and you will be mine!” She picked up the shadow and began hugging it. What is the world coming to? Next she’ll be asking Sephiroth for candy.
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