• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


The Ebb and Flow of Fame(New RPers Welcome)

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Blackest Night

High Priest of Sloanism
Apr 15, 2004
Depends upon the day and if there is free pizza.
Let's face it. Some make it, some don't. Try as they may, some people simply aren't cut out for fame, while others catch onto it as if the act itself was something they did every day at noon. Some may help others on their way, while some may need a little help of their own. However, though no one ever knows who will and won't make it to fame, one thing is always certain. The fall from it is nothing short of devastating.

The DJ's voice blared over the radio and out of speakers throughout the city, jovially exclaiming the latest bit of news on the music scene. Beachside listeners payed close attention as they basked in the warm sun, and the denizens of the inner city caught whatever bits the tumultuous noise of city life hadn't managed to drown out.

"That's right, you got it! Open auditions will be held at The Atlantis tonight and tomorrow night for any of you homespun musicians looking to fight your way into the music scene. Swing on down by the club for a taste of fame. Local musician, singer, and guitarist David Bourne-

The DJ's partner, twenty-six year old Sierra Mills, let out an approving "Hot stuff! Who knows ladies, it's a beachfront club. You may get to see some of David that'll have you droolin'! I'll be there coverin' the entire event, and I know I'll be lookin'!"

"-Ha ha.David Bourne will be there looking for some future bandmates. Give it your all, but watch out, Dave's a tough critic. Can't live up to his expectations, you might as well start cryin' now. For a taste, here's a song from Dave's last band, Wildcard. Made it all the way to number one! Here's 'Gone'!"

(Gone(Chris Daughtry))


That's it, ladies and gentleman. Simple plot, yes, and an often-used basis for an RP, but I enjoy it. Feel like joining, come right in. I'll let you know that only a select few will actually be accepted into David's band. The remainders will be allowed to do whatever they so wish, such as create their own bands or what have you. Frankly, we could use more than just musicians. Roadies, groupies, friends, managers, and such things are welcome and highly encourage. The rules follow below.

1. You can't possibly godmode, so you needn't worry about that. Don't powerplay.
2. If you are to use preexisting music for your characters, I am using Chris Daughtry and Crossfade, for example, you are to post a link to the song in question and make note of who the artist is.
3. Your characters must, be necessity, be 18 or older, if they are to be anything other than a family member or relative.
4. You've quite a bit of freedom here, so make use of it.
5. If your character looks like a child (Anime pictures), he or she will be treated as a childish looking adult would be.
6. You are expected to have faults. Prodigy characters who excell at all things will be barred from participating and probably laughed at.
7. All characters except musicians are allowed to have whatever template they so desire. Musicians must follow the template that will be seen shortly.
8. Though all are welcome, newer RPers will be favored over veterans. They need a chance to shine as well. As such, if you are a vet, don't be angry if I don't allow you to join in favor of a newer person.
9. Just as a safeguard, all posts must be at least two paragraphs long. To be easy, a paragraph, for the intents and purposes of this rp, consists of 4-6 sentences.
10. This list is subject to change.

Musician Template. You may construct it any way you want so long as it contains all information that goes in the following categories.

Stage Name (if any):
Appearance(May be separated into Facial Appearance, Body Type, Clothing, and Other if so desired)
Instrument(Includes Voice)
Preferred Music Style(Which genre your character feels most comfortable playing)
Personal History(Not necessary, but feel free.)

Simple enough. All other characters may use any template they wish.


"This is your DJ Sierra Mills here, chillin' with local musician David Bourne. I'll tell you, this guy's pretty stingy when it comes to information about himself! I like a mysterious man."

Throughout the many radios tuned into Sierra Mill's session, David Bourne's deep chuckle sounded. Sierra Mill's happy, sultry voice soon overtook it, however, and she continued on with her expose.

"From what Dave's been so kind to tell me, his full name is David Hector Bourne, born right here in Karport in 1980. He's only 27 ladies, come get it while it's hot! For those of you who haven't had the chance to drool, check out pictures of Dave on the ILVAV website. Tall, lean, and with a pair of baby blues, whoo I better stop myself!"

"He's not all looks, though! Dave's got the brains and brawn to back himself up. Dave's performed several of Karport's #1 songs, and, what were you a black belt in? Taijitsu, Toi Gye.."

David's low, fluid voice once again eased it's way through speakers citywide.

"Tae Kwon Do."

"Maybe you could show me a little bit of that later on, ha ha! Anyway, Dave's got some talent! Rock guitarist and singer, black belt and songwriter. Total hottie. Not a bad combination there, Dave."

"I've been told that a few times."

"Careful, babe, don't go and get an ego now. Ha ha, so Dave, tell us about yourself. Kid stories, personality tales, give us a hint!"

"People are just gonna have to find that out for themselves, Sierra. Do a little explorin' of their own. FInd some deep, dark secrets."

"Ooh, the mystery. I might go on a little treasure hunt of my own. This has been Sierra Mills, chillin' with David Bourne. Peace!"


hurr hurr hurr
Dec 17, 2003
In my castle, plotting your demise
Name Terrianna “Terri” Wultan ( people burn if they chuckle at her last name. Tis true )


Stage Name Florescent Dybbuk

Currently working at a flower shop. Does not like her job at all.

Instruments Beautiful voice. Obviously, she is trying out for lead singer.

Prefered Music Style Soft rock or heavy metal. It really depends on her mood.

Likes Singing, snow, skating, pizza, parties, light beer ( light-weight is an understatement )

Dislikes David Bourne, birds, her job, David Bourne, green food, women sex idols, David Bourne, David Bourne, foreplay ( its not the point of the night ), and, of course, David Bourne.

Determined, stubborn, crazy, yes. A few words to describe Terrianna perfectly. She is not one of those damsels in distress, waiting for her knight in shining armor. Oh no. She lives to destroy those types of girls. She is mainly independent. Don’t expect for her to roll over and beg for a guy. She’ll sooner become a tranny than a slave to men. It is not like she hates men. She loves men. She just hates the fake ones ( David Bourne for example ).

Terri has her good side as well. Although, seeing it is a miracle in itself. If shown to be trustworthy, Terri will devote herself fully to that person. Well, until they piss her off and then she ditches them. A very peculiar girl, for sure. No one can make heads or tails of her. To those lucky enough to get on her good side, they will find a sweet, reliable, and loyal friend. For the rest of us, she is a crazy, stubborn, evil little demon.

Above all, Terri is not emo or depressed. She can just see the world for what it really is. Oh, and one more important detail. If there is a party happening, you can be sure Terri is in the middle of it. She loves to party more than anything. The music, the dancing, the rush.

Appearance Standing at only 5’3’’, Terri hardly makes an imposing figure. This can be a reason why no one can take her seriously. But being small just makes it easier for her to beat you to a pulp. Terri is actually stunning, despite arguing otherwise. She does not want to become one of those airhead beautiful women who only get ahead by their bra size. Try a pickup line on her. You’ll regret it. With her beautiful diamond eyes, her lovely dirty blond locks, and perfect sized chest, it can be at times hard to remember her hatred of certain things.

Terri is not very fashionable at times. More or less, she has no sense of fashion at all. She never could get the hang of the concept. Strutting around with blue pants with a red Chinese dragon stitched into the right pant leg, it compliments well with her black t-shirt with a cartoonish bull dog and the words Spoiled Rotten written on the bottom.

Other If you have been ignorant enough to not realize this, turn off your computer now. Terri absolutely hates David Bourne. It all started when he was just becoming popular. She was unlucky enough to have friends who were completely gaga over him. She was forced to listen to his songs, go to his concerts, and pretty much every fan-like activity. But Terri was a smart girl. A nice, strong, smart, sexy celebrity with a loveable personality? This was not some lame RPG. There are no nice, strong, smart, sexy celebrities with loveable personalities! An idea came to her when she heard of these so-called tryouts. She will join his little band and show the world for what David was. But really, this was only a way to stop her crazy friends from listening to his god-awful music. Terri was never generous.


New member
Feb 13, 2007
Name: Trent Grayson
Stage Name (if any):None as of yet D:
Age: 21
Appearance: Green eyes, Brown hair. He usually likes wearing a basic T shirt and jeans.
Instrument: Keyboard
Preferred Music Style: Techno
Personality: A real jokester never is serious unless he is playing his Keyboard
Personal History: Trent got into music after his sister died. She always played the piano. Most know for his sorrow pieces just as the so popular “Revenue of tears”. Now a days he works in a club playing Techno music which he enjoys a lot. He heard of David’s band try outs so he thought he would try something new. And so is his quest to destroy the rin- er, join the band.
Picture(think green eyes though) http://www.cleveland.com/images/hp/332/060728_jfields.jpg

Well I guess this is my first official Rp. I find it interesting and original >:]
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King Naruto

Retired (for now)
Oct 19, 2005
Creating bonds to save our world and bring peace
Name:Terry Arnold
Stage Name (if any): TR

Age: 20

Appearance: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v723/Tantanious/Leon.bmp

Instrument: Electric Guitar

Preferred Music Style: Anything besides country

Personality: Quiet, cool and calm. He doesn't speak much and wishes to keep it that way, as well as keeping attention away from himself. He detests changes and troublesome situations. Likes to be chilled and laid back. He's a bit cocky at times.

Personal History: Will be revealed.

Tyler Durden

Oh dear, guitar seems to have been taken.

But we can assume that my character will be lead and RC can be rhythm, right?


Blackest Night

High Priest of Sloanism
Apr 15, 2004
Depends upon the day and if there is free pizza.
Or, you can both be guitar and try out for the same post. Only one will make it, if any of you make it at all. Remember, David is also a guitarist. This is a very free RP. after the auditions, the rejected members and any other member of the RP are really free to do whatever they wish, form their own band, find a new job, whatever. Do whatever you want with your characters, so long as it follows the rules.


Enigmatic Enigma
Feb 3, 2004
Houston, Texas
Hey, you sound like you need a manager. Actually, can it already be established that I am?

Name: Cyrus "C.T." Thompson

Age: 30

Occupation: Manager

Instruments: His voice, persuasion, cell phone, pen

Preferred Music Style: Whatever sounds good. More clientèle means more money.

Likes: Success (especially when used as revenge), Clubs, BMW's, Looking good, Sneakers, Haters (They inspire him), Tours

Dislikes: Looking bad, Failure, Yes-men, Overly opinionated and/or biased journalists, Alcohol (Bad experience)

Personality: I so have to finish this tomorrow. You might get an idea from everything else though.

Appearance: To put it simply, Cyrus is the embodiment of tall, dark and handsome. Standing at 6'4 and weighing in at 235 pounds (3% body fat, if I may add), one could easily mistake him for a bodyguard--a position that he is well qualified for. That is, if it weren't for his perfect chocolate complexion, high cheekbones and chiseled jaw line, meticulously manicured fingers and last but not least, his impeccable smile and fashion sense.


Bronze Member
Aug 8, 2004
Name: David “Yes” Peppers

Stage Name (if any): Yes; Bass Hero

Age: 16

Appearance(May be separated into Facial Appearance, Body Type, Clothing, and Other if so desired): I'm still thinking as to how I want him to look. Give it a little time?

Instrument(Includes Voice): Bass Guitar

Preferred Music Style(Which genre your character feels most comfortable playing): Alternative Rock (Whatever the Chili peppers could be considered)

Personality: Fun. Always smiling, he likes to see the good side of thigns even though some of the time this is not true, and he contradicts his own beliefs. Other times, he sticks to them truthfully. He’s scared of something totally altering his personal life, and tends to shy away from something extremely huge. While trying to diminish his fears, he finds himself sometimes following them instead of going against them.

Personal History: He was 7. His brother had gotten a Bass, and threw it aside. He thought it was awesome. But, before he actually played it (considering he didn’t realize that’s what it was), he became Bass Hero. He used the Bass like a guns, and would hit the strings to shoot musical notes at people. After time, he came up with combos upon combos… and he only realized at 12 that the instrument was for playing, and not for a gun. He still plays like he’s shooting his audience, and likes to be referred to ass bass Hero, or yes, after the nickname his brother gave him.

Attack! Attack!

Darkest Hour
Apr 29, 2006
Seventh Void
Oh, I really want to join. It's perfect, since this will probably progress at a slow rate, which is what I like. I will be a Jazz musician using the Saxophone. I must form a new band, the 'David's Band Rejects' shall form my band, lol. Yes, Sax in a band could be odd.
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wonko the sane

New member
Oct 17, 2005
a barren, desolate wasteland of silence and loneli
Name: Wonko
Stage Name (if any): Wonko the Sane or Lord Smoked Meats and Fishes
Age: 23
Appearance: Black top hat, sunglasses, suit, shoes, and silk shirt. Brown hair down his back pulled into a ponytail.
Instrument: Keyboard or something in the string family (cello, violin, etc.)
Preferred Music Style: Classic Rock, Progressive Rock
Personality: Carefree, looks good in a suit and knows it, says whatever he feels like, and is a little strange at times...

(May get around to a personal history, but doubt it...)
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that's when we'll explode
Apr 26, 2005
I can't help but get a certain stalker vibe from y
Artemis Gray

Stage Name
Gray Shade

Twenty-one years of age.

Artemis is a scrawny individual, wearing mostly black clothes. He happens to despise the preppy lifestyle and fashion. It seems to disgust him. He has shoulder-length, straight hair, his bangs hanging over his right eye. He stands at a steady height of 5'11", taller than some people. He has a clean appearance- that is, he looks as if he takes care of himself.

He also has a pair of frameless glasses with a slightly blue tint to them. Behind those glasses lies a pair of two beautiful eyes, seemingly gray-blue in color. Truly entrancing eyes, they look as if one could stare into them for hours on end, simply getting lost in the depth of his iris'. His eyes hold the look of one who's been through ages of pain.

Lead Guitar/Synthesizers. Specializes in Vocals.

Preferred Music Style
House, Indie, Prog Rock, perhaps a bit of Mathcore.

Artemis is an unusually warm person. He can almost always be seen with a smile on his face, and an enthusiastic look on his face. He is prone to staring off into space, thinking about nothing in particular. Even though his personality is gravitating, he is usually extremely bashful around those he deeply cares, or even holds an affection, for.

Attack! Attack!

Darkest Hour
Apr 29, 2006
Seventh Void
Name: Adrian Baudelaire

Stage Name: None

Age: 26

Appearance: Adrian's appearance is often considered quite bizarre. His hair is very lengthy, it is a pure black and drapes down to the bottom of his chin. His hair is brushed to the outside in a shape that outlines his face to prevent it from blinding him. All the time he spends indoors, mainly practicing has caused him to become mildly pale. The only color emitting from his face is the unique jade color of his eyes and the faint grey color of his eyebrows. He generally prefers black colored clothing, it's just his favorite color to wear, personally. Most of the time he wishes for a design composed of a unique to be apart of the clothing so he doesn't appear completely bland and starved of fashion or color. For casual events he'll wear white sneakers, he'll often wear these for performances as well, he changes to brown colored shoes during the few outdoor activities he takes part in, as to avoid getting his shoes dirty. Adrian is also shaped very commonly, while within his housing he also participates in weightlifting activities to increase muscle mass and tone, this has given him a very strong, defined, and masculant look as well.

Instrument: Alto Saxophone

Preferred Music Style: Jazz, Rock

Personality: Cavalier, apathetic, aesthetic. These few words can describe him vividly enough. [edit soon]


Darkrooms and safelights
Mar 19, 2005
Sitting inside the viewfinder of a camera, watchin
All right, all right! Here I am! xD

Yeah, like you had to twist my arm....

Name: Lazuli Howling

Stage Name: Zuli Blue

Age: Twenty

Appearance: Zuli stands at a very unimpressive 5'1", probably about 120 lbs soaking wet, yet still manages to be curvy. She has soft olive skin and light brown hair cut pixie-short so that, at its longest, it falls to her chin. However, she has colored it with streaks of pink, green, blue, orange, red, purple....

To add to this color, she has almond-shaped eyes a startling greenish-blue in her tanned, heart-shaped face. She's pretty and knows it, though doesn't obsess over it in the least.

As for what she wears, well, Lazuli isn't done with color yet. Her favorite outfit consists of knee-high black stockings, a bright purple skirt, white boots, a blue-and-pink tank top with a white coat, two silver chain belts, a silver butterfly clip in her hair, and a beaded necklace. If she's making any sort of statement with her fashion sense, she isn't aware of it. She also won't change the way she dresses, no matter what you think, whether you say she looks ridiculous or accuse her of trying to attract attention from the opposite sex. She honestly does not care.

Instrument: Nothing but her voice, though she knows her way around a few instruments. Don't stick her on stage with them, however.

Preferred Music Style: Whatever she can jam to. Lazuli loves nearly all kinds of rock- punk, progressive, symphonic, experimental, anything but screamo. {"It's not singing! Why do people listen to that!?"}

Personality: Lazuli is a firecracker of a person contained in a little body ... a very bright, colorful firecracker. She hates to sulk, so even when something does get her down, she bounces back pretty quickly. She loves to laugh, and to make other people laugh, though if you insist on being unhappy, she's not going to push you to it. Your loss, not hers.

Her almost innocent appearance and sweet smile may throw you off, but that's a severe mistake. Lazuli knows how to be quite manipulative- she starred in nearly all of her high school plays for a reason, after all. She can be a very convincing actress. Behind those smiles is a sly and clever mind. She lacks for neither wit nor the audacity to use it.

Likes: Singing, dancing, Tetris, candy, color, Sadé {"As far as music goes, she's my guilty pleasure."}, Acceptance, Garbage, Paramore, Nickleback, Nightwish, Imogen Heap, cats and dogs, color, her MP3 player, vanilla ice cream, color, a good book.

Dislikes: Any kind of heavy metal {"No, I will not listen to your Screaming Blood Death Metal, or whatever it's called."}, screamo, uptight people, most alcoholic drinks {"I just don't like the taste."}, people who think that the world should bow down to them because of their looks or talent.

Personal History: "My life is nothing exciting so far. The end."

Zuli doesn't know when, exactly, she decided to shoot for stardom. Probably when she hit thirteen and her voice matured enough so that she realized than when she sang ... she sounded good.

Don't get her wrong, she's no angel. She doesn't have the strongest voice out there, nothing to go up against Shirley Manson or Tarja Turunen, but she does have a very versatile range. Zuli can go from a sweet, soft ballad to fast-paced rock. There's something about her voice that attracts people, so that even the most sour of cynics will find themselves tapping their foot when she picks up a song, and everyone else just can't help but dance.

So she majored in the performance arts in high school, and after two years at a community college, decided to see how far she could ride her voice. If this gig doesn't work out, she plans to head for New York City and see if she can study for Broadway, her second love.

"Music and acting together. What else do I need?"
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What would you do for a Klondak Bar
Nov 29, 2005
Outside your window flipping you off.
Name: Cassy Steel

Stage Name (if any): uh. No.

Age: 21

Appearance: She wears usally red to black things. Always wearing sunglasses even if it is dark outside, and has the odd way of using unmatching socks. Weather it is from stripe to colorful or her awsome black socks she wearing them. Even in combat boots.

Instrument(Includes Voice): Drums and bass guitar

Preferred Music Style(Which genre your character feels most comfortable playing)
Rock, to Techno she is also into Dj depends really on her mood.

Personality: The one you would think might kill you if you look at her. She has the dark eyes that fallow you in the deepest yet odd way. When she looks at you, you have an odd chill. Thats her, and she dosnt do it on purpose its those wonderful eyeliner she wears.

Personal History: *I shall do this during the whole RP*

I needed to do something. >:O
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