namine has definintly had more charcter development then kairi. i do feel as if she is soras guardian angel.
i love how you think about Namine! And I personally agree with you and think that Roxas was a very cute boyfriend for her.Alw3000 said:dude namine rocks out loud! i still don't think that she is kairi's shadow, and when she said she was she was saying it metiphorically. not literally. but yeah she does have powers. i think she might be sora's guardian angel, but it's like she doesn't know it. Kairi is his light/lover, and Namine said she would watch over him. so I think she's his angel.
Namine is an awesome person. Sure, she was forced to erase Sora's memories and work for the Organization, but the Organization found her before Sora and co., so she really didn't have a choice; it was like "work for us or we'll kill you", i guess. but she proved to be a strong and determined person when she helped sora out, and fixed his memories. goshes... i wish she was able to wield a keyblade... but since kairi can, maybe namine can too.
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I think that Namine is a part of Kairi. Like Roxas is half of Sora, then maybe Namine was created resembling Kairi.
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Are they going to still be inside Sora and Kairi?
And as for Nobodies, do you think Riku is going to get a nobody in kh3?
or has Riku's drk powers prevent him from getting a nobody?