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The Organization in KH3D

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New member
Dec 11, 2011
The World That Never Was
Hello KH fans!! I just registered and am new to the forum, but I'd deeply appreciate it if you'd all discuss with me anything KH!! Today's topic: The Organization in KH3D. I've heard some interesting things regarding their role in the continuation of the series.
A: Because of the fact of Xehanort's return due to the destruction of both his Heartless and his Nobody, it stands to reason that the remainder of The Organization will also be resurrected.
B: This is subject to speculation based on the theory that in order for a Nobody's human status to be returned, the resulting Heartless and Nobody must be defeated in that order; and if so, has Sora defeated each member's Heartless?
C: If members do return, will there be a division of loyalties among them? (i.e., some to follow Xehanort and some to follow Sora; and which ones)?
Your opinions and ideas please?Thanks a lot!!!!!

Crazy Mario

The One, The Only, Jumpman!
Nov 18, 2011
Planet Zordoom
Welcome to the forums! I'm pleased to be the first one to welcome you!

Now back to the topic, I don't think we'll be seeing the Organization in DDD at all due to being in the Realm of Sleep. I personally think we'll see the remaining members (Demyx, Luxord, Marluxia, and Larxene) original personas in BBSV2, while we'll see them return in KH3! I think we'll only see the experiments and results of the original six apprentices of Ansem in DDD due to it being confirmed that we'll see some of those flashbacks and the data Ansem stored in Sora.

As for a division, it all depends on the flashbacks in DDD. If threes a chance some of the members originally didn't ant to do the experiments and Xehanort was really faking his amnesia or gains it back, than I'm all for it. I can picture Sai'x, Axel, Marluxia, and Learxene going against the Organization due to planning to betray them with their own secret motives as seen in the past!
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Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Welcome as well from me. ;)

As Mario said, I doubt we'll see the original selves of Org members in Dream Drop Distance at all...the only one maybe appearing due to him being Xehanort's right hand man might be Braig.

The Organisation itself also won't come back at all, the Org is destroyed as are the nobodies who comprised it.
The only survivor of the Org is Roxas who resides inside Sora.

It isn't a given that we will see even the original selves for all or the former Org members. Important for the story are most likely only the original six members, with Braig, Even and Ienzo probably the most important ones.
Isa might be also a high possibility due to him having a deep connection with Xehanort (golden eyes + pointy ears) as well as his ties to Lea.

The heartless of the Org members were just some lowly normal heartless, it is entirely possible that they were slain during KH 1 or 2 by Sora or during Days by Roxas.

I doubt anyone of the ex-Org members would ever "follow" Sora. Some (the original apprentices) may side with Xehanort again, and maybe Isa due to his ties to Xehanort.
Lea might possible forge an alliance of convenience with Sora and co. due to his connections with Roxas, so he'll be probably the only one we'll see on Sora's side.

Shadow Key

New member
Dec 17, 2009
Hello and welcome, my friend!

A: KH3D is supposed to be the trials that Riku and Sora go through to obtain the mark of mastery (if I'm not mistaken), so I don't think the actual people will end up being in the game. Perhaps references to them or sneak peaks at them in the secret ending(s).

B: The only one we know for sure is Xehanort. It would be interesting to see what would happen if all of the members came back.

C: I've never had this thought before, and I quite like it. Almost like a Civil War within the Organization? Perhaps leading into a Keyblade war? That would be a great end to the game: all of the heroes and villains duking it out on the battlefield, and you fighting Xehanort as Sora. That would be an awesome scene. I don't think Nomura would ever do it, though, being that it's a "kids" game and all...


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Hello and welcome, my friend!

A: KH3D is supposed to be the trials that Riku and Sora go through to obtain the mark of mastery (if I'm not mistaken), so I don't think the actual people will end up being in the game. Perhaps references to them or sneak peaks at them in the secret ending(s).

B: The only one we know for sure is Xehanort. It would be interesting to see what would happen if all of the members came back.

C: I've never had this thought before, and I quite like it. Almost like a Civil War within the Organization? Perhaps leading into a Keyblade war? That would be a great end to the game: all of the heroes and villains duking it out on the battlefield, and you fighting Xehanort as Sora. That would be an awesome scene. I don't think Nomura would ever do it, though, being that it's a "kids" game and all...

A: Only a small part of the game is about the mark of mastery. The main objective is to investigate the Data that Ansem the Wise hid inside Sora which is said to be the key to save the tormented people.

B: Xehanort is the only confirmed one, yes, although Braig, Dilan, Even, Aeleus, Ienzo and Isa are pretty much highly probable. The rest not so much. Maybe the original self of Luxord on top since he's Nomura's favorite Org member.

C: A keyblade war would be 1st only between keyblade wielders, no one of the Org members is a wielder (Roxas doesn't count, he defected and is also inside Sora at the moment). 2nd for a "war" you need much more than just the pesky Org members, Xehanort, Mickey, Sora, Riku, Terra, Aqua and Ven. Even if one counts in Xion and Roxas as well we certainly haven't enough participants to even fill one division.
Not to mention that a keyblade war would mean the end of the universe and that can't be allowed at all costs.


Dad of Boy
Jun 30, 2008
Welcome to the Kingdom Hearts Insider Forums, my friend.

To be honest, I don't think any of the Organization XIII will appear in Dream Drop Distance, due to it focusing on Sora and Riku. Yes, the ending will lead directly into the begining of III, but it's about the growth of Riku and Sora, both physically and mentally. I have a feeling Lea will appear before the Xehanort Saga's end, but the rest are shrouded in mystery.


cameo lover
May 17, 2007
Frankly, the Organization shouldn't appear again, overall it was one of the worst things that happened to the series

Shadow Key

New member
Dec 17, 2009
A: Only a small part of the game is about the mark of mastery. The main objective is to investigate the Data that Ansem the Wise hid inside Sora which is said to be the key to save the tormented people.

B: Xehanort is the only confirmed one, yes, although Braig, Dilan, Even, Aeleus, Ienzo and Isa are pretty much highly probable. The rest not so much. Maybe the original self of Luxord on top since he's Nomura's favorite Org member.

C: A keyblade war would be 1st only between keyblade wielders, no one of the Org members is a wielder (Roxas doesn't count, he defected and is also inside Sora at the moment). 2nd for a "war" you need much more than just the pesky Org members, Xehanort, Mickey, Sora, Riku, Terra, Aqua and Ven. Even if one counts in Xion and Roxas as well we certainly haven't enough participants to even fill one division.
Not to mention that a keyblade war would mean the end of the universe and that can't be allowed at all costs.

Yeah, that's what I get for being gone for a couple months... sorry, ha. Although, I'm sticking to my guns here, a big battle between a divided Organization would be pretty sweet.


New member
Dec 11, 2011
The World That Never Was
@Sephiroth I quite agree Sephiroth. I didn't actually think they would return outside orf flashbacks, although i do foresee sectional differences of some kind. Call it wishful thinking? XD


Dad of Boy
Jun 30, 2008
Frankly, the Organization shouldn't appear again, overall it was one of the worst things that happened to the series

It wasn't the worst thing, but no, it really didn't contribute to the series.


New member
Dec 11, 2011
The World That Never Was
@Shadow I completely agree with the non appearance in main storyline. also, the thought of a civil war does pique my curiosity, as Vexen would say

@Chihuahua Yes, yes. But remember, purely my hopeful speculation. I do hope they will appear in flashback though!

@Wehrmacht My friend, I must vehemently disagree with you here. I am, and always will be, a stout follower of The Organization.
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Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
Hey, khnerdXIII! Welcome to the forums! Please do not double post :) If you want to respond to more than one person use the "multi-quote" option (next to "Reply with Quote") (press that button on the ones you wish to quote and the last quote you wish to respond to, press "reply with Quote") or use the "Edit Post" button to add more to your post. Thanks!


New member
Dec 11, 2011
The World That Never Was
lol, my posts were edited because i didn't use thew multiquotes because i'm new XDXDXD sorry ethnicwoman

Hey, khnerdXIII! Welcome to the forums! Please do not double post :) If you want to respond to more than one person use the "multi-quote" option (next to "Reply with Quote") (press that button on the ones you wish to quote and the last quote you wish to respond to, press "reply with Quote") or use the "Edit Post" button to add more to your post. Thanks!
darn i did it again. don't worry i'll get the hang of it!
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Dad of Boy
Jun 30, 2008
@Shadow I completely agree with the non appearance in main storyline. also, the thought of a civil war does pique my curiosity, as Vexen would say

A civil war between 13 people could not happen. When America had a civil war, that was a civil war. 13 members of a secret organization fighting each other isn't a civil war, there are not enough people, and not liking Xehanort isn't a cause. They need a reasonable cause to start a war.


New member
Dec 11, 2011
The World That Never Was
A civil war between 13 people could not happen. When America had a civil war, that was a civil war. 13 members of a secret organization fighting each other isn't a civil war, there are not enough people, and not liking Xehanort isn't a cause. They need a reasonable cause to start a war.
Civil war is any violent dispute between a previously united faction. Also please try to remember that this is, unfortunately, a fantasy world where anything can happen(with no relation to the american civil war)


Dad of Boy
Jun 30, 2008
Civil war is any violent dispute between a previously united faction. Also please try to remember that this is, unfortunately, a fantasy world where anything can happen(with no relation to the american civil war)

Yes, I am aware of that. But, what cause do they have other than "I don't like Xemnas anymore."? The Keyblade War had a cause: Kingdom Hearts. But the Organization fighting does not. Besides, what powers do their Somebodies have? Sora, Braig and Xehanort are exceptions, they were powerful beings before becoming Nobodies, no one else has shown that. Xaldin and Lexaeus are the only others to have been shown with weapons, but haven't actually exhibited use of them.


New member
Dec 11, 2011
The World That Never Was
Yes, I am aware of that. But, what cause do they have other than "I don't like Xemnas anymore."? The Keyblade War had a cause: Kingdom Hearts. But the Organization fighting does not. Besides, what powers do their Somebodies have? Sora, Braig and Xehanort are exceptions, they were powerful beings before becoming Nobodies, no one else has shown that. Xaldin and Lexaeus are the only others to have been shown with weapons, but haven't actually exhibited use of them.
To answer the question of reasons, my guess would be power. These entities were obviously gifted enough for Xehanort to have included them in his plans(unwittingly perhaps) and for whatever reason, they may continue to fight out of a sense of duty to either side, or more importantly, a continued lust for the power they have experienced. And as for the weapons, Lea exhibited use of a similar weapon to Axel, no? With this many previous wielders(Aelues, Dilan, Lea, Braig) we can infer that they all have a default of some sort. Also, only a being of significant power and will can become a Nobody, and an exceptional one at that, to be an Organization member. It's safe to say these Others could hold their own in a fight, given the cause.

Yes, I am aware of that. But, what cause do they have other than "I don't like Xemnas anymore."? The Keyblade War had a cause: Kingdom Hearts. But the Organization fighting does not. Besides, what powers do their Somebodies have? Sora, Braig and Xehanort are exceptions, they were powerful beings before becoming Nobodies, no one else has shown that. Xaldin and Lexaeus are the only others to have been shown with weapons, but haven't actually exhibited use of them.
whoops i meant to say Aeleus XD

Yes, I am aware of that. But, what cause do they have other than "I don't like Xemnas anymore."? The Keyblade War had a cause: Kingdom Hearts. But the Organization fighting does not. Besides, what powers do their Somebodies have? Sora, Braig and Xehanort are exceptions, they were powerful beings before becoming Nobodies, no one else has shown that. Xaldin and Lexaeus are the only others to have been shown with weapons, but haven't actually exhibited use of them.
Oh, looks like I have to sign off. We should continue this later. You provide good debate material, friend. And thank you to everyone for the warm welcomes to the Forum!!!!!!!!!!!
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Aug 9, 2011
New England
Civil war is any violent dispute between a previously united faction. Also please try to remember that this is, unfortunately, a fantasy world where anything can happen(with no relation to the american civil war)

The word your looking to use is schism
(I think thats how its spelled)

Shadow Key

New member
Dec 17, 2009
If Nomura wanted it to happen, it would. He'd think of some crazy excuse to have it happen- and one of the big overlaying themes is friendship, so perhaps that could be a source of dispute.

It's a lame excuse for it, but there are a lot of stupid excuses for things the characters do in KH...
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