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This is the thread where all of us criminal scum who got the Days ROM come to discuss

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Prepared To Die
Sep 17, 2007
Re: This is the thread where all of us criminal scum who got the Days ROM come to dis

You think I haven't tried that already?

Unless you've got a specific source that has it fixed straight off the bat...

If you do, would you mind PMing me the link? I'd love to get this finally working.


Prepared To Die
Sep 17, 2007
Re: This is the thread where all of us criminal scum who got the Days ROM come to dis

Sweet news.


Prepared To Die
Sep 17, 2007
Re: This is the thread where all of us criminal scum who got the Days ROM come to dis

I'm not in a position to test it now, but I will be in around 16 hours from now, so I'll update that then. It might work in emulators, but I specifically want it to work on my flashcard. If it does work, I'll update the first post with that.


Prepared To Die
Sep 17, 2007
Re: This is the thread where all of us criminal scum who got the Days ROM come to dis

What are you trying, DA? An emulator or flashcard?


Prepared To Die
Sep 17, 2007
Re: This is the thread where all of us criminal scum who got the Days ROM come to dis

Eh, it's already been confirmed to work on there, but let's hope this one does too.


Prepared To Die
Sep 17, 2007
Re: This is the thread where all of us criminal scum who got the Days ROM come to dis


We especially want this one to work, given that it's supposed to have the fix built in, which makes it even easier.

Chrono Mizaki

Aug 19, 2008
Bradford, England
Re: This is the thread where all of us criminal scum who got the Days ROM come to dis

Fuck, the limits are way overpowered in this. I defeated a Wyvern boss with one limit attack =/

HAHA, I'm playing Days right now =O And... well, jesus. It's laggy. But the menu theme... is giving me... nostalgia.

Opening is kinda okayish, despite reusing the CG scenes and the opening: Passion. But other than that, nice start I guess.

Edit: The Control Scheme

The control scheme is quite burdensome, and will be something that I won't enjoy. You control the camera via the touch screen, and that isn't a good thing, especially when your hands are too busy on the D-Pad. What's going to happen in Combat when that happens? Dying could be down to the flaws of the camera system, because you can't have all-hands on the buttons, the shoulder buttons and the touchscreen. I guess it is solved by the Right shoulder button, but I bet it won't be reliable.

Chrono hates: The camera controls.
Chrono loves: Nothing yet in the first 2 minutes xD

The first few days of ‘358/2 Days’ make you do some repetitive task, to get you used to the game. By repetitive, it’s mash heartless with Keyblade or with magic. But I guess it gives me a feel of the game.

It’s more similar to Kingdom Hearts 1 than 2 so far in the gameplay mechanics, and one part of Twilight Town was quite a maze. Well… if it didn’t have those invisible barriers… which were white and black kind, so it’s a unique nobody barrier (I call it that, it’s not like I can totally understand Japanese).

You can do limits, but I honestly don’t know how to use them. Do you mash A… or what? Now I’ve done all the repetitive, now I can look around TT with Axel.

Magic are actually equipped rather than used. And you can equip so many during a mission, same with items. Once you use them all, you can’t use anymore until your mission is finish, then it… kind of replenishes. Unlike the past complaints of magic in KH2, where it’s too weak, in Days, it’s too overpowered. Honestly, I beat strong heartless with ‘fire’, which seems to destroy them in one go.

And I actually died… but that was due to my girlfriend talking to me, so I blame her.

Overall: It’s average at best, but it’s slightly better than Kingdom Hearts II. But only slightly.

PS: I am on Day 24 and Xion is with me. Good god, this is what Kairi could be, not doing anything and keep getting hit. At least she heals me.

Also, this is the first KH game to have Status Ailment. I suffered from a weight ailment, which leaves me unable to jump. And Blind, which... makes all my attack miss. I like the addition of that. More like FF in a way.

I would go the extra mile and would say it's better than KH2. But I guess I hate KH2 with every fibre of my being.

The camera is bad. So far, you cannot rely on the Right Shoulder button all the time, and it's bad control design because it actually serves as a lock-on system as well. How do you lock on? Tap R until you actually lock onto it, because the camera needs to centre on the enemy. I'm honestly shocked that it manage to be worse than Kingdom Hearts 1 for camera control, unless you use the touch screen and like I said, you cannot have all-hands on the touch screens and button.

PS: Also found out how to use Limits. You hold the attack button.
Okay, on Day 51.

There's a strange scene, which I won't describe. But it's somehow similar to the BBS scene, so there.

Moving on, I got a new Keyblade and... well, it's the best one so far. It gives you more combos... and you press Y in the middle to execute a different combo. This is what KH needs. Not mindless mashing X to do all the moves. But I fought a Wyvern boss with three life guage and... the limit I used destroyed it in one go.

The limits are very overpowered, far more than Kingdom Hearts II drive form. It doesn't help that I can get damaged easily, since the enemies pack more of a punch. Sure, you have a limited amount of potions and magic, and you can't equip more until your mission is finished. But it's saddening that the limits take out so much of the challenge.

In the English Version, I'm definitely going on Proud Mode. Other than that, I think I heard Xion's theme. If it comes up, then I'll record it and upload it on youtube.

All of my opinions so far, which I've been posting on KH3.org so far. And whilst I kinda love it, I hate it at the same time =/


Prepared To Die
Sep 17, 2007
Re: This is the thread where all of us criminal scum who got the Days ROM come to dis

Well, I'll be going to bed now, and returning with an upate on that specific fixed ROM's compatibility with SuperCard DSOnes.

Wish me luck.


cameo lover
May 17, 2007
Re: This is the thread where all of us criminal scum who got the Days ROM come to dis

Uh, Chrono, if you're still wondering how to do shortcuts, I was wondering that too and managed to figure it out on my own.

You do it on the overworld, without going to the menu. Highlight the item/spell you want to use and press L. "Shortcut set" should replace "COMMAND" on top of the selections and then you can assign whatever it is you picked to XYAB.

also how do you do limits :c
Last edited:

Chrono Mizaki

Aug 19, 2008
Bradford, England
Re: This is the thread where all of us criminal scum who got the Days ROM come to dis

Uh, Chrono, if you're still wondering how to do shortcuts, I was wondering that too and managed to figure it out on my own.

You do it on the overworld, without going to the menu. Highlight the item/spell you want to use and press L. "Shortcut set" should replace "COMMAND" on top of the selections and then you can assign whatever it is you picked to XYAB.

also how do you do limits :c

Oh, to do limits, just hold the Attack Button. That's it.

As for shortcuts, that's a good design imo. At least you can willingly cancel/add new magic to the shortcuts, so +1 for 358/2 days.


Armchair Administrator
Jun 9, 2005
Re: This is the thread where all of us criminal scum who got the Days ROM come to dis

Also, about your camera comment, the R button centers the camera in the direction you're facing, double-tapping the R button locks-on to an enemy, and from there a single-tap of the R button changes targets

The camera-centering system is not bothersome at all, I never feel the need to use the touch screen to adjust the camera

Shadow Soldier

Re: This is the thread where all of us criminal scum who got the Days ROM come to dis

You mean the L button is the shortcut thing Chrono was talking about? Damn, if I knew that's what the L button was for I would've said something.
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