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UK release date for KH2

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Keyblade Smitey

New member
Feb 25, 2006
Waiting for payday
I live in the UK and adore Kingdome Hearts (I am this close to giving Ansem the kicking of his life, just as soon as he stops zooming arround and pwning me with that sonic blade-like attack of his) and can't wait until KH2 comes out. Unfortuneately (is that how you spell it) I recently heard some bad news from a friend of mine, he told me that someone in game informed him that KH2 willnot be released in the UK:eek: ! I was naturaly both devistated and sceptical, can someone please confirm for me weather it will be released in the UK and if so, when?


New member
Mar 6, 2006
Keyblade Smitey said:
I live in the UK and adore Kingdome Hearts (I am this close to giving Ansem the kicking of his life, just as soon as he stops zooming arround and pwning me with that sonic blade-like attack of his) and can't wait until KH2 comes out. Unfortuneately (is that how you spell it) I recently heard some bad news from a friend of mine, he told me that someone in game informed him that KH2 willnot be released in the UK:eek: ! I was naturaly both devistated and sceptical, can someone please confirm for me weather it will be released in the UK and if so, when?

It will be released in the UK. :p

Most current sources said it's expected in October over there. But I'm not sure.

Poor UK...ians... -_- I can't imagine why it should take them SO LONG but I guess it does D:


New member
Nov 19, 2005
I live in the UK to I wouldent worry though from what i know it is being released in Europe but no date has been set for it yet.
It will probaly be a few months after the NA release.


New member
Mar 6, 2006
Kingdom_Sora2 said:
I live in the UK to I wouldent worry though from what i know it is being released in Europe but no date has been set for it yet.
It will probaly be a few months after the NA release.

Yeah. Probably. I just can't imagine why it would come out in October there when it's coming here in March. o_o That wouldn't make much sense.

That's just what I've heard.
Course it's all speculation =D


New member
Dec 26, 2005
it usually takes 5 months after a us release for a game to come out in the uk. although some companies have got a lot better such as the companies behind the dbz games as thier is usually a 2 week period.however square enix has never tried to improve it so october sounds right


New member
Oct 24, 2005
The World That Never Was
If you go to kh-2.net, then you'll find a magazine scan in a news post stating that Kingdom Hearts II is to get an October release date in Europe. Although, some magazines do tend to lie, so it's probably best to just wait for a press release from Square themselves.

Keyblade Smitey

New member
Feb 25, 2006
Waiting for payday
Thank you all so much for your help, me and William (my friend) are both relieved that we in the UK will be getting KH2. If any of you find any more info, please post it here. :)


New member
May 24, 2005
omg jus shut up u r all ppl who r bull shitters (soz 4 word ) but its october for belgum its a belgium magazine it onli for belgum how thick! its gonna be for the uk its gonna be summer 2006 ok i emailed s.e


New member
Oct 24, 2005
The World That Never Was
Holy cheese... settle down. I said that the magazine had the Europe release date, but then I said to wait for the Square press release just to be sure. I'm not trying to start any false rumors, I'm just posting what I found on another website and my opinion on the matter.


New member
Mar 4, 2006
On earth?
Well I'm not sure on this one but i do believe some sites are offering preorder for the Uk version and it will come to the Uk in August, not sure about that though. However, the reason they need all that time, is because they need to convert the game from the NTSC signal, to the PAL signal (because only the US and Japan have NTSC signal tvs). Infact this can be done in about 30min (for the factories it's probably alot less) per game disc. However they probably have a couple of million discs to convert so it would take awhile, but, if you live in the UK or anywhere else where you have a PAL tv and PAL playstation 2. Heres what you can do to get your Kingdom Hearts game in March. 1. Buy the US Kingdom Hearts 2 (NTSC format) next buy the Magic Slide kit, a great program made to load your backups (it's important to make back ups so that you can play them instead and have your orignal game unsctrached so that in your later years the game is worth ALOT). Once you have purchased those two items (50 bucks for KH2 and 30 bucks for Magic Slide kit so 80 bucks in all {remember though, you can use Magic Slide Kit to back up all your games and have your orignal in MINT condition so that when you are old you can sell for a big payoff, note: when you do sell the game you must get rid of the backup}). Go to google and type in, "Backup Ps2 games" you should find some excellent tutorials on how to backup the PS2 game. Once you have a backup put the orignal game into its box and leave it there for the rest of your life letting it gain economical value. Now then once it is aside, Go to google and type in "Convert NTSC to PAL" you should find some excellent tutorials on converting the NTSC signal into the PAL signal. Once you have converted your game, boot it up with Magic Slide, and enjoy! Also if you want to import the US kh2, go to Ebay, people will offer free shipping but charge you about 50-55 dollars for the product. Once you have all the materials the process of making the backup and converting NTSC to PAL should take anywhere between 1.5hrs-4hrs. (note: if you live in the US and you wish to sell your games do not keep the backup as that is not entirely legal, play safe and be smart, and most importantly have fun!)


New member
Mar 4, 2006
On earth?
Well I'm not sure on this one but i do believe some sites are offering preorder for the Uk version and it will come to the Uk in August, not sure about that though. However, the reason they need all that time, is because they need to convert the game from the NTSC signal, to the PAL signal (because only the US and Japan have NTSC signal tvs). Infact this can be done in about 30min (for the factories it's probably alot less) per game disc. However they probably have a couple of million discs to convert so it would take awhile, but, if you live in the UK or anywhere else where you have a PAL tv and PAL playstation 2. Heres what you can do to get your Kingdom Hearts game in March. 1. Buy the US Kingdom Hearts 2 (NTSC format) next buy the Magic Slide kit, a great program made to load your backups (it's important to make back ups so that you can play them instead and have your orignal game unsctrached so that in your later years the game is worth ALOT). Once you have purchased those two items (50 bucks for KH2 and 30 bucks for Magic Slide kit so 80 bucks in all {remember though, you can use Magic Slide Kit to back up all your games and have your orignal in MINT condition so that when you are old you can sell for a big payoff, note: when you do sell the game you must get rid of the backup}). Go to google and type in, "Backup Ps2 games" you should find some excellent tutorials on how to backup the PS2 game. Once you have a backup put the orignal game into its box and leave it there for the rest of your life letting it gain economical value. Now then once it is aside, Go to google and type in "Convert NTSC to PAL" you should find some excellent tutorials on converting the NTSC signal into the PAL signal. Once you have converted your game, boot it up with Magic Slide, and enjoy! Also if you want to import the US kh2, go to Ebay, people will offer free shipping but charge you about 50-55 dollars for the product. Once you have all the materials the process of making the backup and converting NTSC to PAL should take anywhere between 1.5hrs-4hrs. (note: if you live in the US and you wish to sell your games do not keep the backup as that is not entirely legal, play safe and be smart, and most importantly have fun!)

Like i said follow that and you can get it as soon as March

Faith Crest

Worst birthday ever.
Oct 2, 2005
Manchester, UK.
The magazine that said it would be released in October is NOT true. Let emphasise that ... it's NOT true! It's one of those magazines that tends to get things wrong ... oh yeah, and it's not Square-Enix. What's all this bull bout KH2 not being released in the UK? Oh yeah, sure it ain't gonna be released. All the Brits are gonna cry ... STFU! You really expect KH to come out in 2002 (or was it 2003? Can't remember now) and not for KH2 to come out this year? Do NOT say that again in my presence.

Ahem, moving on ...:D

I have heard that the expected release date for KH2 in the UK is late April/early May. This is kinda good ... that is if Square-Enix announces it. More information and (possibly) a release date will be announced at the time that NA gets it.

Case dismissed and closed.:cool:


New member
Mar 4, 2006
On earth?
Well I'm not sure on this one but i do believe some sites are offering preorder for the Uk version and it will come to the Uk in August, not sure about that though. However, the reason they need all that time, is because they need to convert the game from the NTSC signal, to the PAL signal (because only the US and Japan have NTSC signal tvs). Infact this can be done in about 30min (for the factories it's probably alot less) per game disc. However they probably have a couple of million discs to convert so it would take awhile, but, if you live in the UK or anywhere else where you have a PAL tv and PAL playstation 2. Heres what you can do to get your Kingdom Hearts game in March. 1. Buy the US Kingdom Hearts 2 (NTSC format) next buy the Magic Slide kit, a great program made to load your backups (it's important to make back ups so that you can play them instead and have your orignal game unsctrached so that in your later years the game is worth ALOT). Once you have purchased those two items (50 bucks for KH2 and 30 bucks for Magic Slide kit so 80 bucks in all {remember though, you can use Magic Slide Kit to back up all your games and have your orignal in MINT condition so that when you are old you can sell for a big payoff, note: when you do sell the game you must get rid of the backup}). Go to google and type in, "Backup Ps2 games" you should find some excellent tutorials on how to backup the PS2 game. Once you have a backup put the orignal game into its box and leave it there for the rest of your life letting it gain economical value. Now then once it is aside, Go to google and type in "Convert NTSC to PAL" you should find some excellent tutorials on converting the NTSC signal into the PAL signal. Once you have converted your game, boot it up with Magic Slide, and enjoy! Also if you want to import the US kh2, go to Ebay, people will offer free shipping but charge you about 50-55 dollars for the product. Once you have all the materials the process of making the backup and converting NTSC to PAL should take anywhere between 1.5hrs-4hrs. (note: if you live in the US and you wish to sell your games do not keep the backup as that is not entirely legal, play safe and be smart, and most importantly have fun!)
**** it, if it is october I'm just ordering from america and using my swap magic

Good idea Xell, however I think that April/May is a bit to soon, I haven't seen anything that hints that early, especially since you need to factor in the time it takes for them to convert all the games into pal (thas about more then 3mil games at least), then package it into its case, set the cases up with manuals, put coverage (tape, plastic) over the case. And then finally package it all into boxes and Ship to Uk factories so that they can all go disturbute them to local porpriters. Its gonna be longer then April/May, also they probably will start this process after waiting 2-3 weeks after US sales have started. That way they can see A. how many sales were there were, and B. using that number using a ratio of past US to UK sales, they will know roughly how many games they need to convert and Ship (my guess is at least more then 3mil).
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