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What do you want in X[chi]?

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New member
Jul 9, 2013
As we all know, X[chi] is a fairly young game, only a few weeks old. It is clear that there are multiple updates that will come sometime in the future, as seen by the "Coming Soon" worlds and the incomplete worlds that we have now. Also, the dev team has shown a willingness to create special events. So, what would you like to see in the future of X[chi]? What features? What kind of events? What worlds? New heartless? New cards/characters?

Personally, I would love to see a trading feature, where you can trade cards you have to someone else. Similarly, I'd like a "gift card" feature, where you can give cards to members of your party.
Another feature I'd like to see is a lifetime stats page, listing information such as total Lux, heartless defeated (and perhaps a breakdown of which heartless you defeated), limit cuts performed, and card draws.

For events, I'd like to see a multitude, but with at least a week between events. They should occasionally repeat. Other events I'd like to see would be one on defeating heartless (either most or specific ones at specific points), one based on Lux collection, and one based on performing side missions. Events should also allow players to draw limited edition cards without needing to pay actual money.

As far as cards go, I'd like to see Terra, Aqua, and Ventus attack cards, and a Master Eraqus assist card. Also, a Yen Sid assist card would be a nice addition.


New member
Jul 24, 2013
Mirage Arena
i like the sound of the birth by sleep cards. i would also like it if they added organization 13 cards and an ansem card.
for worlds i would LOVE to see a "space paranoids" or "the grid" world, since im a huge tron fan.


New member
Jul 12, 2013
Trading would be awesome, but people would just make multiple accounts to increase the chance of getting SR :/ So that probably won't happen.I like the events and it would be awesome if they had an event everytime they released a new thing in the game.In terms of new cards, I'd like to see more dual card (ex. : The Sora, Donald, Goofy card) Things like an Axel and Roxas card (I agree with organization and BBS cards :D) But just things that make sense, like a Cloud Sephiroth card etc. that'd be awesome.


Jul 11, 2013
I want them to stop trying to stop me kill the Raid Boss. I don't know if you guys skip the battle animation but if you attack for more than 6 turns you are automatically booted out. As a result I only do 300K+ Damage and get 180 Crystals. This stupid 'balancing' system defeats the entire point of getting assist cards because you'll have enough defence with maxed cards. I'm depressed right now.


New member
Jul 12, 2013
I want them to stop trying to stop me kill the Raid Boss. I don't know if you guys skip the battle animation but if you attack for more than 6 turns you are automatically booted out. As a result I only do 300K+ Damage and get 180 Crystals. This stupid 'balancing' system defeats the entire point of getting assist cards because you'll have enough defence with maxed cards. I'm depressed right now.

Agreed, it sucks, I would get a lot more crystals and lux that way.


New member
Nov 8, 2009
Mirage Arena
I want to be able to skip the battle scenes for minor heartless. With slow internet, this makes completing missions take 2 of 3 times ;onger than they should, and frankly, sometimes I use it to see how close I am to being able to beat certain, more powerful, Heartless, but that could be fixed by just adding our final life bars to the results screen.
Other than that, it's more a bother than anything. I know the lone Shadow isn't going to kill me, I don't need to see how close it doesn't get.


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
Some card variety between titles would be fantastic. Birth by Sleep especially, and some KH3D would be greatly appreciated. I'm sure a lot of TWEWY fans would love to see some of the characters as well, considering how similar this game is to Live Remix and with Tatsuya Kando working on both projects lol.

Definitely agree with the [Skip] function being available in regular battles as well. I've gotten to the point where the only thing that can kill me are Raid Bosses; there's really no point in watching the small fry chip away at my health when their defeat is futile.


New member
Nov 8, 2009
Mirage Arena
Also, now that I think about it, I think it would be cool to be able to multi-select heartless to fight. It ups the difficulty of low level enemies, like Shadows, by letting you attack two or more at the same time (at least until you defeat one).
It would also give purpose to the red marker that shows you what you're about to select. It's helpful outside of battle, but since everything that's not part of the landscape disappears during a battle, there's no other enemies to target.
It could be used to save time on missions, being quicker that fighting Heartless one at a time, and the added challenge could (should) be awarded with extra LUX and/or EXP.


Jan 20, 2009
new worlds and keyblades and new cards based on organization 13 bbs kh3d, and maybe even heartless or nobodies. using dark moves would be awesome.


Oct 9, 2007
Well, the weekly Union competition is about to end soon, Vulpes is of course going to be on the last place again, nothing new to see here.
So why not write a small conclusion after the first month?

The Good:
  • The graphic style is absolutely gorgeous, a huge step from Mobile/Avatar Menu/Theatrhythm/Whatever
  • A lot of unique content: Exploring different areas of old worlds, new Heartless, an intriguing frame story, Keyblade upgrade system, hundreds of cards.
  • Lots and lots of new activity after every system update, SE knows how to keep the gameplay addicting.
  • The card system is intuitive and building up a deck in combination with they keyblades is a rewarding goal.

The Bad:
  • The stories in the Disney worlds develops in the slowest way possible and seems to be highly irrelevant to the main plot. This is mainly due to the missing Disney villains, they're just the Heartless causing some mischief at the moment.
  • The battle system is fun but gets extremly repetitive. Besides selecting the deck there is nothing to do in the battle, just clicking for the next round. There is no skill involved, which is a problem because that means the players who invest the most munny, time or both automatically lead the highscore.
  • I never heard of a card game where only one side uses them. Why not give the enemies some cards of their own like in CoM?
  • Currently there is no goal or end game content in the game and this will be a huge problem for SE in the near future. Nobody will spend money on new cards when he's already level 100 and as a deck full of SR and SR+ cards.
  • There is not enough variations in the cards. We need more motives (not just Sora & Co and some summons), more different attacks (currently 31, if you count the "+" attacks it's 62) and additional effects for assists cards. Why use another paramter if it's always just "none"?

The Ugly:
  • The balance of the Unions is disrupted at the moment. Ursus is too strong, Vulpes too weak.
  • The Lux reward list is blown out of proportions. Take in my mind we're dealing with 24 hour Lux Up Time at the moment, the downtime of the raid boss is only 10 minutes and the rarer variant of the boss gives the double amount of Lux. If we return to Darkside things will be even worse.
  • Munny is worthless, nobodoy uses the option to sell cards (and nobody needs the 100000 munny awards for 800000 Lux), there may not enough in the first 10 levels but after that you will never run out of it.

Every game gets stale after a while, even with the new tasks/events that are created every week or two, that's nothing new. So will SE add new content after the two missing worlds? Nobody knows but I think the game will be still alive in four years and even used for cross-promotions with KHIII, so SE should have enough time make the core mechanic of the game, the card system, a lot more interesting.


New member
Aug 1, 2013
I want to use my black raise tickets for more cards...but it looks like it'd just get cards I already have due to lack of cards.


New member
Feb 13, 2008
In my house.
Well, the weekly Union competition is about to end soon, Vulpes is of course going to be on the last place again, nothing new to see here.
Yeah, though I am actually happy about this, because then I shall get a couple of days of a 3x lux multiplier, like the Cobras have been having. Sure it is nothing new, but it would have been the 3rd time out of 5 weeks where they were in last place, and one time they were in 1st.

So why not write a small conclusion after the first month?
Yes, why not?

The Good:
  • The graphic style is absolutely gorgeous, a huge step from Mobile/Avatar Menu/Theatrhythm/Whatever
  • A lot of unique content: Exploring different areas of old worlds, new Heartless, an intriguing frame story, Keyblade upgrade system, hundreds of cards.
  • Lots and lots of new activity after every system update, SE knows how to keep the gameplay addicting.
  • The card system is intuitive and building up a deck in combination with they keyblades is a rewarding goal.
I mostly agree with your other points but, aside from contemplating whether to use a weaker card of a different attack type that matches your keyblade better, you are best off just hitting the auto button which removes all thought. And the raid bosses getting a multiplier due to attacking with a specific Keyblade type, practically eliminates choosing what keyblade you want to use. Since if you care at all about gathering lux you will know that the damage boost from the keyblade bonus is great enough to make it worth it even if it isn't as good with your deck... So what had potential for being customization really just became something the game forces you to change.

The Bad:
  • The stories in the Disney worlds develops in the slowest way possible and seems to be highly irrelevant to the main plot. This is mainly due to the missing Disney villains, they're just the Heartless causing some mischief at the moment.
  • The battle system is fun but gets extremly repetitive. Besides selecting the deck there is nothing to do in the battle, just clicking for the next round. There is no skill involved, which is a problem because that means the players who invest the most munny, time or both automatically lead the highscore.
  • I never heard of a card game where only one side uses them. Why not give the enemies some cards of their own like in CoM?
  • Currently there is no goal or end game content in the game and this will be a huge problem for SE in the near future. Nobody will spend money on new cards when he's already level 100 and as a deck full of SR and SR+ cards.
  • There is not enough variations in the cards. We need more motives (not just Sora & Co and some summons), more different attacks (currently 31, if you count the "+" attacks it's 62) and additional effects for assists cards. Why use another paramter if it's always just "none"?
  • I agree about the stories, and what's worse is that sometimes you have to wait a bunch of levels to get a quest to talk to something and now you have to wait another bunch of levels. It is like WTH!?! At least make me kill or collect something before saying comeback later...
  • The battle system has some fun animations, but it is like watching someone else play a turn based RPG. (Though in this case letting them ask you when they should take their turn) Also the end results of all battles are determined on your first click. That's why you can click skip against raid bosses, and if you refresh the page while fighting a normal heartless you will get what you would have gotten for the outcome of the battle. In other words combining that with what I said about deck earlier, the game is just using you to tell it what and when to attack.
  • Same, I don't get it either... Blatantly, I would have loved for this game to play exactly like COM, but oh well.
  • The only people that will continue spending money are those wanting to get cards of their favorite characters, and if new characters come out that they love, they will try to get them. Aside from that I agree. Also if they added in some sort of card collection system, an actual practical way of having a collection, they probably would make even more money. (and it would make some sense)
  • I whole heartedly agree with this point, with practically nothing to add, really there is no reason to pick a card with overall weaker numbers aside from them having a "cooler" character or move.

The Ugly:
  • The balance of the Unions is disrupted at the moment. Ursus is too strong, Vulpes too weak.
  • The Lux reward list is blown out of proportions. Take in my mind we're dealing with 24 hour Lux Up Time at the moment, the downtime of the raid boss is only 10 minutes and the rarer variant of the boss gives the double amount of Lux. If we return to Darkside things will be even worse.
  • Munny is worthless, nobodoy uses the option to sell cards (and nobody needs the 100000 munny awards for 800000 Lux), there may not enough in the first 10 levels but after that you will never run out of it.
  • Hmm, given that the cobras ranked 2nd for the most number of teams in the top 100 last week, and I am not sure they actually had any lux multipliers at that time, they have potential to blow the Ursas out of the water. Actually the Ursas had the LEAST number of teams in the top 100 last week, so if they are too strong it isn't because they have the strongest teams, but have better teams in the average player groupings...
  • I do agree, if we return to the darkside without any changes to it, lux amounts will plummet, because it has like 0 health, a 15 minute respawn timer. Sure, higher level darksides might fix those problems but you are just going to have to go through tons of darksides where people can only get their free attack in at best...
  • I do agree, once you get a substantial amount of munny, it is worth absolutely nothing. And that reward for 100k munny on the rankings makes me cry.

Every game gets stale after a while, even with the new tasks/events that are created every week or two, that's nothing new. So will SE add new content after the two missing worlds? Nobody knows but I think the game will be still alive in four years and even used for cross-promotions with KHIII, so SE should have enough time make the core mechanic of the game, the card system, a lot more interesting.
Hmm, if it wasn't for the potential promotion during KHIII to bring in new players I would give the game only a maximum of 2 to 2 and a half years before it becomes a ghost town or closes. And I am not sure how they can change a core mechanic of the game without causing major complaints. Though I guess they could do it, and I would like them to.


Jul 5, 2013
Trapped in some random lolita doll.
I'd personally like to see the ability to transfer attack and defense, ( I'm guessing what those numbers mean.) to a particular card you like. It just so happens they have the more powerful cards of characters I don't really like and the weaker cards tend to be of the characters I really like. XD For many weeks I actually only had weak N and N+ cards because they were the only ones available that I liked the characters of. Then versus raid boss, losing quickly each time, I eventually had to give in and fuse my beloved cards to the stronger R+ and SR cards.... made me sad and I stopped playing for a while. But now they're offering a costume that I think is kinda cute so just playing for that...geez I hope they release it in America soon so I can buy the cards I like. XD


New member
Aug 16, 2013
South Sulawesi
Ability On Assist Card.. i Really want that, i hope they can Add in the future. Like Second Chance, Potion Boost, Attack Boost, Magic Boost, Speed Boost, Munny Boost, Lux Boost, Exp Boost, Regen, Protect, AP Haste, BP Haste, Rare Draw Chance Up, Moogle Appreance Chance Up, HP Boost, ETC ETC (Use Your Imagination which skill do you want). and i hope they add a random item that we can get from the chest, not just an Assist Card.



New member
Jul 29, 2013
^That sounds great.

I'd like for them to make particular enemies weak to certain attack types. Maybe just raid bosses? I don't like the whole deal where the attack is simply the animation.
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