So yeah, Riku is by far the most beautiful character in my opinion. He has the voice I could dream of and dem muscles I adore. His gorgeous hair in KH2, omg I want that hair so much. I'm disappointed with him cutting that lovely hair though *sob*. Also how he was my dark knight but then is now my white knight, maybe he's my gray knight haha. His Way to Dawn keyblade I became a fanatic about, I actually bought a keychain of his keyblade at GameStop. I turned the keychain into a necklace and I wear it everywhere, everyday now. Then those eyes of his, I get lost in them by their beauty. Playing Riku in KH: CoM was the highlight for me and DDD, only times I played him and I get obsessed with playing as him haha. The strength in his words and his heart is what made me attracted to him from the beginning of the series. Riku's struggles in finding the right path in KH1 relates to my rough childhood which he inspired me to take a better path, the Road to Dawn. Riku's my bae, he my everything. <3