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Tai Yasue answers fan questions for HD 2.5 ReMIX at E3

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KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Dec 24, 2007
Reykjav?k, Iceland

Tai Yasue, co-director of the Kingdom Hearts series, was recently interviewed on the Square Enix Presents YouTube channel at E3 and was able to answer a bunch of the questions asked by fans a few weeks ago about Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX.

First off, Yasue confirmed that the Mirage Arena segment in Birth by Sleep will unfortunately not be playable online in 2.5 ReMIX. However, they have tweaked it so the single player version of the arena can be more enjoyable, with new rules and bonuses.

This was followed by a question on whether 2.5 ReMIX will have a theatre mode, to which he answered yes. The theatre mode for Re:Coded will include new cutscenes involving previously unseen story elements.

Next up, Yasue was asked about developing the game for the PS3 and how difficult it must’ve been, to which Yasue answered that it wasn’t actually very difficult. After all, the majority of the staff working on it had previously worked on the majority of the games being remastered. The main goal was to make the graphics and sound better, which means they didn’t change much else. According to Yasue, the most important part in making this ReMIX was focusing on making it a genuine PS3 experience.

He was then asked which world was the most fun to make, and that was the Castle of Dreams, Cinderella’s world from Birth by Sleep, to which he emphasized that they really didn’t want to make any mistakes for that game in this remaster. Then he was asked about whether there were any game mechanics he wanted to add into the game but couldn’t for some reason. In truth, the team had done a lot of experiments with the shotlocks and that was in fact a gameplay mechanic he was really pleased with.

Then, Yasue confirmed that the controls of Birth by Sleep have been reworked for the PS3 version, meaning that the right analogue stick would be used for the camera, and the game will also keep the deck command system.

When asked about whether there were any Final Fantasy characters he would’ve wanted to add into Kingdom Hearts, Yasue admitted that he wanted Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy VII, but they simply couldn’t figure out a setting that would’ve fit him. After all, he’d need to rise from a coffin. He did add that making Zack Fair from Crisis Core had been a bit hard, seeing as they had made him a lot cuter at first.

Next, he was asked about his favorite world in Kingdom Hearts 2, and it turned out to be Timeless River, although he added that Lilo and Stitch were characters he really loved as well.

In regards to the development staff of HD 2.5 ReMIX, Yasue confirmed that over 70 people were involved in its development, which is surely an increase from the staff working on HD 1.5 ReMIX. In fact, they have been working on Kingdom Hearts 3 as well, in order to make sure the game wouldn’t be delayed as a result of these HD remasters. Right now, the staff is doing the finishing touches on the cutscenes, trophies and general debugging.

After this, Yasue confirmed that the music would be re-recorded with an orchestra from Boston. In fact, over 90 songs have been redone for Kingdom Hearts 2, although he didn’t clarify whether the music in the other games would be worked on as well. The general sound effects of the games were redone though and in Birth by Sleep’s case, it has a lot of environmental sounds, e.g. gurgling sounds from fountains.

The Re:Coded cutscenes can be, just like 358/2 Days’ scenes in 1.5 ReMIX, watched all at once or select certain scenes.

Finally, he was asked about a world he would’ve wanted to add into previous Kingdom Hearts titles but couldn’t, to which he answered that he couldn’t really say but that he would love to have a Frozen world, especially seeing as his daughter loves that movie.

After the interview, it was mentioned that there are Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX t-shirts available for grabs. Then they brought out the giant keyblade we had snapped a photo of and it was presented as a gift to Yasue. He happily told them that it could be used for the motion capture of Kingdom Hearts 3, seeing as he oversees the animation of Sora wielding his keyblade.



Anti-SENA Operative
Mar 16, 2013
Sad to see the multiplayer die. But I was never much of an online gamer to begin with. Wonder what they mean by "new rules and bonuses."

Very interested in the new story elements for Re:coded. I honestly think that might be the part of 2.5 that I'm most excited for.


Haddyn Slayer
Feb 23, 2011
Is anyone else worried about the canonicity issues this might bring about now, though? I mean, does this hint that the original Coded isn't completely canon anymore? And that the people who have only played the original might end up missing out on something crucial?

Unless it's like the Secret Episode in BbSFM, I guess. Y'know... Chaser's theory about them maybe implanting "BbSV2 scenes" into the Journal's memory might just end up being right;)

This still might bring some confusion for fans, though. But whatever. I'm too excited by the possibilities to properly care atm:)


Hope Remains
Oct 28, 2006
United States
I have a feeling they might have implemented some DDD stuff into Re:coded. Either that, or since Yasue mentioned how the game is so integral to the story, maybe they elaborated more on some of the more important sections of the story that relate to the overall plot.

Wasn't expecting any bonuses or collector's edition stuff to be announced here necessarily, but I really hope they announce it at E3. Really don't fancy months of radio silence without knowing that information.


an old man plaguing the site like a phantom
Apr 22, 2007
I am psyched to what Re:coded has differently, but I feel like I misunderstood him when he said that 2 whole hours had never been seen before by anyone, and the entire thing is 3 hours long. Unless by that he meant the 2 hours were scenes that were now animated + battle scenes, in which case, that would make sense.

In all honesty, as excited as I was for I.5, this one has easily blown that one out of the water. So glad to hear about all the stuff they did for it. I can't wait to hear Showdown at Hollow Bastion redone with real instruments.


Haddyn Slayer
Feb 23, 2011
I am psyched to what Re:coded has differently, but I feel like I misunderstood him when he said that 2 whole hours had never been seen before by anyone, and the entire thing is 3 hours long. Unless by that he meant the 2 hours were scenes that were now animated + battle scenes, in which case, that would make sense.

In all honesty, as excited as I was for I.5, this one has easily blown that one out of the water. So glad to hear about all the stuff they did for it. I can't wait to hear Showdown at Hollow Bastion redone with real instruments.

I assume that they meant that they remade the text bubble scenes into cutscenes. I can't imagine the new scenario being so long that it would eclipse the original Re:Coded in length. If anything, I imagine it might be like the Final Episode and/or Secret Episode in BbS. Either that, or maybe we'll get some new scenes through what the Journal shows us or something.

All I know is I can't wait to get my hands on this game even more now:D December really can't come fast enough... And now I need to decide whether or not to spoil myself for the new Re:Coded stuff when it comes out in Japan or not. Hmm...

I wonder if we also might get some sort of teaser for III in II.5. In any case, I really need to go finish I.5 now;)

And on a side note, I really love your icon, lonbilly. I love Madoka Magica and Madoka/Homura:)


an old man plaguing the site like a phantom
Apr 22, 2007
I assume that they meant that they remade the text bubble scenes into cutscenes. I can't imagine the new scenario being so long that it would eclipse the original Re:Coded in length. If anything, I imagine it might be like the Final Episode and/or Secret Episode in BbS. Either that, or maybe we'll get some new scenes through what the Journal shows us or something.

All I know is I can't wait to get my hands on this game even more now:D December really can't come fast enough... And now I need to decide whether or not to spoil myself for the new Re:Coded stuff when it comes out in Japan or not. Hmm...

I wonder if we also might get some sort of teaser for III in II.5. In any case, I really need to go finish I.5 now;)

And on a side note, I really love your icon, lonbilly. I love Madoka Magica and Madoka/Homura:)

I figured it had to mean the text bubbles. I could not see how they would condense Re:coded into an hour and then have two hours of something else (unless it was a sneaky sticking in of DDD which I would not be happy about at all). I am super excited for whatever the new scenes are since I feel like there may be some story-changing revelations or something of that nature.

This is why I hate that we have to wait longer. I am so going to want spoilers asap and I promised I wouldn't ever do that again after spoiling all of DDD for myself.

And thanks, I super love Madoka Magica and the pairing. ^-^


Haddyn Slayer
Feb 23, 2011
Oh, god. I spoiled all of Dream Drop Distance for myself in both Japanese and English before I even had the game in my hands. I'm never doing that to myself ever again, either. LOL. If nothing else, I will stay as spoiler-free for KHIII as I possibly can.

And I really hope it's secretly not DDD, either. I don't even know how they could do that, seeing as how Sora and Riku's respective stories were both two hours each, if I remember correctly. And if they tried to squeeze that in with Re:Coded... Well, it'd just be a mess. Here's hoping they don't do that.

I'm all for them connecting Re:Coded to 3D better, though. I know Nomura all ready said they were doing that, so maybe we'll see them leave the islands and get a more concrete goodbye scene with Kairi? Or maybe we'll see if/when Sora got Data Sora's memories or whatever, as didn't Data Naminé hint that that would somehow happen in the end to Re:Coded?

And since I'm sure someone else's is all ready thinking this, I'll just go ahead and throw the crack pot theory out there: maybe the new scenario is actually BbSV2:)


Bronze Member
Oct 21, 2009
Motion capture? Did I just read that right?! :D. If KH goes down this route I will be very pleased!

I am pretty sure most of last gen in general went with mo cap for animations and movements. FFXIII had it as well. Wouldn't be surprised if KH3 had it as well.


Moist with roistering
Jan 16, 2012
"Yasue admitted that he wanted Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy VII, but they simply couldn’t figure out a setting that would’ve fit him. After all, he’d need to rise from a coffin."
To bad there isn't a pre-established world that has coffins and monster people and a mad scientist.

I'm so far behind on the news..... Wanted to watch everything, but I can never find the time..


Oct 9, 2009
Then, Yasue confirmed that the controls of Birth by Sleep have been reworked for the PS3 version, meaning that the right analogue stick would be used for the camera,
All I truly wanted <3


Oct 26, 2006
To bad there isn't a pre-established world that has coffins and monster people and a mad scientist.

Ha. Sarcasm.

Halloween Town would have worked perfectly for Vincent. Maybe they could incorporate him into Kingdom Hearts III. I'm assuming they'll want to bring that world back -- it's incredibly popular. But they've used up all of the movie... so bring on the Valentine.


New member
Sep 21, 2013
Meh, this E3 in terms of KH was a bit of a let down for me. KH 3 lack of info I understand and don't mind, but an absurdly late release date for 2.5 as well as no pre order bonus reveals for the US. The game doesn't even have box art yet. Looking forward to this game immensely though, maybe more than any other game in a very long time.

Terra 713

New member
Jun 7, 2014
I'm happy to know that they wanted Vicent in the game, that was something that I wished to. That's a part of the interview that I definetly enjoyed

For what cocerns Zack:
I was really happy when I knew that he was in the game: I loved Crisis Core
I was expecting more however from him in the Ven's part of the story.
I would have been more happy if him and Ven had become more friends than Ven and Erc (exactly the opposite of what happened... never mind :))
I enjoyed him in the other two stories and I wished that he would have done the Hero's Pride also in the fightning with Aqua :) The fight with Terra really excited me :)

as well as no pre order bonus reveals for the US. The game doesn't even have box art yet.

In fact I think that is time to actually give a box art to this game, it's strange that it hasn't one yet.
I'm still desperately hoping that they reveal collector edition bonuses at this E3 dammit (I'm looking for the Ultimania artbook: *sigh, see it hard...
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Hope Remains
Oct 28, 2006
United States
Meh, this E3 in terms of KH was a bit of a let down for me. KH 3 lack of info I understand and don't mind, but an absurdly late release date for 2.5 as well as no pre order bonus reveals for the US. The game doesn't even have box art yet. Looking forward to this game immensely though, maybe more than any other game in a very long time.

In fact I think that is time to actually give a box art to this game, it's strange that it hasn't one yet.
I'm still desperately hoping that they reveal collector edition bonuses at this E3 dammit (I'm looking for the Ultimania artbook: *sigh, see it hard...

There's still a chance for the "All Eyes on KH 2.5" event tomorrow. Square said "EVERYTHING under the sun" will be discussed for 2.5 at that event. Whether or not that includes boxart, preorder stuff, collector editions, that Ultimania translated in English, etc. remains to be seen. But I guess we'll find out. However, given the way this E3 has been going thus far, I'm not very hopeful. I bet they're going to reveal the boxart and such at TGS, once its closer to release. Which is annoying, given that Japan already knows all their CE info and we might have to wait months for ours just because our copy of the game comes out two months later :/

I'm really hoping they'll just reveal everything for 2.5 now, honestly. I'm totally fine with them spilling the beans on literally everything related to 2.5 now, that way all future events can focus on info for KH3. We already wait for months on end for KH news. Reveal everything for 2.5 now, make us wait until TGS for some KH3, and then again until Jump Festa, and then give us a KH3 trailer at E3 2015. That's what I'd like.
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Shadow Fenix

I 'Member
Aug 31, 2007
All I truly wanted <3

I would be astonished if they didn't retweak that. Peace Walker's update revised everything from PSP to PS3, I just would've assumed that'd be the case here. Glad to get a confirmation at least, wouldn't ever want a camera as wonky as the first game on PS2 released by today's standards.

Now is there something happening tomorrow with Square? Cause I'm just waiting on the box art and a collector's edition to preorder the second I hear about it at this point, and I feel it'd be foolish not to announce it at E3


Hope Remains
Oct 28, 2006
United States
Now is there something happening tomorrow with Square? Cause I'm just waiting on the box art and a collector's edition to preorder the second I hear about it at this point, and I feel it'd be foolish not to announce it at E3

Well, Square seems to love being foolish. For more reasons than the fact that they revealed absolutely nothing at E3 this year about anything KH related (save for the game's release date of course, which YAY, but still...)

Shadow Fenix

I 'Member
Aug 31, 2007
Well, Square seems to love being foolish. For more reasons than the fact that they revealed absolutely nothing at E3 this year about anything KH related (save for the game's release date of course, which YAY, but still...)

Scumbag SquareEnix. Release date and the trailer at least made it somewhat relevant this year at E3, shame they didn't push it further, despite how much they pushed its emphasis this year


Hope Remains
Oct 28, 2006
United States
Scumbag SquareEnix. Release date and the trailer at least made it somewhat relevant this year at E3, shame they didn't push it further, despite how much they pushed its emphasis this year

"Everything under the sun" my behind. All they did was rediscuss the content of 2.5. I am disappoint.
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