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(English Subs) Union X: Agrabah 6th story update

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trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009

15 story quests have been added for KINGDOM HEARTS Union X Japan!

The player has fallen into the depths of the Cave of Wonders. After wandering the cave and reuniting with Aladdin, you seek the help of the Genie that emerged from the magic lamp.

Translations and subtitled videos are now available thanks to goldpanner!

(The Sultan finds Jasmine in her room, visibly upset.)

Sultan: Jasmine? Oh, dearest. What's wrong?

Jasmine: Jafar...has… done something... terrible.

He executed a boy I met in the city.

(Fades to black.)

???: ...


(You slowly come to your senses, just as Chirithy pounces on you to wake you up.)

Chirithy: !

(You’re awake.)

Chirithy: I'm so glad! Are you okay?

Seems like we got separated… Anyway, let's go look for Aladdin.

(You find Aladdin and go to wake him up.)

Aladdin: Oh, my head.

Oh, it's you...

(He wanders around.)

Aladdin: This is...

We're trapped.

That two faced son-of-a-jackal!

Whoever he was, he's long gone with that lamp.

(Abu smiles smugly and whips out the lamp from his pockets.)

Aladdin: Why, you hairy little thief!

(He takes the lamp and begins to rub it.)

Aladdin: I wonder what's the deal with this lamp, anyway?

(Blue smoke bursts out from the lamp and a giant figure emerges.)

???: Whoa! Does it feel good to be outta there!

Hi, where ya from? What's your name?

Aladdin: Aladdin.


???: Wasn't asking you.

(You let out a sigh.)

Aladdin: And you are?

???: Aw no, you're the one who summoned me. How can you not know, Master?

(He shrinks out of despair.)

Aladdin: Wait a minute! I'm--your master?

(He poofs back to his previous size.)

???: That's right!

(He splits up into multiple Genie’s, all repeating the same thing.)

???: Splendid!

(And then rejoins into one)

Genie: I am Genie of the lamp!

What would you wish of me, master?

Aladdin: Whoa! Wishes?

Genie: Three wishes to be exact.

Aladdin: You're gonna grant me any three wishes I want?

Genie: Ah, almost. There are a few provisos, a couple of quid pro quos...

(Aladdin starts bluffing.)

Aladdin: What? Some all powerful genie.

I don't know-- he probably can't even get us out of this cave.

(You all let out a big sigh. Genie is angered by Aladdin’s words.)

Aladdin: Looks like we're gonna have to find a way out of here.

Genie: Excuse me? You've got some nerve trying to walk out on me.

You're gettin' your wishes, so siddown!

(You all pile onto Carpet.)

Genie: Weeee'rrrrrreee...outta here!

(You escape from the Cave of Wonders!)

(Meanwhile, Sultan and Jasmine confront Jafar.)

Sultan: Jafar, this is an outrage. From now on, you are to discuss sentencing of prisoners with me, before they are beheaded.

Jafar: I assure you, your highness, it won't happen again.

Sultan: Jasmine, Jafar, now let's put this whole messy business behind us. Please?

Jafar: My most abject and humblest apologies to you as well, princess.

Jasmine: At least some good will come of my being forced to marry. When I am queen, I will have the power to get rid of you.

(Jasmine starts to leave.)

Sultan: That's nice. All settled, then. Now, Jasmine, getting back to this suitor business,

(Sultan realizes that Jasmine has now left the chamber and chases after her.)

Sultan: Jasmine?

(With everyone gone, Jafar drops the facade and fumes.)

Jafar: If only I had gotten that lamp!

Once she finds a chump husband, she'll have us banished--or beheaded!

Iago: Oh! Wait a minute! Jafar?

What if you were the chump husband?

Jafar: What?

Iago: Okay, you marry the princess, all right?

Then, uh, you become sultan!

Jafar: Oh!

(Jafar sits on the Sultan’s throne.)

Jafar: Marry the shrew? I become sultan.

The idea has merit!

Jafar & Iago: Heh heh heh heh heh....

Hah hah hah hah…

(Genie leads you all to the oasis.)

Genie: Well, now. How about that, Mr. Doubting Mustafa?

Aladdin: Oh, you sure showed me. Now about my three wishes--

Genie: Dost mine ears deceive me?

Three? You are down by ONE, boy!

Aladdin: Ah, no--I never actually wished to get out of the cave. You did that on your own.

Genie: Well, don't I feel just sheepish?

Alright, you bad boy, but no more freebies.

Aladdin: Fair deal. So, three wishes. I want them to be good.

What would you wish for?

Genie: Me? No one's ever asked me that before.

Well, in my case, ah, forget it.

Aladdin: What? No, tell me.

Genie: Freedom. For all my power, I'm not free...

But what am I talking about, here? It's not gonna happen.

Aladdin: Why not?

Genie: The only way I get outta this is if my master wishes me out. So you can guess how often that's happened.

Aladdin: I'll do it. I'll set you free.

After I make my first two wishes, I'll use my third wish to set you free.

Genie: Well, here's hopin'.

O.K. Let's make some magic! So how 'bout it. What is it you want most?

Aladdin: Well, there's this girl-- But she's the princess.

Hey, can you make me a prince?

Genie: Now is that an official wish? Say the words!

Aladdin: Genie, I wish for you to make me a prince!

Genie: All right!

(Genie transforms Aladdin’s clothes into those fit for royalty.)

Aladdin: Nice! Now I can see Jasmine.

(He turns to you.)

Aladdin: Thank you, !

I'll see you around!

(To your surprise, Aladdin just quickly departs with Abu and Carpet. You and Genie watch as they run off.)

Genie: It's true what they say about young love, they forget everything else around them.

(He turns to you.)

Genie: Make sure you don't go crazy now.

(Genie flies off after Aladdin. Chirithy appears when you’re alone.)

Chirithy: You were basically window dressing there.

But I guess there was no way you could have been part of that exchange.

(You ask.)

Chirithy: What, you wanna see what happens to Aladdin now he's a prince?

Hm, doesn't sound like you're just curious.

You know what, I'm interested in the princess he was talking about. Let's go to Agrabah ourselves.

(You start to walk away, but Chirithy has one more thing to say.)

Chirithy: Huh, I wish they'd let us ride that magic carpet now.

Anyway, do your best!

(He leaves you to walk back to Agrabah by yourself.)

(Meanwhile, back in Agrabah, Jafar attempts to hypnotize the Sultan.)


The princess will marry me!


The princess will marry...

(Suddenly, loud music sounds out, breaking the hypnosis.)


What? What is that?

That music!

(He runs off to see what’s going on. It was Aladdin, now disguised as a prince and making his entrance.)

Aladdin: Your majesty, I have journeyed from afar to seek your daughter's hand.

Sultan: Prince Ali Ababwa! Of course.

I'm delighted to meet you.

(He eagerly shakes Aladdin’s hand.)

Sultan: This is my royal vizier, Jafar. He's delighted too.

Jafar: Ecstatic.

I'm afraid, Prince Abooboo--

Aladdin: --Ababwa!

Jafar: Whatever. You cannot just parade in here uninvited and expect to--

Sultan: This is a very impressive youth. And a prince as well.

If we're lucky, you won't have to marry Jasmine after all.

(Jafar tries to push him away.)

Jafar: I don't trust him, sire.

Sultan: Nonsense. One thing I pride myself on Jafar, I'm an excellent judge of character.

(He approaches Aladdin.)

Sultan: Yes, Jasmine will like this one!

(Jasmine walks in on the three, but they don’t notice her.)

Aladdin: And I'm pretty sure I'll like Princess Jasmine!

Jafar: Your highness, no. I must intercede on Jasmine's behalf. What makes him think he is worthy of the princess?

Aladdin: Your majesty, I am Prince Ali Ababwa!

Just let her meet me. I will win your daughter!

Jasmine: How dare you!

(The three finally notice her and look away in shame.)

Jasmine: All of you, standing around deciding my future?

I am not a prize to be won!

(She storms out.)

Sultan: Oh, dear.

(He goes to comfort Aladdin.)

Sultan: Don't worry, Prince Ali. Just give Jasmine time to cool down.

(The two of them walk away, leaving Jafar to fume by himself.)

Jafar: I think it's time to say goodbye to Prince Abooboo.


(Meanwhile, Aladdin struggles with trying to find a way to talk to Jasmine.)

Aladdin: What am I going to do? Jasmine won't even let me talk to her.

I should have known I couldn't pull off this stupid prince wish.

Genie: Al, you really oughtta tell her the truth.

Aladdin: No way! If Jasmine found out I was really some crummy street rat, she'd laugh at me.

Okay, I'm gonna go see her.

(He goes up to the balcony outside Jasmine’s room and calls to her.)

Aladdin: Princess Jasmine?

Jasmine: Who's there?

(She goes out to find Aladdin, who is putting on his best performance.)

Aladdin: It's me--Prince Ali.


Prince Ali Ababwa.

Jasmine: I do not want to see you.

(Realizing his act wasn’t working, Aladdin pleads with her.)

Aladdin: No, no, please princess. Give me a chance.

Jasmine: Just leave me alone.

(Feeling defeated, he takes off his turban. Jasmine recognizes something familiar when she sees him without it and goes out to confront him.)

Jasmine: Wait, wait. Do I know you?

(Aladdin hastily throws his hat back on.)

Aladdin: Uh, no, no.

Jasmine: You remind me of someone I met in the marketplace.

Aladdin: The marketplace? I have servants that go to the marketplace for me. It couldn't have been me you met.

Jasmine: No, I guess not.

(Genie transforms into a bee and whispers into Aladdin’s ear, which he tries to ignore.)

Aladdin: Um, Princess Jasmine?

You're very...


Jasmine: Hmm. I'm rich too, you know.

The daughter of a sultan.

A fine prize for any prince to marry.

(She goes to his side and flirts, making him nervous.)

Aladdin: Uh, right. Right.

A prince like me.

Jasmine: Right, a prince like you.

(But it was just an act.)

Jasmine: And every other stuffed shirt, swaggering, peacock I've met!

Leave now!

(Jasmine storms off.)

Aladdin: But!

Jasmine: Just go jump off a balcony!

Aladdin: Uh, you're right.

You aren't just some prize to be won. You should be free to make your own choice.

I'll go now.

(Aladdin steps off the balcony.)

Jasmine: No!

(He pops his head back up.)

Aladdin: What? What?

Jasmine: How--

(She runs to the edge, where he reveals the magic carpet.)

Jasmine: how are you doing that?

Aladdin: It's a magic carpet.

Jasmine: It's lovely.

Aladdin: You, uh, you don't want to go for a ride, do you?

We could get out of the palace, see the world.

Jasmine: Is it safe?

Aladdin: Sure. Do you trust me?

(Jasmine recognizes something familiar about his line.)

Jasmine: What?

Aladdin: Do you trust me?

Jasmine: Yes.

(Aladdin takes Jasmine on a magic carpet ride. The two grow close and watch the fireworks together above the clouds in a distant land.)

Jasmine: It's all so magical.

Aladdin: Yeah.

Jasmine: It's a shame Abu had to miss this.

Aladdin: Nah. He hates fireworks. He doesn't really like flying either.

(Carpet alerts Aladdin and he realizes he’s played right into Jasmine’s trap.)

Aladdin: That is… oh no!

(Jasmine snatches Aladdin's turban off his head now that she’s confirmed his identity.)

Jasmine: You are the boy from the market! I knew it. Why did you lie to me?

Aladdin: Jasmine, I'm sorry.

Jasmine: Did you think I was stupid?

Aladdin: No!

Jasmine: That I wouldn't figure it out?

Aladdin: No. I mean, I hoped you wouldn't.

No, that's not what I meant.

Jasmine: Who are you? Tell me the truth!

Aladdin: The truth?

The truth...

(Carpet urges Aladdin to be honest.)

Aladdin: The truth is...I sometimes dress as a commoner to escape the pressures of palace life.

But I really am a prince!

(But he chooses to lie instead, to Carpet’s dismay.)

Jasmine: Why didn't you just tell me?

Aladdin: Well, you know, um...royalty going out into the city in disguise, it sounds a little strange, don't you think?

Jasmine: Not that strange.

(They enjoy the rest of the evening together and then return to Agrabah.)

Jasmine: Good night, my handsome prince.

Aladdin: Sleep well, princess.

(Carpet pushes Aladdin up to kiss Jasmine. After she walks away, Aladdin rejoices and falls back. Carpet catches him and slowly descends.)

Aladdin: Yes! For the first time in my life, things are starting to go right.

(When they land, they’re suddenly ambushed.)

???: Hold him!

???: I'm afraid you've worn out your welcome, Prince Abooboo.

Make sure he's never found.



trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
Re: Union X: Agrabah 6th story update

In case you're wondering, the update ends after Aladdin and Jasmine return from their magic carpet ride, so we've (presumably) still got 1 more update before we're done with this.


Silver Member
Nov 28, 2005
Re: Union X: Agrabah 6th story update

Agrabah: the land that time keeps on remembering.


Active member
Sep 15, 2017
Re: Union X: Agrabah 6th story update

How I miss the desert. I hope we never touch the dandelions anymore and we stuck in this desert.


Aug 14, 2017
Re: Union X: Agrabah 6th story update

Agrabah is part of the Realm of Darkness. Time doesn't seem to pass and we can't freaking escape it. We'll never escape.

Alpha Baymax

On a scale of α to ζ.
Sep 5, 2015
United Kingdom
Re: Union X: Agrabah 6th story update

Kind of depressing how Agrabah has been around forever yet we barely seen Genie around.


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
Re: Union X: Agrabah 6th story update

Added unsubbed videos to the OP. Holy shit are these cutscenes long.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Re: Union X: Agrabah 6th story update

Added unsubbed videos to the OP. Holy shit are these cutscenes long.

The scenes are totally long but absolutely nothing of true importance happens in them!?

Lol, what a waste of time and content, if only the actual main story updates where this long and detailed.

I'm positively salty when I think about the wasted potential and how much one could do with all the original characters involved and how much character- and worldbuilding could be accomplished instead of this, in my view, narratively useless junk.

Like, we could get Blaine and Lauriam further sniffling around the Foreteller's castle while they're alone, revealing possibly some more non-crucial but interesting snippets and facts about the Foretellers after setting up the "pet-creation", which in itself could be interesting to see how it works. Not to mention possibly funny and/or interesting interactions between them.

We could get Ephemer, Skuld and Ven collecting the materials, showing what exactly those materials are and how you even find them, garnished with some bonding moments between the three and possibly some more personal information about Ventus, but also more insight into Eph's and Skuld's opinions and current mood. This part could even be combined with some other keykids or Disney characters seeing/interacting with them.

We could get to see the new Coaty doing some new mysterious Coaty-things.

But nope, we get a total rethread of the Aladdin movie with the Player character thrown in as a spectator/little helper.

Apparently Chi is determined to steal the "filled with most useless-filler"-crown from KH II. <__<


Active member
Aug 1, 2017
darkness within darkness
Re: Union X: Agrabah 6th story update

I know I'm probably alone with this opinion, but I really wish Ux would only have actual story content. I wouldn't mind waiting 3 months for every story update, but I'm so sick of all this movie rehashes, stupid side quests and incredibly slow-paced filler episodes. If the filler stuff was at least good for character-building. If there was only actual narrative content, I'd be looking forward much more to read "story update" and beginners wouldn't have to play through a ridiculous amount of totally useless quests. Seeing Agrabah for the 1001st time feels like such a waste of time, people and work.


May 3, 2009
Midnight channel
Re: Union X: Agrabah 6th story update

Holy crap we finally see the sultan and inside the Palace. Sorry guise but this update was worth it just for that. I don't mind more Agrabah quest if we actually enter the palace at least.
Last edited:


eien no chikai
Mar 3, 2015
Re: Union X: Agrabah 6th story update

I know I'm probably alone with this opinion, but I really wish Ux would only have actual story content. I wouldn't mind waiting 3 months for every story update, but I'm so sick of all this movie rehashes, stupid side quests and incredibly slow-paced filler episodes. If the filler stuff was at least good for character-building. If there was only actual narrative content, I'd be looking forward much more to read "story update" and beginners wouldn't have to play through a ridiculous amount of totally useless quests. Seeing Agrabah for the 1001st time feels like such a waste of time, people and work.

Agreed. The actual story updates are the only ones I watch anyway, have been skipping every single Disney scene for a long time now. I just don't care. At all. It wouldn't take anything away from the game, just have regular heartless killing missions without annoying cutscenes you have to skip all the time, and have cutscenes only when something actually happens.

Alpha Baymax

On a scale of α to ζ.
Sep 5, 2015
United Kingdom
Re: Union X: Agrabah 6th story update

The scenes are totally long but absolutely nothing of true importance happens in them!?

Lol, what a waste of time and content, if only the actual main story updates where this long and detailed.

I'm positively salty when I think about the wasted potential and how much one could do with all the original characters involved and how much character- and worldbuilding could be accomplished instead of this, in my view, narratively useless junk.

Okay, this is just getting annoying. You're well aware that Agrabah's narrative needs to be finished yet you still moan for original story, when quite clearly, Agrabah needs to be finished. Patience, I can guarantee you that we just have one more update for Agrabah and we'll be back to original lore.

I'm fed up of Agrabah, but they need to wrap up the story of this world already. They can't delay it any longer, if Union X wants to feel different, it has to rely on the Disney worlds as part of its appeal too.


Well-known member
Jun 5, 2016
Re: Union X: Agrabah 6th story update

I do feel like us being in Agrabah shouldn't stop the main content from being updated as well. Player's got nothing to do with what's going on with the other kids. Let us have main story cutscenes alongside the Agrabah cutscenes.

And let's be real, if we weren't in Agrabah, we would be in another Disney world right now. The main story has always been split by Player adventuring through other worlds. Except whenever Chi had main story, Player was usually involved in it, so it sorta made sense. Now, that's not been the case.


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
Re: Union X: Agrabah 6th story update

Still convinced they're spacing quests out intentionally so they can announce the new world at D23. Could always be worst anyways; we waited like a year for something important to happen after Ephemera disappeared in X[chi].

However, y'all need to chill with the salt lol. Getting mad when JP updates with quests you don't like, and then getting mad again when Global gets these quests is just exhausting.


Oct 4, 2013
Re: Union X: Agrabah 6th story update

I just wanted to say that the carpet clapping was 10/10 very cute


Moist with roistering
Jan 16, 2012
Re: Union X: Agrabah 6th story update

I can't be mad at more Agrabah updates when it means we've finally got the freaking Sultan!

I love when a character is already small that they don't bother chibi-ing them. XD


Bronze Member
Sep 8, 2016
Rome, Italy
Re: Union X: Agrabah 6th story update

Oh man, the Sultan? For the first time ever? This is an historical moment.

The lack of relevance doesn't really upset me all that much, I have little patience for non-main story stuff by default, so I just take what's interesting and ignore the rest. It's not like me or the game will disappear somewhere anyway.


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
OP updated with translations by goldpanner and subbed videos!
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