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KHInsider's Season of Light Day 11: Gallery Nucleus Print of Kingdom Hearts II

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baroque bitch
Jun 4, 2010


Today is the eleventh day of our 12 days of giveaways here at KHInsider! Yesterday twitter user @justinuhh won the Kingdom Hearts 3 Poster!

Today's prize is an art print from Gallery Nucleus of the Kingdom Hearts II coverart!

This print is 15.5 inches tall and 11 inches wide! Perfect for hanging up in your room!

 Pay attention to the rules! They're different from yesterday! 

The entry period for this giveaway ends tomorrow, December 23rd, at 8 AM PST. 

  • We will not ship the physical prize internationally. You don't have to be a resident of the US or its domestic neighbors to enter, technically, but if you enter you must have a domestic address that we can ship it to, otherwise you will be disqualified. We are not responsible for what happens to the prize once it leaves our care.
  • If you are underage, you must have the consent of a parent or guardian to enter, as we will be in need of your shipping address should you win.  
  • To enter you must respond in this thread with which Kingdom Hearts game is your favorite and why. Considered entries will be ones that have thought put into them. A paragraph break here and there would also be much appreciated. We will post the winner here and in the next thread, and we will contact the winner over private message. The winner will have three days to respond, or we will choose another winner.

There you have it! Happy Holidays, and good luck! Remember: check back every day for a new giveaway. 

Remember to follow Kingdom Hearts Insider on FacebookTwitter, and Tumblr for the latest updates on Kingdom Hearts Union χ [Cross], Kingdom Hearts 3 and all things Kingdom Hearts!



New member
Dec 11, 2013
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 11: Kingdom Hearts 2 Gallery Nucleus Print.

My favorite game is 358/2 Days hands down. I played it after KH2 and I loved seeing a different side of the antagonists. The Organization became way more nuanced and the plot of the entire series definitely became more filled out as Xemnas' plans were revealed.

I also loved the depiction of friendship, loss, and people changing. It was fascinating to see Roxas try learn how to become someone surrounded by people who didn't really know how to be themselves anymore.

Also, the joke weapons were amazing. AND THE SOUNDTRACK wowie, Days has one of the best.


New member
Dec 19, 2017
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 11: Kingdom Hearts 2 Gallery Nucleus Print.

Dream Drop Distance has to be my favorite.

It revived the hype for my second favorite game ever, The World Ends With You, had amazing color choices for enemies when we're so used to duller schemes, hyped up my favorite physical sport which is parkour, and, while the plot was cool too, had the strongest character development for Riku.

Honestly, I've always been a huge Riku supporter over the series as he changes a lot throughout the end of KH1 and CoM. But DDD did something that I never thought would happen: redeem him fully. Allow him to grow. While we're playing in the place of Sora most of the time, playing Riku allowed us to see him develop, see his thoughts, wisdom, and road to repentance. As he was the original Keyblade wielder before his fall from grace, seeing Yen Sid call him the Keyblade master after all he did for Sora and the sacrifices he made turned DDD into the most significant title second to Birth by Sleep. We got to see Riku grow and see his true depths, as well as the story coming full circle with him being validated as the true Keyblade master. Seeing that happen just in time for Terra to see the person that he gave the ability to in KH3 makes me so, so proud, and I look forward to seeing Riku grow even more in the next title.


New member
Dec 12, 2017
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 11: Kingdom Hearts 2 Gallery Nucleus Print.

My favorite game is Kingdom Hearts 2. This was the first game in the series that I finished. I love how the game is us revisiting our favorite worlds from the first game with some new ones thrown in the mix too. The reunion at the end with the Destiny Islands trio always pulls at my heart. But Axel going against the organization for Roxas, his best friend, and in the end fading away always gets me more. This game reinforces how important friendship really is. This game also came out during a tough time in my life and got me through so much. It was and sometimes still is my escape and I play KH2 to relax and get away from the stresses of life. I’ll be in the nursing home and probably still be playing this game. 😂


New member
Dec 12, 2017
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 11: Kingdom Hearts 2 Gallery Nucleus Print.

Kingdom Hearts Union Cross is my absolute favorite game in the series. The story is fairly shallow, but goes into the details of the keyblade war, showing the beginning of spirits (chirithy), and so much more of the beginnings of what we see through the series.

My favorite part of is the ever expanding and changing dynamics of the game that let us as players experience the series from a new perspective and engage with other players through parties and the title aspect, union cross. I've made so many wonderful friends through it and I get to enjoy the adventure with them every step of the way as we coordinate and play together!

Ballad of Caius

Player 💀
Jan 4, 2014
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 11: Kingdom Hearts 2 Gallery Nucleus Print.

My favorite KINGDOM HEARTS title is KHII. After becoming a fan with the original one, and keeping-up with Chain of Memories on thr GameBoy Advance, I was HYPED when I saw screenshots of II in a print gaming magazine at my cousin's house. I remember thinking that the Twilight Thorn was a white Guard Armor Heartless, haha. Personally, even though the game has its flaws, due to a rushed production, it's still an ambitious project that pushed its limits, and successfully expanded the series' lore. KH2 Final Mix elevates KH2 even further.


New member
Dec 22, 2017
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 11: Kingdom Hearts 2 Gallery Nucleus Print.

My favorite kingdom hearts game would have to be Kingdom hearts 2. I played Kingdom hearts when it originally came out but kingdom hearts 2 was the game that really got me invested into the series, pretty much cementing it as my favorite game series.

In Kingdom hearts we get to see the start of Sora, Riku, Kairi and all the other pivotal characters, but the game is still an introductory of sorts. The mechanics and the story in the first kingdom hearts game are great and draw you in but you dont really get a full feel for each character and who they are and the main villains of the series for the most part didn't reveal too much of the series plot yet.

However, in kingdom hearts 2 we already know all the main characters. The introductory chapters with Roxas are amazing because they flesh out the main villains (the nobodies, beyond what 358/2 does) and Roxas serves as a great foil to Soras character, and as we know from the trailers Roxas is possibly an important plot point in the KH3 as well. Kingdom hearts 2 delivers in each disney world well known characters and relationships that any disney fan was already aware of and invested in (unlike in KH where the conflict is disney vs heartless, KH2 has that in addition to exploring the relationships of the characters)

KH2 also allows us to learn more about our main hero Sora. In KH, he was newly thrust into his role as the keyblades chosen wielder and he struggled with that for the majority of the story. In KH2 Sora has accepted his role and we get to see him further develop into the series' main hero and get a glimpse of the warrior and hero he is already becoming. This installment also grants us a furhter look into his emotions and feelings, as it does for the other characters. Since we alraedy know the majority of the characters in the game KH2 is really free to develop them and explore each side of them.

Finally KH2 really sets the story up well for the next installments, it brings our main heroes back together and teases just enough of the story line to make everyone anticipated for whats to come next. Overall, the storyline of KH2, the battles, the development of characters we already know and love, the way the story brings together all the previous and upcoming plot points and the fact that its all tied together with another beautiful soundtrack (that really adds so much to the story) by Yoko Shimomura is why Kingdom hearts 2 is my favorite game. (But who's to say what'll happen after KH3 is released)


i remember the OLD khinsider
Jan 2, 2013
xigbar's apartment
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 11: Kingdom Hearts 2 Gallery Nucleus Print.

Kingdom Hearts 1 has gotta be the best, man, even after all these years. The emphasis on discovery made every world feel like a whole new experience. It's really the only game that has you wondering what's around the next corner. 'What happens if I hit this object?' 'Should I use this spell here?' 'Oh, a secret pathway opened up.'

Gamers have more fun when they have to figure things out on their own, and when things aren't telegraphed-- flying to the next world without knowing what it is is just awesome. Young me flipped out so hard when he got to Olympus.


New member
Dec 17, 2017
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 11: Kingdom Hearts 2 Gallery Nucleus Print.

I think 358/2 Days is one of my most favorites out of the series so far. I know the game gets a lot of grief, but it really is one of my favorites.

I like how it's very different from all the other games where it isn't focused on the good guys, but is more focused on the bad guys point of view. It really has a juxtaposition of how the protagonist is mainly good. It also highlights the way Black and White the series as a whole can be. It takes it from an angle that shows some grey areas on how Good and Evil isn't always a fine cut line. A lot of the organization members only really wanted was a heart, and only did what they need to do to try and actually become "a somebody". It really made me sympathize with these characters a little more instead of just "not liking them" since in all the other games they were "evil". It showed a different side to each character from the organization and explored the personalities of the members, and even those that ended up biting the dust in CoM, to where we didn't get to know them well back then at all.

I also found it really fun to play as the organization members (mainly in the multi-player mode). It was interesting to play as these characters you normally wouldn't be able to play as.

Some people don't like it because of it being mission based, but to be honest, I didn't mind it all that much and I found it a bit refreshing. I could go and do different plot points at my own pace. And even though the leveling system was a little wonky, it didn't take me very long to figure out the mechanics of it. I honestly think it's a bit of an under-appreciated gem in my opinion.


New member
Dec 19, 2017
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 11: Kingdom Hearts 2 Gallery Nucleus Print.

My favorite game by far is birth by sleep. It had the first ending that really hurt my soul and there was no sappy 'happily ever after' in any way. The characters you play as are sleeping, lost in the realm of darkness and being used to do horribly evil things and you have absolutely no control over this nor can you stop it unless you don't finish the game, which I love as there are too many games where at the end of the day everything is fine for everyone. I often tell people I lost my soul finishing my play through of birth by sleep and yet I've played it about twenty times and loved every single playthrough.


New member
Dec 16, 2017
Joplin, MO
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 11: Gallery Nucleus Print of Kingdom Hearts II.

My favorite Kingdom Hearts game has to be Birth by Sleep. I loved seeing the world's before Sora's journey and the overall grim tone of the game. The command decks that were featured in the game were awesome, allowing you to really customize how you played. The command decks system also introduced a lot of new spells and abilities not shown in the series before. I love playing a magic heavy build on games, and this really left me go wild with that concept. I also liked getting to know and play through Aqua, Ventus, and Terra's stories. I loved how each character had their own set of abilities and fighting styles. I really wish I could have savored the multiplayer aspect of the original, but I played it on the ps3.


New member
Dec 23, 2017
maybe i'm being basic, but i love KHII most. probably because it's the only one i've been able to finish on my own, but. yeah. the last fight with xemnas is badass, and i absolutely bawled my eyes out when axel faded away and when the destiny trio met again.

regardless of it being my favourite, all of them are grand and i love kingdom hearts more than any other series.


Moist with roistering
Jan 16, 2012
My favorite would have to be Chain of Memories/Re: CoM. The original having a special place in my heart for being my first KH game, while I'm not exactly fond of the gameplay from either version (they tried,) Chain of Memories has always been KH at its highest for me in terms of story. Having impact on me that no other KH title has. It was Simple & Clean (I had to) while still being complex with its theme of memories and how they can lie to someone. Aside from some odd dialogue choices ("You and Kairi smell the same." -Riku, the Master Pickup Artist) I enjoy most of the writing with little issue.

While I love the other games too (except for maybe KH2) CoM is one I've always looked back on the fondest.


New member
Dec 23, 2017
My favorite Kingdom Hearts game is Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix.

I began playing Kingdom Hearts before i was an adult and always admired the depiction of light vs darkness as the classic struggle of good vs evil has appealed to me since my youngest memories. I suppose the main reason I love the series so much is because it always reminds me of family and the things that tie us together as humans.

my Father and I were separated when I was younger and my parents divorced, but he raised me as a child on all of the Disney intellectual property. Even though i only ever spent 6/8 weeks with him at a time every year, he would buy me an annual pass to Disneyland and take me to see all of the new movies when they came out— as well as getting me a plush toy to add to my collection. Now I am a Father with a seven year old girl, with whom I don’t get as much time as I like. But i introduced her to Kingdom Hearts with the PS4 Remix anthologies this past year and taught her real life lessons— about the trial and error that comes from beating a hard video game (as she was 6 at the time, even she had difficulty initially on Beginners mode) as well as the story of Kingdom Hearts being about the bonds that tie us together, even when we are forced apart uncontrollably due to long distances.

”i’ll find you”
”i know you will”

When we last saw each other, we made it to the turnaround point in KHII, but now she is anxiously awaiting KHIII. It all stems from the original though, which is why my favorite is and always will be Kingdom Hearts.

Thanks for reading, Happy Holidays everyone.


New member
Dec 23, 2017
Kingdom Hearts is without a doubt my favorite in the series. Not only in video games. But of anything ever. It first came into my life for my fourth birthday. When I received KH1 for my fourth birthday along with my PS2. It came into my life at a time in which I needed an emotional support structure. I was just begeining school. And had always had a different personality and way of carrying myself at the time. I didn’t have many friends, so I didn’t have much of an outlet I could channel my imagination and thirst for adventures into. When I first began playing KH1, I was thrust into a beautiful marvelous world the likes of only my mind up to that point had conjured. I immediately related to Sora, being a young new to the wolrd boy. Who simply longed for adventure and friendship. He cared for Riku and Kairi therefore I did as well. They felt real to me and felt like my real friends. Kh was the means I got to them. Unfortunately as I was still young, I was but novice at video games and got stuck on Destiny islands for a long time. Each day after school I would return to the game for a new adventure, eventually obtained the Kingdom Key and setting out on a quest to save (our) friends. As sora’s heart grew, so did mine in my life as well. Kingdom Hearts helped mold me into the person I am today. And I am forever eternally in debt to the series and will never ever stop loving and cherishing my role with the series. I have grown as has the series. And I feel grateful to now have an outlet and such a great community and friends to share my Heart’s passion with. Long live the Kingdom Hearts series! And Happy Holidays!!:)


New member
Dec 11, 2013
Kingdom Hearts 2 HD final mix has to my favorite. It's the only kingdom hearts game that I have Platinumed and replayed multiple times.

The fighting is just so fluid and I can't get enough of the drive forms. I hope something like that makes a return for kh3.


New member
Dec 20, 2017
My favorite game in the series is Dream Drop Distance. I absolutely love the story of this game and I like that it became more Riku's story than Sora's by the end. I like how it brought a lot of stuff together in preparation of KH3 and it really hyped me up for it.The content was great in my opinion and I liked the introduction to the dream eaters and the aspect of caring for them to get your abilities. Flowmotion also made it a lot easier to explore the worlds. I just really enjoyed what 3D had to offer.


New member
Dec 21, 2017
My favorite Kingdom Hearts game is definitely Dream Drop Distance. I absolutely loved the idea of balance of darkness and light within the way sora and riku had the same worlds, yet their experiences and sometimes the worldscape itself was very different. I also liked that this game had a couple of places that they don't put in other kh games that often if never. Like symphony of sorcery or the three musketeers world. I liked that you actually got to spend more independent time with riku as well. Not only seeing things from his point of view but really getting to be his character and explore his personality and character more. I also loved the idea of having sports help you in battle and that you can build your own team out of almost any combination of spirits. Definitely one of the more underrated games in the series.


baroque bitch
Jun 4, 2010
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 11: Kingdom Hearts 2 Gallery Nucleus Print.

Kingdom Hearts 1 has gotta be the best, man, even after all these years. The emphasis on discovery made every world feel like a whole new experience. It's really the only game that has you wondering what's around the next corner. 'What happens if I hit this object?' 'Should I use this spell here?' 'Oh, a secret pathway opened up.'

Gamers have more fun when they have to figure things out on their own, and when things aren't telegraphed-- flying to the next world without knowing what it is is just awesome. Young me flipped out so hard when he got to Olympus.
Congratulations, Launchpad you have have won our bigass print.
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