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April 2nd - Kingdom Hearts Union χ ENG Update

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Ansem's Apprentice
Sep 27, 2015
under my books
ONE DAY ONLY: Get one EX Medal!

■Campaign Period 
Apr. 2, 2018 12:00 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
Apr. 2, 2018 7:00 to Apr. 3, 2018 6:59 (UTC)

■ One day only! 
Draw once from this special deal to get one EX Medal!

Blink and you'll miss it! You can draw once from this special deal and are guaranteed to receive one of the EX Medals listed below
As this special deal will only be around for one day, don't miss out!

Read on for more details!

■Deal Details 
This 10-Medal Special EX Medal Deal guarantees the following: 
・You are guaranteed to receive one of EX Medals listed below! 
・The remaining 9 Medals will be of 5★ or higher rarity! 
 (NOTE: This deal does not have a "guaranteed within X draws" aspect.) 
 (NOTE: You can only pull once from this deal.)

■ EX Medal Details

Medal Attribute Reversed / Upright Special Attack Bonus Tier Special Attack Target Gauge Cost Damage Multiplier*
KH II Cloud [EX+] P Upright 8 Deals 3 hits. 1 turn: ↓ targets' Upright DEF by 2, P-DEF by 7. Inflicts more damage the higher your HP. All 4 × 8.84 - 15.37
Sephiroth [EX+] 
*Includes music.
P Reversed 8 Deals 3 hits. 1 turn: ↓targets' Reversed DEF by 2, P-DEF by 7. Inflicts more damage the higher your HP. All 4 × 8.84 - 15.37
Illustrated KH Riku [EX] M Upright 7 Deals 3 hits. 1 turn: ↓ targets' Upright DEF by 2 & M-DEF by 7 tiers. Inflicts more damage the higher your HP. All 2 × 6.38 - 11.83
HD Ventus [EX] 
*Includes music
S Upright 7 Deals 6 hits. 1 turn: SP attack bonus +30%. Inflicts more damage with 1 enemy left (incl. raid boss parts). All 3 × 12.06 - 16.86
HD Aqua [EX] 
*Includes music
M Upright 7 Deals 3 hits. 1 turn: SP attack bonus +30%. Inflicts more damage with 1 enemy left (incl. raid boss parts). All 3 × 12.06 - 16.86
HD Terra [EX] 
*Includes music
P Upright 7 Deals 4 hits. 1 turn: SP attack bonus +30%. Inflicts more damage with 1 enemy left (incl. raid boss parts). All 3 × 12.06 - 16.86
KH III King Mickey [EX] P Upright 7 Deals 2 hits. 1 turn: ↑Upright & Reversed STR by 1, P-STR by 7, ↓ targets' P-DEF by 3. Inflicts more damage the higher your HP. All 3 × 7.09 - 12.54
HD Sora & Kairi [EX] 
*Includes music.
P Upright 7 Deals 3 hits. 2 turns: ↑ Upright STR by 3. Inflicts more damage with 1 enemy left (incl. raid boss parts). Resets countdown. HP recovery LV 3. Fills 3 gauges. All 4 × 12.60 - 17.46
HD Axel [EX] 
*Includes music.
S Reversed 7 Deals 3 hits. 2 turns: ↑ Reversed STR by 2, S-STR by 7, ↓ targets' DEF & S-DEF by 2. Inflicts more damage the higher your HP. All 3 × 7.09 - 12.54
Master Xehanort [EX] 
*Includes music.
M Reversed 7 Deals 5 hits. 2 turns: ↑ Reversed STR by 2 & M-STR by 7, lowers targets' DEF/M-DEF by 2 tiers. Inflicts more damage the higher your HP. All 3 × 7.09 - 12.54
Illustrated Xion [EX] 
*Includes music.
M Reversed 7 1 turn: ↑ Reversed STR by 2, STR by 7, PSM-STR by 6, ↓ targets' DEF by 3, PSM-DEF by 4. Enemy countdown +1. HP recovery LV 4. Fills 5 gauges. All 0 × 4.53
HD King Mickey [EX] 
*Includes music
M Upright 7 Deals 2 hits that ignore targets' attributes. 2 turns: ↑ Upright STR by 2, ↓ targets' DEF by 2 tiers. All 3 × 11.94
Dual Wield Roxas [EX] 
*Includes music
P Reversed 7 Deals 6 hits. For 2 turns: raises Reversed STR 2 tiers & P-STR 7 tiers, lowers targets' DEF 2 tiers & P-DEF 2 tiers. Inflicts more damage the higher your HP. All 3 × 7.09 - 12.54
HD Ira [EX] 
*Includes music.
P Upright 7 2 turns: ↑ Upright STR by 1, ↓ targets' PSM-DEF by 7 & DEF by 2. Inflicts more damage with 1 enemy left (incl. raid boss). Enemy countdown unaffected. All 1 × 9.96 - 13.56
HD Invi [EX] 
*Includes music.
M Upright 7 Deals 4 hits. 2 turns: ↑ M-STR by 7, ↓ targets' DEF by 2 & M-DEF by 7 tiers. Inflicts more damage with 1 enemy left (incl. raid boss). Enemy countdown unaffected. All 1 × 9.96 - 13.56
HD Aced [EX] 
*Includes music.
P Upright 7 2 turns: ↑ P-STR by 7, ↓ targets' DEF by 2 & P-DEF by 7 tiers. Inflicts more damage with 1 enemy left (incl. raid boss). Enemy countdown unaffected. All 1 × 9.96 - 13.56
HD Gula [EX] 
*Includes music.
S Upright 7 Deals 3 hits. 2 turns: ↑ S-STR by 7, ↓ targets' DEF by 2 & S-DEF by 7 tiers. Inflicts more damage with 1 enemy left (incl. raid boss). Enemy countdown unaffected. All 1 × 9.96 - 13.56
HD Ava [EX] 
*Includes music.
M Upright 7 2 turns: ↑ PSM-DEF by 2, ↓ targets' DEF by 2 & PSM-DEF by 7 tiers. Inflicts more damage with 1 enemy left (incl. raid boss). Enemy countdown unaffected. All 1 × 9.96 - 13.56
Illustrated KH II Sora & Riku [EX] 
*Includes music.
S Upright 7 Lowers targets' DEF & S-DEF by 4 tiers for 1 turn. Inflicts more damage the higher your HP. All 1 × 5.47 - 10.21
Illustrated Kairi [EX] 
*Includes music.
M Upright 7 1 turn: ↑Upright STR by 2, STR by 7, PSM-STR by 6, ↓targets' DEF by 3, PSM-DEF by 4. Enemy countdown +1. HP recovery LV 4. Fills 5 gauges. All 0 × 4.53
Illustrated Marluxia [EX] M Reversed 6 Lowers targets' DEF & M-DEF by 4 tiers for 1 turn. Inflicts more damage the higher your HP. All 1 × 5.10 - 9.53
Riku Art [EX] 
*Includes artwork. 
*Includes music.
P Upright 6 Deals 5 hits. Lowers targets' DEF & P-DEF by 4 tiers for 1 turn. Inflicts more damage the higher your HP. All 1 × 5.10 - 9.53
HD Xion [EX] 
*Includes music.
M Reversed 6 Deals 3 hits. For 1 turn: raises STR 1 tier & M-STR 5 tiers, lowers targets' DEF 1 tier & M-DEF 3 tiers. Inflicts more damage the higher your HP. All 3 × 5.96 - 11.04
Roxas Art [EX] 
*Includes artwork. 
*Includes music.
S Upright 6 Deals 4 hits. For 1 turn: raises STR 1 tier & S-STR 5 tiers, lowers targets' DEF 1 tier & S-DEF 3 tiers. Inflicts more damage the higher your HP. All 3 × 5.96 - 11.04
Sephiroth [EX] 
*Includes music
P Reversed 6 Raises STR by 1 tier & P-STR by 5 tiers/1 turn. Lowers targets' DEF by 1 tier & P-DEF by 3 tiers/1 turn. Inflicts more damage the higher your HP. All 3 × 5.96 - 11.04
KH III Sora [EX] S Upright 5 Deals 5 hits. Raises S-STR by 2 tiers for 1 turn. Lowers targets' S-DEF by 2 tiers for 1 turn. Inflicts more damage the higher your HP. All 2 × 4.90 - 8.70
Sora Art [EX] 
*Includes artwork.
M Upright 5 Deals 3 hits. Raises M-STR by 3 tiers for 1 turn. Lowers targets' M-DEF by 3 tiers for 1 turn. Inflicts more damage the higher your HP. All 2 × 4.90 - 8.70
Axel Art [EX] 
*Includes artwork.
S Reversed 5 Raises Speed-based strength by 3 tiers for 1 turn. Lowers Speed-based defense of all targets by 3 tiers for 1 turn. Inflicts more damage the higher your HP. All 2 × 4.90 - 8.70
KH II Cloud [EX] P Upright 5 Deals 11 hits. Raises P-STR by 3 tiers for 1 turn. Lowers targets' P-DEF by 3 tiers for 1 turn. Inflicts more damage the higher your HP. All 2 × 4.90 - 8.70
* Damage multiplier listed applies to a version of this Medal with a maximum Special Attack Bonus. 
NOTE: Should you use multiple Medals that grant an increased SP attack bonus during the same turn, the effect will not stack. For example, should you use a Medal that grants "SP attack bonus +15%" and a Medal that grants "SP attack bonus +30%", these effects will not stack; rather, the higher value (+30%) will take effect.

Key Art #15 VIP Quests & Much, Much More!

■ Campaign Period: 
Apr. 2, 2018 12:00 a.m. to Apr. 8, 2018 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
Apr. 2, 2018 7:00 to Apr. 9, 2018 6:59 (UTC)

During the campaign period, a special set of limited-time VIP Quests will be unlocked when you purchase the Weekly Jewels Extravaganza (includes 3,000 Jewels and other Special Quests)!

Read on for more details!

● VIP Key Art #15 and 1400 Jewels 
Complete a set of Special Quests to obtain a total of four Key Art #15 Medals and 1400 Jewels
NOTE: All quests will be unlocked from when you purchase the Weekly Jewels Extravaganza. 
NOTE: You will have another chance to obtain four additional Key Art #15 Medals from next week's VIP Quests, allowing you to unlock and reroll its Special Attack Bonus!


As an added bonus, Key Art #15 also has special artwork that you can view from the Medal details page!

Medal Details

Medal Attribute Reversed / Upright Special Attack Bonus Tier Special Attack Target Gauge Cost Damage Multiplier*
Key Art #15 
*Includes artwork.
P Upright 7 1 turn: ↑ Upright STR by 1, STR & PSM-STR by 3 tiers. Cures own status ailments. HP recovery LV 3. Fills 3 gauges. Random 0 × 5.01
* Damage multiplier listed applies to a version of this Medal with a maximum Special Attack Bonus.

● VIP KH III King Mickey [EX] 
Complete the Special Quest to obtain one KH III King Mickey [EX] Medal! 
This is the sixth of seven chances to get a KH III King Mickey [EX] Medal!

● VIP Magic Broom Quests 
Complete these quests to earn up to 7 Magic Broom Medals! 
NOTE: All quests will be unlocked from when you purchase the Weekly Jewels Extravaganza.

● VIP Gem Quests 
Complete these quests to earn 6 Gems in total: 2 Power Gems, 2 Speed Gems, and 2 Magic Gems
NOTE: All quests will be unlocked from when you purchase the Weekly Jewels Extravaganza.

● VIP Magic Mirror Quests 
Complete these quests to earn 7 Magic Mirrors
NOTE: All quests will be unlocked from when you purchase the Weekly Jewels Extravaganza.

● VIP Daily Challenge: Chip & Dale 
Complete these quests to earn 6★ Chip and 6★ Dale Medals every day! 
NOTE: These quests and their rewards are reset every day, so don't miss out on daily rewards!

● Combination VIP Quest 
Earn large amounts of Evolve, EXP, and Munny Medals and level up your skills quickly with this extremely useful quest!

● VIP Skill Quests 
Complete this quest to rapidly level up the skills on the Medals equipped for this quest!

▼ Important Notes Regarding Weekly Jewels Extravaganza Special Quests: 
・You can only purchase the Weekly Jewels Extravaganza once a week, and the Special Quests will be available until Sunday at 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
・If you purchase the Weekly Jewels Extravaganza on Sunday, the Special Quests will only be available until 11:59 p.m. (PT) on that same Sunday. 

Past Avatar Boards Return! (Apr. 2)

★ Favorite Avatar Boards Return for an even more Favorable Price!

■Campaign Details: 
Apr. 2, 2018 12:00 a.m. to Apr. 8, 2018 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
Apr. 2, 2018 7:00 to Apr. 9, 2018 6:59 (UTC)

Some of your favorite avatar boards are back, and available for only 1500 Jewels apiece
Act fast, as they'll only be around for a limited time! 
NOTE: If you had previously purchased these boards, you will not be able to purchase them again.

■Returning Avatars

■About Avatar Boards: 
・Select "Avatar Boards" from the Menu to view these boards. 
・Once purchased, these avatar boards will remain unlocked for you even after the campaign period ends. 
 (If you have not unlocked these avatar boards before the campaign end time, they will no longer be available to you.) 
・You will not need Avatar Coins to unlock nodes on these boards.

■Avatar Board Contents

Winnie the Pooh (Male) Winnie the Pooh (Female)
Winnie the Pooh 
Winnie the Pooh Style 
Winnie the Pooh: Pouch 
Winnie the Pooh: Ribbon
 (Critical Hit Perk +5) 
Winnie the Pooh: Balloon (Skill Perk +3) 
Attack Boost IV x 1 (6★ Scrooge) 
ATK Boost III Max & Lux+ x 1 (6★ Scrooge) 
SP Attack Gauge I x 1 (6★ Scrooge) 
Magic Gem x 1 
6★ Cid 10 x 1 
6★ Chip x 3 
6★ Dale x 3 
6★ Magic Mirror x 3 
Title: Reawakened
Winnie the Pooh 
Winnie the Pooh Style 
Winnie the Pooh: Pouch 
Winnie the Pooh: Ribbon
(Critical Hit Perk +5) 
Winnie the Pooh: Balloon (Skill Perk +3) 
Attack Boost IV x 1 (6★ Scrooge) 
ATK Boost III Max & Lux+ x 1 (6★ Scrooge) 
SP Attack Gauge I x 1 (6★ Scrooge) 
Magic Gem x 1 
6★ Cid 10 x 1 
6★ Chip x 3 
6★ Dale x 3 
6★ Magic Mirror x 3 
Title: Known As

KH II Roxas (Male) KH II Naminé (Female)
KH II Roxas 
KH II Roxas Style 
KH II Roxas: Wristband
 (Raid Boss Perk +5) 
Attack Boost II (5★ Scrooge) 
Paralysis+ (5★ Scrooge) 
Poison+ (5★ Scrooge) 
Sleep+ (5★ Scrooge) 
5★ Illustrated Aerith x 4 
6★ Cid 5 x 1 
6★ Huey & Dewey & Louie x 3 
6★ Chip x 2 
6★ Dale x 2 
Title: Number 13
KH II Naminé 
KH II Naminé Style B 
KH II Naminé: Sketchbook
 (Raid Boss Perk +5) 
Attack Boost II (5★ Scrooge) 
Paralysis+ (5★ Scrooge) 
Poison+ (5★ Scrooge) 
Sleep+ (5★ Scrooge) 
5★ Illustrated Aerith x 4 
6★ Cid 5 x 1 
6★ Huey & Dewey & Louie x 3 
6★ Chip x 2 
6★ Dale x 2 
Title: Nobody

Cherry Blossom Suit and Sweet Cherries Avatar Boards!

★ Cherry Blossom Suit and Sweet Cherries Avatar Boards!

■ Available Period: 
Apr. 2, 2018 12:00 a.m. to Apr. 13, 2018 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
Apr. 2, 2018 7:00 to Apr. 14, 2018 6:59 (UTC)

■ Details: 
Embrace spring with the Cherry Blossom Suit and Sweet Cherries avatar boards! 
For 2500 Jewels apiece, each board includes a set of avatar parts, boost Medals (including three Magic Broom Medals!), a Speed Gem, plus a trio of useful skills!

・Dress your character up with Cherry Blossom Suit and Sweet Cherries avatar parts! 
・Stock up on bonus Medals like ChipCid 10 and Magic Mirror Medals, plus three Magic Broom Medals, along with a Speed Gem from each board! 
・Get Attack Boost VIATK B VI & AP+, and Sleep+ II skills!

■ Contents of Limited-Time Avatar Boards 
(The rewards listed below are for each board unless noted otherwise.)

Avatar Parts

Male Female
Cherry Blossom Suit 
Cherry Blossom: Hat 
Cherry Blossom: Earrings
 (Raid Boss Perk +5) 
Cherry Blossom: Bow Tie 
Cherry Blossom: Watch
Sweet Cherries 
Sweet Cherries: Headband 
Sweet Cherries: Earrings
(Raid Boss Perk +5) 
Sweet Cherries: Necklace 
Sweet Cherries: Bracelet

 6★ Chip x 1 
 6★ Cid 10 x 2 
 6★ Magic Mirror x 5 
 5★ Magic Broom x 3

(Attach these to your other Medals using the "Overwrite Skill" button!) 
 Attack Boost VI x 1 (6★ Scrooge) 
 ATK B VI & AP+ x 1 (6★ Scrooge) 
 Sleep+ II x 1 (6★ Scrooge)

 Speed Gem x 1

■ About Avatar Boards: 
・Select "Avatar Boards" from the Menu to view these boards. 
・Once purchased, these avatar boards will remain unlocked for you even after the campaign period ends. 
(If you have not unlocked these avatar boards before the campaign end time, they will no longer be available to you.) 
・You will not need Avatar Coins to unlock nodes on these boards.


Celebrating KINGDOM HEARTS Union χ[Cross]'s 2nd Anniversary
 Get Illustrated Kairi [EX] pre-strengthened to 3 Special Attack Dots within 5 draws! 
 If she's passed you by, now's your chance!

Illustrated Kairi [EX] is here and guaranteed to come pre-strengthened to 3 Special Attack Dots within 5 draws from this EX Medal Deal! 
This powerful buffer Medal is a welcome addition to nearly any Keyblade setup, so if you've missed out on her previously, now's your chance! 
Plus, as an added bonus, you will receive one Magic Broom Medal each time you draw from this banner!

Illustrated Kairi [EX] has unique Home Screen music when you share this Medal!

Read on for details!

■ Campaign Period: 

Apr. 3, 2018 12:00 a.m. to Apr. 5, 2018 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
Apr. 3, 2018 7:00 to Apr. 6, 2018 6:59 (UTC)

This 10-Medal EX Medal Deal guarantees the following: 
・You are guaranteed to receive an Illustrated Kairi [EX] pre-strengthened to 3 Special Attack Dots within 5 draws! 
・You will receive one Magic Broom Medal each time you draw from this banner! 
・You will receive at least one Tier 5 or higher Medal pre-strengthened to 1, 2, or 3 Special Attack Dots in each draw! 
・The remaining 9 Medals will be of 5★ or higher rarity!


■ EX Medal Details

Medal Attribute Reversed / Upright Special Attack Bonus Tier Special Attack Target Gauge Cost Damage Multiplier*
Illustrated Kairi [EX] 
*Includes music.
M Upright 7 1 turn: ↑Upright STR by 2, STR by 7, PSM-STR by 6, ↓targets' DEF by 3, PSM-DEF by 4. Enemy countdown +1. HP recovery LV 4. Fills 5 gauges. All 0 × 4.53

* Damage multiplier listed applies to a version of this Medal with a maximum Special Attack Bonus.

■ Campaign Period: 
Apr. 3, 2018 12:00 a.m. to Apr. 5, 2018 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
Apr. 3, 2018 7:00 to Apr. 6, 2018 6:59 (UTC)

This 10-Medal EX Medal Deal guarantees the following: 
・You are guaranteed to receive an Illustrated Kairi [EX] pre-strengthened to 3 Special Attack Dots within 5 draws! 
・You will receive one Magic Broom Medal each time you draw from this banner! 
・You will receive at least one Tier 5 or higher Medal pre-strengthened to 1, 2, or 3 Special Attack Dots in each draw! 
・The remaining 9 Medals will be of 5★ or higher rarity!

[April 4th PT] Super Challenge Power Quest!

★Super Challenge Power Quest! 
Face the challenge to get fabulous rewards!

■ Event Period: 
Apr. 4, 2018 12:00 a.m. to Apr. 12, 2018 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
Apr. 4, 2018 7:00 to Apr. 13, 2018 6:59 (UTC)

Complete objectives for this super challenging quest to receive fabulous prizes, including Magic Broom Medals and more! 
This time, you'll face off against Power enemies, so plan your Keyblade setup accordingly! 
You won't be able to use any Friend Medals, so come prepared for a fight!

If you find this quest to be too difficult, try upgrading your Keyblade or leveling up your Medals!

Follow us on Twitter for the latest news! @Daybreak_Town


Nov 22, 2014
Re: April 2nd - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Well... the Ex Medal I got this time was Invi! Pleased with that and I have enough Mickey adn Brooms to guilt as well. If I really want to...


Crazy Woodwind Lady
Jun 26, 2011
Re: April 2nd - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

I pulled and got TWO EX medals... Except both of them are no longer useful - Axel and Cloud. *sigh*

Oh well. Not too serious about this game anymore. I'll just have fun with my pulls.

Pirate Queen

New member
Oct 7, 2017
Re: April 2nd - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

I pulled and got TWO EX medals... Except both of them are no longer useful - Axel and Cloud. *sigh*

Oh well. Not too serious about this game anymore. I'll just have fun with my pulls.

I'm in the same frame of mind, Harmonie. I've lost most of my competitive drive for the game, and just play for the story quests, whatever events I can pass, and just enjoy it when there is something to do. Given up the intensity and the caring of whether I pull the latest and greatest EX or not.

Deleted member

Re: April 2nd - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Honestly, I think that's the way the game is meant to be played. It's certainly the one where it's the most enjoyable.


Bronze Member
Jun 18, 2005
between a rock and a hard place
Re: April 2nd - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

i love the ex banner deals, i pulled a kairi ex on my f2p account, i got ava on my man last time around which i guilted, id love to pull xion suicide axel and duel wield roxas, it be a perfect setup on stroke of midnight, common luck i believe in you please lemme get this set up


Ansem's Apprentice
Sep 27, 2015
under my books
Re: April 2nd - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Updated OP with the Power Challenge Quest!

i love the ex banner deals, i pulled a kairi ex on my f2p account, i got ava on my man last time around which i guilted, id love to pull xion suicide axel and duel wield roxas, it be a perfect setup on stroke of midnight, common luck i believe in you please lemme get this set up
If my Jewel stash wasn't looking so miserable, I would say the same :p

Deleted member

Re: April 2nd - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

oof yup i got no shot at that challenge.


New member
Dec 26, 2014
Re: April 2nd - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

I managed to tank the new challenge with copying an extra attack HD zexion and defense boost III max. I hope this helps.


Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008
Re: April 2nd - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

I managed to tank the new challenge with copying an extra attack HD zexion and defense boost III max. I hope this helps.
This is exactly what I did. Except I also used a copy medal before it and Zexion HD on the pet slot so it was easy enough to tank.


Nocturne Zephyr
Apr 30, 2009
Elysion, the Realm of Dreams
Re: April 2nd - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Yeah, the Iron Giants were MUCH easier to deal with than the Dragon from last time. As long as you have a way to 3x Zexion HD, DBIIIMax, and at least one SC for turn 1, you're golden. I greatly prefer this type of challenge, as long as you can tank it reliably the HP amount is less of a factor. Almost 3000 bars is still pretty damn high, but not as bad when there's no Counters or scripted one-shots like the Dragon Breath. Hopefully the Speed and Magic ones I suspect will follow suit are the same.


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
Re: April 2nd - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

i don't understand how that ugly ass banner got approved


Bronze Member
Jun 18, 2005
between a rock and a hard place
Re: April 2nd - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

oof yup i got no shot at that challenge.

Nah Audo ThE iron Giant Was a cakewalk for turtle Method if you did the right set up i mean alot of people went the double Cast Route with Zexion, I went Kairi EX, Zexion Guilted Boosted With Bad traits, HPO with extra attack. Lady Tramaine With Extra attack, Tieri with DB3 max, and Extra Attack, And Master Ava Guilted with Attack boost 5 max plus lux.

Also Please Keep in mind you dont need the Ava if your copycating Zexion, i found it could pump the same amount and did a tad mor damage so it wasnt like a meg turtle Mode, But i think the MVP of my Set up was lady Tramaine


Moist with roistering
Jan 16, 2012
Re: April 2nd - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

i don't understand how that ugly ass banner got approved
Me either. I can do a better job in 5 minutes.


Hire me, SENA.


Nocturne Zephyr
Apr 30, 2009
Elysion, the Realm of Dreams
Re: April 2nd - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Tomorrow is the Anniversary itself. Personally I expect Vanitas EX to show up and a Jewel Gift of some kind (hoping at least 10k, since we got that much last year IIRC). Not sure what else they'll throw at us, going to be very interesting...the Tweet tonight is going to be nuts.

Deleted member

Re: April 2nd - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Tomorrow is the Anniversary itself. Personally I expect Vanitas EX to show up and a Jewel Gift of some kind (hoping at least 10k, since we got that much last year IIRC). Not sure what else they'll throw at us, going to be very interesting...the Tweet tonight is going to be nuts.
it's gonna be an abu snuggler.


Art of War
Jul 22, 2009
Re: April 2nd - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Is the Key art new?


I've never seen it before, but if I'd guess it's old?

Deleted member

Re: April 2nd - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

oof, it has been a while lol
Yeah. I believe it's the art used in the KH1:FM start screen.

doesn't look great imo, the classic KH1 one is better.


like the surrounding colour-haze makes it look like it was cut out weirdly :/
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