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New NA/EU Boss

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KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 1, 2009
Then choose someone other than Sephiroth... like Genesis or something, I don't know. Sephiroth's not the only FFVII character you know.

Genesis isn't an FFVII character anyway. He's from the Compilation.

I wouldn't mind having Sephiroth in BBS, if by having it in an earlier time means he sheds some more little hints about what the hell he's meant to be in this Universe. Is he Cloud's darkness?? What does that mean...


Bronze Member
Mar 28, 2010
JENOVA!! Man, you have no idea how badly I want to see her as an optional boss in KH. It'd be totally bad@$$! And you could get a special Keyblade after.

lol Jenova. SIN FTW. I want an awesome boss fight against a whale thing. Or even Jecht. Actually, anyone from FFX would be great.


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
Maybe Jecht would be the next Olympus Coliseum FF character that Hades would use. Jecht fits in that type of character.

I just find it amusing how after all the failed attempts, Hades still didn't learn his lesson and will most likely continue using FF characters for personal gain in the future ^^


Silver Member
Apr 21, 2005
Robotnik Land - Home of Pingas
I just find it amusing how after all the failed attempts, Hades still didn't learn his lesson and will most likely continue using FF characters for personal gain in the future ^^

Hades: Okay so it didn't work with Zack... didn't work with Cloud... and it didn't work for Auron. Maybe I should stop trying to steal Final Fantasy characters and use them... Nah! Pain and Panic! Give me the list the rest of the Final Fantasy characters and see who else we got!
May 16, 2007
Surprisingly, as of right now, I do consider it a possibility that the secret boss is an "Eraqus" Nobody. But not in the way you're thinking. Xehanort's experiments are what made the Nobodies, so a Nobody couldn't have resulted from either MX or Eraqus releasing their hearts. However, we have to consider the special predicament of Xehanort the apprentice. Three hearts. Look at Sora. He too had three hearts. But Sora produced two Nobodies, one from the fusion between his and Ven's hearts, and the other from Kairi's heart. Wouldn't it make sense that two Nobodies were made in Xehanort's case as well?

Xemnas is the Nobody left behind by the fusion of Terra and MX's hearts, there's no doubt in my mind about that. After all, both he and Xehanort's Heartless are confirmed to have both traits of MX and Terra. Surely Xehanort's Heartless was [i]at least[/i] comprised of MX's heart. And then, of course, Nomura hinted recently that Riku may have Terra's heart within him:

[quote]-- In "KHI", the robed man, Ansem the Wise's apprentice Xehanort's Heartless (the body of Xehanort's Heartless before he inhabited Riku's body), appeared on the Destiny Islands. Is this because it was Master Xehanort's homeworld?

Nomura: That may be one reason, but if he somehow had some of Terra's memories, we can consider that it might be because he had laid eyes on Riku previously. In terms of the elements of Terra and Master Xehanort, I think the questions of how their power is related and divided, as well as who has whose memories and heart, will become a key to the story* after this one.

-- Is that to say that there's a possibility that within Xehanort's Heartless, the darkness that sleeps [b]in Riku's heart, there might remain something of Terra...?[/b]

Nomura: That's also a riddle connected to the next story,* so everyone please use your imagination.[/quote]

Which would mean, naturally, that Terra's heart was a part of Xehanort's Heartless.
So if Xehanort's Heartless was made from Terra and MX's hearts, then Eraqus' heart was separated. That makes sense considering that Terra seemed more concerned about protecting Eraqus' heart than his own, so I believe he prevented it from being bound to MX's darkness.
This begs the question of what happened to Eraqus' heart. And I think it's a non-factor at the moment. He had hardly any darkness in him, so he would, I imagine, create a weak Heartless anyway. It may have been turned into a Heartless, or gone somewhere else. That's not what matters at the moment.
The important part here is that, when we compare this to Sora, then Eraqus' heart being released should produce a Nobody. He would be the Namine-type Nobody, the one not created from a vessel (which is unfortunately still a plot hole, but perhaps can be better explained if this theory is true).

Nomura has opened this up for possibility:
[quote]-- In "KHI" when Sora stabs the "Keyblade of people's hearts" into himself to release his heart and Kairi's, Sora's Heartless and Nobody were born. When Master Xehanort and Terra:Xehanort stab themselves with the Keyblade, were his and Terra's Nobodies not created?

Nomura: That is not yet clear.[/quote]

But what about the time issue?
That's obviously the biggest problem.
When I was considering the possibilities of who the secret boss could be, time nearly [i]always[/i] seemed to be an issue, no matter what I came up with.
Master Xehanort created the Organization outfits and the blue sabers are obviously a hint at a connection to Xemnas, so I am convinced that the secret boss is at least connected to Xehanort in some way, just like the two previous secret bosses (the Enigmatic Man and Lingering Sentiment). But how? As was pointed out, it appears that the secret boss event occurs after the destruction of LoD (as you'll note by the sky). Meaning that this fight should probably happen around the time Aqua is bringing Ven to LoD. That's after MX is gone. But he couldn't have produced a Nobody, as I said. And the only opportune events that could put Aqua into contact with a new Xehanort don't happen until the [i]future[/i], until well after she went into the Dark Realm.

So, basically, yeah. Time travel. I can only hope that, if this is the case, it'll be non-canon. Or the time traveling plot device will be "irrelevant" at least...

After that long winded theory I do have a much more to-the-point alternative. One that I find a tad more appealing in some respects.
The secret boss is MX's Lingering Sentiment. Not sure if this has been mentioned, probably has. But, I mean, Terra had one. Vanitas had one. Aqua [i]might[/i] have had one. Not sure what the qualifications are at this point but hey, we've got human Xehanort, Heartless Xehanort, and Nobody Xehanort, naturally there'd be an Unversed Xehanort (considering that I believe LS's are to Unversed as Organization XIII are to regular Nobodies, just more powerful essentially). And this happens at pretty much the perfect time- after Master Xehanort released his heart. It's the best window for a non-time traveling secret boss, at least.

The LS seem to utilize important objects left behind by the complete being (Terra's armor, Vanitas' suit), so in this case, MX's LS is using his coat, which we saw at the beginning of the game.
Last edited:


Dec 29, 2009
Surprisingly, as of right now, I do consider it a possibility that the secret boss is an "Eraqus" Nobody. But not in the way you're thinking. Xehanort's experiments are what made the Nobodies, so a Nobody couldn't have resulted from either MX or Eraqus releasing their hearts. However, we have to consider the special predicament of Xehanort the apprentice. Three hearts. Look at Sora. He too had three hearts. But Sora produced two Nobodies, one from the fusion between his and Ven's hearts, and the other from Kairi's heart. Wouldn't it make sense that two Nobodies were made in Xehanort's case as well?

Xemnas is the Nobody left behind by the fusion of Terra and MX's hearts, there's no doubt in my mind about that. After all, both he and Xehanort's Heartless are confirmed to have both traits of MX and Terra. Surely Xehanort's Heartless was [i]at least[/i] comprised of MX's heart. And then, of course, Nomura hinted recently that Riku may have Terra's heart within him:

Which would mean, naturally, that Terra's heart was a part of Xehanort's Heartless.
So if Xehanort's Heartless was made from Terra and MX's hearts, then Eraqus' heart was separated. That makes sense considering that Terra seemed more concerned about protecting Eraqus' heart than his own, so I believe he prevented it from being bound to MX's darkness like his own.
This begs the question of what happened to Eraqus' heart. And I think it's a non-factor at the moment. He had hardly any darkness in him, so he would, I imagine, create a weak Heartless anyway. It may have been turned into a weak Heartless, or gone somewhere else.
The important part here is that, when we compare this to Sora, then Eraqus' heart being released should produce a Nobody. He would be the Namine-type Nobody, the one not created from a vessel (which is unfortunately still a plot hole, but perhaps can be better explained if this theory is true).

Nomura has opened this up for possibility:

But what about the time issue?
That's obviously the biggest problem.
When I was considering the possibilities of who the secret boss could be, time nearly [i]always[/i] seemed to be an issue, no matter what I came up with.
Master Xehanort created the Organization outfits and the blue sabers are obviously a hint at a connection to Xemnas, so I am convinced that the secret boss is at least connected to Xehanort in some way, just like the two previous secret bosses (the Enigmatic Man and Lingering Sentiment). But how? As was pointed out, it appears that the secret boss occurs after the destruction of LoD (as you'll note by the sky). Meaning that this fight should probably occur around the time Aqua is bringing Ven to LoD. That's after MX is gone. But he couldn't have produced a Nobody, as I said. And the only thing that could put Aqua into contact with Xehanort doesn't happen until the [i]future[/i], until well after she went into the Dark Realm.

So, basically, yeah. Time travel. I can only hope that, if this is the case, it'll be non-canon. Or the time traveling plot device will be "irrelevant" at least...

After that long winded theory I do have a much more to-the-point alternative. One that I find a tad more appealing in some respects.
The secret boss is MX's Lingering Sentiment. Not sure if this has been mentioned, probably has. But, I mean, Terra had one. Vanitas had one. Aqua [i]might[/i] have had one. Not sure what the qualifications are at this point but hey, we've got human Xehanort, Heartless Xehanort, and Nobody Xehanort, naturally there'd be an Unversed Xehanort (considering that I believe LS's are to Unversed as Organization XIII are to regular Nobodies, just more powerful essentially). And this happens at pretty much the perfect time- directly after Xehanort released his time. It's the best window for a non-time traveling secret boss, at least.

The LS seem to utilize important objects left behind by the complete being (Terra's armor, Vanitas' suit), so in this case, MX's LS is using his cloak, which we saw at the beginning of the game.
i actually thought the epmathic entity was eraqus SENTIMENT. and that if he had blue blades that could influence xemnas to have lightsabers because of eraqus heart's influence on xehanort (and therefore xemnas). but nobody would make sense if it was non-canon. if it was canon then im leaning more torwads sentiment. that or MXs sentiment but im more in favor of Eraqus sentiment at this point.


Waiting on FF XV and KH3 :D
Oct 5, 2009
Los Angeles
Surprisingly, as of right now, I do consider it a possibility that the secret boss is

After that long winded theory I do have a much more to-the-point alternative. One that I find a tad more appealing in some respects.
The secret boss is MX's Lingering Sentiment. Not sure if this has been mentioned, probably has. But, I mean, Terra had one. Vanitas had one. Aqua [i]might[/i] have had one. Not sure what the qualifications are at this point but hey, we've got human Xehanort, Heartless Xehanort, and Nobody Xehanort, naturally there'd be an Unversed Xehanort (considering that I believe LS's are to Unversed as Organization XIII are to regular Nobodies, just more powerful essentially). And this happens at pretty much the perfect time- after Master Xehanort released his heart. It's the best window for a non-time traveling secret boss, at least.

The LS seem to utilize important objects left behind by the complete being (Terra's armor, Vanitas' suit), so in this case, MX's LS is using his coat, which we saw at the beginning of the game.
Or it could be a new characters1seafoodsoup
May 16, 2007
i actually thought the epmathic entity was eraqus SENTIMENT. and that if he had blue blades that could influence xemnas to have lightsabers because of eraqus heart's influence on xehanort (and therefore xemnas). but nobody would make sense if it was non-canon. if it was canon then im leaning more torwads sentiment. that or MXs sentiment but im more in favor of Eraqus sentiment at this point.

I have considered the idea that it's Eraqus' sentiment (created after Eraqus died, naturally). What bugs me about that is the coat. Why is he wearing it? Nomura said MX made them. Moreover, the sabers seem to connect him to Xehanort in some way. I'd be curious to know why Eraqus' Sentiment is utilizing a similar ability/weapon as Xehanort's Nobody when they have nothing in common.

But, funny you should say it, I have really wanted to see an Eraqus Sentiment for one reason. The armor. You'd figure that his Sentiment would use his armor as a vessel, meaning we'd get to see it for the first time (disappointing that we haven't...). I'm still crossing my fingers a bit since recently it sounded as though we may get more than one additional boss, but I wouldn't count on that.

Or it could be a new characters1seafoodsoup

A totally new character? That's out of Nomura's league I'm afraid.
And what we've been presented with already suggests otherwise.


Waiting on FF XV and KH3 :D
Oct 5, 2009
Los Angeles
A totally new character? That's out of Nomura's league I'm afraid.
And what we've been presented with already suggests otherwise.
Ah but thats the beauty of a red herring. Misdirection and all that.


Dec 29, 2009
Or it could be a new characters1seafoodsoup
no offense but i dont see why everyone wants new characters. there are still mysteries about the present ones that i would like to be answered.
@grass: i was wondering about the clok too but i decided that if he dosent have an armor it couldve just gone into a org cloak. i figured ME had some yoo (because of his paronoia to the darknes) but i doubt it. as to why him and xemnas have the same lightsabers, is because for one, aqua had his keyblade so he maybe had to use another weapon (i think i saw him using similar blue light thingys in his boss fight) and two, MEs heart couldve had an effect on xehanorts body which basucally became xemnas.


Waiting on FF XV and KH3 :D
Oct 5, 2009
Los Angeles
The only time Nomura ever used a red herring was in Xion's case.
He made it appear as though she were connected to one character... when she was actually connected to another.
Precisely its a new character connected to a previously existing one, its Riku

Nyx Winters

The Dawn Fox
Oct 26, 2008
i dont think when he actually appears in the games he is supposed to be in that he will wear the org coat maybe connected to it but not wear it it's like the video bbs at the end of kh2fm they wore the armor but in the real fight and cinamatic they dont


New member
Nov 24, 2009
Under your bed
Please don't kill me for this idea:
It's a secret scene; Aqua's already in the realm of darkness and is, for example, dreaming (or trying to imagine what the Land of Departure was like.) At the same moment when she's dreaming, Xemnas' non-existence begins (or ends). Then she wakes up and wonders what kind of dream that was or if it is even a memory.
Why his swords are different is simple: THE IDEA CAME OUT OF NOMURA'S BRAIN.

OR: In the realm of darkness you can't feel the time so it could be during COM. Or after COM. Everyone who's connected to Sora's heart/memories gets affected by his sleep. Aqua could get affected in a different way because she is in the darkness and maybe she is messing her memories up.


New member
Aug 23, 2008
It's Aqua the only one available for secret boss? If not this boss is not canon
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