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The abandoned members of the original OrgXIII

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Oct 25, 2015
Lets just assume that Luxord, Saix, Xigbar, Xemnas and Marluxia are the the only originals in the new Org. (based on the chess scene)

Would you like to see the rest of the originals be a part of the story? If so, would you rather see them as allies or side-villains? Do you have any particular hopes for how the characters are handled?
I just hope that they aren't completely ignored, as i've always been curious about what these characters are actually like.


New member
Mar 11, 2014
I doubt we'll get any backstories of theirs since kh3 has so much ground to cover already...however even if they don't end up being part of the big epic end battle of 7 lights VS 13 darknesses I would like to see them recompleted and back to wherever they came from in the ending scenes at least...or maybe even helping young xehanort thwart MX's big plan as revenge. but that's just me dreaming

Empress Mitsuru

New member
Oct 17, 2015
I'd like to see Demyx and Larxene's somebodies as allies. As for Marluxia I don't think it's likely that he's involved with the new org, I'd rather see him as a side villain, maybe the boss in the Tangled world.


New member
Jun 12, 2016
I like to see all the rest of the originals be a part of KH3 and I hope they would be allies and help the others to defeat Xehanort.
I hope that we can see something about their past, too (maybe in a flashback).
And it would be funny to see how they interact with the other characters (and with each other) as somebodies again.
I`m looking forward to that and to see all the somebodies of the Organisation XIII in KH3 again. ^^

Face My Fears

She's not an "it"!
Apr 9, 2007
Mularia will probably be a DISNEY world villain and not associated to the main story. Arlene and Demy would be great to see, but I doubt they will show up. If they do, it will be in a very small role. Dorul may be the only one that will continue working with Xehanort.


New member
Aug 1, 2016
The World That Never Was
I'll be over here hoping that Luxord is not evil, he seemed like such a nice dude in Days and II, so if he is, they better give a good reason why.
Marluxia doesn't matter to me much.
Larxene as an ally is interesting, my theory on why she was always mean was because she was surrounded by guys all the time, I'd be nasty too in her situation. And, as I said, I'd love to know her backstory.
Demyx is my favorite character in the entire series. I'm really hoping he gets a good backstory, and he's probably going to be an ally. Sure, he's cowardly, but I always like to think of him as a pacifist.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
I doubt we'll get any backstories of theirs since kh3 has so much ground to cover already...however even if they don't end up being part of the big epic end battle of 7 lights VS 13 darknesses I would like to see them recompleted and back to wherever they came from in the ending scenes at least...or maybe even helping young xehanort thwart MX's big plan as revenge. but that's just me dreaming

I'm on that same bandwagon. KH III has already very much to cover not only in terms of all the major original characters which need some attention but also because of the whole new dimension and laid out stuff from X[chi]/Unchained which will in some form undoubtly spill over into KH III.
Add on top of it that the Disney characters and worlds need to get some more attention as well so that it doesn't become 80%+ needless filler (as in KH II) again and possibly some room for old and new FF cameos there won't be much room for these superfluous extra original Org members.
I even remember Nomura stating in his Q&A regarding the big survey made by Famitsu two or three years ago that these Organisation members have no importance to the overaching plot at all and therefore he didn't even plan any backstory for them.

The only thing I'd say that would be to consider is having some presence of Larxene somehow as it would actually increase the presence of female original characters in the series.

I'll be over here hoping that Luxord is not evil, he seemed like such a nice dude in Days and II, so if he is, they better give a good reason why.

Being part of the Thirteen seekers of Darkness does not equal being evil as there are several "seekers" which are forced to fight on Xehanort's side via possession/mind control against their will. Terra most likely being the most prominent example, but he isn't neccessarily the only one.
Arguably, the only one that could be described as actually "evil" is the string-pulling old Overnort and possibly the Dark Forces from X[chi] which may be in league with him, and even that is only describing the whole mess in the broadest sense.

Ballad of Caius

Player 💀
Jan 4, 2014
Whether or not Marluxia is part of the overarching plot's cast of antagonists, a side-villain or only a Disney world baddie, I hope we get a fight with him with multiple phases. I mean, he was that powerful of a boss back in the original and the remake of Chain of Memories. You battled a copy of his that was perhaps as mighty as Marluxia, and then a two part fight alongside his "Guardian" esque Nobody. And all of that was without a heart. Imagine how much of a threat Marluxia can be with a heart of his own (or in the case that Nobodies can start growing hearts, perhaps a full heart).

Guess what I'm trying to say is that it'd be pretty disappointing to have a final boss material villain be reduced to a single fight boss with a low HP bar, haha.


scared of any fandom I'm part of
Apr 6, 2016
I've always wondered what Demyx is like being a somebody, most likely the same as before. I'm still surprised Vexen hasn't beaten the crap out of Axel for killing him! And Zexion! But if anything, I would like to see more of Marluxia and Larxene. They might rather be enemies or allies. It would be neat that if you could fight the once Org. members and win, then they'll help you or be allies. That's just my opinion.


New member
Mar 11, 2014
I've always wondered what Demyx is like being a somebody, most likely the same as before. I'm still surprised Vexen hasn't beaten the crap out of Axel for killing him! And Zexion! But if anything, I would like to see more of Marluxia and Larxene. They might rather be enemies or allies. It would be neat that if you could fight the once Org. members and win, then they'll help you or be allies. That's just my opinion.

There's a lot I really want to see out of the (surprisingly) colorful cast we have in this series, especially these 12 original characters. If KH3 doesn't get to cover all this, I think the most successful medium to explore this stuff would be the manga, but I'm not sure if that will still be made since I think Shiro Amano isn't making those anymore? That's as far as backstory and stuff would go. Seeing these characters be integrated in the game's ongoing saga rather than being brought in just to be used as backstory or sideplots is a bit more likely (esp. given the trailer than hinted at Marluxia's return) but I can't see all 12 of them returning as Somebodies as significant characters just because it would be like rehashing KH and CoM? We've already fought all of them, so having to do that again would feel like a lazy move on Square's part. If we could fight some of them, and then win a bigger amount of them over as allies, I think that would be a successful way to integrate them in the game.


Oct 25, 2015
I'm probably in the minority here and I know its not going to happen, but I'd much rather have a focus on the backstories of the Org if it meant sacrificing some time spent on the Foretellers/book of prophecies. I find the former a lot more compelling


New member
Aug 1, 2016
The World That Never Was
Being part of the Thirteen seekers of Darkness does not equal being evil as there are several "seekers" which are forced to fight on Xehanort's side via possession/mind control against their will. Terra most likely being the most prominent example, but he isn't neccessarily the only one.

Oh, my bad, I did not consider that option, me, a Terra Fan, made a mistake. Now that I'm actually awake I'm interested in seeing a norted Luxord. However, and no offense to Luxord, whom I greatly adore, he doesn't seem that, well, strong??? Doesn't look like someone who'd get possessed??? Maybe he's not edgy enough honestly they should nort Cloud.

I'm probably in the minority here and I know its not going to happen, but I'd much rather have a focus on the backstories of the Org if it meant sacrificing some time spent on the Foretellers/book of prophecies. I find the former a lot more compelling

Same??? Like I play Unchained, and of course the story is interesting, but I want more world building (character building I guess) on established characters. We do of course see the founding members in BBS, but I'd like to know more about their lives, their motives, everything.
Also, we all want to know how and why the missing four joined the organization.
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Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
I'm probably in the minority here and I know its not going to happen, but I'd much rather have a focus on the backstories of the Org if it meant sacrificing some time spent on the Foretellers/book of prophecies. I find the former a lot more compelling

To be honest I'd actually see more focus on those characters which are considered "mains/major" before anything else, meaning primarily the TAV-trio and Kairi and in a secondary vein Naminé and possibly Roxas. Of the primary ones the former three had much of their admittedly existing potential not touched in BBS proper and the latter had the short end of attention in the whole series so far.

Well, the backstories of some of the Org members have not been touched even in the slightest even during times where the whole Foretellers/x[chi] stuff didn't even exist yet and there were chances to do it which is most likely because there is no backstory to tell from a writing perspective.
If there aren't any thoughts put into this topic we can't see/expect anything.

Oh, my bad, I did not consider that option, me, a Terra Fan, made a mistake. Now that I'm actually awake I'm interested in seeing a norted Luxord. However, and no offense to Luxord, whom I greatly adore, he doesn't seem that, well, strong??? Doesn't look like someone who'd get possessed??? Maybe he's not edgy enough honestly they should nort Cloud.

No issue, people tend to make mistakes when they're too tired. ;)
Xehanort is not only looking for actual battle prowess or physical strength in those he considers for his puppets, so the possibility is still there.
It may also have to be taken into consideration that Luxord was, alongside Saix and Xemnas, one of the last three Org members standing during KH II.
Xaldin (who has the pointed ears that may hint at him being part nort) and Xigbar, who's arguably both Xemnas' and Xehanort's true number two, were both defeated before Luxord.

Heh, I doubt that the thirteen seekers will include any FF cameos or Disney characters.


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Ballad of Caius

Player 💀
Jan 4, 2014
There could be room to touch upon the backstories of minor characters. I mean, I'm one that thinks that not everything introduced as new thus far in the franchise's lore will be terminated with the Xehanort Saga. Something tells me that, perhaps, something from the chi lore will be touched upon in the future of the series.

Empress Mitsuru

New member
Oct 17, 2015
Mularia will probably be a DISNEY world villain and not associated to the main story. Arlene and Demy would be great to see, but I doubt they will show up. If they do, it will be in a very small role. Dorul may be the only one that will continue working with Xehanort.

As I said in a previous thread I'd like to see Mularia as the boss in the Tangled world. BTW where did you here the name Dorul for Luxord?


baroque bitch
Jun 4, 2010
As I said in a previous thread I'd like to see Mularia as the boss in the Tangled world. BTW where did you here the name Dorul for Luxord?

It doesn't matter, there are no official names for any of those characters.

Face My Fears

She's not an "it"!
Apr 9, 2007
As I said in a previous thread I'd like to see Mularia as the boss in the Tangled world. BTW where did you here the name Dorul for Luxord?

I saw "Dorul" used in a fan fiction, but that has since been deleted. I think the name suits him though, so I stick with it.


Moist with roistering
Jan 16, 2012
I saw "Dorul" used in a fan fiction, but that has since been deleted. I think the name suits him though, so I stick with it.
Doh-rule? Doh-rl? Either one sounds name-y enough (and British-y enough) that I can accept it if turns out to be that.
My favorite name for him is Rould (roh-oold).

Face My Fears

She's not an "it"!
Apr 9, 2007
Doh-rule? Doh-rl? Either one sounds name-y enough (and British-y enough) that I can accept it if turns out to be that.
My favorite name for him is Rould (roh-oold).

Doh-Rule is the pronunciation according to the fan fic. I think it suits him. I'm just not sure whether I think Dorul is evil after he becomes whole or not.


New member
Mar 11, 2014
Doh-rule? Doh-rl? Either one sounds name-y enough (and British-y enough) that I can accept it if turns out to be that.
My favorite name for him is Rould (roh-oold).

Hey, Rould isn't half bad! It kind of reminds me of Roald Dahl though which definitely kills the sinister vibe tho

I always thought Lourd (like Lorde) fit him a lot, he seems into himself enough to tout a name like that
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