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    So, remember the link you gave me to Narrow Stairs? Well today I found out that all of the song names are correct, but not one single song I downloaded is the actual song. And the more confusing part of it is, I checked every single song they have on itunes, and these songs I downloaded aren't there..
    i love their first 2 albums, the third not so much and i have trouble listening to the latest one, though i do really like what they have done with his voice on the latest album.
    She turns me on, but don't get me wrong, I'm only dancing. ~ ;)
    I get the feeling that if you messed around with your settings, you'd probably be able to fix that.
    Really? I've never had that problem. My only issue with that is that after I close it, it wouldn't open back up again sometimes, but when I opened the Task Manager, I noticed that it was still running under Processes for some reason. After ending the process though, it opened just fine. Opera's pretty nice, and I use it occasionally, but it's not Firefox. The lack of AdBlock Plus made the choice pretty clear.
    its pretty cool is got 'hummer' and matheletics' and a few others on tthere, definately worth downloading or whatever tickles your fancy.
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