Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
This thread [Click] should answer your leveling questions.
There are a couple of things that increase your level, even though it doesn't start counting until you hit premium. (when you have 1,000 posts.)
But here's the specific point values (level-ups happen at 100 points):
* Here are some notes on how to gain XP.
- Posting
- Creating a new thread
- Referring new members
- Getting your thread stickied
* You will lose XP by
- "Spamming' in a section that is not FI
- Having posts deleted
- Being a jackass
- Getting an infraction / Warning
- Not following the rules
* Forums where XP is not gained
- FI
- More to come.
* How much XP is gained for doing what?
-EXP for completing profile : 20
-EXP for members in your created Social Group : 10
-EXP per Friend : 20
-EXP for visitor messages : 1
-EXP per referral : 15
-EXP per Thread created : 10
-EXP per Vote : 3
-EXP per Post in your own thread : 1
-EXP per thread stickied : 7
-EXP per Post : 3
Yeah, and apparently it's gona be made by the same team that made CoM. Why can't we just have a normal KH game for the handhelds? Its all cards and tetris mini-games!
hey, thanks for the request, and welcome to the forums (I think your new...). Watch who you friend request, though, because some people get pissed if they don't know who you are and you friend request them