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  • That's when walmart ships my tablet. I should have been more clear in what I said haha
    I do my first day of work Friday, and there is an android tablet on clearance from walmart my dad said he would get and I'll pay him back + interest. That means I'll be able to fuck u up on chi beginning the 29th (or layer depending on chi's release date
    You said you were tired. I am, too, thanks to sleep deprivation but I'm not going to bed.
    Lol we can swap psn info chaser, them we have the same kind of games and can trophy swap plenty.

    ugh I want to get arkham knight collectors edition or the comic edition with arkham asylum hardcover but I want to hold out for goty edition also, is this the struggle?
    Tbh idk how high the game is on my priority list, I'm not a big racing fan. How is the driving compared to GTA, and is there a freemode where I can drive around without racing? I know, a weird request, but I might as well ask.
    Oh you mean for me to BUY it lol. I can't foresee myself buying it I'm not a racing game fan and nobody nearby sells it regardless.
    It won't download for me, says not available. I heard some stuff that it was under maintenance and would be a PS plus freebie, and exclusive.
    My GOD I know that chaser, I mean the kind that are 500 lbs and eat salmon out of a river.
    Not those bears bruh lol. When i say we got bears in ny, that is NOT what I mean.
    Nah, I mean, we haven't gotten anything for news lately up until recently. I don't mean one day has more than the other.
    Good to know you aren't dead on the inside from sleep deprivation lol. A lot of kh news lately, hasn't been this heavy in a few years has it?
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