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  • LOL xD

    when it was our teacher's 60th bday, or 50 something, we put a bunch of skittles in Rx bottles and put it all with a fake skeleton in this coffin[hes a drama teacher so we have a lot props stuff] xDD it was funny.
    *amazed* :D wow! now that is awesome.

    my music teacher, also short, but not as short, gets mad a lot, but we're not like talkative or anything cuz we have to sit in like the arrangement..well anyways, he just gets mad by little things, and this one time he threw this kids music stand with stuff on it and his stool. sometimes we think he bipolar cuz we're like "HI" and hes like "oh hey everyone!" and then if someoen pisses him off by not practicing he just gets really mad.

    my social studies teacher,
    she cant control us at ALL. our math teacher from next door has to come and yell at us all the time, because he gets really mad when anyone is talking, but he rarely passes by like once every 2 weeks. and even the principal came in once saying that he can hear us all the way from the office. which isnt that far away.. but still..
    and when shes angry, shes all like "OK SETTLE DOWN OR YOUR CITIZENSHIP GRADE GOES DOWN!" and shes like really short, and im taller than her and im like really short, like 4'11'[blame the asian genes ;p] and here voice is all high and squeaky, and like everyone gets out of there seats and run around and go to other tables, and shes all trying to make people sit down and we just ignore her, seriously its hilarious, sometimes its not even funny though xD she says we're the worse class, and our math teacher [the one earlier who gets really mad] says that 3rd period social studies [us] our always really loud, and everyone in his class is the same as in 3rd period ss almost xD he was like "oh god" but we're like hella quite in his class cuz he gets really mad.. lol
    oh i also enjoy throwing paper balls, and paper airplanes in ehr class, its funny xDD lol.
    lol, lucky! the class isnt like hard, its just no one ever turns in projects, and when they do, the teacher just says we all did it wrong. meh: i think shes just too lazy to grade stuff..

    my science teacher, OH GOD! that class is the fucking shit! we dont learn, do NOTHING educational in her class. she wears a wig and we always try to throw paper balls at it to make it fall. i almost got a referal for that. and i always just like walk out of class and head towards my 6th period class like 5 minutes before the bell rings.. ha. we throw balls at the clock for no reason, and then since its a science room its like a lab and we trhow a bunch of shit and trash in there xD and i turned on the faucet a lot. and once i put a textbook in there [which was a class set, so it wasnt anyone's] and i got it all wet and the inside of it and everything. man that class is hilarious though.
    I'm not interested in knowing about what anyone else thinks or feels about porn. It sounds lke a disaster waiting to happen.
    Hey, I'm good.

    That's great! I've just gone back to college, so I'm kinda busy lately. What with the lack of recent threads, this leads to less posting. Sadness.
    awww D:

    hah, i have an F in English, stupid teacher is a bitch.. she doesnt even explain anything! sure we're like seminar or whatever but at least tell us what you want! gosh, like on this one thing, she didnt even explain that she wanted it to be a poster and everyone wrote a report because she didnt explain it.. and almost everyone has a F in her class.. gosh!
    oo i hope you did good on your finals!!

    i havent been on much because iv been auditioning for Honor Orchestra in SD district for middle school thingy...i got in!! im 1st violin, 14th chair xDD

    but i still might not be on as much because im also in this one play.. and its like chaos..and the honor orchestra music is really hard so i have to practice a lot.. xd
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