Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
I suppose...XP
Yeah...I'm going to try to actually go to bed before 12 every day this week...because I'm gonna have to wake up at maybe 4:30 next Saturday XP
Eh...I'm almost always tired...plus this week was a bit exhausting, since I had two field trips, one of which involved walking practically all day...I dunno XP.
I was finally able to post in the rp, though...luckily..
Because he messes EVERYTHING up! When I mean everything, I mean everything. Last time he said "What's a vag___?" he screamed it by our p.e teacher and we had to run TWO miles instead of one. >.> There's other reasons, but I'm too lazy to type em.
Yes, now I'm not criticizing you for posting on that thread telling him to delete the thread, what you did is a good thing; but there are better methods ^^. Instead of putting more spam send him a VM.
I realize your intentions are good but rather than post on a thread that has little meaning VM him to close the thread, all you are doing is creating meaningless spam.