Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
I hope so, that would be awesome if that was the case. I mean besides the Sebastian DLC (which I should have gotten as soon as I entered Kirkwall, I waited until near the end). Maybe some DLC to fill in the gaps.
Exactly that is what I was hoping for as well, the game was tremendously short and it was really fun to play. I just really want more DA2 before I get two DA3. It just feels they are rushing things now.
Oh sure. Tell me your name, party, badges, friend code, version, and Pokedex or Trainer class. And is there a particular color you want the card to be? A different trainer sprite besides the main character?
im REALLY glad I decided to do the bro-fist thing its helped me to make a ton of new friends here. So eventually my sig. will get full & im thinking about making a Bro-fist fanclub! If I did so would you join?
idk i think id be a challenger. still have to register my team but idk i find this better. idk what my team will be like with Gen V yet but for now ill register as my team is now