Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Ok il add it and yessir i shall give Lynnx credit and say it was a gift ^^ thanks ever so much
Oh question: Would you be interested in another forum to join? its kinda dead and we need more members
LOL, I'd hate it if I had to leave this site. Hence why I'm staying even though spoilers are starting to leak through to me. But, you mostly like it for the friends, right? You'll be able to catch up with them on other sites and through IM and such.
LOL, take it as a compliment and then move on, is what I always say. Sometimes, being really smart isn't always the greatest thing. For me, it set me up for disappointment. And I'm not even that smart.
LOL, I took an IQ test when I was a sophomore. I got about 111. Psh. I wonder what I'd get now. But I had offers come in when I took the PSAT sophomore year.