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    Hopefully the Obaminator will be able to fulfill his promises. After all, he doesn't want to be the "Black Carter"
    Yes it did. And it gave our country and much of the first world a good old economic boom that lasted quite a while.

    If only we get to return to the 1950s just with the good stuff of today
    We kind of have to thank the Second world war for having us to get the civilian version of what the good old Greens used to use.
    A world war. A world war that will definetely end all wars.

    WWII ended major shit from happening in Europe. Surely something more epic can do the same for humankind as a whole. Plus, I wonder if a WWIII can save the economy and make America boom again. It did for WWII and continued until at least the 1970s until that oil crisis.
    Sucks that it's only a fucking minority who does it. Shame Shame. Maybe a world war or two will fix our generation quite nicely.
    Those who act like elitists are probably skinny or fat pieces of shit who don't amount to anything other than breathing air and are glad to even have the fucking internet to make themselves feel better. Good thing I tend to balance shit from both sides quite well

    Our whole generation is fucking messed up
    Doing nothing but eat oreos and engorge themselves while their social lives in REAL WORLDZ is plummeting faster than the stock market due to being OMG so popular in the forums
    Hahaha. It's a place for people to act like cocky assholes for no reason other than to see if they can get someone else to kill themselves over something as meaningful as OMG KH should totally like be on KHIII or Michael Jackson
    A lot of people on the internet are fucking retards but oh well, that's what happens when you give a good thing to too many stupid people
    Comments are more racist than Fox News :D
    well lemme put it this way

    if you did it just cuz it felt good but weren't viewing or imagining sexually inappropriate situations there wouldn't be anything wrong with it
    Er, the Injil is basically the bible lol. I should've explained that one, the first one I mentioned. It was revealed to the Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) But they have all been either lost or altered so greatly that they hardly contain the truth. Only some (the things that Jesus said) can be shown to be the truth. The rest have been concocted as many Christian scholars themselves have said.
    The People of the Book are the Prophets that are mentioned to have revealed scriptures and books from God. To spread the Oneness of God and his message. They are mentioned in the Quran. The books that God revealed before the Quran were the Injil, Torah and Zabur. To Jesus, Moses and David (peace be upon them) But the Quran was the last testament, the final book to be revealed as the words of God and is the completion of all these scriptures.
    Ah I see. Lol I don't have anything against a person who is christian man. I got loads of friends who are from different faiths and backgrounds and we get on fine! Islam doesn't say you gotta hate those who don't believe in Islam, you just have to teach and guide. We are all brothers (and sisters)
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