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Zaphod Beeblebronx

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  • It's interesting, so it's not hard to give a presentation about it... It's just that I read it almost a month back already, I'm not sure if I can remember everything^^ I doubt I'll have enough time to reread it, so I'll just have to trust my brains on this one^^

    I love the twisted logic. It appears to be right, but it's wrong. Or it appears to be wrong, but it's actually right. It's brilliant indeed.
    I know, I love it^^ I was really happy when the teacher told me I could take this book for my presentation! Have you read the sequel as well?
    We're finally online at the same time again again^^ For about ten minutes, then I have to go again, but still, yay!

    I have to do a presentation about Alice in Wonderland (the book) tomorrow... Oh dear^^ I should be reading stuff about the autor right now... Don't tell anyone I'm not doing that! ^^
    How thoughtful of you to open the window. ^^

    I know what you meant, but the idea of a stivk evolving is just funny^^ And at least your parents have the decentcy to kill you before they skin you. Don't you think it would hurt an awful lot to be skinned alive?
    The stick evolved? ^^ You must have made a huge scientific discovery, because normally sticks don't evolve. They might in pokemon, though, I must confess I'm not up to date with the newest episodes (neither will I ever be, actually)... And I know that is a very bad joke^^ I just couldn't help it!

    Alright. I'll let the ladies and gentlemen in the Sky Angels rp know that we have come to an agreement. It sounds really official like that, doesn't it? ^^
    Oh dear, I forgot the plans I had for an earthling already^^ I'll remember eventually, but right now it's really frustrating^^ I don't like it when I know I should know something, but I can't remember it! Makes me want to shout non-existing words or words that might slightly offend people... ^^ And I put a lot of emphasis on really, because I really like the character I made. Or to be more accurate, I liked her mystic form, which was based on the Egyptian Godesses Bast en Sekhmet (who are sometimes considered to be one and the same). I like Egyptian mythology^^ AND I REMEMBER MY IDEA AGAIN!!! I'm not hyper... I'll make her Dutch (I'm Dutch as well), that way she can speak a language none of you can understand, just to piss you off^^ Yay! And of course she will be able to speak English (about as good as I can^^) and she can understand Latin and German a bit (because I can too)... Yeah, my imagination is running wild with an interesting bio. Somehow I think the new template will be even longer than than the old one. So I'm quite sure I want to be the earthling^^ Unless I forget all the ideas I have now again, but that is highly unlikely^^

    You had to break into your own house? Did you forget the keys or something? And how did you do it?^^
    Don't most people do that with school related stuff? ^^

    We could do that. But, I have thought about it, and though I really, really like the mystic character I made, I think an earthling would suit me better. Because I prefer not to fight (usually), and earthlings have an excuse for being weak and not fighting^^ They can rely on numbers, strategics and planning. And somehow I already started making new plans for a template for an earthling^^ I came to the conclusion that I think I like it better. I still have to make the new template, but I like my plans^^ If you want to be earthling too, then say so (you don't have to act nice and say you don't care if you actually do). If you don't, then I'll be the earthling, alright?
    I like my kitty (the mystic form^^)... I wouldn't mind being an earthling either, though. And I really don't want to claim either while your ofline, because you were so nice to let me know... What do you want?

    Good luck? Really? YAY! That makes me happy! ... I got a perfect score on my Latin test. ^^ So I'm really happy right now! The hand in date for an assignment is pushed back almost three weeks. That makes me quite happy too. And relieved, the original date was today^^ And I hadn't even started! That's not very smart, is it? ^^
    Glad I amuse you. I read your template. I'm not gonna say anything about it, because *whispers* ... they might read... And I'm definitely not paranoia! I'm not serious either, but that much was obvious, I guess... I'm in a very weird mood actually. Kinda like I want to make no sense just for the heck of it. That's what too much math homework does to you^^ I shouldn't make math homework non stop for three hours. It's not good for my health. Tomorrow I'll be more or less serious again! Hopefully... If not, then I'll bother you with pointless messages again. Why you? Don't know, maybe you have bad luck this week. Or good, if you like reading this. I don't know... ^^
    She came on at the moment I was typing that message. That's just not fair, is it? ^^

    Good. I kind of want to know what your template will be like. I'll behave, though, and I won't ask any questions^^ Am I bothering you, by the way? If I am, you can just ignore me or tell me to continue writing my bookreport (actually, that's my mom's job, but she won't mind if youi help)... I have to go now anyway, so it doesn't really matter anymore (my little brother demands he gets time on the computer while I was typing that! What is it with me and being just a bit too late today?!?) ^^ Bye!

    So how is your template coming up? It seems people are getting impatient and they want to vote! ^^ Of course they can't until LadyofShadow finally comes online, but whatever.
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