Spoiler Show
~Animal Crosser has entered the chat! c: (no enter quote submitted!)
Captain Eyepatch: Hey dude
Miss Ghostbot: Hey! About time!
Animal Crosser: Hi guys!
Animal Crosser: Sorry I'm kinda late. Had a rough day, I guess.
Miss Ghostbot: Haha I bet! Classes are almost over though, right?
Animal Crosser: Yeah that's true.
Animal Crosser: I just need to get past that last hurdle and I'll be free!
Captain Eyepatch: You sound like you're in gradeschool again.
Animal Crosser: I feel like I'm in gradeschool again.
Miss Ghostbot: You're nearly done though, right? That's great!
Captain Eyepatch: Hey, so have either you heard about some of the rumors going around town?
Animal Crosser: ?
Miss Ghostbot: Rumors?
Captain Eyepatch: Yeah, like with the guys that have that big telescope thing off in the outskirts in town?
Animal Crosser: What about them?
Captain Eyepatch: Well, they said they saw a UFO.
Animal Crosser: =O!
Animal Crosser: Whaat?! That's bull, man. I don't buy it.
Captain Eyepatch: Well that's why it's a rumor, you can't confirm it.
Miss Ghostbot: Sorry, I had to go afk for a sec.
Miss Ghostbot: Aliens?! Really, Captain?
Captain Eyepatch: As real as the monitor in front of your face!
Miss Ghostbot: I'm on my phone...
Captain Eyepatch: Oh.
Captain Eyepatch: As real as the phone in your hand!
Miss Ghostbot: No way!!
Animal Crosser: Dude, don't lie to us like that. It's just a rumor...
Miss Ghostbot: Aliens, Crosser! ALIENS! Like the ones with the probes!
Animal Crosser: Gross!
Captain Eyepatch: Don't even joke about probes...
Miss Ghostbot: Oh, oh! What about deaaaath?
Captain Eyepatch: Deaaaath?
Miss Ghostbot: Yeah, death! I heard there was a body found in town somewhere. What if it's murder??
Animal Crosser: Murder?! Dude, chill!
Miss Ghostbot: Are you scared? Boo! Heh
Captain Eyepatcheath, huh?
Captain Eyepatch: Hey that's not funny though!
Miss Ghostbot: Aw come on, I doubt it's a real murder.
Captain Eyepatch: Whatever, I just don't like talking about that stuff. Let's talk about something else, like cute girls!
Animal Crosser: Cute girls?
Miss Ghostbot: Oh, I'm good at this subject! :3
Captain Eyepatch: I doubt it.
Miss Ghostbot: Wh-what?!
Animal Crosser: lol
Captain Eyepatch: So check it! I saw this girl playing the piano, right?
Captain Eyepatch: And she was awesome at it!
Animal Crosser: Oh, I love me some piano.
Captain Eyepatch: Dude, she had these purple eyes though! It was such a trip.
Animal Crosser: Purple?!
Miss Ghostbot: Contacts?
Animal Crosser: Pfft. No way.
Captain Eyepatch: I don't think so.
Captain Eyepatch: Wait, have you seen her too, Crosser?
Animal Crosser: Huh
Animal Crosser: Nah! No, but I mean, I don't think it'll be easy to get the right color contacts to change your eyes to purple, you know?
Captain Eyepatch: I guess.
Miss Ghostbot: I want purple eyes!
Captain Eyepatch: I don't know about purple, but I wouldn't mind a more interesting color of eyes myself. Mine are just boring brown.
Animal Crosser:I feel bad cuz I don't have a rumor to share. :/
Animal Crosser: Although I did have a surreal dream last night.
Miss Ghostbot: Really? What about?
~Trick has entered the chat! c: (No enter quote submitted!)
Animal Crosser: wut
Miss Ghostbot: I thought we had a password?
Trick: Consume
Trick: Void
Trick: Destroy
Animal Crosser: Yo! No spammin'!
Trick: Stab
Trick: Death
Trick: Classic
Captain Eyepatch: Who has admin power here? Ban this dude.
Trick: Death
Trick: Betrayal
Trick: Fail
Trick: Flame
Miss Ghostbot: You do, Captain! Knock him out of here already!
Trick: Bone
Trick: Blood
Trick: Die
Trick: Die
Trick: Die
~Trick has been banned from the chat!(ban quote: blow it out yer ass.)
Animal Crosser: Christ.
Captain Eyepatch: My bad, I didn't realize I was the admin this time.
Miss Ghostbot: How'd a spambot get in here?
Animal Crosser: Man, do we gotta change the password again? ;-;
Captain Eyepatch: Wouldn't hurt.
Captain Eyepatch: Damn, I gotta get going. I've got an early morning tomorrow.
Animal Crosser: Hey what about my dream?!
Captain Eyepatch: Tell me tomorrow, goodnight!
~Captain Eyepatch has left the chat! :3 (exit quote: Time to plunder some booty elsewhere!)
Animal Crosser: But I'll forget it by then!
Animal Crosser: Aw lame.
Miss Ghostbot: I should leave too. I still have a few things to take care of.
Animal Crosser: Alright, no worries. Catch you tomorrow?
Miss Ghostbot: Wouldn't miss it!
~Miss Ghostbot has left the chat! :3 (exit quote: Powering down~!)
~Animal Crosser has left the chat! :3 (No exit quote submitted!)
~The chat is empty! :c
Welcome to Ellin, the small town where for one reason or another you have chosen to spend a piece of your adult life. Whether you are here because of work, to pursue your life goals, or just because this happens to be the place where your soul and body entered the world, you will inevitably be sucked into the rumors and events that surround any town. Do you buy into stories of the supernatural? Could you deny the existence of the impossible if it is right in front of your face? Are you here seeking love, or is it something else? During your time Ellin, surely you will be asking yourself and others many of these questions, and perhaps even find a few answers.
We all have our individual lifestyles; do you live in a house, or maybe an apartment? Do you live alone, or with family or friends? How about your job? As you decide your place in Ellin and put your personality into perspective, think about how you will react to the news and the rumors around you.
This RP will consist of a series of story arcs that will draw your character into bizarre, uncomfortable, and humorous situations. While the smaller story arcs will come to a close and change, your character will remain and grow based on the experiences they have within Ellin.
1. Don't be a dweeb
2. The usual rules. Keep it PG13, don't powerplay, don't machine-gun post, yada-yada. If you don't know what any of this means, feel free to ask.
3. In order to prove you've read everything carefully do not place the phrase “I've read the rules and I'm a dweeb” at the top of your temp.
4. This is a slice of life, so more than likely you won't be seeing any crazy action pieces or overly convoluted stories here. It will have more of an episodic feel with story arcs laid out as we go. This means that stories will come to a close and new ones will open up, hopefully keeping things fresh and interesting as we have fun with our characters and go on these adventures together.
5. Note that this is planned to be an extremely relaxed and chill RP, so anyone from any skill set can join!
6. Much like in my last RP, I'm giving you creative freedom so you can do nearly anything (within reason). Keep in mind that Ellin is a small town, so if plan on going to a very crowded area, then it'll probably be after a short bus ride to a nearby larger town.
Any other questions, ask now or forever hold your piece.
Creating Your Character:
Creating Your Character:
Name: (First and last)
Age: (At least 24 or older)
Gender: (Male or female)
Appearance: (No pictures, at least a paragraph)
Story: (A small backstory of who you are and your life in Ellin so far.)
Personality: (Tell us about yourself. The more details, the better.)
Extra: (Anything else you want to throw in.)
Here is an example character that will not be featured in our simple story (unless someone just decides she's great and slips her a cameo):
Spoiler Show
Name: Dana Mulder
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Appearance: Dana is always associated with the stereotypical blue police officer uniform. She wears her long black hair pulled back into a ponytail and has eyes as green as Spring leaves. She has a face lightly covered in freckles, mostly around her nose, and sports a very fit physique suitable for a young officer. The only pet-peeve she has more than men not putting down the toilet seat after they pee is when people call her short.
Story: Dana always wanted to be a police officer just like her father. As soon as she got out of the academy, she went job hunting and found an immediate opening in Ellin, only a few hours away from her family home. She's finally adapted to Ellin's city life, enjoying her once a week book club and yoga classes that she takes in her free time. Outside of these extracurriculars and her work life though, she doesn't have many friends and mostly spends what remaining free time she has at home with her cats, eating too much ice cream and watching old 90's reruns.
Personality: Dana is a no-nonsense kind of girl. She does the job she is assigned, and she does it well. She has her daily routines that she follows, and anything out of the usual swing of things throws her off. The rumors of aliens and UFO sightings in Ellin don't interest her in the slightest, though she can't help but get caught up in it all when people try to tie these rumors into the recent murders.
Character Name | Roleplayer | Age | Gender | Occupation |
Lucy Colbalt | KitKat | 24 | Female | Wacky's Toys Store |
Maximillion Wolfe | Max | 26 | Male | Boring Office Inc. |
Lucifer "Lux" Dyne | SwagstarIV | 25 | Male | Zippy States |
Ron Brown | LatinoHeat90 | 27 | Male | McDanny's |
Crystal Donn | CD-Mann | 26 | Female | Loser (unemployed) |
Shane Douglas | Mistearea | 27 | Male | Jenny's Fix |
Chase Conner | CD-Mann | 28 | Female | Ellin Press |
[Mad props to Max for pretty much writing this whole opening post!]
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