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Dreams and Memories

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New member
Jan 14, 2011
In a galaxy far far away, next to Burger Town
I got a new theory, this time for our exciting new title, Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance. I know there isn't enough information to make a theory such as this, but the trailer has given me quite enough info to start this theory.

I can definitly tell this game will have to do with dreams. When this game was first announced, with some info, I thought this was going to be about dreams during Sora's sleeping. I was right about dreams, but not Sora sleeping. But now I think memories are involved. Anyways, let's get this show on the road:

1) Familar Logo:

This was the first step in the thinking process. After replaying the video over countless times, I wasn't getting too much answers about this. I paused at the end of the video and sighed, figuring out a logical theory for the plot.

It then hit me when I looked at the title. The title consisted of with Kingdon Hearts, crown, and the heart being silver, while Dream Drop Distance was black and pink.

Wait, silver? Isn't that supposed to be Chain of Memories's logo? To confirm this, I got my Re: CoM case and compaired the two. And I was right. They were both the same, if you subtract the subtitle. I thought it was a mere coincidence. But then I asked myself this question:

Are dreams and memories connected? Let's find out, shall we?

2) Applying Reality to KH:

After some thinking, I got it. You might want to think about this.

When you dream, you dream of people, places, objects, etc. But don't you need memories of those things to dream them? For example, you dream of a firetruck. But you have to see a firetruck to dream one up. You have to remember the color, how long it is, etc. The only exception to this is if you created it through your imagination.

Another thing to wonder is that you wake up, and sometimes during the day you can remember your dreams. Maybe tad bits of it, but you can still remember it, right? Technically, if you are remembering it, then it must be a memory. It make sense for it to be.

So really, your dreams are almost like your memories, but probably in a random way. Sometimes dreams can reoccur past memories or some weird shit that makes it look like you're high. Either way, that's a typical dream.

Answering the question, are memories and dreams connected? Yes they are. As a matter of fact, there's proof of it in KH. 358/2 Days is a perfect example. Investigation begins now.

3) A Nobody and A Replica:

Check out Roxas. Sometimes he has dreams of Sora. But yet, doesn't he have no memories? It is because of Xion, but it proves my points. As he was slowly getting memories, he starts having dreams of them. It proves the connection.

Xion is no doubt. Remember her nightmare she had while she was turning into Roxas, then Riku, and finally Sora? That's actually a scene from Reversed/Rebirth, aka Riku's Story in Re: CoM. While this proves that Xion had also absorbed Riku's memories, that's just it. She was dreaming of something that happened in the past, a memory. Yes it was slightly modified, but it's true. Following me?

Even in Roxas in KH2 was having dreams of what Sora did. Again, dreaming of memories, especially since he didn't have any once again. Strange, huh?

And there's one more thing I want to look at....it might not actually prove anything, but worth mentioning.

4) KH2 References FTW:

"A scattered dream is like a far off memory. A far off memory is like a scattered dream. I want to line up the pieces, yours and mine".

A quote from the very beginning of KH2, when you start up a new game. I know they weren't thinking of DDD when KH2 came out. But this line is a connection to this topic.

It's funny how they use an analogy with dreams and memories, but wasn't I just talking about it? XD

So it's clear that that they are connected. Now for the actually theory. This is mostly out of sheer imagination.

5) The Dream World:

That is what I dubbed the ultimate place for all dreams. Where every dream exist, no matter how small or how big one is.

So why did I come with this? Wouldn't it make more sense for Yen Sid to just put them in a virtual reality state, with various illusions? To me, I don't think so.

In the DDD trailer, the first scene (one after the Recoded Secret Ending), was translated, and it was Sora and Riku talking about buliding the raft. Wait a second, wasn't that in KH1? Sora, Riku, Kairi were building a raft and getting supplies, in order to set out on their journey to go to other worlds? Yeah, that can't be virtual reality. Yen Sid shouldn't know what they were doing. Makes no sense. Which means it has to be a dream, which connects to the title.

My guess is that Mickey will hold the Mark of Mastery, while Yen Sid helps out. He'll probably send the two into what I call the Dream World. There, Sora's and Riku's dreams connect together, with other dreams connecting to them as well.

But remember, they aren't just dreams. They are also memories. Past memories. Perhaps Hunchback is a dream that intertwines with theirs. But the world isn't just something made up. It's real. Otherwise, that would mean Traverse Town is just made up then and that's not true. The memories of the world allows them to go into it and explore for whatever reason. But that doesn't mean they actually went to that world in reality though. Just through experiences with dreams.

But then I wondered, why would Yen Sid send them to the Dream World? Why not have Mickey do the Mark of Mastery as simple as what Eraqus does (that is if he knew of the way Eraqus did the MoM, but I'm pretty sure he didn't so probably not)? Why not just make things simple and get the two to become Keyblade Masters and prepare for Xehanort's coming? There's got to be more than that than just exploring dreams.

Ansem and Xemnas gave me new ideas.

6) The Xehanort Family -snap snap-:

Let's go to Xehanort now. Ansem Seeker of Darkness and Xemnas has been eliminated, so now Xehanort (NOT MASTER XEHANORT! The Xehanort as in MX taking over Terra's body. MX will not return, although I wonder how he is going survive once he finally seperates from Terra's body) can finally return. But I don't think he can come back without all his memories.

That's the thing. Ansem and Xemnas don't have all the memories of MX. You can clearly tell that they do not contain all of his memories. If they were to bring back Xehanort, doesn't he need to have the necessary components of what he had before losing his heart? Because otherwise, he's gonna be confused. MX/Terranort's goal was to achive the X-Blade and start another Keyblade War. If Ansem and Xemnas has no memories of this, then what is our antagonist going to do? Sit there and think?

It could be the fact that Xehanort would have have memores deep inside his heart (this is most likely, after all Terra did seal them to stop MX from controlling himself), but think about it. Ansem had the heart. I'm sure it isn't impossible to get into own heart and get the memories. Yet, that doesn't seem like the case. He thinks Kingdom Hearts is darkness, but MX knows it has light. What's wrong with that picture? Not only that, Xemnas probably has all of Xehanort's memories, but not all of MX's and Terra's. Look at when he was in the Chamber of Repose. He calls the armor, "friend", but not Aqua. Surely Terra's bonds with Aqua are strong, but it doesn't it seem weird that he doesn't call it by her nam?. Really just shows little memories going on. So it's safe to assume to that not all the memories were present in the two.

Their goals were different than MX as well. Ansem wanted KH to flood words in darkness (I think). Xemnas wanted KH for a heart. MX didn't necessary want KH, but the X-Blade, so that it could open KH and allow him to be reborn into a universe of light and darkness equal, and to watch the Keyblade Wars to fulfill his curiousness. They all wanted KH, but only MX had slightly different plans.

That being said, I do not believe or support that Ansem and Xemnas are just mere illusions that are a challange to Sora and Riku. Just doesn't cut it for a KH game, in my opinion.

I think Ansem and Xemnas will achive some sort of form in the dream world. Like if the memories from the two managed to get to the Dream World and give them life....well dream life.

So basically, I think Ansem and Xemnas will go to the Dream World to gather all of the dreams of MX. Remeber, dreams can be like memories. If they find a dream of MX's about the X-Blade, then it's possible for Xehanort to continue his conquest for KH...

Also, notice how I don't mention Terra or even Eraqus? That's because I fear the two are within Riku, after the Kingdom Hearts Encoder exploded. Ansem and Xemnas wouldn't need to collect his dreams/memories to complete Xehanort. Technically, MX owns Terra's body and soul, so as long as his heart remains, he can be complete. If you want more info, check out Grass's thread on Birth by Sleep Volume 2.

If possible, then Yen Sid must be aware of this and asks Mickey to send them to the Dream World. To stop Xehanort's counterparts from getting the dreams/memories and combining to reborn Xehanort. They probably don't tell Sora and Riku, but I'm guesing they want them to discover that Xehanort is not truly dead, even if you take down the Heartless and the Nobody.

Sora and Riku will end up defeating them. However, I fear as if there will be a plot twist. I'm guessing that the other form of Xehanort will appear, or Mysterious Figure or unless the other form of Xehanort is MF, probably messes up the MoM test. Who knows. In the end, Xehanort will come back, so I'm guessing Ansem and Xemnas succeeded.

And to my last point I want to talk about. Involving some details for Sora and Riku.

7) "Like is any of this for real...or not?":

Clearly, going to the Dream World must affect Sora and Riku. It's got to. Otherwise they would be no point of going there, other there to just stop Xehanort. Perhaps whatever happens to them in there will really affect them when they go back to their regular self.

Remember that Nomura wants a "Riku that flies and a Sora that falls"? It's wasn't for 3D technology. Something must of happened while in the Dream World for this line to make sense. I think the trailer and a small detail must help this scenrio.

If you were paying attention to the whole trailer instead of having fangasms, when they were showing gameplay, words on the right came up. These words were:

-Sleeping & Waking
-Goodwil & Malice
-Sora & Riku

You can tell that they were talking about opposites. Sleep is being inactive, while waking is active or beginning to be active. Goodwill is the desire to help people, for kindness. Malice is the desire to hurt people, for hatred. And Sora and Riku? I guess it makes sense for them to be opposites (that is if the trailer implied that). Sora is light and Riku is darkness, pretty much how it was in KH1.

Then there's another detail somebody found. "Dark becomes light. Light turns to darkness" (Don't quote me on this, I'm not entirely sure on this). So I'm guessing opposites turn into one another. That could be the same for the other words.

If you guys heard me say this bunch of times, then sorry but I'm saying it again. What if theses worrds are metaphors, holding a hidden meaning? What if it actually means that Riku takes the hero role, while Sora falls to darkness? When they come out of the Dream World and Sora is all evil and stuff. I don't know, that's just me. However, something is outta happen to Sora.

Regardless of what happens, I believe that Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance will definitely be about dreams. Xehanort is bound to strike in this game as this game is very important for KH3. Sora might be evil, Riku might be the hero. Only time is sure to give us the results. Hopefully that's soon.
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Waiting on FF XV and KH3 :D
Oct 5, 2009
Los Angeles
In the picture of KH3D in Famitsu we have Sora facing the light with Riku facing away from it. Seems like traditional Sora is for light and Riku is for darkness to me.


Bronze Member
May 20, 2010
Southern California
i had a theory about the whole dream thing as well but in mine it had to do with pieces of ansems data to come floating in.

someone told me it couldnt be a dream world because then hunchback didnt exist, and i was thinking "yeah it would have to exist for it to be in the data"

anyways enough about my theory, i really like yours and it seems to make sense.

good job!


Bronze Member
Feb 13, 2010
Nowhere Land
I enjoyed reading that.

I thought in 3D Sora and Riku were going to be put in some dream world for their exam.


New member
Dec 12, 2009
Great theory i really liked it alot! though i do have a couple suggestions to your theory.
1. i believe that Yen Sid will preform the mom not Mickey.
2.Sora will for sure not turn to darkness, and if he does that will truely ruin Kh for me.
3. along with your Hunchback theory, i do believe its real but we don't know what other worlds Riku visited on his journey while Sora was on his own. So the Hunchback of notre dame just might be a previous world visited by Riku and when Sora and his memories i guess you could say become one than Sora would also be able to visit that world.


New member
Dec 3, 2007
Kzoo, MI
2.Sora will for sure not turn to darkness, and if he does that will truely ruin Kh for me.

I agree. This was a great theory, but this is really the only thing I have a problem with. I don't think Sora will ever turn to Darkness. That's what makes him Sora, things may get tough but he never gives up hope. He always holds on to that last glimmer of light.


New member
Oct 19, 2007
Everyone has seemed to forgotten the main theme for this game, trust. If you notice in the trailer, when Ansem SOD appears, a faded Xemnas is standing behind him, and when Xemnas, appears, theres a faded Ansem SOD, standing behind him. What could possibly happen is Riku, and Sora, are thrown into a dream world and they fight Ansem SOD, and Xemnas, but in reality they could be fighting each other, and thats where the light turns to darkness and dark turns into light statement comes into play. Sora could want to destroy, Xemnas, without knowing that hes fighting Riku, while Riku, realizes that hes fighting Sora and tries to tell Sora, but Sora doesn't trust him. Eventually the test would end and Riku would pass while Sora fails, and that would be the surprising ending that, Nomura was talking about

EDIT*** ME put Terra against Aqua as well, but Yensid is just adding more detail to his MoM.


New member
Dec 12, 2009
Everyone has seemed to forgotten the main theme for this game, trust. If you notice in the trailer, when Ansem SOD appears, a faded Xemnas is standing behind him, and when Xemnas, appears, theres a faded Ansem SOD, standing behind him. What could possibly happen is Riku, and Sora, are thrown into a dream world and they fight Ansem SOD, and Xemnas, but in reality they could be fighting each other, and thats where the light turns to darkness and dark turns into light statement comes into play. Sora could want to destroy, Xemnas, without knowing that hes fighting Riku, while Riku, realizes that hes fighting Sora and tries to tell Sora, but Sora doesn't trust him. Eventually the test would end and Riku would pass while Sora fails, and that would be the surprising ending that, Nomura was talking about

ehhhh don't think so. i agree i do see the shadow behind the two but no they're not reaally fighting eachother... 0r i could be wrong but i'm pretty sure thats a no. the theme like you stated is trust and i believe all that means is they'll have to learn to trust eachother fighting ALONGSIDE eachother.


New member
Jan 14, 2011
In a galaxy far far away, next to Burger Town
Great theory i really liked it alot! though i do have a couple suggestions to your theory.
1. i believe that Yen Sid will preform the mom not Mickey.
2.Sora will for sure not turn to darkness, and if he does that will truely ruin Kh for me.
3. along with your Hunchback theory, i do believe its real but we don't know what other worlds Riku visited on his journey while Sora was on his own. So the Hunchback of notre dame just might be a previous world visited by Riku and when Sora and his memories i guess you could say become one than Sora would also be able to visit that world.

1. Yen Sid is retired, so he can't. Mickey is a Keyblade Master now, so he has to do it.
2. Sora doesn't necessarily need to be evil or go to darkness, but I think he is going to fall to darkness accidentally and shit gets real. I believe that's going to be the shocking ending, but that's just my opinion.
3. Nah, I don't think so. It wouldn't technically be new D8


New member
Dec 12, 2009
1. Yen Sid is retired, so he can't. Mickey is a Keyblade Master now, so he has to do it.
2. Sora doesn't necessarily need to be evil or go to darkness, but I think he is going to fall to darkness accidentally and shit gets real. I believe that's going to be the shocking ending, but that's just my opinion.
3. Nah, I don't think so. It wouldn't technically be new D8

just because he's retired doesn't mean that he can't do it. he tells mickey to summon sora and riku for the test and mickey was surprised mickey dorsn't knowhow to even give the test so there.


New member
Jan 14, 2011
In a galaxy far far away, next to Burger Town
just because he's retired doesn't mean that he can't do it. he tells mickey to summon sora and riku for the test and mickey was surprised mickey dorsn't knowhow to even give the test so there.

Because he didn't know they needed to be Masters to beat Xehanort.

But if Yen Sid was holding the MoM, then what's the point of Mickey being a Master?


New member
Jan 14, 2011
In a galaxy far far away, next to Burger Town
In the picture of KH3D in Famitsu we have Sora facing the light with Riku facing away from it. Seems like traditional Sora is for light and Riku is for darkness to me.

It could also be looked in another way.

Sora's back is turned to darkness, and Riku's back is turned to light. Knowing from KH2, Sora doesn't accept darkness, and Riku hasn't truely done so. After all, he was complaining at the very end.

But what if I applied "Dark becomes Light. Light turns to Darkness"? So then it would really be Sora is facing darkness, and Riku is faces light. Just a thought.

Destiny's End

The Best in the World at What I Do
Sep 29, 2007
The Roody Poo Bridge
Because he didn't know they needed to be Masters to beat Xehanort.

But if Yen Sid was holding the MoM, then what's the point of Mickey being a Master?

I'm going to re-iterate a quote I heard on TV. He taught Mickey all he knows, not eveything Yen Sid knows.


New member
Jul 6, 2010
Aperture Science testing facilities
I've been having this feeling for a quile a while now that Kingdom Hearts is sort of going the Inception route.

Because I seriously, had a serious theory about this, where say in KH3, Ventus is brought to AtW's study by Aqua and Terra to restore him back to normal a la Sora style, and AtW or whomever uses a sort of "memory/dream machine", kind of like the one in the film, Inception, to go into the dream world and view Ventus's memories. And then I remember that in the film, Cobb says to never build dreams from memories or else you'll lose your perception of reality and become stuck in Limbo forever due to thinking that your dream has become your reality.

However this may all be, though, I don't like how Nomura has to keep on constantly adding new elements into the KH universe when there's already enough. The KH verse is already as bloated and convoluted as it is. First it began with just simple light and darkness, and then memories, emotions, and Disney's version of family-friendly existentialism were added, and now dreams?


New member
Dec 1, 2009
Everyone has seemed to forgotten the main theme for this game, trust. If you notice in the trailer, when Ansem SOD appears, a faded Xemnas is standing behind him, and when Xemnas, appears, theres a faded Ansem SOD, standing behind him. What could possibly happen is Riku, and Sora, are thrown into a dream world and they fight Ansem SOD, and Xemnas, but in reality they could be fighting each other, and thats where the light turns to darkness and dark turns into light statement comes into play. Sora could want to destroy, Xemnas, without knowing that hes fighting Riku, while Riku, realizes that hes fighting Sora and tries to tell Sora, but Sora doesn't trust him. Eventually the test would end and Riku would pass while Sora fails, and that would be the surprising ending that, Nomura was talking about

EDIT*** ME put Terra against Aqua as well, but Yensid is just adding more detail to his MoM.

Exactly! The theme is trust. I believe that Yen Sid needs to know if Riku and Sora can truly trust each other and that is where the whole scenario of dreams happens. Now i'm not too sure about Riku and Sora actually fighting each other, but that Riku and Sora are in the same place at the same time and do not realize it.


New member
Dec 20, 2007
I'm going to re-iterate a quote I heard on TV. He taught Mickey all he knows, not eveything Yen Sid knows.
Who is "He?"

And I love the contrast between Sora and Riku. This makes me want to boot up my CoM and play Riku's storyline again.

I don't think Sora will fall to darkness, or struggle with it too much. Sora becoming evil is like the NBC show Heroes turning all the good guys evil. That was catastrophic. So I don't ever think Sora would become evil. It would turn half of KH3 into "OMG we gotta fix Sora and save the world!"

But I do think it will be possible that Sora would have to deal with darkness in some way. If anything, these games have shown us that it isn't wise to be the extreme of either side, because with the Light also comes Darkness inevitably.


Oct 23, 2007
The realm of Sleep
Nice theory and it does remind me a lot of Inception but the others are right, you forgot the theme of this game is trust. They have to be prepared for anything and be able to trust each other no matter what happens. I believe you are right though about thier being a bridge between the memories and dreams they seem to be "connected".
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