While I can survive without NPC's for a bit, you'd think that they would avoid scenes like Zack directing Terra's attention to the Olympus "crowd", even though NOONE is present...
Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 were the best when it came to NPC's. We had Moogles and generics roaming Traverse Town, Twilight Town and Radiant Garden; the lionesses and hyenas, Imperial soldiers, Barbossa's crew, etc, even in cutscenes.
While I knew that The Hunchback of Notre Dame was going to be watered down from all the heavy themes and what not, Esmeralda nearly burning at the stake and Quasimodo's rescue of her lost SO much impact, since no townspeople were there to protest and riot against Frollo's injustice. Who was Quasimodo screaming "Sanctuary" to? Who cared that he was taking a stand? Who cared if Frollo died? And who was Frollo persecuting anyway, besides Esmeralda? And the Dream Eaters felt like cheats to have generics in the game, so no extra Disney characters would have to show up. Frollo's Gargoyle was his army, and he got to walk Esmerelda back to Notre Dame himself. Cite des Cloches is the biggest issue I've had with the series when it comes to no NPC's. Corey Burton's very respectful imitation of Tony Jay was perhaps my favorite part of that world. Well, really, all the actors' imitations of Tom Hulce, Demi Moore, etc.
Let's hope they don't do Dinosaur, like I so naively suggested three years ago. I can imagine - "The herd left us behind!"... the herd being Neera and Kron.
Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 were the best when it came to NPC's. We had Moogles and generics roaming Traverse Town, Twilight Town and Radiant Garden; the lionesses and hyenas, Imperial soldiers, Barbossa's crew, etc, even in cutscenes.
While I knew that The Hunchback of Notre Dame was going to be watered down from all the heavy themes and what not, Esmeralda nearly burning at the stake and Quasimodo's rescue of her lost SO much impact, since no townspeople were there to protest and riot against Frollo's injustice. Who was Quasimodo screaming "Sanctuary" to? Who cared that he was taking a stand? Who cared if Frollo died? And who was Frollo persecuting anyway, besides Esmeralda? And the Dream Eaters felt like cheats to have generics in the game, so no extra Disney characters would have to show up. Frollo's Gargoyle was his army, and he got to walk Esmerelda back to Notre Dame himself. Cite des Cloches is the biggest issue I've had with the series when it comes to no NPC's. Corey Burton's very respectful imitation of Tony Jay was perhaps my favorite part of that world. Well, really, all the actors' imitations of Tom Hulce, Demi Moore, etc.
Let's hope they don't do Dinosaur, like I so naively suggested three years ago. I can imagine - "The herd left us behind!"... the herd being Neera and Kron.