Tifa is my favorite, emotionally, I love the chosen-family vibe I get from her and the people around her, and she has the kind of strength (and combat moves) and values I want for myself (also weaknesses I can relate to). She owns a bar. (

XD ) I followed her character around like a love-sick puppy and I wanted her to be controllable all the time.
Marle is the best character.
I LOVED all Aerith's combat lines in response to Cloud's (all the sticking her tongue out attitude, "you're right, I'll stay behind... so I can cover your back

"), I loved how in charge of her own fate she was and the cheerful display she'd put on trying to look forward and not back. I'm looking forward to my second playthrough where I'll focus on getting the extra scenes with her (I was hellbent on throwing Cloud into Tifa's arms the first time around). I liked how powerful she was but I also don't like how powerful (and "omniscient") she is, if it makes sense? I think I'll like her more in the next game.
Jessie in relation to Cloud was very annoying (and the line I was able to tell her in French was exactly the words I wanted to say (it's the only line I liked better than the English option) so that felt good), but I loved her backstory and I would have loved to see more. As a female player I was very upset not being allowed into her slum house; I really wanted to see her interact with her housemates. She felt like a character that (because we play as Cloud) we would never get to know fully and no matter how hard I pouted at my TV it didn't change.
I wish my experience of the female characters wasn't so influenced by how they relate to Cloud in this game. As much as I love him and root for him as a character, I felt trapped in a world centered on him and like I wasn't given the option of appreciating who the girls were outside of Cloud's story and personal relationship needs. (I didn't feel that way in FFX where the girls clearly have their own lives and goals which Tidus happens to witness.)
Except for Marle. She's the best.
I also like the hand masseuse. She looks like she can kick some ass.