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Fanfiction ► First Fanfic! w00t!

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is a girl
Mar 19, 2006
n. 1. a place of settlement, activity, or residenc
thanks dd :)
here's the next chappy, as promised ^-^
i'm falling behind in the writing stages, this is only one chapter behind of what i have on paper -_- damn revision, i better get writing more chappies asap!

Chapter Twenty-Eight

“Like this?” Kairi leapt into the air, thrust the sword forward. She dropped gracefully into the long grass. Another perfect landing.

“Yeah,” Sora smiled, “that was perfect.” He wiped glistening beads of sweat from his forehead. It was another hot day, and they’d been practising attack moves in the garden for a few hours now. Kairi had turned out to be a great student. She’d taken all of the advice that Sora had given her, and was picking everything up quickly. Exhausted, she flopped down onto the lawn.

“It’s really hot today,” she panted, “way too hot to be working like this.” She breathed heavily.”

“Get used to it!” Sora smiled. “Square-One’s gonna be even hotter.”

“Yeah,” Kairi mumbled. “I guess this isn’t that bad.” She trailed off, drifting away to sleep in the warm sunlight, lying in the soft grass.

“Kairi, you lazy bum!” Sora laughed, imitating Kairi. He stood up, and walked over to her. He towered over her, blocking the heat of the sun. The sudden drop in temperature made her jump up.

“Very funny, Sora,” she said sarcastically, trying to push him out of the way of the sun. “You’re just jealous ‘cause I can beat you up now.” Feeling playful, she got her revenge by tickling his bare feet. He dropped to the ground like a brick, laughing uncontrollably.

“Hey, that’s no fair!” he giggled. “You just caught me off guard, I can beat you any day!” He eventually managed to stop her by grabbing her arms. He threw her back and sat on her stomach. Grinning, he tickled her feet. She was helpless, she couldn’t escape. Now howling with laughter, tears rolling down her cheeks, she pulled at his back, trying to stop him.

“Ok, ok,” she giggled, barely able to breathe, never mind talk. “Y-you win!” She was too tired and hot to fight him off. Sora turned around, his face beaming.

“I told you,” he smiled, helping Kairi up. Her face was beetroot red. He sat her down on the side of the fountain. She pulled her shoes on as he splashed his face with the cool water. He raised his head, dripping wet, to look at her.

"How are you feeling today?" he asked. She hadn't mentioned any doubts about Square-One today. "I mean, about Square-One and stuff."

"Yeah," she smiled. "It's comforting to know I'll be able to defend myself. I guess it kinda gives me more confidence. I'm still a little worried about going though, I still can't get over what they did to Goofy last night. They sound tough." She looked at the floor, swung her legs back and forth. "They did it looking for me. That's kinda... scary."

"At least you'll be able to defend yourself," Sora rubbed his face with his shirt. "The New Generation are going to be really tough, Kairi, they must be pretty determined. I'm just happy that Goofy's alright." He sat next to her, wrapped one arm around her. He dried the other wet hand with his damp shirt. "And you have no need to worry," he smiled. "As long as I'm with you, I'll keep you safe. I'll never leave your side." He held her tightly.

"Thanks," Kairi smiled, resting her head on his shoulders. "So what do you think they need you for?" She felt his chest heave.

"No idea," he sighed, "but I guess we'll be finding out soon." When hearing about the New Generation, all Sora's thoughts turned to Riku. How he was, what had happened to him... if he was still alive. "I just want Riku to be ok." He hung his head, couldn't bear the thought of his friend suffering. "I have to get to him, I don't care what it takes. I know he'd do the same for me if the tables were ever turned." Sora thought of Riku a lot now, there wasn't a minute that passed that he didn't think about Riku. Overnight, the events had made him wonder evermore about his best friend.

"I know," Kairi nodded, "I'm sure he'll be alright." She tried to reassure him. Kairi looked up at Sora, who didn't seem so certain. She kissed him, comforted him. Held him closer.

The sun lay low in the sky. Not quite sunset, but it wasn't far off. The yellow haze lingered in the garden, little insects happily flitted about in the plants. Sora and Kairi had moved to under the willow tree, to shelter from the heat. It was much cooler lying beneath the branches. It shaded them from the intense summer temperatures.

The grass shivered. Each blade retreated to the ground. The heads of the flowers all turned, then swung around, displaced. The leaves on the bushes all scattered. The hanging branches of the willow tree swayed towards Sora and Kairi. The breeze was cold. Almost... icy. It just didn't seem right. Sora, ever alert, stood up beneath the tree.

"What was that?" he was on edge, ready for anything.

"Sora, what are you talking about?" Kairi smiled, rolled over to face him. "It's just the wind, you're being paranoid." She got up and stood next to him. "Relax." She hugged him. He hugged her back with one arm, the other ready to summon the Keyblade.

There it went again. The breeze had grown into an icy wind. It seemed darker.

Sora burst through the swaying branches, looked up to the sky. A movement on a balcony caught his eye. It was King Mickey. He clapped his hands together, then waved his arms. It was difficult to see what he was doing, as he was high up in the castle. Kairi followed Sora out.

"What is he doing?" she asked, watching the King's movements.

"Casting a spell, I think," Sora mused, watching him. King Mickey clapped his hands a second time, cupped them, then held his arms up into the air. A purple aura surrounded him. The aura then rocketed off into the clouds. A flash erupted above them. Lightning. The purple aura then sunk down from above the clouds, flooded the sky. It hovered over the castle.

"It's a shield," Sora concluded. "Something must be going on." A clap of thunder followed his words. Kairi inclined towards him.

"This won't be a good condition to take off in," Kairi whispered.

"I know," Sora nodded, gazing at the cloaked sky. His eyes darted as King Mickey burst into the garden.

"Come on," he shouted, "we need to leave now, there's no time to explain. Quick! We have to go!"

hope you guys like it, there's some stuff i'm not so sure about in there.
cc is always appreciated ^-^

<3 <3


New member
Mar 8, 2006
email me and i'll tell u!
very great, I start to like this fic even more!! (^ ^)

i was wondering, if it isn't too much trouble, if anyone can point out the weaker points of my fanfic?

maybe the story? you really need a name of this great fic (^ ^)

Oh yeah I gotta write for my own fic ASAP too...*flies away*
Mar 26, 2006
The World That Never Was
What is Mickey up to? Wonder if the NG's forcing him to work for them . . . that'd be an interesting twist. BTW, I'm trying my hand at sig-making, if you want a sig, just look for the thread "First-time sig-maker." :) And I was saying YOU were the #1 cookie maker, snowdog! :D


is a girl
Mar 19, 2006
n. 1. a place of settlement, activity, or residenc
wow, i should get on here more often, thanks for all the great comments ^-^
thanks dd, you really think so? i wrote this chappy out ages ago and i had serious writer's block at the time! ^^; thanks anyway!
thanks lv_kh, if there are any suggestions for titles, let me know! thanks for your nice comments ^-^
that WOULD be an interesting twist L337, i never even thought of something like that! oh, and there's no way i'm a better cookie maker than you, your cookies pwn! you'd really make a sig for my fanfic :D that's so sweet, are you sure it isn't too much trouble?
i think your guess was closest to what King Mickey is up to, sorasheart!

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Sora took Kairi’s hand and began to run. He did not ask questions, simply accepted that they had to leave. Quickly. They all ran through the castle, and out into a courtyard, where the Gummi Ship was waiting. Spots of rain were beginning to fall onto them. Kairi looked up into the sky. The purple haze was fading, giving in to the overpowering black storm clouds. The shield was lifting.

“It’s another storm,” King Mickey cried, trying to make them hear him over the roar of the ever-increasing gale. “I hope we’ll be able to take off before it’s overhead!”

Crowding the Gummi Ship, Sora banged on the locked doors. Donald appeared on the other side of a small window in the door, let them in. King Mickey allowed Kairi to get in first, then followed her closely. Sora stood back, waited until last of all, then, taking one last look at the disappearing shield, entered the Gummi ship. He secured the doors.

The Gummi ship slowly ascended into the air, then suddenly bolted off into the clouds within seconds. The shaking wasn’t so bad this time, even Kairi felt fine. A surprisingly easy take-off, considering the giant storm gathering above the castle. Sora looked out of the small window in the door, and saw the black, swirling masses of cloud high above Disney Castle. They were now in the last reaches of the atmosphere, breaking into other worlds. King Mickey acknowledged Donald and Goofy, thanked them for waiting in the ship for him. He then turned to Kairi and Sora, who were now huddled together on the floor. There weren’t enough seats to go around.

“Is everything alright?” King Mickey asked, concerned, looking from Kairi to an unusually shaken Sora.

“Yeah, I think so,” Kairi said, focusing her attention on Sora. She put one arm around him. “What’s going on?” She asked King Mickey. “Why did we have to leave like that?”

“I knew that the storm was coming,” King Mickey stated, “and it looked huge. I put up the shield to give us some extra time, but it wasn’t strong enough. It’s going to be terrible back down there.”

“Is it bigger than the last storm, back on Destiny Islands?” Kairi asked, inquisitive. Sora was leaned into her, he seemed a little calmer than he was when they’d first got into the ship.

“I’m afraid so,” King Mickey sighed. “It’s gigantic. I’ll be extremely surprised if the castle is still standing when I get back.” Kairi remained silent, but it was clear that she was shocked. She’d always thought that the castle was protected, but she found out otherwise after the events of the previous day. If even the King thought that it would destroy the castle, chances are, the storm would destroy the castle. Sora cleared his throat, broke the momentary silence.

“This is a different Gummi Ship,” he stated. Kairi looked around. They’d all piled in so quickly that she hadn’t even noticed. It was obvious now. This cockpit was much bigger.

“It is,” the King smiled at Sora. “You’ll be pleased to know that you and Kairi have your own room now. This ship is more advanced than the last, too, which is a great advantage. It’s much stronger, so even if we end up in another meteor shower, we’ll come out safely. It won’t be damaged so easily, which is great, considering we’re going to be in here for a while.” He admired his surroundings.

“Just how long are we going to be?” Kairi inquired. It would be difficult to be in such a confined space for a long time.

“Only a few days,” King Mickey said. He noticed the sword clutched in her hand. “It’ll give you plenty of time to rest up and practise all of the moves Sora has taught you.” He glanced at Sora, smiling. Sora seemed distant, deep in thought. This made the King’s face turn from a grin to a concerned look. Kairi noticed the King’s change in expression, and looked at Sora. She touched his shoulder. He twitched, as if being awoken from a deep trance.

“Sora’s a great teacher,” she smiled, tilting her head to look straight at him. “He’s taught me a lot.” She complimented him, tried to encourage him to speak. Sora shook his head, trying to wake himself up. It was as though he’d been asleep for years, trying to regain ordered thought.

“Yeah, we made a lot of progress,” he mumbled, becoming a little more conscious, now aware of what he was saying and what was going on. “Kairi’s picking it all up really quickly, and it’s building her confidence. She’s a lot braver than she was. She’s great.” Sora smiled back at Kairi, proud of his ‘student’.

“Great,” the King said happily. He was pleased that she’d made some progress. “Remember, practise makes perfect, and there’ll be plenty of time to practise here!”

“How was Queen Minnie?” Sora asked, trying to contribute to the conversation, trying to make himself seem normal.

“She’s fine,” the King replied. He sensed that Sora wasn’t feeling right, but continued to talk to him anyway. Maybe talking to someone would help him open up, or feel better. “She’s a little worried about us, but it’s only natural. At least I know she’s safe, she’s far away from the castle now.”

The cockpit was larger than the one in the last Gummi Ship, but it was still a relatively small room. Buttons, lights, levers and switches all lined the grey walls. The floor was made of dark grey plastic tiles. At the front of the cockpit was one large window, which looked out into the vast, starry, empty space. Behind the window were three seats, all fully equipped with seatbelts, restraints, and pilot controls. Donald and Goofy were sat in the two front seats, flying the Gummi Ship through the unlimited darkness.

“That reminds me,” King Mickey suddenly spoke. “Donald and Goofy have offered to pilot the ship for most of the journey, but they’ll need to take breaks periodically, to rest. Sora, I hope you can help out with this, I know you can fly this Gummi Ship. Is that ok with you?” He looked directly at Sora, who, again, had floated off into his own world. He was sat directly in front of King Mickey, but he seemed miles away. “Sora?” King Mickey spoke louder. “Sora?!” He was shouting now, trying to get Sora’s attention.

“Huh?” Sora snapped out of his trance, looked up at King Mickey. “What?”

“The King wants to know if you’ll help out with flying the ship,” Kairi reminded him.

“Oh, uh, yeah,” Sora responded slowly, in a world of his own.

“I’ll be there to help you out,” the King said, much more calm now. He knew that if Sora was still in this state, he’d be useless at flying a Gummi ship. King Mickey decided that he’d make sure he was with Sora whenever it was Sora’s turn to fly the ship. “Only one person is needed to fly the Gummi Ship, but a second is needed in case of emergencies, and obviously, for company. That means that while Goofy and Donald are flying the Gummi ship, you should be asleep, relaxing, and having something to eat. That way, you’ll be in the correct state to be piloting.” Sora nodded slowly, taking it all in silently. “Oh, and that reminds me,” King Mickey continued. “We have plenty of supplies for the journey, but you need to be careful with them. Everything we have has to last for this journey, when we reach Square-One, and the return journey. That could be a long time, so go easy on what we have.”

Sora nodded. Again, he was somewhat distant. He was keeping himself attentive by playing with Kairi’s red hair, plaiting it and twisting it around his fingers. This was his way of concentrating. Kairi didn’t seem to mind. She barely even noticed at all. He looked up at King Mickey. His eyes were dark circles on his lily-white face. He looked absolutely exhausted, drained of all his energy. He’d had only a few hours of sleep the night before, and had spent the whole day leaping around the garden, teaching Kairi how to use her new sword properly. He needed a long rest. King Mickey, astounded at Sora’s drained face, decided it was best to let him go for a rest.

“Sora, perhaps you should go take a rest,” the King suggested. “Your room is over there.” He pointed to a grey door. Sora nodded, and tried to heave himself up off the floor. Kairi saw he was struggling, so helped him to stand up.

“Thanks,” Sora mumbled. He made slow, lethargic steps towards the door. They all watched him stagger out of the cockpit, followed him with their eyes. They were astounded. Something had to be wrong. Sora was usually much more energetic, even when he tired. He was always happy and lively, regardless of how he felt. Kairi stood in the cockpit, faced King Mickey.

“I think I should go make sure he’s ok,” she said quietly, picking up her sword.

“Good idea,” King Mickey commented. “Kairi, make sure he gets a good rest tonight, he needs to pilot the Gummi Ship tomorrow. There are some important matters I need to discuss with him, too.”

“Ok,” Kairi replied. She wondered what he wanted to talk about, curious. Probably matters concerning when they reached Square-One. She left the cockpit and closed the door behind her.

really long chappy, only cause i'm feeling generous after all of those sweet comments :) let me know what you all think!

<3 <3


is a girl
Mar 19, 2006
n. 1. a place of settlement, activity, or residenc
i know, i came up with three or four different ideas for the next chappy. one was a huge twist, but i didn't think it would go down too well with you guys ^-^
i decided on the next chappy for a reason, there was some stuff i haven't really included in the fanfic so far, but really wanted to use. i think it turned out okay :)

<3 <3

EDIT: oh, i almost forgot! thanks for putting my fanfic in your sig :)


is a girl
Mar 19, 2006
n. 1. a place of settlement, activity, or residenc
yeah, my fic finally has a name ^-^
i'll have to let L337 know about it for the sig.

Chapter Thirty

The room wasn’t as lavishly decorated as the one in the other Gummi Ship, but it was much bigger, with wide windows. It was mainly grey and blue. The walls were grey. The whole room seemed futuristic. Neon blue lines decorated the walls, adding much-needed colour to the dull colour scheme. Kairi stood in the doorway, examined the room from her standing point. Against the left wall was a set of drawers. She wondered why they were there, as they hadn’t brought anything with them. In front of her was the huge window, which went right along the wall. Beneath it was a couch, which had been built into the wall. At the foot of the bed, which was against the right wall, pointing along to the left wall, was the box she’d received her sword in. Donald and Goofy must have put it in there for her to put her sword in when she wasn’t using it. It would stop the sword from being damaged. The bed was made of a greyish material. Kairi wasn’t sure exactly what. Sora had already kicked off his shoes, pulled off his shirt and was sprawled out over the bed.

Sora had his arms and legs flung out across the whole bed. He looked like a big starfish with spiky hair. Kairi could tell he wasn’t asleep, as he was wiggling his toes. This tempted her to playfully jump on him, but she thought better of it. Sora wasn’t in the mood for fun. He seemed exhausted, but it seemed as though there was something else wrong with him. He seemed grumpy, distant, and, of course, tired. She walked over to the bed and sat on his left side, between his sprawled out limbs. She crossed her legs, opened her mouth to speak.

“Hey,” he spoke quietly, got the first word in, even with his eyes closed.

“Hi,” she spoke softly, in a friendly tone. “How are you feeling?”

“Tired,” he stretched, contorted his body up into a ball, turned away from her. Kairi waited a moment for him to continue. It didn’t seem likely that he’d say much else. She sighed, looked out of the window. Sora lay a moment, his limbs all held together, his body small, then spoke again, in an equally small voice. “… scared.” Kairi looked back at him. It was strange knowing that Sora was scared. It was out of character. He was usually strong and brave, so seeing him scared was an unusual event. She knew something had to be wrong to scare him. She wanted to reassure him immediately, felt an overwhelming urge to take care of him.

“What are you scared of?” she asked, caressing his face, trying to soothe him.

“Riku,” he mumbled, almost in a whisper, still curled up away from her. He was almost embarrassed to let her see him in such turmoil. He’d always been there for Kairi when she’d needed reassurance, protection, and guidance. He was almost too afraid to ask her for the same thing. Kairi was confused.

“You’re scared of Riku?” she asked him, confused, hoping for some clarity. She felt him shake his head.

“No,” he answered quietly, “for him.” Kairi nodded, realising what he was talking about now. She stroked his hair. She’d had a feeling that he’d be worried about Riku. Sora always seemed to be more paranoid and shaky when he was tired. It was understandable, considering what his best friend could be going through. Kairi knew he’d we worrying twice as much now. She thought she should try to convince him to go to sleep.

“Don’t worry, Sora,” her voice was soothing to him. “It won’t be long until we’ve found Riku, you just concentrate on getting some rest.” He took her hand, held it close to his chest.

“I know,” he said quietly. His expression seemed pained. “Kairi, I just…” he paused, sighed, collected his thoughts together. “I can’t stop thinking about him, I can’t stop worrying about him, the New Generation have him and I don’t know what they could be doing with him… For all I know, he could be…” He stopped mid-sentence, rolled onto his back, a little closer to Kairi, his eyes still shut. “He can’t be…” Kairi nodded, then stopped him.

“Shh, Sora,” she told him, stopped him thinking those thoughts, as valid as they were. She, too, knew that for Riku, time may have run out, but they had to remain optimistic, they couldn’t give up hope. She squeezed his hand. “Just try to get some sleep, Sora.” She kept trying to get him to go to sleep. Sora slowly opened his eyes.

“Kairi, can I ask you something?” Sora looked up at her with his ghostly eyes. She nodded, apprehensive. “Do you think we’ll get to him in time?”

Kairi sat for a moment, contemplated what he’d asked. She wanted to think logically about it, but she couldn’t. She couldn’t get rid of the thought that they may already be too late. She didn’t want to lie to him. Nevertheless, there was something inside her that made her keep her spirits up. Something that reassured her, told her that Riku was alive. She didn’t want to choose between the two voices arguing inside her mind. If she told Sora that she thought it was too late, it would completely destroy him, make him simply collapse inside. Then again, she didn’t want to get his hopes up, just in case. She decided to give him her honest opinion.

“I don’t know,” she sighed, looking into his eyes, holding her hand close to his cold skin. “I guess we won’t know anything until we reach Square-One. We’ll just have to wait.” Sora nodded, lay back, deep in thought. He yawned again, stretched. He hugged Kairi, held her close in his arms as he closed his eyes and tried to sleep, remove himself from all conscious thought. He was so exhausted that even his troubled thoughts couldn’t keep him awake. He dropped off to sleep in minutes.

Kairi lay awake next to him, clutching his body close. He was childlike, desperate for reassurance, comfort, love and protection. She felt as though she had to be the one to provide it. She gently stroked his hair, reminding his subconscious that she was there with him. His facial expression seemed pained, afraid.

Seeing someone who had always been so brave and strong at the mercy of their own fears was frightening for Kairi. Seeing him lying helpless before his terrified mind was awful. She could only watch over him, and wonder what was going on in his troubled mind.


Freefalling. Hurtling down towards the ground, crashing down through the infinite darkness. Like a rag doll thrown from a great height. Heavy, lifeless limbs, floppy body, falling through the vast, empty, intimidating darkness.

Eyes open. Still darkness. Silence. Almost like… death. No thoughts, nothing. Paralysed, simply unable to cry for help.

The falling stopped. Hit the ground after hurtling down with a huge amount of force. Still, no feeling at all. One shaky hand pushed up off the floor. Stood up.

Sora looked around from his standing point. He couldn’t see a thing in the unrestricted darkness. Cold swirls of wispy smoke coiled around his shaky legs, almost grabbing at him with their icy tendrils. The frosty touch invited all his hair to stand on end. He shivered, and turned around.


Kairi was stood before him, her face tilted away from him, her crimson hair masking her. Her arms were fixed by her sides. She did not move at all.

Sora struggled, make speaking movements with his mouth. Still heard nothing. He strained, tried to make himself heard. He tried so hard, his throat felt like it was about to burst. No good. Sora took a deep breath of air, then shouted at the top of his lungs. The sound came flooding back out of his wide open mouth, filling the vast space. It echoed for a few moments. Kairi stood perfectly still, said nothing.

“Kairi!” Sora shouted again. The echoes followed.

Still, she stood still, not responding. Sora took some shaky steps towards her, lifted her hair from her face. Her blue eyes looked away from his. Sora took her face into his hands, turned it to face him. Her skin was icy cold, made him jump. His hands quivered as he looked into her eyes, tried to communicate with her.

“Kairi?” he looked at her. She hadn’t moved at all. She hadn’t even blinked. Sora took her hand from her side. She suddenly pulled her hand away from his, then slowly raised it again to point into the darkness. Shocked, Sora turned to look behind him. Nothing was there. Confused, he turned back around.


She was gone. As if she’d never even been there. Sora looked around for her. He was puzzled. He hadn’t heard her footsteps, hadn’t felt a rush of air as she left. He lowered his head, turned around again. Sora jumped as he bumped into something. His heart pounded inside his chest, his breathing laboured. As he looked, the realisation slowly occurred to him. He took a step back in shock, tried to see sense. He widened his eyes, blinking. Could it be?


hope you guys like it :)
the chapters are pretty long at the moment, because i won't be online for a week or so, starting sunday -.- it sucks. i'm trying to fit in as many chapters as i possibly can before then, so that i won't have to leave you guys wondering what will happen ^-^ the next should be up in a few days, i promise there'll be at least one more before sunday.

<3 <3


New member
Mar 3, 2006
on the fine line between being depressed and being
I'm giving Photoshop a shot again and decided that i'd give you a sig until L337 comes with his. It's nota real masterpiece and i'll change the size later.



is a girl
Mar 19, 2006
n. 1. a place of settlement, activity, or residenc
well if you give me chocolate you can have my heart forever :D lol

DD that sig is great, i love it :) i'm going to put it in my sig as soon as possible, it's really nice. i love the sketchy art from KH, expecially that picture of Sora ^-^ one of my favourites.

thankyou for your comments, grand_king, i'm happy you liked it ^-^

on a sadder note, this is going to be the last chapter for a week or so *cries* my dad's going on a business trip and is taking my laptop with him -.- which means i won't be online to post or type up new chappies. don't abandon the fic though, i swear as soon as he's back i'll update. it'll be an extra long chappy too!

Chapter Thirty-One

Riku stood before Sora. Just like Kairi, he stood still, fixed to the spot. His silver hair shaded his bowed head. Sora could hardly believe his eyes. Grinning from ear to ear, his eyes filling with tears of overwhelming joy, Sora stepped closer to his friend.

“Riku,” he cried out to his friend, “I finally found you!” Now, diamond tears were making shining trails down his smiling face. Riku still said nothing, and didn’t move. Sora understood. Riku wasn’t the most outgoing person. He kept his emotions to himself. Sora moved even closer to him. They were now face to face. Sora tried to part Riku’s hair from his face, expecting to see that same cocky grin he knew so well. His attempts weren’t working, Riku’s hair simply dropped back down, covering his expression.

Sora carefully lifted Riku’s bowed head up, then lifted his shimmering hair from his face. He took a step back, gasping in shock. He covered his wide open mouth with one hand.

Riku’s eyes were lifeless, a dull yellow colour. No pupil, iris, white of his eye showing, simply two yellow ovals sitting on his pale white face. Sora did not see that smirk he’d missed, but a wrinkled frown contorting his face. Sora slowly lifted one hand, to touch Riku’s face.

In a split second, Riku raised one clenched fist. Sora stopped his movement towards Riku. He took one step back, nervous. Riku suddenly opened his fist, releasing a force that sent Sora crashing back down into the dark, swirling mists hovering above the ground.

Sora breathed deeply, struggling against the intense pain he was feeling in his chest. A hideous combination of physical and emotional pain.

“Riku,” Sora gasped, “what’s going on?” He pulled himself up from the ground, taking heavy breaths, then standing straight and tall, faced Riku. Riku’s arms were, again, fixed by his sides, as if he had never moved.

Riku’s cold gaze seemed to pierce Sora’s skin. His icy yellow eyes stared into Sora’s, almost challenging him. Looking at Sora the whole time, Riku slowly spread his arms. Sora noticed movement in the darkness behind Riku. Wary of the situation, he held one hand out, ready to summon the Keyblade at any moment. He squinted his eyes, trying to see what was going on.

Five figures appeared behind Riku, forming from the pitch-black darkness that surrounded him. They were all head to foot in black, which played tricks with Sora’s mind. The lack of light meant that, at times, they looked like floating heads, their bodies perfectly camouflaged in the darkness.

At this point, Riku’s stern look changed to a glaring smile.

“Face it, Sora,” his voice seemed unrecognisable, yet familiar, all at the same time. “You won’t win if you fight us. Just turn yourself in to us.” He looked over his shoulder, gesturing towards the five figures.

Sora was stunned at what was going on. He couldn’t understand the situation. It scared him. The figures advanced towards him, Riku standing watching from a distance. Sora knew they were coming towards him, but simply couldn’t summon the Keyblade. He was too shocked and hurt by Riku’s actions and words. His palms were sweaty, his hands shaking violently. His legs felt like jelly, ready to collapse beneath him at any second. He felt a pulsating, painful sensation deep inside his chest. The tears of joy had been replaced with wailing, screaming tears of suffering. Sora’s expression was blank and emotionless, the opposite of what he was feeling inside. His mind urged him to run, yet his hurting heart couldn’t bear to leave Riku again, despite everything he’d just done. These emotions conflicted inside his body. For once, Sora wasn’t feeling brave enough to fight, not even the voices inside him could encourage him to summon the Keyblade. They were getting closer and closer by the second, yet every second that passed felt like an eternity. Sora couldn’t take all his emotions welling up inside him, his inner voices screaming at him, his heart weakening, every feeling of pain imaginable eating away at his insides. He dropped to his knees, losing the will to fight, to run, to do anything at all. He simply couldn’t take it any longer, submitted to the figures that surrounded him, hanging his head in shame.

He felt his arms being grabbed, held into place. Then a sharp pain in the back of his head, as something ripped at his hair, pulling his head back. Looking up, he saw a tall figure. A man stood before him, all dressed in black, a long sword at his side, his long black hair drifting in the rising mists. He had an icy, cruel smirk across his scarred face. He drew one hand, gave Sora a single slap across the side of his head. He then turned, walked away slowly. Sora bit his tongue, tried not to show his fear and pain. One side of his head tingled, the sensation stinging his face. He hung his head again, still biting his tongue, hiding the tears tumbling down his face. The sharp pain pulled at his head again, jerking his head back up. This time, it was Riku pulling at his head. Although Sora could not see him, he could hear his laughter from behind him.

Sora’s face contorted into an enormous scowl, totally out of character. He felt hurt and angered, betrayed by his so-called best friend. The tears continued to stream down his face, his cheek still tingling with pain. His mind told him to lash out, save himself, but his hurting heart stopped him. He was heartbroken, too upset to struggle against them.

“How could you do this?” Sora said in a whisper, his voice quaking somewhere between fear and sheer pain. “I came back for you, Riku.”

Riku let out a cold, cruel laugh from behind Sora.

Angered, Sora clenched his fists.

“At least tell me what’s going on,” Sora shouted, the frustration bubbling up inside him.

Riku laughed again, along with the other five people there. He shook his head, and spoke again.

“No,” he stated. “At least you listened, you knew you couldn’t win against us. You didn’t stand a chance, Sora. We could have used your strength for something worthwhile, without having to eliminate you, but we knew you wouldn’t stand for it. You listen to your heart. You’re pathetic.” Riku then revealed his hands from behind his back. Sora felt a crushing blow against his head. The hands grasping at his arms released their grip. He felt his body fall forward, slam against the floor. Then, nothing.

Sora slowly opened his eyes again. He rubbed them, felt the wet tears on his face. He bolted up, expecting them to be standing before him. He looked around. It was the bedroom. He sighed heavily as he realised what had gone on. He sat on the side of the bed, his back to Kairi, who was fast asleep. He rested his elbows on his thighs, held his head in his hands. Breathing heavily, he ruffled his hair with shaky fingers. He felt the feelings of hurt flooding back through his body, his eyes welling up again. He sat in the dark, sobbing into his hands loudly.

not sure of what you'll think of that chappy, i'm pretty undecided. i'm really proud of the emotional descriptions in there, but i'm not sure about the storyline. i hope you like it though, sorry to leave you guys on a cliffhanger ^^; i feel bad enough about not being able to update...

i'll post the new chapter as soon as i can, it should be about a week or so.

lots of love and cookies for you guys until then!

<3 <3
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