L337 kybldmstr said:
I just love this story soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much! And no, I don't own a bakery, I'm just the second-best cookie-maker in the world! We all know who the first is!
nah, i'd say your cookies were the best! who's the first then?
i know, too many cliffhangers dd... kairi with a gatling gun... lol no-one would mess with her then! don't force your new chappy dd, wait until you're feeling inspired... that sounds cheesy ^^;
thanks for all the great comments!
Chapter Twenty-Seven
They spent a while in the gardens, talking and awaiting Donald and Goofy's return. Sora and King Mickey were very pleased at how well Kairi had taken their news. It seemed that all their worrying overnight had been for nothing. Kairi was happy, regardless of wether she had a Keyblade or not. It was a huge sigh of relief for them. Soon, Donald and Goofy had returned, carrying a huge box.
"Sorry we took so long," Donald apologised, scowling at Goofy. "Goofy made a wrong turn." Goofy seemed sheepish and quiet.
"It's alright," King Mickey smiled, much more relaxed now that the weight had been pulled from his shoulders. The box was carefully placed on the floor. King Mickey proceeded to kneel beside it. He wiped the dust from the top.
The box was crafted from lightly coloured pine, decorated with pink details and inscriptions. The hinges were silver and intricately detailed.
"Here," he looked up at Kairi. "This is for you."
"Me?" Kairi was amazed. This was so kind of King Mickey. A gift. "What is it?"
"It's for when we reach Square-One," he explained, "so you can defend yourself. Open it."
"Thankyou so much," Kairi smiled. "That's so thoughtful of you." She knelt beside him, glanced up at a grinning Sora. He was sat up on the fountain, observing.
Kairi lifted the lid of the box. The lining inside was white, again with little pink details. There was also a bundle of pure, white silk, embroidered with pink hearts, swirls, and other symbols.
"The silk is around it," King Mickey pointed out, "you'll have to unwrap it. I hope you like it."
"Thankyou," Kairi smiled again. She couldn't believe this gesture of kindness. She really appreciated this unexpected gift. Carefully unfolding the silk, she revealed her gift.
It was a long, beautiful sowrd. It had a long, thin, steel blade, that shimmered in the bright sunlight. The handle had been crafted into the shape of a magnificent dragon, made to look like the blade was held in the dragon's jaws. The handle itself was gold, but very light gold. It was a pale colour, almost like a yellowy silver. A single pink gem represented the dragon's eye on each side. Stunned, Kairi was overwhelmed. She couldn't find the words to thank him. She covered her hanging jaw with her hand.
"Oh my goodness!" she gasped. "King Mickey, thank you so much, I don't deserve this! It's beautiful!" The workmanship was amazing. Every intricate detail had been included. Each scale on the dragon's back, each tooth grasping the blade, each line of angered expression on it's face, everything had been crafted into the gold.
"Do you like it?" King Mickey smiled.
"Of course," Kairi was still in shock. "I love it, it's amazing."
"I recieved it many years ago," the King explained. "This isn't an ordinary sword. It's very similar to a Keyblade, in principle. Only those with a pure heart can use it, but it doesn't choose it's master. It simply obeys anyone with a good heart strong enough to control it."
"Thank you," Kairi still had no idea what to say, so she hugged him. "It's beautiful."
"It's great for you," he grinned. "And it's very powerful. I've never had a use for it though. You'll be able to use it though, I have no doubts about that. Pick it up." Kairi nodded, smiling from ear to ear. She reached into the box, carefully picked up the sword. It was surprisingly light. She held it out at arm's length, admiring the way it shone in the heat.
"The issue about your fear won't affect it either," King Mickey went on. "Your mind may be clouded by fear and other emotions, but as long as your heart remains pure and good, you'll have no problems. No matter how scared you are, it will continue to obey you."
"Great," she smiled. "I think I'm gonna get really scared about this." She continued to play with the sword, jabbing at the air, and slashing around with it. "Thank you so much!"
"It's no problem," he smiled. "I'm sorry to run off like this, but I have to see Queen Minnie." He closed the box and Donald and Goofy picked it up.
"I haven't seen the Queen at all," Sora spoke, reminding them that he was there. "Where is she?"
"I've sent her somewhere safe," King Mickey explained. "Just in case. I can't say much else, I'm afraid. You need to be back here before sunset, that's when we're leaving."
"Ok," Sora nodded. "I'll show Kairi some moves, too." He smiled at Kairi.
"That would be useful," the King grinned. "I'll see you later." The King, Donald, and Goofy all left the garden, entered the castle. Sora and Kairi were left alone in the garden.
hope you all like it ^-^
cc appreciated, as are comments!
<3 <3