Members of KHI-
Yes, even Queen Flare needs a time-out from ruling at KHI. She'll be gone for a couple months, more or less.
I've already created a resignation topic for the Staff, but I wanted to say goodbye to the members, as well, because I will miss you all too. If you have something important for me, or if you just want to drop me a casual note, send me an e-mail.
You can e-mail my gmail account: or my main e-mail account, if you know it. And don't hesitate to e-mail me, I know I'll be missing out on a lot, so please keep me informed with how you're all doing through e-mail. When I eventually go through them all, I'll love reading them.
Even if we didn't talk much, I'll remember you. Keep in touch.
Yes, even Queen Flare needs a time-out from ruling at KHI. She'll be gone for a couple months, more or less.
I've already created a resignation topic for the Staff, but I wanted to say goodbye to the members, as well, because I will miss you all too. If you have something important for me, or if you just want to drop me a casual note, send me an e-mail.
You can e-mail my gmail account: or my main e-mail account, if you know it. And don't hesitate to e-mail me, I know I'll be missing out on a lot, so please keep me informed with how you're all doing through e-mail. When I eventually go through them all, I'll love reading them.
Even if we didn't talk much, I'll remember you. Keep in touch.