You mean less Kairi, more Riku.More Kairi, less Riku.
You mean less Kairi, more Riku.
Ewww, more Roxas.After you beat the game you have the option of new game plus where you play as Roxas through the entirety of the game, and he'd appear in cutscenes in place of Sora!!!!!
Ewww, more Roxas.
Hell yeah, Roxas is my favorite character, and don't you forget it!^^Ewww, more Roxas.
Axel is AWSOME! (bit of useless info here. did you know, quinton flynn, axels voice actor, was also the voice actor of Raiden from metal gear solid 2 and 4? awsome huhXD)hey, more roxas most likely means more axel XD good enough for me!!
Axel is AWSOME! (bit of useless info here. did you know, quinton flynn, axels voice actor, was also the voice actor of Raiden from metal gear solid 2 and 4? awsome huhXD)
The option to go solo. I've always wanted to kick everybody out of my party, and fight alone.
That and the option to have up to four other teammates in each world to back you up.
I would improve the keyblades. Only one or two were worth using. The choice of keyblades in KH1 were a lot better.
Roxas suddenly disappeared. After finishing gameplay with him, little actual interaction takes place with him. I'd change that.
Have more cutscenes involving Demyx
It had to be like for the sake of the plot..
He's an interesting and adorable "faggot." XD (Aww, IX bashing...)Maybe if he was more important, and wasn't a faggot.