I suppose this is far from a happy ending. Prom was yesterday, and it was a great time. We danced and talked with people, and stuff. I'm going to have to upload some pictures.
The only thing i'm afraid of right now is when the next time is that i will see her. I thought i was going to be going to her graduation aprty, and then i could see from where we could go then, but my parents ended up setting my graduation party the same day.
I'm going to have to call her or something. all i know is that i'm already getting crazy again, which isn't good, because if any of you know me, you know i don't like to tolerate this emo nonsense with the extreme pain in the chest and the longing and all that business.
My brain is burning out trying to find ways to stick with her. If i don't see her enough, i'm going to loose my familiarity, which is the only thing that keeps me going with her. I'm still in contact with her for all these years that she has been moving about.
it just hurts more than i thought. I figured i'd feel better seeing her again, and for alittle i did feel kinda better, but the level of betterness pales im comparison to the now crashing feeling i'm having now. I just hate being whipped around, but i know there is no easy solution. I don't know how i still feel like this after 5 years. I guess it is paying off, because i'm that much closer to her, but she is still physically so far away that i don't know how to capitalize on it.