Actually, FFX and AC are sorta kinda connected. Read one of my earlier posts.
(They are connected by default, because FFX-2 is connected to FF7)
(They are connected by default, because FFX-2 is connected to FF7)
Nope, not for a while at least. When these next generation games are finally released on the not-even-yet-released PS3, then the truth will be revealed and someone will be proven wrong.KH Vandread said:This will never end, will it?
koji said:Nope, not for a while at least. When these next generation games are finally released on the not-even-yet-released PS3, then the truth will be revealed and someone will be proven wrong.
There are already theories of connection between the newest announced Final Fantasy and the unconfirmed Kingdom Hearts 3? I guess it's about time we have a PS4 FF theory, right?
imkeyblademaster said:dude kingdom hearts team is help making ff vs 13 duhhhhhhhhh
Oh that and in an interview with Tetsuya Nomura post-KH2, he calls it a "Keyblade Graveyard of sorts".TheMuffinMan said:Sure, lets see......they are keyblades? And they look like keyblades? And they have the same form and structure of a keyblade? And they look nothing like any other weapon?
Either way, the weapons circling the man in that picture are Swords, Broadswords, Axes, and Gunblades, none of which look anything like any keyblade featured in the secret video