-_- I highly doubt that.Madness said:Gaah, what the hell is up with all the threads saying KH2 is shipping on the 28th? The game is NOT shipping on the 28th. Some stores may already have the game in stock by now.
What makes you think this?
-_- I highly doubt that.Madness said:Gaah, what the hell is up with all the threads saying KH2 is shipping on the 28th? The game is NOT shipping on the 28th. Some stores may already have the game in stock by now.
Madness said:Well, obviously it's not going to be put on store shelves before the 28th. But I know that most stores will get stocks of things before the release date. At least I know this is true with DVDs. And books. Remember back before the 6th Harry Potter book was released and all the stores had them in stock and they were being ordered not to sell them before the release date? That's the kind of thing I'm talking about. They'd have them in stock but not for sale.
And yes, I'm about 95% sure now that you can go to pick it up at Gamestop on the 28th. That's what I'm doing.
Engulfed said:Oh yeah...you're the guy who has friends in the Retailing business right?
>_< Have you not read the last few pages? The game is NOT being shipped on the 28th; the 28th is when the game is put up for sale. The game ships before then; some places already have it in stock.Sharikaaria said:i'm 95% sure the game ships on the 28th. i've heard some stuff about people getting it on the 27th but i'm not sure if it's right. so far, the confirmed release date is the 28th. i called ebgames once and they told me it ships on the 28th