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Kingdom Hearts III Pre-Release Spoiler Discussion Thread

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Bronze Member
Nov 25, 2008
Traveling the World's by Gummi Ship
Hey guys, you should take your argument to PMs. This has gone from discussing leaks to going at each other in this forum and making it kind of toxic. Alexis.anagram is entitled to her opinions, and so are the other people arguing with her, but it's not a productive discussion in this space right now.

This also applied to the other people argued . It's gone from open discussion to personal accusations. Take it else where, please.

This. Please this, people are actually discussing the toxicity here in other forums and websites.

KH has always been a series where its main campaign is situated between 37 to 42 hours of story. KH3 is around that mark. Trying to go for something longer could detriment the game in some way.

What? I’m sorry but I would have to argue that the longest KH game so far might be maybe 30-35 hours but it’s never taken, at least for myself, 40+ or even 35+ if I’m being honest. How would a longer game make things worse? I’m legitimately curious because I never thought of “more content” as a bad thing albeit not always necessary.

Nomura has even said there would be times when more than five people are in the party. Since we also have an ending that should include so many heroes, you’d think a party system that allows for more members, even if they need to be interchanged, would be a no brainer.

Am I the only one who imagined something similar to DDD, where we had 3 Dream Eaters in our party but only had access to two at a time during combat? Giving you the freedom the swap them out instantly through the command menu while also sharing experience for the currently not active. There we different ways to have implemented this feature, I just don’t think it was a “priority.”


Active member
Dec 28, 2018
I wonder what takes so long to get ultima, I really want to see ultimate form. I wonder if the leaker just didn't plot down what enemies drop and it just is taking him forever to find everything.


Bronze Member
Jun 23, 2017
Dunlap, TN
I wonder what takes so long to get ultima, I really want to see ultimate form. I wonder if the leaker just didn't plot down what enemies drop and it just is taking him forever to find everything.

I plan on making a follow along list of that for my playthrough. I was kinda hoping it would be charted in the journal though.


Active member
Dec 28, 2018
Since Xbox gains thundaza with the Phantom Green keyblade, that's a major feat. It will enable wiping the floor in seconds as opposed to the firaza or blizzaja. Guess we'll see which is better, but I have a feeling with thunder boost that Phantom Green will reign supreme especially due to thunder boost.


i remember the OLD khinsider
Jan 2, 2013
xigbar's apartment
remember, kids: preorder bonuses that grant unfair advantages are NOT FUN and lower the challenge of the game by providing you with an option that will outweigh all your other options for much of the playthrough!!


Bronze Member
Jun 23, 2017
Dunlap, TN
remember, kids: preorder bonuses that grant unfair advantages are NOT FUN and lower the challenge of the game by providing you with an option that will outweigh all your other options for much of the playthrough!!

Still a chance you'll have to upgrade it, like Starlight which wasn't OP in any of the leaks

Fatal Mode

New member
Dec 3, 2014
remember, kids: preorder bonuses that grant unfair advantages are NOT FUN and lower the challenge of the game by providing you with an option that will outweigh all your other options for much of the playthrough!!

Yea I actually refuse to use pre-order boosts or bonuses on my first playthrough of games.


New member
Jul 12, 2018
Since Xbox gains thundaza with the Phantom Green keyblade, that's a major feat. It will enable wiping the floor in seconds as opposed to the firaza or blizzaja. Guess we'll see which is better, but I have a feeling with thunder boost that Phantom Green will reign supreme especially due to thunder boost.

I'm sorry for the speedrun community


Jul 15, 2017
I'm so in love with Midnight Blue's design and particle effects that I can ignore the fact that my favorite spell is going to be boosted on Phantom Green


New member
Dec 15, 2018
remember, kids: preorder bonuses that grant unfair advantages are NOT FUN and lower the challenge of the game by providing you with an option that will outweigh all your other options for much of the playthrough!!

So are you saying pre-ordering a physical standard or deluxe version of kh3 from gamestop is the best choice? (P.s. not meaning to sound like I'm starting an argument)


Dec 14, 2011
somewhere near Marseille
Well, we don’t know that Elsa is in fact a PoH. Only that she’s a possible candidate for one. We at least have Larxene proposing that Elsa has a choice: to accept either light or darkness. This doesn’t seem typical of how they’ve depicted the Princesses in the past and I’m glad she seems to have some agency. We’ll have to see how it’s played though.
Nor am I arguing that she is one, only that the way they've situated her within that plotline suggests that her "light" is what's at stake in the conflict, and that is unfortunately consistent with how women are situated as victimized and/or expendable throughout this game.

But with Sora, while he has seen Riku come back after falling to darkness, it is still normal for him to not want others to experience that same hardship. Or worse, the fates that have befallen characters like Clayton who fell to darkness. The way I see it, he wants to help her learn to keep her darkness in check the same way Riku did, just without all the hardship. However, if you’re right and he is just trying to control her life, then maybe he will learn his lesson about interfering when people are trying to work out their issues. The same way Anna had to in the film when she pushed Elsa too much and got blasted as a result. I wouldn’t mind Sora getting hurt by Elsa to see how he handles it, tbh. Lol
If she has real agency, then Sora ought not to have any claim over which part(s) of herself she chooses to embrace, but he's nevertheless readily insinuating himself into the situation in an explicitly authoritarian fashion: "I won't 'let' Elsa do what I think is wrong for her." That's not technically uncharacteristic of him, but it rubs me the wrong way for a number of reasons: first, it gives off the impression that he hasn't learned anything from the events of DDD, where rushing into circumstances he didn't fully comprehend and taking on the pain and suffering of others weakened him and gave Xehanort an advantage; it says to me that he hasn't developed a sense of self-awareness, and that runs contrary to the statements we've heard that Sora has "matured" in this title.

Secondly, it runs directly contrary to the things he does know and has acknowledged on multiple occasions: with reference to Riku specifically, Sora has seen him in a state in which he had fully succumbed to his inner darkness, and he wasn't even phased. The moment he knew it was Riku, Sora accepted him without skipping a beat, so he is obviously aware that a person's darkness does not change who they are fundamentally, but rather that it is a fundamental part of them. Riku taught both him and Mickey that lesson. An enlightened Sora, thinking of Riku (because we know he's always thinking of Riku <3 ), ought to be telling Larxene that her plan won't work because Elsa's darkness is her own and so it doesn't matter which side of her "wins" in the end, she can only come out the other side stronger. That would be a real show of empathy and support for her as a person.

And with all that in mind, Sora doesn't have any right to make calls for Elsa about how she'll resolve matters of her own heart: this is another double standard that is constantly applied to female characters in the series differently from the men. AtW literally wants to blow himself up in order to "atone for his mistakes" and it's solemnly declared that nobody can change his mind and they have to respect his decision. Aqua makes a sacrifice for her friends and it's declared an "unhealthy" thing to do and she has to be punished eternally for it to show off what a bad idea it is while AtW apparently strolls out of the RoD for a second time without a scratch on him. Sora sacrifices himself for Kairi and it's cute and romantic and they hug and move on, Xion sacrifices herself for Sora and now she has to be stuck in the same twisted cycle of manipulation just to showcase how vulnerable and pitiable she is. Riku has the option to select the middle Road to Dawn in search of inner balance, but all these Disney women had better keep their light shining bright or they might end up like Elrena over here.

I'm not saying that there's anything inherently wrong with developing stories in which women struggle with differing extremes within themselves, face internal conflict, and make mistakes that have consequences. I'm saying that it should be their actions which are the determinant in resolving that conflict, not that of men and boys playing the hero and making the "right" call for them.

I agree with you on BH6. It’s such a stellar cast. With all their unique abilities, there’s so much potential for all of them as party members. We see them all fighting in various cutscenes, so I still hope there’s some events where they all fight. Nomura has even said there would be times when more than five people are in the party. Since we also have an ending that should include so many heroes, you’d think a party system that allows for more members, even if they need to be interchanged, would be a no brainer. This only impacts my perception of gameplay though, not story. As I said before, characters being party members don’t automatically make them better characters to me.
Certainly, there are Disney characters who have been represented in the series using only cutscenes who I consider favorites. I think Alice and Belle are pretty great, but I also think that bringing characters into the party combat wherever possible goes to immersion, and that helps make them feel more fully realized and "alive" because we've actually fought and struggled alongside them to keep that world safe. That ultimately has a ripple effect on my level of investment in the story, and in the case of BH6, it seems especially hard to care about what's happening when the main characters who should by every estimation be part of the fight for the city are kept offscreen for the majority of the plot, as would appear to be the case. It's distracting, and that does affect the plot, because these are characters with a connection to Hiro, and Baymax, and the story of Takashi, that Sora doesn't have. Minimizing them cheapens the premise upon which the world itself is based.

Hey guys, you should take your argument to PMs.
Thanks, but no thanks. We're responding to the content of the game that we've seen, including extrapolations from the leaks. If you don't want to be involved in the discussion that's taking place, you have every right to take accountability for yourself and discuss the things that matter to you.

With that said, y'all should lower your expectations for the innevitable KH4.
It's sad because the game's not even out yet and it's already being forgotten in favor of the next one. A true classic in the making.

This. Please this, people are actually discussing the toxicity here in other forums and websites.
It's really not at any serious scale. It's more that a couple of people are making vague allusions to what's being talked about here and exaggerating the fallout. Yes, there's been some general sarcasm and cattiness embedded in the exchanges, but nothing to suggest real animosity and hostility.

Anyhow, really hope we get some big spoilers coming up if it's true that more people have the game now. I'm thirsty for plot details.


KH ☼ D&D ☼ Music ☼ Wack.
Apr 7, 2013
Somewhere, surely procrastinating
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Bronze Member
Nov 25, 2008
Traveling the World's by Gummi Ship
Spoiler Spoiler Show

Don’t forget about the Star Seeker Keyblade!


Bronze Member
Jun 23, 2017
Dunlap, TN
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And none of that includes any DLC keyblades and future DLC keyblades. Also, on the Crystal Snow thing. The transformation where Happy Gear turns into the claws is the same animation they recycle for the Crystal snow transformation that isn't the skates. Blizzard claw I think? But other than that it's different. They just seem to be recycling animations so far, but still make them unique.


KH ☼ D&D ☼ Music ☼ Wack.
Apr 7, 2013
Somewhere, surely procrastinating
And none of that includes any DLC keyblades and future DLC keyblades. Also, on the Crystal Snow thing. The transformation where Happy Gear turns into the claws is the same animation they recycle for the Crystal snow transformation that isn't the skates. Blizzard claw I think? But other than that it's different. They just seem to be recycling animations so far, but still make them unique.

Spoiler Spoiler Show


Fallen to Darkness
Jan 13, 2018
And none of that includes any DLC keyblades and future DLC keyblades. Also, on the Crystal Snow thing. The transformation where Happy Gear turns into the claws is the same animation they recycle for the Crystal snow transformation that isn't the skates. Blizzard claw I think? But other than that it's different. They just seem to be recycling animations so far, but still make them unique.

I wonder if there might be secret Keyblades for completing the Flan minigames or getting high scores in all the Classic Kingdom games. I could see some fun designs for both.
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