I'm out right now but I checked on here while I'm in a cab, how you lot are still defending this is beyond me, especially with the information that we've got to go on, everyone is entitled to their own opinion which is obviously fine but the game is lacking. You're telling me my complaints are unreasonable when it's the last damn game in the saga, do you not care? Have you not been waiting for KH3 like everyone else? Square could give us 4 Disney worlds and 2 original worlds and some of you would find an excuse for this, have higher standards for the last game in the Saga, damn...
Coliseum tournaments should be in the game, data battles should be in the game, secret bosses should be in the game, how do you find this nonsense acceptable in KH3? I don't get it. Yes, some of us are comparing it to KH2FM, it should have the same if not more content than a game was made over 10 years ago.
The fact that you're saying that I'm unreasonable for wanting more isn't fair. Do you not want more? Do you want to pay for DLC for content that should be in the main game? Have you not been dying to play the conclusion for a game that we've all been waiting for, I don't get how you're still defending getting less than we deserve. Us fans love the game, that's why we even joined the site, how can you be happy with what you're reading if you've seen the leaks (which you obviously have because you're on a leak thread). I get the defending to a certain degree but you can't keep making excuses for a lack of content, the thing is that we'll pay for all of this stuff, even if it's in a Final Mix version and it should be in the game.
Honestly, what were your expectations coming into the game? Please don't humour me and actually pretend like you expected the game to have:
1. No coliseum.
2. No secret bosses.
3. No data battles.
4. 7 Disney worlds and 1 mini-game Disney world (come on, everyone expected more for KH3).
5. Sora and Riku as the only playable characters.
How could we not expect more from KH3, I know that some of you are trying to rationalise it in your heads but this stuff isn't out of the ordinary, it's things we all thought KH3 would have.
If you asked me what I thought would happen before the game was released, I would have expected The Jungle Book and Wreck-It Ralph or Princess and the Frog as Disney worlds, I would have expected coliseum tournaments, I would have expected someone else other than Sora and Riku as playable characters and I would have expected a couple of secret bosses. This is nothing that is out of the norm.
It's a vanilla version I expected to have more than KH2 and KH1 did vanilla wise and it does by a huge margin, it's nearly got all the content of KH2FM+ and more it's just missing some very specific elements and that? That's actually pretty incredible for a base KH game especially when the japanese release is also always lacking compared to the overseas and never comes close to this level of content. I expected it to tie up and end the saga's story and it does. I expected it to be the height of gameplay and from the leaker's review and from what we've seen it certainly looks like it is, though remains for the public to make that judgement once we get our hands on it.
1. It's a shocker but it's also an element that comes and goes in the series so it wasn't that much a shock, KH1/KH2/BBS are the only games that have them. DDD and Coded had something different in flick rush/the layer maze, Days and CoM didn't have it at all, and I'm not really sure where to classify chi given the nature of that game. Asking for it not unreasonable, throwing a tantrum and decrying the game's content BEFORE YOU'VE OR 90% OF THE WORLD HAS PLAYED IT, it's the definition of jumping the gun.
2. There is still zero confirmation there is none, but even if there is none that means we are missing a single fight since as stated vanilla versions have had 1 boss at best. We're still not actually at a smaller boss number you realize that right? We are missing a "probably" hard optional fight but the overall boss number is still higher just by counting the ones we know/the leaker implied. The argument is KH3 is lacking content but it's more it's lacking a very specific type of content.
3. Yes I didn't expect data battles, literally why would I? Data battles have existed ONLY in KH2FM+ through a very specific set of circumstances. I was hoping for some harder boss rematches but only DDD and KH2FM+ have that...BBS has a few thrown into the arena but it's all over the place in that game. From what the leaker said it to me hits the more important thing which is
all/most of the org members are fightable, the point of the silhouettes was so you could fight every Org member in KH2 since some died but apparently KH3 already does that.
Oh thinking about it I guess chi kinda has data battles...again I'm not sure how to classify this game's content.
4. When I saw the size and scope of what they were doing, they told us there won't be as many as KH2, and we've been getting near the end with the announcement all Disney worlds would be revealed before release? Yes 12 is about what I was expected though I thought maybe they push for 13 just so they could have the novelty 13 number, would I like more? Sure I would like more in every KH game but do I think it's like negative/flaw/failure of the developers/game? The answer to that is no.
Every KH game but KH2 has only 1 or 0 mini-game worlds so yeah I was expecting 1 world at worst 2 at best. However what YOU are ignoring is that it's not like KH3 is lacking in mini-games, every world we've seen had at least one mini-game and there are multiple optional mini-games to play, there are like 20 classic kingdom subgames alone. You're still getting a hefty mini-game quota, so no the fact they don't specifically have TWO worlds dedicated to mini-games is not exactly something I see worthy being depressed over since they still have plenty of mini-games.
5. They have said for YEARS that there was going to do one other playable character so yes, when they repeatedly state there will be one character other than Sora who is playable yes I'm going to only expect Sora + someone else. I didn't want it to be Riku I wanted it to be...well you know, but everyone and their grandmother knew that Riku was the most likely candidate as much as it wasn't wanted. Post KH1 Riku is ALWAYS playable to an almost annoying degree (coded is the only game post KH1 Riku appears in that he is not playable...not counting BBS since he was 5 years old and thus impossible to be playable), and my only disappointment here is that they didn't break the expectation and surprise us. I can at least take solace this is the first time Riku is getting to be playable with KH's proper combat system. No cards, panels, dream eaters and commands just the good old command menu, mp bar, and keyblade combo focused system.
Also I must stress you need to think over some of your expectations carefully when you say stuff like "data battles aren't out of the ordinary" when it's a mechanic in a single game. KH3 is already way out of the ordinary for the amount/type of content it does have, it's above so far basically every side game and both base KH1 and base KH2. You once said "isn't the point of technology getting better so we can have more?" and my answer I never posted before it got buried was "no". The point of technology of improving is simply to give us something better, and better doesn't necessarily mean everything previously + new toppings. KH3 is better, a single look at the combat, the world size/design/NPC count, the gummi ship, the visuals, etc.. can tell you that. If you want to bring up being a consumer then consider how little the cost of games have risen verse how much more and how much higher the quality of what you're getting is compare to the past.
A lack of cups, a secret boss, a handful of missing rematches, and having 1 less world than KH1, does not somehow invalidate everything else. If you want to be pessimistic fine, I can't stop you and I don't really care to. But you need to get my argument isn't that KH3 is fine, it's that the pessimism really isn't warranted right now. Wait until you have the game, play it, see how you feel, and then make your assessment or at least wait until more than two people's views have come out.
Also not that you're doing this but other than the secret boss (and that's only because if there is one it's probably well hidden since they always are, 0.2's couldn't even be played on a first proud mode run it could only be challenged in new game + as that made new chests with the zodiac symbols that unlock it appear) I don't think "maybe the leakers are hiding it" is exactly a great stance to take either....