[ -Kairi open her eyes, in the Final World.
-You have to play a song USING KAIRI, memory-dive style gliding around the Final World
-Kairi walks around, suddently she feels her head hurt and get a flashback.
-Very cool flashback of when she was a child all in "pov" style, she is escaping from Shadows around Radiant Garden, Xheanorth (in his scientist-wannabe era) saves (kidnapp?) her.
-Fast forward to the laboratory he speaks about how this world is gonna get eaten by darkness soon, but if Kairi has really the power of a Princess of Light her hearth can "resonate" with the heart of a keyblade wielder, bringing Xheanort to him, that's the only way to save their world, but watch out "IF YOU ARRIVE IN A WORLD THAT'S NEITHER LIGHT NOR DARKNESS, BUT SOMEWHERE ON THE OTHER SIDE YOUR TASK WILL BE FAR FROM EASY, IF THAT HAPPENS YOU MUST ABBANDON YOUR RESERCH, WE HAVE FAILED."
Xheanort procedes to activate the arc (!) with young Kairi in it.
-Back to the present Kairi regain consciousness, you have to play another dive-style song in The Final World controlling her.
-After the song Master Xheanort appears, Kairi is quite mad with him for everything he done and attacks him, even if she is aware he's not real.
-Kairi get smashed, again. Yes.
-Xheanort says she is using the memory she has of Sora to find a clue on where he is but it's useless, "THE ANSWER YOU SEEK LIES IN MEMORIES THAT ARE LONG GONE"
-When Xheanort is about to give her the killing blow Kairi summons The Kingdom Key and block the attack (!) and Kairi transform into Sora (!!!) Xheanort say "SO YOUR VOCIE CAN'T REACH US, NOW I KNOW CERTANLY WHERE YOU HEART IS

-Final Boss battle, Sora against Xheanort and you got to use a fully old-style rendered version of KH3 Sora! The song is Dark Domination.
-After you beat him Sora transforms back to Kairi, Xheanorth say the answer she is looking for is in the words he said that day at Radiant Garden (flashback from before, the one I capitalized I guess).
-Kairi wakes up, Even, Ienzo ad Ansem are analyzing the words Xheanort said but they have no clue, Ansem says that a world neither of darkness nor light but on the other side could be an "Unreality" of a "FICTIONAL WORLD" (

-Riku join in, he says the only clue he got is the one in his dreams, the BIG CITY WITH TALL BUILDINGS
-Fairy godmother teleports in, Yen Sid sent her because he also has some new info: "TO FIND SORA WE NEED 3 KEYS: Riku, who used his dreams, Kairi who used her memory and for the third key...
-Cut to the Final World, where Fairy Godmother, Kairi and Riku goes to.....THE NAMELESS STAR from KH3 ("Yozora's GF"), she is the final key, because she is from the world on the other side they are looking for. They speak a little bit, (she still can't go back to her human form...so a star is all we got again sadly).
Riku uses the power of waking on the star and open a path to this new world, Kairi wants to join but she is aware of how weak she is at the moment, so she goes back to finish her training to get stronger.
-Riku activate the portal and teleports away, a new adventure is about to begin, credits roll.
-Credits music is Dearly Beloved and you gotta play it dive-style with Sora and all the cast of the game gliding around
-Post credits scene in Yen Sid Tower with Yen Sid, Donald, Goofy and Kairi.
With Xheanort defeated they have nobody to ask about this "other world", Yen said says that THE ANCIENT KEYBLADE MASTERS were able to journey to this other world, so that can be a path to follow to find more about the other world but they need to know more about them.
A new mission begins, Donald and Goofy are gonna go to all the keyblade wielders (the rest of the squad) looking for Sora to update them.
Kairi will go on with her training, but this time with Aqua as her master.
And Mickey is gonna start an investigation about this other world and the connection it has with the ancient keyblade masters.
Mickey's journey begins now...road to...Scala Ad Caelum.
An Oath to Return
Kingdom Hearts. ] (/spoiler)