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Fanfiction ► Let's go to school! (Sora/Kairi,Namine/Riku,Squall/Yuffie,Cloud/Aerith)

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Nov 17, 2005
Chapter 18

Aerith screamed. Cloud shouted her name. Leon ran towards the kitchen, while Yuffie tried to keep running, only finding her ankle to hurt a lot.

Leon looked at Aerith. Cloud was frowning, and Aerith giggled.

“I burnt myself!” She said, laughing.

Cloud sighed. “You scared me for nothing.”

Leon nodded. Soon, Yuffie came. Despite her pain, she managed to say, “W-What? What happened?” She asked.

The three looked at Yuffie, and Leon immediately helped Yuffie stand while she leaned on him again. Yuffie sighed. “Why did you scare us like that?” She asked.

Aerith giggled. “Sorry.”

“Aerith…the food’s burning.” Leon said, pointing towards the food.

“Oh!” Aerith said, turning towards the food. Then the food caught on fire.

“Fire!” Cloud said, and came running towards the pan, with a fire extinguisher. “Take that, you fires!” He shouted.

Yuffie burst out laughing. Leon groaned and shook his head, and Aerith laughed.

“That takes care of that.” Cloud said, feeling proud.

“You didn’t have to go that far.” Leon said.

“Where there’s a fire, there’s a fire extinguisher.” Cloud said.

“Uh…ok…” Yuffie said, after stopping her laugh.

“Alright, alright, I’m cooking. Everyone go out! You’ll all get in the way!” Aerith said, half joking.

“Aerith…” Cloud said, in anime-style tears. “You know I won’t get in the way!” He said.

“No, but you would end up eating everything I cooked for dinner!” Aerith said, smiling.

“Right…” Cloud said, going out.

The door bell rang. “I’ll get it.” Cloud said, and opened the door.

“Hey everyone!” Namine and Riku said happily.

“Oh god.” Cloud said, but not dramatically. Kinda like Leon-like.

“We were bored!! We had nothing else to do…” Namine said, about to tear.

“It’s ok, Namine. We’ll go to Kairi and Sora’s house then.” Riku comforted her.

“But I was looking forward to having fun with everyone here!” She said, sniffing.

“But they don’t want us here…” Riku said, rather loudly.

“Cloud, who is it?” Aerith asked.

“Uh…” Cloud started, but was interrupted quickly by Namine and Riku.

“Hey Aerith! It’s Namine and Riku!” They said. “Cloud doesn’t want us here though...” They said sadly.

“Oh no! Cloud, let them in!” Aerith said.

“But Namine is in perky attack mode and Riku is influenced by her!!” Cloud said.

“That’s not a reason to keep them out there! Come in you two!” Aerith said.

Namine and Riku jumped in joy. They went inside after Cloud stepped aside, and both gave him mischievous looks. Cloud sighed, and closed the door.
Sora munched on his sandwich as he flipped channels.

“Sora! It’s my last week of holidays! You’re gonna just sit there and grow fat? Kairi ain’t gonna like that!” Roxas shouted.

“Shut up, Roxas! Look who’s talking! You’re eating a plate of burger and playing games! You better not get my controller oily!” Sora shouted.

“I’m not eating a burger! I’m eating a CHEESE burger!” Roxas shouted.

“It’s a burger, for god’s sake!” Sora shouted back.

“A CHEESE burger!” Roxas shouted.

There was a knock on the door, so Sora and Roxas’ mom went to open it.

“Hello! And you might be…” She said, looking unsure.

“Hey! I’m Axel, Roxas’…and that other dude’s friend.” Axel said, as he forgot Sora’s name.

“Oh, Roxas’ friend! Come in!” She said.

“Thanks!” He said, and he walked in.

“Roxas is upstairs, and Sora is watching TV.” She said, and she said, “Sora, Roxas! You’re friend is here!” She said.

“It’s a CHEESE burger!” Roxas shouted.

“No, it’s still a plain BURGER!” Sora shouted back.

Then Roxas finally came down. “Why you little ‘burger saying’ dwitt!!” Roxas said.

“You wanna fight? Bring it! Bring it!” Sora said, pumping his fists up.

“Oh you are so gonna get it!” Roxas said.

“Alright already, stop fighting!” Axel said, standing between them. “You’re brothers!” He said.

“Axel?” Both of them asked, surprised.

“Yeah, it’s me. Hey Roxas, hey…uh…Sora. Yeah, that was your name.” He said, scratching his head.

“Axel!” Roxas said, about to hug Axel.

“Dude, dude.” Axel said, stopping Roxas by a few feet. “No mushiness.” He said.

“Alright, alright.” Roxas said. “Hey, if I had a cheese burger, would it be a burger OR a cheese burger?” He asked.

“Cheese burger OR not, it’s still a burger.” Sora said.

Axel thought for a moment. “I duno. Ask the burger people for that. I ain’t a burger person, I’m a hotdog person.” He said, shrugging.

“We will put off this fight for a moment.” Roxas said, eyes narrowing.

“I will see you some other time then, brother.” Sora said, like a vampire.

“Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Hey Roxas, I’m here to play that weird game you said I should play.” Axel said.

“Oh yeah, come on up.” Roxas said, and Axel went up, Roxas following him, but not before looking at Sora and hissing.

“Hiss yourself.” Sora said, and went to the kitchen. “Mom, I’m going out to Kairi’s house for a while.” He said, going out.

“Oooh…it must be fun having a girlfriend huh?” She said, teasing him.

“Mom!” He said, and went out.

His mom laughed, and went up to give Roxas and Axel drinks.
Sora walked towards Kairi’s house, which wasn’t far from his.

But when he reached Kairi’s house, he saw her outside, sitting on her garden bench.

“Kairi!” Sora called, waving.

Kairi looked up, and was delighted to see Sora’s face. “Sora!” She said, waving back, and stood up to open her front gate.

“Hey.” Sora said, hugging Kairi.

Kairi giggled. “Hi Sora! What’s wrong?” She asked.

“Nothing. I was bored, and Axel came over to the house. So Roxas is playing some game with Axel.” He said.

“Aw…you’re lonely?” She asked.

“Nope. Roxas and I were just fighting over burgers just now.” He said.

Kairi sweat dropped. “Burgers…ok…” She said.

“Yeah…” He said, suddenly feeling like the conversations over.

“Hey, let’s go watch a movie!” Kairi said, grinning.

“Ok!” Sora said, grinning even more.

Kairi laughed, and went inside her home. “Wait a minute, ok?” She said, running in quickly.
Kairi soon came out, with a handbag. “Alright, all set!” She said, smiling.

“Great! I need to get my wallet, so let’s go to my house.” He said, holding her hand.

Kairi blushed, and then smiled. “You always wanted to do this, didn’t you?” She asked, giggling at the intertwined hands.

Sora blushed and looked away. “We always used to do this when we were younger.” He said quietly as they walked.

Kairi smiled. “Right. But that was when we were younger. Well, I guess it’s ok, I mean, I did used to have a small crush on you.” She said.

Sora grinned. “Me too! And I always had fun playing with everyone on the beach!” He said.

Soon they arrived at Sora’s house. “Let’s go in.” He said.

“It’s ok, I’ll wait here.” She said.

“No way! Someone might kidnap you!” He said, worried.

“I’m not weak!” She said.

“Yeah, I know you’re not, but I don’t want you waiting out here!” He said.

“Alright, alright. Let’s go in.” She said.

They went inside, and Kairi greeted Sora’s mom.

“Kairi! It’s been a long time since I saw you! How are you?” She asked.

“I’ve been great! What about you?” She asked, smiling.

“Oh I’ve been good too! And so is Sora’s father.” She said. “But you’ve grown a lot, Kairi!” Sora’s mom said.

“Nah, not really, I know there’s some of that small kid of myself in me!” Kairi said.

Kairi and Sora’s mom laughed. Sora sweat dropped, and said, “I’ll go get my wallet.” And he went upstairs.

Kairi and his mom talked, laughing all the while.

Sora went up, thinking. I’m glad Kairi became my girlfriend… He blushed. Oh my god, what if…what if…what if we marry too?! He thought. He blushed with a goofy grin on his face. He walked towards his room, still in his thoughts.

That’s gonna be great… He thought, and bumped on his room door. Hard. “Ow…” He muttered, rubbing his nose.

He opened the door, and got his wallet, and then walked downstairs.

“I’m back.” He said, and looked at Kairi and his mom. They smiled at him, staring at him.

“Uh…what’s up?” He asked.

“Nothing…” Kairi said, getting up. “It was really nice talking to you Miss! Come over sometime, ok!” Kairi said bowing and walking out.

“Ok Kairi! I’ll come sometime!” His mom said, and Sora walked out.

“Ok mom, see you later!” Sora said.

Sora’s mom waved at the both of them, and closed the door.

Sora sighed. “I hope you didn’t talk about anything weird.” He said.

“Of course not Sora!” Kairi said, and giggled. Marry Sora…that’s a nice dream. She thought.

They walked together towards the movie cinema, hand in hand.
“Noo!! I wanna watch TV!!” Yuffie said, whining.

“Come on Yuffie! Let’s go to your room!” Namine said.

“Nooo! Let me go! I’m an injured person!” Yuffie whined.

“Oh!” Namine said, instantly dropping Yuffie’s arm, “I forgot about that. Sorry!” Namine said.

“Yuffie’s hurt? Where?” Riku asked.

“I sprained my ankle.” She said.

Namine’s eyes turned to teasing eyes. “Yuffie…must be pretty nice huh? Getting special treatment from Squall!” Namine whispered.

Yuffie blushed. “W-What are you saying? He won’t do that to me!” She said.

“Hm…who knows…” Namine said. “Riku! We’re going back home!” Namine said.

“Aw…already? I thought we were starting, not ending.” Riku said, grumbling.

“Riku! I’m gonna leave you!” Namine said.

“No! Namine! My love!” He cried dramatically.

Namine had heart eyes. “Oh Riku! You’re always flattering me!” She said, dreamily.

“That’s what I must do for a fair lady like you.” He said, manly.

Cloud’s nerve exploded. “Go out and do that kinda stuff!” He said, and kicked them out.

“Wee! Thanks Aerith!” They said, and flew out.

Yuffie laughed. Aerith sighed, and Leon just came down. “What happened?” He asked.

“Namine and Riku came by and they were teasing Yuffie, then they flew out.” Cloud said, leaving out the part where he kicked them.

“Cloud kicked them AND THEN they flew.” Yuffie said, getting up.

Cloud looked at Yuffie. “You will pay for that…” He said.

“But, knowing them, they won’t get angry.” Leon said. Yuffie walked past Leon and Cloud. “Where are you going?” Leon asked.

“Somewhere.” Yuffie said, and went out.

“Shouldn’t we go after her?” Cloud asked.

“Maybe she’d come back soon.” Leon said, and watched TV. But he was worried.
Yuffie walked around the neighborhood, feeling like there’s nothing to do. But at least she brought her MP3 with her…

She listened to ‘But It’s Better If You Do’ by PANIC! At The Disco. (A/N: The song is good!)

As she walked around the neighborhood, she started thinking.

Why can’t I just say it? Why can’t I tell him how I feel? Ever since we were living under one roof with Cloud and Aerith, I always thought he was like an older brother to me. But that was because I was too young back then. Now it’s different, now it’s much more complicated. I know I like him, a lot, and it’s getting harder and harder for me to say it.

No matter how many times I try, I just can’t say it! And it makes me so mad!! Why???

She screamed her thoughts in her head, and ran as fast as she could. She didn’t really care where she was going; she just needed to run away.
A few hours have passed, but Yuffie didn’t come home. Cloud and Aerith were getting worried, and Leon was starting to get more worried.

Aerith walked over to Leon. “Leon, Yuffie’s taking a long time…” Aerith said, concern etched on her face.

Cloud hugged Aerith from behind. “Don’t worry Aerith. I’m sure she’ll come back soon.” He said.

Suddenly, a heavy rain started. The three looked outside, feeling even more worried about Yuffie.

Leon stood up. He took his jacket, wore it, and went out without saying another word.

Cloud and Aerith were surprised, but decided to let him be. For some reason, they knew that everything would be alright if he went.
Leon stood outside, feeling the rain pour. He sighed, and shook his head.

“Idiot…” He muttered, as he ran to look for her.
Author’s Notes: *Squeals* that ending was so cute! I wonder where Yuffie went, and how she would react when Leon finds her? Will she confess? Will I be able to come up with something good this time? Or is this chapter actually good? Find out next time!!

N.B. Please review. Hahaha.


I taste delicious
Mar 8, 2005
it was good. leon creeps me out, thats pretty good, still like the old ones.

Aucune Raison

Apr 18, 2006
600 A.D.
Nice Chapter. But I noticed, isn't Squall also going to find out that Yuffie's ankle is perfectly fine? Because if she was able to run... well... I think she's in trouble. But I feel a love scene coming on.


New member
Apr 22, 2006
What! Who told you! It's a LIE ! A Lie I tell you!
Riku and Namine are weird! But a funny kinda weird! That argument between Sora and Roxas was stupid. But a funny kinda stupid! I wonder what's goin to happen between Yuffie and Leon(I also wonder what weird game Axel and Roxas were playing. Maybe Conker:Live and Reloaded! jk lol!!). Anyway, great chap Ice!


Nov 17, 2005
Just wait for a few more...hours? Haha, I'm almost done, really. It's just that my school just started, and teacher's just dump homework on to us, so I didn't have enough time to finish every thing. But I'm almost done.
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