Well if a random guy was dressed up as a Stormtrooper, then he knows that people are going to look at him, so that's dumb.
But a better question, why was he dressed up as a stormtrooper??
um hes a pedo
Well if a random guy was dressed up as a Stormtrooper, then he knows that people are going to look at him, so that's dumb.
But a better question, why was he dressed up as a stormtrooper??
Odd. Very, very odd...Trailer park people are weird
I would know
And he was heading in the direction of my school too.
There are no big buildings past there, so it couldn't of been a convention
Tonight, he faked out with hitting me in the head with his sword, I said something to him but I can't remember what, probably just a teasing comment.
Did I tell you about giving him crap about my birthday when I called him?
I called him last night.
And this morning
Me and my friend (known as Emo-girl to him) talked to him for like an hour
He told us a story about Nazi-zombies.
In the morning he was playing video games with some guy who kept talking like a chick
Then my teddy bear yelled at him to shut up so he could talk to us.
That's what me and my friend decided he looked like.
A teddy bear.
See what happens when we hate to many "good" looking actors?
Wait. How old are you? If you're 12 or under then this makes sense. If you're 13+ then you need to start doing some independent things, such as going to the movies by yourself. It's not that big of a deal. And it doesn't have to be a double date, just have some of his friends and some of your friends and everyone will all mesh together.We can't really "date"
Where would we go without my parents knowing.
I guess I could meet him at sports games, but we can't really go anywhere else.
There's this popcorn/slushie place down the street from where we live (he's just down the street the other way and on a side street) but my mom or sister could see us walking back together.
And I don't think my mom would let me go to the movies alone
None of my friends are dating so I couldn't lie and say I'm going with them and their guy to hide the fact it's a double date
Ohh okay well then you are excused lol. Happy early birthday, btw!I turn 13 tomorrow
Meshing is fun.
But I can't do independant things as much as I would like to.
Over-protective parents and all.
And if my dad found out I got a boyfriend, he'd fly all the way back here just to kick my ass then Nelson's (that's my crushes name btw)
We kinda did self-made valentines in L.A. today while practicing word choice.
Going around to other peoples laptops and typing in what we like about them: Someone said I smell nice
do this after school walk somewhere or get this guy you likes older brother or sister to drive you placesWe can't really "date"
Where would we go without my parents knowing.
I guess I could meet him at sports games, but we can't really go anywhere else.
There's this popcorn/slushie place down the street from where we live (he's just down the street the other way and on a side street) but my mom or sister could see us walking back together.
And I don't think my mom would let me go to the movies alone
None of my friends are dating so I couldn't lie and say I'm going with them and their guy to hide the fact it's a double date