He's raping you with his eyes- er... eye.
he's trying to tell you buy a happy meal or he won't leave you alone...
He's raping you with his eyes- er... eye.
Don't double post.
Days is going to come out soon. Just wait a little longer. :/
oh yeah, dont do this again next year. thank you.
I doubt they will do it again next year.
I'm sure they will think up something else. >_>
What really annoys me about all of this, as awesome as it would've been, was the Post-D-Day effect none of you seem capable of considering.
We have thousands and thousands of users. Now while all of you would no doubt shrug it off as whining, it's bad publicity and hell all around.
I hate the day personally, but aside from that, this isn't something so low scale that it would go unnoticed. You think people are bitching now? Well. Imagine had you pulled this off.
Kudos, Audo. This was really big of you (no sarcasm).
SE are way to busy to make KH3. >_>
you don't know what they're doing.
So, the site staff can't at least try and do a little joke for April Fool's Day? They're only allowed to report actual news without being allowed to do anything at all for fun? Geez.
If they do it on April Fool's day, everyone will know it's a joke, and there'd be no point.
We weren't originally going to, but when the interview just happened to sprout up at the perfect opportunity, we just went with it.However, next time don't do it in a shitty way and use a real interview and just add a question to it.
I haven't been here in a while so this is the first time I've noticed this whole thing. After reading some of the posts made earlier, I couldn't help but laugh at all the little kids who were bitching and whining about how disappointed they were. After someone said it was just a game, I lost it after reading someone's reply of saying it's not "just" a game!
I had no idea that this game has created a somewhat "cult-like" fanbase! Nice job!
And honestly, I'd like to see the finished stuff. After I noticed that this had way more than 3 pages of posts, I don't know if it is finished and a link was posted elsewhere, so apologies.