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Fanfiction ► Rikku's Last Mission: Redux

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Hooray! Hooray!
Dec 24, 2004
And here is the fic that began the tree of the Yasai family. Don't know what I'm talking about? Thought so. Anyway, this is the redux of the Rikku's Last Mission series. This is an AU fic following FFX-2, starring Rikku (duh).

I've made character edits, seeing as to how I never really thought the first RLM out, but now that I've improved (after two years of harsh criticisms and the constant beatings of Pickle and Amme), I can finally re-write the tale. Please enjoy.

-Chapter One-

Stuck To You (Hellogoodbye)​

A quiet patient figure sat in one of three cockpits, watching as clouds slowly passed her by. Blowing off a wisp of her golden blonde hair, she let out a sigh. She wiggled her feet as she propped them on the dashboard in front of her. She rubbed her hands together, slowly gathering warmth as the cold metal that surrounded her sent chills throughout her petite image. The loud whirring of the airship engines filled the room and were slowly accompanied by the footsteps on the hard floor. "Rikku," a voice called to her.

Rikku turned around from her seat to see the tall silver haired woman stand above her, arms folded. Her deep red eyes seemed to scare Rikku a little less every time she saw them, yet, they still carried the same fearful essence. "C'mon, we're going to the blitz game today," she ordered.

"I don't wanna," Rikku whined, her face decorated with a pout.

"We haven't done anything. Don't you think this 'vacation' is getting a little boring?"

"Who's playing today?"

"Luca Goers and that one new team," Paine said placing her fingers on her chin. "Mushroom Rock something-or-others,"

"But... I had some naps planned today!" she said, emphasizing her pout by holding her face with her hands.

"You're coming whether you like it or not," she said taking Rikku by the arm. Rikku assumed the rag doll position and was dragged across the floor by Paine. As soon as they reached the elevator, Rikku realized that she had passed the point of no return. The elevator had slowly dropped lower and lower until they reached the docking bay. A breath of fresh air had entered her lungs and the wind had chilled her slightly. Her scarf flew behind her as the two began walking forward.

"Why isn't Yunie coming with us?" Rikku asked.

"She said she's out with Tidus today. Lucky her, huh?"

"I guess. I'm happy for her," Rikku said shrugging.

"Don't you think it's time for a love interest?"

"Been there, done that. It's not so great,"

"Liar," Paine teased. Rikku stuck her tongue out at Paine. The two made their way through the busy bazaars of Luca, passing by street vendors, advertising their wares by holding them in their hands and shouting out what they were. They past several small children running around with balloons. Rikku stopped to help a small girl by tying the balloon's string to her wrist. "Hurry up," Paine urged.

"There, now you don't have to worry about losing it, okay?" Rikku smiled as the little girl nodded and ran off. Rikku's grin stretched from cheek to cheek as she saw the kids laughing as they circled the fountain just outside of the blitzball stadium. They heard sirens roar as the noise of the Blitzball sphere was being filled with water. As they reached the ticket counter, they released a sigh of relief. The match was delayed due to travel problems. "We've got forty five minutes until the game starts. Wanna go walk?"

"Sure. I mean, it's not like we've been walking since we left," Paine said, folding her arms once again. The two made their way around the docks surrounding the stadium and watched as the late coming team was unpacking their gear. Rikku and Paine watched as the group had been tossing several boxes and such around off the boat and onto the port. Rikku walked forward to get a closer look, and Paine felt obliged to follow. She watched skeptically comparing about the Goer's stats and the new teams first impression, while Rikku, on the other hand, stood in the small accumulation of people who came to speculate the new team.

Teammates were throwing bags from the ship to the people on the docks who were loading them onto carts and pushing them into the locker room entrance, blatantly labled, "SECRET TEAM ENTRANCE : TEAM MEMBERS ONLY!" on a large red sign with big white text. "I got Bozu's bag," a voice called out. From the ship, a large black duffle bag had attacked Rikku and knocked her down.

"Owwies," Rikku said tearing up and rubbing the back of her head, attempting to soothe the pain. Her frail figure couldn't lift the bag off her chest and she stuggled to get it off. She pushed one last time and the bag lifted up not as heavy as before. Dragging the bag off of her was a gaunt figure staring down at her. He held out his hand and Rikku grabbed it. Their eyes met as he shook his head to the side, swinging the hair off of his face. She regained her balance and gave him a soft punch to the shoulder. "Who d'ya think you are? Attacking people with bags and stuff?" she said blushing. His cheeks grew red as he apologized.

"I'm sorry, it's just that... I didn't see you there. Let me make it up to you," he said. Rikku looked at the ID card hanging from his neck. The picture showed him with a big thumbs up and a wide smile. She read the name underneath the picture as he turned. "Gerd?" she asked.

"Well, it's Gerard, but whatever floats your boat, ma'am," he smiled as he motioned for her to follow. Rikku gave Paine the signal to follow as well.

"I'm Rikku," she said walking beside him. He turned and smiled. He wore a black uniform with segments of blue and gold on the arms and legs. Long black hair covered his neck and part of his face. His blitz boots were extremely thin and made no sounds as he walked on. He led her to the ticket booth and went straight to the clerk. He turned to the two and asked Rikku if she was with anyone else. "Well, I came here with my friend," she said pointing at Paine. "Her name's Paine. Paine, this is Gerd," she laughed. Paine held her hand out nonchalantly and shook his.

"Alright. Can I get two guest tickets?" he asked the woman at the kiosk. He held up his team ID and the man at the booth printed out two tickets. "There, second row from the front," he said handing her the tickets. "Umm... Yeah," he said scratching the back of his head nervously. "Enjoy the game. I have to get back with the team," he said as he started running. Paine pushed Rikku forward.

"Go!" she urged.

"What!?" Rikku asked, surprised at Paine.

"Ask to meet him later or something!"

"I dunno, it's kinda," Rikku muttered. Paine sighed and began to run forward. She caught up with Gerard and Rikku watched their motions as they exchanged words. He nodded and started jogging back to the team ship as Paine walked back towards Rikku cooly. "What he say, what he say?" she asked anxiously.

"Meet him on the bench by the large tree in the plaza," Paine said as she walked past Rikku and towards the seating entrance. Rikku ran to catch up excited, but very nervous.

-End Chapter-

Enjoy it? Please keep reading, but more importantly, LEAVE COMMENTS! Nothing to me matters more than the opinions of my readers (except Rikku. And a sparkly bellied penguin).


Thank You Jonathan Larson
Jun 23, 2005
Recounting my exploits as an Anarchist. =D



Anyway, I'm glad that Rikku didn't fall out of the sky. Though, that was a funny entrance. And Paine talks more. Which is gud, cause she's hilarious. I forgot most of RLM. ;-; Kat has a poor memory.

Now Kat can remember all the hilariocity of RLM!!!



May 1, 2005
Wonderland. We're all mad here! :D
Gerard is a Gary-foocracker. :D But description and things are nice and wonderous. But it seemed ... shortz0rz. D: But twas perdah! :DD

You foocracker. <-- Word of the Month.

Seriously, Fic-Gerd must have the looks between the two of you. How else would he get so much? It's certainly not his wonderful personality dragging all the ladies into the bed.

I think Pickle might hurt me for my disturbing, gutter mind references. :/


I don't like bugs!
Jun 23, 2005
^I'll let it slide this time. XP

But he's way improved from before, j00 heb to admit that.


I just hope you keep all teh wickle Amme-Pickle-Code-Speak bits. x3

I luff that. x3

-kills things in appreciation of fan fiction revamp-


Hooray! Hooray!
Dec 24, 2004
Thanks for the comments! But we need more readers! Advertise please!

Oh yeah, more update later today.


Darkrooms and safelights
Mar 19, 2005
Sitting inside the viewfinder of a camera, watchin
It was 1,172 words.

That makes it eleven words off from being eleven times better than the first RLM intro chap.

Still a pretty good deal, no?

Cloud_Unchained said:
(after two years of harsh criticisms and the constant beatings of Pickle and Amme)

Hey look, it worked. And I was just doing it to hear myself talk.



I'd like to say updart, but that would make me a public hypocrite. So I'll just say that I stayed home from school today and thus am going to post a short AM chap.

I know, I suck. o.<


A Chagrined Fool.
Aug 3, 2005
People's Fragile Dreams, Relinquished from Anixiet
Nice remix so far! =^_^=

I can't really remember the first one, but it seems more descriptive and such now. Though, I kind of liked how Rikku met Gerald the first time for some reason...xD

That's just me, though. ><

... I probably think that since it was amsing....

Can't wait for an update! =^_^=

*... Is tempted to read the first one again.... *


Hooray! Hooray!
Dec 24, 2004
Time to update.

-Chapter Two-

Lemon Yellow Black (Jets To Brazil)​

Not any sort of any kind of outgoing Blitz fan, it was odd for Rikku to be as enthusiastic as it was. Not that she was jumping up and down uncontrollably, but she wasn't afraid to let out a swear word or two at a bad call. Paine watched in amazement as she wore her foam finger, holding the title of quietest person in the audience. She sat with her knee propped up on the other, slouching in her chair and letting out a few yawns. Halftime came and Gerard had not gotten to play yet. Goers were up by three. "I'm going to get some... whatever," Paine said as she stood up and stretched.

Rikku sat impatiently in her seat, twiddling her fingers as she watched as the clock counted down the time until the game would start again. Eight minutes. She let out a frustrated breath and leaned on the arm rest. "Rikku, right?" a voice asked. She shook in shock and looked in all directions. "Right here," he called from behind. Rikku turned back to see the man who had assulted her with a large black bag sometime before the game.

"Hey!" She said. Name, name, name... Ger.... Ger... Jerry! she thought to herself. Wait... I don't think that's it... Poopie! she thought keeping her anger silent. "Why aren't you in your locker room... Buckaroo?" she said embarassed. His eyes gave her a confused look. "I'm sorry," she said. "I umm... Sorta... Forgot... your name," she said, followed with a nervous laugh.

"It's Gerd. Or Gerard. Whichever you prefer,"

"I'll keep a mental note," Rikku smiled.

"Having fun?"

"Lots, but, I was wondering why you haven't played yet!"

"I will. Eventually. As soon as I get put in," he laughed.

"Well, I'm sure you will," Rikku said with a pleasant countenance. The familiar footsteps intruded the small conversation. Paine took her seat next to Rikku and gave Rikku her extra foam finger.

"These things are selling like hotcakes," Paine told Rikku as she bit into her newly attained cotton candy. What the hell are hotcakes? Gerard asked as he peered at her.

"Paine right?" he asked.

"Gerard, right?" she answered. Asked. Askwered.

"Yep. At least one of you remembered," Gerard laughed.The siren went. "Whoops... I'll talk to you later," he said shaking both of their hands. He dashed off and Paine and Rikku turned back and faced the Blitz sphere once again.

"You know he was saying it to me," Paine teased Rikku, not noticing the moustache of cotton candy that had built up on her upper lip. Rikku nudged her to the side and folded her arms. "Kidding. I'm just teasing Rikku," she chuckled. And you're the one who tells me I should act my age, Rikku rolled her eyes. The game began and the teams took their spots. Although the left forward was missing. Almost being charged with delay of game, Gerard took his spot. His teammates giving him several looks, some gave him the finger too, but to them he just waved. As soon as the horn went off, Gerard swam forward while his teammates swam the opposite way. A Goer had thrown the ball foward, only to be caught by a defender. The ball, tossed to a certain unaware left forward, smacked the back of Gerard's head.

He shook it off and swam to the ball, only to be beaten by a Goer. Gerard chased after him and once he got close enough, he swung his foot forward to give him a blow the stomach. After claiming the ball, Gerard swam towards the goalie. Tossing it to the middle forward, the ball was scored and the Goers were still up by two. Unfortunately, after many futile scoring attempts, the Goers won by one. A loud cheer cried for both teams as they exited the sphere. The water began to drain, and the sphere began to dematerialize as crowds of people swarmed the exit, taking as many free things as they could. Paine had already gotten her fill of cotton candy and foam fingers. Rikku wore her foam finger as she and Paine waited for everyone to evacuate so they wouldn't need to be surrounded by the tired fans. They stood up and waited as the lobby began to thin out.

"Where did he want to meet me?" Rikku asked placing her finger by her lips in curiousity.

"I asked if he wanted to meet me," Paine winked. "You can wait over there and by me some more balloons and foam fingers," she teased.

"...You're not kidding, are you?"

"Why would I be?" Paine said with a sly look on her face. Rikku's face held back a pout.

"To get me mad?"

"Correct! To the fountain you go," Paine said pushing Rikku from behind. Paine let her go on her own as Rikku began walking towards the plaza. She circled the fountain twice impatiently. Whatever took him so long, probably was important, seeing as to how she nervously circled the fountain a third time. She began to attract the eyes of many by standers, confused as to why one would walk in a circle so frantically. Bored, she sat on a bench that overlooked the whole plaza, and there she saw Gerard out of his Blitz uniform. He was sitting on a bench across the plaza on the other side of the fountain wearing a black coat, with a white zip up hoodie underneath. He wore a black shirt underneath and dark blue denim pants. Or jeans, if you want.

She called out his name and waited for a response. No answer. She called again, this time waving the foam finger she forgot to leave with Paine. His eyes brightened up as he moved the hair out of his eye and walked towards her. He stood up and walked over to her with his hands in his pockets. He sat next to her, smile wide and heart pounding. "Rikku?" he asked.

"Gerard?" she askwered. They laughed as Gerard struck up the conversation.

"Y'know, I never thought I'd get to meet Cid's daughter," he said, as he slowly wrapped his fingers around the ring that swung from his necklace.

"You know Dad?"

"Nah. Not really. All I know is that he's a big shot in Spira, and to meet his daughter is like meeting a princess," he said as her face turned slightly pink.

"You're a little forward," she said.

"Am I?"

"Very much, yeah," she smiled. "But... I can put up with it,"

-End Chapter-


Hooray! Hooray!
Dec 24, 2004
I like what I'm reading. I tend to become an evil "Simon-esque" critic sometimes, but this is, in my opinion, pretty good....keep it up, you just gained a reader. ;D


Thanks for reading though. XD Glad too see more people are reading.


Hooray! Hooray!
Dec 24, 2004
Chapter Three

Is This Love? (Clap Your Hands And Say Yeah)​

The sound of silverware screeching across a plate pierced the ears of Paine and Rikku. Yuna dropped her utensils and asked Rikku to repeat. "...Lunch tommorow?" she whimpered. Yuna stopped gaping and continued eating. "Something wrong?" asked Rikku.

"No, nothing. I thought you said something else," Yuna rolled her eyes.


"Not important. Anyway... How did you meet again?"Yuna asked.

"We've gone through this four times already," Paine said slouching over the table, swirling her fork, slowly creating a tornado of pasta. A deadly tornado which swept through the small town of tomato sauce. As the small women and children made of cilantro and basil ran out of their houses of small pieces of meat, Paine dropped her fork and leaned back. "I'm going to bed," she said taking her plate and bringing it to bartender. Yuna leaned on to Rikku.

"Are you going?" Yuna asked curiously.

"Well, it'd be kinda rude not to... Right? I mean... I want to go... Sorta," Rikku said blushing and scooting away from the table. "I mean, it's not a date. Definitely not a date,"

"You want us to check over you?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"...Goodnight, Rikku," Yuna smiled with her voice leaving Rikku curious and a little frightened. Changing into her pajama's she sat on her bed and hopped up and down slowly as Yuna and Paine were performing their final rituals before bed. She rolled into her sheets and turned off the lights on her bedside stand.

"G'night, Paine," Rikku whispered. A snore returned her pleasantries. "Yuna?" she asked. An even louder snore came this time. She took a deep breath and waited for the hum of the engines to bring her to sleep. Morning came, so did the sun. Rikku found her self lying on the bed on her stomach. Paine's loud snoring could be heard as she wrestled slowly with her pillow five feet away from Rikku on the floor. Yuna was already up making her bed and such. Rikku stood up and stretched as she let out a loud yawn. She waited for Paine to wake up and for Yuna to finish up with the bathroom. Rikku crawled to the foot of the bed and looked down at Paine.

Paine's mouth was wide open as she snored and Rikku inhaled her morning breath. She covered her face with the blanket and began poking at Paine's cheek. She continued poking as Yuna came out of the bathroom, stroking her hand through her wet hair. Yuna slammed the door behind her, instantly waking up Paine from her slumber. Rikku immediately lifted her finger away from Paine's cheek and reached under her bed for a towel. Paine began making her bed in a groggy fashion as Rikku entered the shower.

Stepping out, she was veiled by a shroud of mist that build up inside the shower. She dawned her theif outfit which she had worn oh so casually, despite the... Chillyness...ity. She joined Yuna down at the bar for breakfast, while Paine left to shower and such. Rikku pulled the banana apart and used the butter knife to slice the banana into her cereal. Yuna read the paper as she held a slice of toast in her lips. She turned the page as Rikku nervously shook her spoon, causing her to hit the bowl of cereal repeatedly. Yuna looked up from the paper and began nibbling on the toast as Rikku tried calming her hands.

"You okay?" Yuna said, dropping the piece of toast on to her lap.

"Y-yeah... J-just a little shaky. But I'm good!" Rikku falsely assured her cousin.

"Huh. Well, alright then," Yuna said, returning to her paper and chewing the air that replaced the toast which had fallen on her lap. "My toast!" she whined. Rikku scooped up her cereal and nervously took a bite as Paine came sliding down the banister. Paine landed forward and fell on her stomach, sliding forward.

"Yaargh, only three meters," she said in an odd accent. She stood behind Rikku and put her chilly gloved hand on her shoulders. Rikku turned around to see Paine with a wide smirk on her face. "Let's get to my bed. I have something to show you," she said, pulling Rikku by the shoulder. Unwillingly, she followed Paine up the stairs and she sat on the bed as Paine pulled out a suitcase from underneath. "Shh..." Paine told Rikku as Rikku looked away. Click, click, click. Beep, beep, boop. PSHHHH.... Rikku turned around to see a miniature cloud of smoke arise from the suitcase. "Here," Paine said, tossing Rikku an earpiece and a small replica of a rose. "Just put the flower pin in your hair, and the ear piece into your ear, and we'll take care of the rest,"

"But... What's all this for?" Rikku asked confused, meticulously inspecting the pin.

"We'll," Yuna said catching up to the two, "be watching over you,"

"Why don't we do this with you and Tidus, then!?" Rikku asked nervously. Paine and Yuna stared at each other. Paine looked at Rikku and opened her mouth to answer, only to close it again, forgetting what she was going to say.

"...Yeah. Anyway, we'll be watching from afar as you and what'shisface go paint the town red,"

"His name's Gerd. Er... Jerry... Gerard. Yes! His name is Gerard," Rikku said, reminding herself not to forget the name again. Yuna took an earpiece and Paine took one as well. They tested the microphone to see if was responding properly.

"Alright, here Yuna," Paine said tossing her a pair of binoculars.

"Ready?" she asked into her mic.

"Ready," Paine said.

"...Not ready," Rikku said biting her lower lip.

-End Chapter-


May 1, 2005
Wonderland. We're all mad here! :D
That scene kinda scared me. I think. =/ Was it directed more at the teenage boys on the thread?


So anyway. Making up words is good for the heart and soul. -pats Gerd- You do not phail.
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