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Shinobi Of the World

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New member
Apr 10, 2007
Taking Pictures of Aqua's magical child-bearing hi
In a world full of shadow shinobi exist. they protect the land from those who wish to harm it.

There once lived powerful beasts that could crush the land with one swipe of their mighty tails, these beasts were known as the 9 "Tailed Beasts" they almost brought the world to extinction, but just as the world was on its last string the "Tailed Beasts" were put inside 9 beings and the world was at peace again.​


"Congratulations you have all passed!". Ky sat at the back of the class and watched his fellow students, "The Teams and where they will be going to meet their instructor are:

The teacher pulled out a large scroll and opened it he then read aloud.

Team One
Jounin- Shouten Nai
Ky Aisu
Zaji Asuka
Ikasu Inashi

Team Two
Jounin- Hotaru Raiken
Shinko Deidan
Kage Jugokukiba
Shukketsu Teishu.​

"The two teams will be going to the following areas at 0700 tomorrow morning:

Team One- Training Area 47 near the Konaha Lake

Team Two- Training Area 11 a few paces outside the entrance to Konaha.​

"For now you will guided by your squad leaders when you exit the class room to have a talk about your progress, Class Dissmissed". Ky stood up and stood outside the door waiting for his squad leader "I guess my ninja journey starts today!".
Jan 22, 2007
Cambodia, harvesting all the orphans I can.
Hotaru had his back against the wall, just opposite of the student's classroom. He sighed. "I hope I get a good bunch this year. Every time they assign me a group of genin, they always sissy out or something." Hotaru said, closing his eyes, only opening them when he heard class dismissed. "Well." He said, as the students began walking out. "Hotaru Raiken over here children." He said in a playful tone. "Are you ready to play Ninja?" He asked with a smile.


New member
May 6, 2008
in a pocket cup
"Congratulations you have all passed!The Teams and where they are to be going to meet their instructors are"

Zaji watched as the graduation examiner gathered a scroll from his desk and read

''Team One will consist of Shouten Nai as the Jounin teacher and his squad of genin are Ky Aisu, Zaji Asuka and Ikasu Inashi"

"Team Two has Hotaru Raiken as the jounin and Shinko Deidan, Kage Jugokukiba and Shukketsu Teishu as the genin"

"The two teams will be going to the following areas at 0700 tomorrow morning team One will go to Training Area 47 near the Konaha Lake

Team Two will proceed to Training Area 11 little way outside the entrance to Konaha.

"For now you will guided by your Jounin teachers, as you exit the class to have a talk about your progress, Class Dismissed".

Phew though Zaji, its a good thing I passed.
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Apr 20, 2006
F'ing Naxxramas, yall/
Shukketsu got up from his seat. "Well, this will be interesting," he said. "I've always wanted to be on a squad." Shukketsu looked around. "Now," he asked himself. "Where is my team.........and more importantly, our leader." Shukketsu then spotted his sensei, Houtar Raiken. He started walking over when his sensei shouted out "Hotaru Raiken over here children. Are you ready to play Ninja?" Shukketsu let out a sigh. "Play ninja? Please, Houtar sensei."

Dead Ascension

A Hero's Countdown
May 5, 2005
In my little box of imagination
Shouten walked slowly to the academy with his head bobbing up and down to the rhythm of the song he was listening to. Today was the day where he would become a Jounin sensei and obtain his three new cute and adorable students. Ky Aisu...Zaji Asuka...Ikasu Inashi...Their names held power and with the right training they could become the strongest genin in Konoha history.

Chuckling to himself, he quickly withdrew a kunai and wrapped a piece of a scroll on it. He jumped up and quickly shot the kunai and off it went into the class and it skewered itself onto a desk.

Team 1
This is Nai Shouten, your jounin sensei.
Your test is simple. There are three Kage Bunshins of me holding a scroll which holds my real location.
1st Kage - Go to where the protectors watch over the village
2nd Kage - Where the water unleashe the warmth of the water
3rd Kage - Where the mourners meet to grieve their lost ones

These are the clues to my Kage Bunshins.
Find them, annihilate them, retrieve the scrolls and find me.

Good Luck, I'll be watching.



New member
Apr 10, 2007
Taking Pictures of Aqua's magical child-bearing hi
Ky waited and looked around, seeing a scroll on a desk held on by a kunai. He walked over and opened the scroll, "What is this?" he wondered.

Team 1
This is Nai Shouten, your jounin sensei.
Your test is simple. There are three Kage Bunshins of me holding a scroll which holds my real location.
1st Kage - Go to where the protectors watch over the village
2nd Kage - Where the water unleashe the warmth of the water
3rd Kage - Where the mourners meet to grieve their lost ones

These are the clues to my Kage Bunshins.
Find them, annihilate them, retrieve the scrolls and find me.

Good Luck, I'll be watching.​

"Huh a test? I better find Zaji and Ikasu" Ky said to himself he saw Zaji inside the class room as he waded through the crowd. He was in front of Zaji, Ky had been good friends with him since they joined the acadamy and was glad they were on the same team "Zaji! Hi, Nai sensai has left us a test!" We need to find Ikasu!" Ky laughed as he said this.


New member
May 6, 2008
in a pocket cup
Zaji stood near the back of the classroom scanning the crowd for his teammates, he saw his good friend Ky struggling through the newly passed genins over to him. He grinned at the sight of him , he heard Ky say half laugh
"Zaji! Hi, Nai sensai has left us a test!" We need to find Ikasu!"

Hmmm what test could this be? pondered Zaji . "Alright Ky lets go find Ikasu, he couldn't be far, and whats with this scroll? annihilate Shouten sensai's kage bunshins,sounds like fun eh!"
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Jan 22, 2007
Cambodia, harvesting all the orphans I can.
Hotaru watched as students passed by him. "Where are my students?" He asked himself. The Konoha Jonin surveyed the crowd of students, each one respectfully going to their Jonin leader. "Come on kids, where are my students?" He whispered to himself. Hotaru then spotted a genin, unlike the others. He wasn't moving, or heading to his leader. "So, you must be one of my student's?" He asked the genin .

Hotaru looked at the genin, then at the others. "So, where is the rest of the team?" He asked in a curious tone. 'The first day.' He thought to himself. 'Most, if not all Jonin assign their genin a mission right away, testing their skills, and putting them to work.' Hotaru looked at his student. 'But I'm going to do what my Jonin did. Form a bond.' Hotaru thought.​


Apr 20, 2006
F'ing Naxxramas, yall/
Shukketsu listened to his leader. "A bond?", he asked. "Hmmmm," Shukketsu pondered. "I guess it could help with our teamwork........Sure! Why not?" Shukketsu shuffled the strap on his sholder holding his weapon up. Shukketsu then felt his stomach move, and make a low growl. "Great....," thought he thought. "He's up. Hopefully I won't have to shut him up...."


New member
Jun 12, 2005
A Place of pure Evil & Choas Listening to the Boon
Kage looked around for his teacher. He finally found mostly because Shukketsu was standing next to him, like the other student he got the teacher jounin yesterday but lost it due to some cat suddenly attacking him and running off with it. 'Ok seriously what the hell why did a cat attack me yesterday if I see that cat again I will feed him to Cerberus!' Kage thought to himself. He finally walked to his teacher and squad mate. "Greeting Raiken sensei. It is a pleasure to meet you." Kage simply stated.

Kage then turned to Shukketsu. "Morning to you Bugiketsu." Kage said with a very cynical smile mostly due to the fact he did not like Shukketsu and also because loved the reaction he got out of him every time he called him that. "Hum where's the other two?" Kage finished simply.
Jan 22, 2007
Cambodia, harvesting all the orphans I can.
Hotaru looked at the other student who approached him. "You must be...." Hotaru pulled something out of his pocket and turned around so his students couldn't see what he had. It was a piece of paper, with each student's names, and pictures. He was supposed to learn them by today, but put it off until now. "Kage!" He said, turning around with a smile. Hotaru then looked around. "Actually Kage, it goes 1, 2, 3, meaning there are only one more of you, not two." He said with a sarcastic smile. "This should be interesting." He said, waiting.​


Apr 20, 2006
F'ing Naxxramas, yall/
Shukketsu looked at his other team mate. 'Great,' he thought 'Him.....' Shukkuetsu heard Kage call him the name he usually called him. "Oh, shut up will you?", he remakred. "At least I can count....," Shukketsu muttered. Shukkestu waited on his final team mate to arive, which at this point, it seemed like forever.

King Naruto

Retired (for now)
Oct 19, 2005
Creating bonds to save our world and bring peace
Looking upon his teammates, Ikasu raised an eyebrow. He wast stading right behind them the whole time. "I'm standing right here. So Sensai left us some test. I say we split up. There just shadow clones and we'll progress faster and better. I'll go to the first one. I know exactly what he's talking about." Ikasu said before dashing out the room, leaving his teammates behind. The hokage heads was what Nai sensai was talking about. Arriving on the hokage heads, Ikasu looked around. "So sensai, where you at?" Ikasu said outloud.

Yondaime stood upon the hokage office rooftop, overlooking all of Konoha. He smiled at his village. He was meant to protect it with all his heart. Life was just grand. No one would dare try to get into Konoha by force. Not with Imasha aka Yondaime around. There was a reason he was Hokage.

Dead Ascension

A Hero's Countdown
May 5, 2005
In my little box of imagination
Shouten 1 smiled slightly as one of his charges appeared. He flexed his arm a few times before he stepped out of the foliage he was hiding in. "You must be Ikasu. Let us begin the test. Don't hold back and either aim to kill or incapacitate."

Settling into a loose taijutsu stance, he smirked slightly before launching several kunai which would, at most, cause minor scratches, Let's see what you're made of, kiddo...


New member
Apr 10, 2007
Taking Pictures of Aqua's magical child-bearing hi
Ky looked at Ikasu as he left the room, "um ok....I guess we will split up Zaji, I'll take the 3rd clue" Ky dashed off out of the classroom. "Where the mourners meet to grieve their lost ones?, he must mean the graveyard" Ky walked around town until he arrived at the graveyard on the outskirts of town, "This must be it," Ky thought to himself "now where is that shadow clone?".


New member
May 6, 2008
in a pocket cup
Zaji, showing no surprise at the fact that Ikasu was behind them, show off he thought"well that leaves me the second".Excellent thought Zaji with an ill concealed smirk, The Konaha hot Springs."I'll just be off then" stated Zaji as he sprinted off the find the Shadow clone.
{among other things}

Ultima Legion

New member
Jun 6, 2005
It is a special place...A place of wonder and magi
Shinko looked at Kage and Shukketsu, smiling with glee. He had never really made any friends because of Kama, and now would be the chance to see if these people would accept him.
He ran over waving to Hotaru-Sensei yelling " IM HERE!!! DONT LEAVE WITHOUT ME!!!!!!"
He was so close to them, as he slowed down.

Shinko tripped. He fell.
He landed on his face, a bump clearly showing through his hair. He looked at his feet, annoyed that he had been so stupid.
Shinko walked up to his team mates, and said " Hi! Im Shinko Deidan. Pleased to meet you!"

A pain right in his heart. A sharp voice saying "Well Well. New teammates. Lets see if they have the instinct and skill they need to have if they wish to be respected by me!"
Shinko grunted, his face twisted with pain as Kama forcefully took control of the body.

Shinko's....no KAMA's face changed. From a happy, bouncy boy who was constantly smiling, he was transformed into a cruel hearted monster whose face was carved from ice and who's stare could turn a man to stone.

"You better be good. Or you'll be in trouble." Kama said to his teammates, sneering.


New member
Jun 12, 2005
A Place of pure Evil & Choas Listening to the Boon
Kage turned to Shukketsu. "You where saying? I told you there was two of them Bugiketsu." once again doing his cynical smile to Shukketsu. He turned to Kama,"It a pleasure Mr. Hyde." Kage said with a stone face to match Kama's. 'This has got to be the one of the most mismatched team in existence. There's me the chronic loser of items. Bugiketsu...the puppet master how the hell he learned it I will never know, and finally Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde personally I don't want to piss with him. So lets see I am more than likely the main assault shinobi, Shinko is more less I believe the assassin of the group, while Bugiketsu is the distraction and or the groups scout.' Kage thought to himself.

Kage turned to his teacher. "Ok so everyone is here sensei. So what is our assignment?" Kage really didn't care what it was as long it didn't envolve cats or crazy girls.

Ultima Legion

New member
Jun 6, 2005
It is a special place...A place of wonder and magi
Kama stared at Kage, then nodded slowly. "You got guts. But ever insult me or Shinko again..... well, dead men tell no tales."
Kama sighed as he felt Shinko fight for control. He receeded control and Shinko took over.
"I'm so sorry everyone! I'm sure you've all heard about me and Kama, but even if you don't like me, we're team mates so TOUGH LUCK!" said Shinko, happy that he would have at least some comrades, who would gradually become his friends.

He looked expectantly at Hotaru-Sensei, hoping he would give them an assignment which would be fun. He didn't notice Kama taking control of his right arm, sliding his hand into his pouch, and taking out his special poisoned kunai. Shinko yelled out as his arm thrust at Kage's throat, stopping just in time, only pricking the skin, allowing one drop of blood to fall.

Kama quickly took control and spoke before receeding once again. "You may have guts, but get in my way and I'll kill you!"
Shinko let his arm fall away, his face pale. 'Kama's never taken over so subtly before.....'

Shinko gasped, remembering the poison on the kunai. He bowed his head as he handed the antidote to Kage, not wanting to look him in the eye. After all, Kama may be a different personality but it was still his body. He was ashamed


New member
Jun 12, 2005
A Place of pure Evil & Choas Listening to the Boon
Kage used the antidote and turned to Shinko."Don't worry Jeckle. I can take care of myself." His smile tuned slightly evil looking as he took his hand positioned it infront of his face. It then ignited in fire, followed by it extinguishing itself before crackling up with lightning followed by it fizzling out. Kage turned to Shukketsu. "Unlike some people ain't that right Bugiketsu. I still remember that one time you got your sorry but handed to you but that was in the past." Kage gave Shukketsu his usual cynical smile he always gave to him. "Any ways Jeckle team mates threw and threw." Kage said giving Shinko a smile and a thump's up.

Kage tuned to his teacher. "Sensei are we going yet or are we going to become old men before we leave this place." Kage said to Hotaru with a dead pan stotic look.
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