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Sky Angels: Search for the War Stones

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Captain L.O. Shadow
Jan 21, 2008
On Board the my ship, Moon Rider.

50 Years prior to Sky Angels, at the United Festival, twelve people meet; two from each of the six species: Earthling, Flyer, Spaceling, Waterling, Underling and Mystic. The second in command of the Dark Lord, Volos, pulled them together to inform them of four powerful crystals that will stop the war. At first, this news is meaningless as there is no war going on. But steadily tension begins to rise between the six species and fear of war spreads. Now its a race against time to find the four crystals before the Dark Lord does and stop the war from tearing the Human Race apart.

Just a quick reminder of the rules:

~Power Rules~

Yes, rules but rules make it safe and fun. First up, power rules.

1. In the event I am not here, Rauxlen (Lauren) is my right hand girl. She will be in charge of the RP during those times.
2. If you have a problem with another member, don't post it in public and don't let it build until it explodes into something really ugly. Go to sephiroth2. He is our peace maker or as I like to call him, our Irish Guru.
3. There is no god modding. You must ask that person to use their character first.

~General Rules~

1. No excess language. Hell and damn are okay but to extent. Abusing this rule will in result in it being changed.
2. No using God's name, please. So no "God d*mnit" or anything else up that alley.
3. No excessive gore. Blood is fine but this isn't a horror RP.
4. Its an orginal RP so no video game character crossovers. But this is an RP based off my book so book character crossovers are allowed. Just shoot me a PM about who they are.
5. No super powerful, immortal characters please. They're a bit annoying.
6. I request that you send me or Lauren a PM about ideas that might change the course of the RP. I am open to ideas. There is not much of a story to follow so there is a lot of space for free form ideas.
7. Please don't spam here. Discuss ideas with other members via PM or the discussion thread I'm leaving open.
8. And the most important rule of all....Have Fun. Its an RP for Pete's sake. Don't take it too seriously. Its meant to be a fun place to expand your writing and possibly make friends.

That's pretty much it!


Kings and Queens of the Species: Me
Dark Lord: Me
Volos: sephiroth2
Earthling: Zephyr
Earthling: LS
Flyer: Avalanche
Flyer: CloudxxZach
Mystic: thorn
Mystic: TheDoomOreo
Spaceling: Rauxlen
Spaceling: Lumine
Underling: Omega Prime
Underling: Neku99
Waterling: FrozenSoul
Waterling: Ami-Chan

By the way, from now on my name is Tina.

And so...we begin...​


"Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to United Festival! May we remain in peace...FOREVER!" Flyer King Ziekiel announced in a loud booming voice.

The crowds roared with excitement. 1,000 members of each species all gathered in one place every fifty years to celebrate their similarties and differences. The festival had been running all day from the early morn. The smell of fresh frying food filled the atmosphere joined with the sounds of laughter and delight. There was a joyous buzz amongst the celebrating people. There were dances and games, enough food to feed an entire country and lots of music. The festivities took place at the ruins of an abandonned castle along the shore. Hundreds of stands stood radiating around the castle. From above it would have looked like a sun.

There was plenty there for all to do. As well as food stands there were clothing stands, game stands, accessory stands and stands that sold just stuff. In the center of it all was the castle which had a large tent over it. Inside was the main entertainment. There people danced and sang and just had an all out good time. And that was where the leaders from each of the species sat watching the festivties. At times they'd leave their thrones and go have fun in the festival. During those times, they were just regular humans having a good time. That was the main theme of the festival. Everyone was human.

The moon rose high into the air.

(And go have fun! Please have your first posts up by Friday.)


I've posted once since 2010
Jan 30, 2008

Vespera sat on a chair, inspecting a gadget that was in her hand. She had opened up a stand to sell different kinds of technology to whoever stopped by. She set the gadget down and looked at the multiple people walking by. Everyone's so happy... she thought, smiling to herself.
After a while, she decided to take a break, and go enjoy some of the festivities herself. She walked around, and looked at different stands. She played some games, and just enjoyed herself.

((Yay for short starting posts XD))


When in doubt: C4.
Feb 24, 2008
Marinni climbed out of the lake by the festival, leaving her sisters behind. She wrang out her hair and smiled. Her mother had told her about the festival when she was small and now she was excited that she had a chance to go. The fact that there was a lake nearby just made it all the more wonderful. She wandered through the brightly colored stalls smelling the delicious foods all around her. She stopped at a stall held by an Earthling. He was selling small circles of metal. She asked him about them and he told her they were rings, and that you put them on your fingers. She couldn't help herself. She purchased one for her youngest sister who had had to stay home. Linni would be so happy with the ring.

Marinni kept walking and looking around herself. Everything was so...magnificent.


Happily Insane
Jul 14, 2007
"Let's see... Apple, Grape, Banana,..." Aisu said continued naming diffrent flavors. After triple checking he ran down the beach to a turquoise tent named, "Ice Flyer Sno-Cones."

"Your late." a small female flyer taunted.

"Sorry, Sarah" Aisu mocked bowing low before Sarah quickly grabbed the bag of flavoring and ran over to open the tent flaps.

The tent was actually quite small with only enough room for five or six people to walk around. Customers would order on the outside and the Ice flyers on the inside would quickly make their Snow Cone.

After 10 minutes with almost no business Aisu stretched and announced that he would be going out to enjoy the festival. Sarah glared but said nothing.

"I guess I'll try some food." Aisu said to himself rubbing his stomach and eyeing a Waterling shish-ka-bob tent. After ordering two shrimp-ka-bobs he walked around not really paying attention to what was around him until he noticed the lack of noise. Looking around he quickly found that he was near the outskirts of the festival with only a few shabby stands selling who knows what.

The word 'book' quickly caught his attnetion and he wondered over after throwing the shish-ka-bob sticks in the trash. He soon found his nose in a book and the thught of work far from his mind.

Zaphod Beeblebronx

Ex-President of the Galaxy
Mar 8, 2009
Nym walked down the the street. He thought he was lost. He couldn't find any body he knew, but most of the people he knew thought themselves too good to be in a place like this. He smiled at that thought and decided to try a vendor. It was selling gadgets. He picked one up and inspected it. He couldn't find any way to use it. He finally looked at the man standing there and asked him how to use it. The man said that it emitted light when you pressed a knob. Nym laughed. He thought such a device was pointless. What would you be doing in the dark?

The man glared at Nym so he bought the device any way. He hurridly walked away and frowned to himself. He wasn't making any friends very well. He decided to try a diffrent tent. He walked up to a nice woman who was smileing really big. He asked he what she was selling and she said smiles. Nym laughed and smiled and she held out her hand. Nym looked confusedly at it and then back to her. She said that that would cost him. He frowned and paid her. He walked away frowning. So far he had bought nothing usefull and he was still lost.

He looked around and saw smileing faces all around him. Everyone looked like they were having such a good time. He decided he didn't care if he was lost. He was going to have fun. He ran to the next tent and started a conversation with the owner.


Esurio Tenebris
Oct 9, 2007
Where all universes connect...

So much fun, happiness, every festival in the world was different, though each one was still the same, and in the end it always made Volos feel the same way, disgusted. Seeing every race all together like this would make anyone feel happy, but to Volos all he continued to think of was how he could turn it all against them. Watching as the many different faces walked past him as he stayed in the shadows, further concealed by his ability, Volos sighed before smiling a little as his orange eyes darted from face to face picking out the best species he preferred.

After a few minutes of this search, Volos closed his eyes before stepping out of the shadows and walking from around a currently unoccupied tent stepping out into the light that was raining down from both the sources around the area and from the moon above him. His entire appearance had completely changed, no longer did he have his bright orange eyes as they had changed to a more clear water blue. His dark short hair had changed as well, running down the length of his back while also changing to a light brown color. Even his clothes had changed to go with his new appearance, as it matched the rather normal attire that most of the people around him were wearing.

Moving through the crowds that swarmed everywhere around him, Volos continued to move his sight around taking in everything he noticed while still moving along, completely nonexistent to everyone around him, just another stranger coming to a festival. As he continued to walk, Volos mentally replayed in his mind that which had occurred no more then a few hours ago.

The sound of heavy boot steps could be heard within the dead quiet hallway as Volos marched along with no one around to interrupt his thoughts for even a moment. After walking like this for the past few minutes, Volos stood before the two large doors that led to the grand throne room. Placing his hands upon each door, he gently pushed against them, causing the slow creaking sound to come forth as they swung open revealing a large almost empty room.

Walking ahead now into the room, Volos came to a halt a few feet away from the one he was to talk to, kneeling down on one knee as he continued to keep his eyes looking down to the floor. "You summoned me?" Volos asked the one known as the Dark Lord.


Captain L.O. Shadow
Jan 21, 2008
On Board the my ship, Moon Rider.
~Few Hours Prior to the Festival~

"Volos..." Began the Dark Lord. "I have another mission for you. Today is the day of that wretched United Festival. I want you...to have fun. Explore the grounds and try and pick up as much information about the surrounding species as possible. "

The thought of the species joining together sicked the Dark Lord. He despised them being united. Being united meant they were strong. The Dark Lord sat on his throne with his legs apart and leaning against his hand. Very un King like. He was a very tall Dark Lord. Tall and bony. Unlike the past Dark Lord's, his hair was short and spiked. He preffered it that way. He was also only about twenty years old. The Dark Lord sat in his black armor with his long red cape draped lazily over his black glass throne.

"You're dismissed. Report back to me at dawn." The Dark Lord sighed.


imp of the perverse
May 12, 2007
Waiting on you, dear.
Emury strolled through the noisy streets filled with pedestrians busy having fun. Though she usually liked being by herself, somehow a festival was different. The lively atmosphere made it hard for her to pine away from other human-kind. She walked by herself, for most of her friends had been busy, and unable to make it tonight. Nevertheless, a small smile formed on her lips as she browsed through all the booths set up and run by all the different species. It almost surprised her how many booths there were that sold food, but it didn't upset her in the least - quite the contrary, she loved food. The chance to see how all the other species ate was too much for her to resist, and the girl ran about, determined to try something from every booth.

About twenty minutes later she walked out to the beach and sat down, barely able to move from the amount of food she had consumed. That sushi the Waterlings were selling was really good… She sat like that a few more minutes before hopping up and going to check out the rest of the booths.


New member
Jan 18, 2009
Mei walked around the grounds for a bit. She loved anything with food! She had wolfed down a hot dog, a bag of chips, something she couldn't really identify from space, and now she was heading for a snow cone. She had spotted another flyer over there, and was ready to finish off her meal with dessert.
"I wish Mom would have come..." she said quietly to herself. She pointed out the flavor that she wanted and started for a jewlrey tent. She would just have to bring her mom something back.
There was a tent with a display of beautiful necklaces. They were delicate and silver, with stones of different colors in a pendent. She didn't like to where anything that would clash with the one she was wearing now, but these were just beautiful!
She grabbed a black one for herself and a blue one for her mother. She'll love this...she thought, continueing through the crowd.
Now...what to look at next?
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When your Mask falls, what will you see.
Mar 19, 2009
"Wicked" Nanami grinned happily, brushing away a stray strand of her snowy hair as she jumped off her hovering skateboard. Her big golden eyes Wandered endlessly around the place, sparkling with joy and interest. The colors, the smells, the voices , the people...She slowly took those in her memory, like the flashes of a camera. She had heard a lot about it but never She had imagined it would be that beautiful. The whole atmosphere was different from her home, a little strange but still captivating and a magnet for her curiosity. "so this is the united festival" she noted to herself happily as she began to strode down the streets.

There was so many to see in these crowded streets, many different merchandise and weird stuff decorating the countless scattered booths. Nanami kept walking, her golden orbs trying to observe every single detail and sight, occasionally she'd stop at a booth look at whatever caught her attention or just enjoy playing some games. Kari has just missed all the fun she thought as she passed another booth that had pulled lots of eyes with it's different colored necklaces. But who said I can't get her a gift or somethin' she smiled as she imagined her twin sister's expression. yep I'll be sure to find something really cool for her, still walking aimlessly in the streets her eyes caught the sight of the large castle, it was covered by a large tent and seemed like everything else, buzzing with energy. "hmmm...wonder what's up there?" her stare stayed on the castle for a moment as she considered having a closer look but then her nose caught a delicious dough smell that made her stomach growl. well maybe after I eat something she told herself as she took her gaze away from the castle and following this hypnotizing smell.

Lectori Salutem

secretly sadistic
Jun 15, 2007
Not where you are, obviously...
It was a festival. There were vendors to buy stuff, games to be played, food to be eaten and there were lots of people. Amber blinked a few times. Yep, definitely a festival. She started walking. Looking at the various stands around her, Amber started to wonder why her father had allowed her to have fun. Fun wasn’t really productive after all…

The crowd was really dense, and it seemed there were people of all species. Amber sighed. That was probably the reason Dad let her go. Knowing the right people was extremely important in trade, and especially connections with other species were valuable. Knowing him, her father would expect her to ‘befriend’ several useful friends by the end of the night. Amber sighed again. She’d better get started…

Amber looked around, trying to figure out the best way to handle this. Maybe trying to chat with some of the vendors… But even though her mind was putting together a cold business plan, she could help the small smile that appeared on her face. ‘These people truly look like they’re enjoying themselves…’ shot through her mind. Maybe, just maybe, she could have some fun for a change too… As long as she managed to do her ‘job’, her father wouldn’t complain. With that smile still very apparent, she made her way to the accessory stand she had seen.


New member
Feb 17, 2009
deep in oblivion ruling over nothing
thorn looked around him at the smiles and joy surrounding him, look at them, not a care in the world, the inferior idiots he spat. he walked over to an earthling deep in thought and used one of his skills he had mastered in his years of solutide to transform one tooth back to a dragon fang and ripped it out not feeling a hint of pain as another grew back in its place instantly and flicked just hard enough for it to embed itself in the earthlings neck


Banshee Queen
Jun 10, 2008
The lake's surface flickered, as something - or someone - got closer towards it. After a few seconds, the cool water splashed into the air, the flying liquid sparkling in the bright moonlight. A slender figure of a female Waterling rose above the lake, only to descend gracefully towards the ground. Before she landed, her scales changed into pale human skin, a pair of elegant, purple wings sprouting from between her shoulder blades.
Swiping a few strands of deep purple hair off her face, she turned the gaze of her big, black eyes towards the castle ruins, which were decorated with lights and banners. Different kinds of tents and stands surrounded the building, crowd walking and flying all around the festival area.

Nerissa glanced around the stands, and as she spotted the Waterlings' food tent, she started to pace towards it, her stomach letting out a faint grumble. She hadn't eaten anything but a small salmon the whole day, getting too wrapped up in her new book. Now Nerissa just had to get food: her hunger prevented her from reading.
Buying two shrimp-ka-bobs and a portion of her favourite sushi, Nerissa walked back to shore to eat in peace. The Waterling woman, who held the stand, had shot a warm smile towards her, yet she hadn't smiled back. The boothholder didn't find it offensive, though - nearly every Waterling knew, that Nerissa never smiled. Her nickname in the underwater world was "Miss Serious" because of that.

As the purple-haired girl chewed her last shrimp-ka-bob, another splash broke the lake's surface nearby. a skinny red-haired male Waterling jumping towards the sky, landing back into the water after his short flight. Soon his head popped up near Nerissa; he swam to shore, though he didn't come out from the lake. He lay on his stomach in the low water, waving to the other Waterling.
"Hey there, Neri!" he chirped, smirking. "You coming to the lagoon tomorrow?"
Nerissa raised her head, looking into the completely black eyes of his.

"Sorry, Alex", she replied. "I don't feel like it."

"Aww, come ooon!" Alex cried out, splashing some water onto her face. The girl frowned, shaking her head.
"Alex, please. I won't change my mind", she said. Slight annoyance could be heard from her voice.
The red-haired boy pouted, swimming back towards the centre of the lake. "You are always so stubborn."
With that said, Alex dove below the surface, disappearing from Nerissa's sight. She sighed and continued to eat her food, sitting on the soft sand.

Lectori Salutem

secretly sadistic
Jun 15, 2007
Not where you are, obviously...
The accessory stand had been a good choice. They had a lot of nice things, things Amber wouldn’t be able to get normally. The shop owner was a flyer. Just as Amber was thinking of approaching him, she noticed someone was standing behind her. Not too close, but there was definitely someone watching. There were a lot of people, so it wasn’t really odd if a person was standing behind her or walking past her, but somehow this person felt different. He had some sort of presence.

Amber was about to turn around to face to mysterious person, or at least take a look, when she felt something on her neck. For just a small instant it seemed like a light touch, like someone was just tapping her on the shoulder. But then her skin was pierced and the pain shot through her nerves. Amber’s body froze, and it took her a few seconds to figure out what had happened. Hesitantly she brought up her hand to her neck. What she found there was a sticky fluid, obviously blood, and, well she didn’t really know what it was. Carefully she removed the object, wincing when that proved to be more painful then letting it stick there. Leaving one hand to cover the hole, she held the object her other hand to study it. It was a fang. She turned her head, grimacing when the wound was stretched. There was no person behind her, no one looking at her, just the crowd moving.

The girl looked at the fang again. It was hard to believe it would be embedded in her neck by accident. It was also quite odd to be used as a weapon. Narrowing her eyes a bit, she looked at it once more. It was a curious fang. Amber was quite sure it didn’t belong to your average carnivore. She decided to keep it. To find out which animal it belonged to. Because it was a rare object. To find the person who hurt her with it. Just because she felt like it.

The pain had dulled a bit, but Amber could still feel the wound sting whenever she moved. She sighed. It seemed she was going to check out the first aid stand, instead of buying that cute shawl…


When in doubt: C4.
Feb 24, 2008
Marinni was getting hot, so she dicided to get back in the lake for a bit. She took a running start but stopped when she saw another waterling sitting on the beach. She changed direction and slowed to a walk. She sat down next to the other waterling, who didn't look very happy.

"I'm Marinni," she said, a smile playing on her lips in hopes of cheering the other girl up. "What's your name?"

She stared at the other girl, waiting for a reply of some sort, twirling the ring she had bought her sister in her hands.


Happily Insane
Jul 14, 2007
Aisu suddenly heard something behind him, light foot steps. Without making it obviously he casually glanced at his watch even though he knew who it was. Using the reflection from the face of the watch he could see Sarah standing behind him holding a very big battle of flavoring,

Probably apple he thoughtaas he slowly put the book down and using his Ice Flyer powers he froze the sticky, apple scented liquid as it was thrown at him and caught it. Sarah seemed even more annoyed.

"I'm coming. I'm coming!" He sighed. He jumped up into the air and flew back towards the snow cone stand. He turned his head to glance over at Sarah, "A shrimp like you in charge of snow cones, eh? Maybe if you where taller we might get some business." He taunted. It was some much fun annoying someone already very annoyed.

With a yell Sarah talked Aisu from behind and they both fell behind the snow cone tent. After a brief struggle of getting untangled Aisu found himself being sat on.

Doing his best to turn his head so he could glare at the flyer on top of him he grumbled, "I should really stop irratating you, you always cheat."

"Come, we have customers." Sarah said ignoring his comment.

"What sould I do with this?" Aisu said holding a green lump of apple flavoring. Sarah opened her mouth to answer but, instead pointed to a bucket. Shrugging he deposited the lump of ice and began taking orders.


Esurio Tenebris
Oct 9, 2007
Where all universes connect...

"Very well!" Volos replied as soon as he was dismissed by the Dark Lord, standing up completely straight before turning and leaving the same way he entered the throne room. The sound of the doors banging shut within his mind was what caused the memory to end for the disguised Volos, as he continued to move through the crowds around him. Moving slightly with every few steps, Volos soon was walking along the edge of the area, where the tiny stalls were set up for the various species to sell during this festival.

The usual cheap trinkets and other pointless objects that normally could be found at these kind of festivals, littered almost every direction Volos looked. As he pretended with his illusion to be enjoying the festival, Volos caught sight of what appeared to be a Mystic talking with one of the stall owners, and a Waterling who was holding a ring it probably had just purchased for someone, as she appeared to be quite happy with it.

Walking still past the many different booths and stalls, Volos continued carefully eying and examining the different people that seemed to get drawn by his sight. Since he began walking again, he had already noticed two Flyers, one eating two pieces of food while not really paying any particular attention to where he was walking, while the second Flyer seemed to had just bought two pieces of jewelry, necklaces to be exact, as she seemed to be in thought of what to do next in the festival.

Moving past one of the large openings that laid between the line of stalls, another interesting participant to this festival was that of the obvious Earthling girl that was walking up from the beach area up towards the part of the festival where Volos was at that moment. Even the Spacelings had decided to partake of the festival judging from one girl who seemed to be really enjoying herself in one of the many games on offer, though another seemed much more interested in the huge castle that was positioned to be the exact center of the entire festival.

Though even the magnificent sights of the castle weren't able to keep the young Spaceling for long as she seemed to get distracted by the sudden scent of food coming from someplace further ahead. Moving over to where she had just been standing, Volos watched as the girl walked away before taking his turn to look up at the huge castle himself. With a small smirk Volos turned and decided to see what all the commotion was about, though even more interesting figures continued to catch his eyes.

One being another Mystic who seemed to wish to cause trouble, just like Volos as the darkling watched the boy remove one of his teeth before throwing and causing it to embed into the neck of a different but still interesting Earthling. Backing off a little before blending into the crowds to get around these two, Volos soon noticed that the some of the crowds were making their way through some of the archways heading towards the castle itself.

Following the different groups of species eventually led Volos to the huge tent to which everyone was given a chance to approach the Royalty to offer their thanks. Taking his time, Volos mentally grinned quite insanely as soon as his time came to give his own, thanks. Taking a few steps forward, Volos softly came to a halt before the mighty leaders of the species, as he laid his disguised hand across his chest, bowing his head in mock respect to them. "My majesties, may I wish your rule will be as long, as are your lives." Volos said as a small smile appeared on his disguised face before he stood up once again and turned around to allow the next person to give their thanks.

As he had his back turned to everyone including that of the Kings and Queens, the fake eyes of Volos' illusion closed briefly as he made a mental addition for the Royalty, with a rather twisted smile below the surface. "For now at least...." he thought not helping to grin more and more, though with his illusion it never became apparent of his true feelings, as he moved back through the crowds and back into the massive festival.


New member
Feb 17, 2009
deep in oblivion ruling over nothing
as thorn scanned the crowd for his next victim he began to approach the castle that held the 'rulers' of the land.he noticed the dark that began to exit the castle seeing right through his illusion he found that it was the dark named volos that had seen him earlier he glided over to volos and sent a mental message "i see we share a common goal of causing trouble, may i suggest that we cooperate so that together we may exceed our individual abilities?"


Banshee Queen
Jun 10, 2008
Nerissa finished her plate of sushi, her thoughts drifting towards the lagoon... and Alex. Despite his rather explosive personality, he was her best friend. He was one of the only ones who had enough patience to break through the cold shell surrounding her feelings... Maybe that was why she had become so interested in the red-head. Very interested.
The awkward thought bothered Nerissa, so she decided to think about something else. Suddenly she heard faint footsteps coming closer, and soon saw another Waterling girl sitting next to her, smiling brightly. Her face was unfamiliar to the purple-haired female, so she figured that the person didn't live near her city.

"I'm Marinni", the girl said, playing with her silvery ring. "What's your name?"

Nerissa looked at Marinni for a moment. She looked very friendly - her pitch black eyes gentle and deep, her smile wide and warm.
"Nerissa", she finally answered the other's question, tilting her head to the side yet remaining serious. After a small silence she continued. "I haven't seen you around. What city are you from?"


New member
Jan 18, 2009
Mei continued through the crowd, one necklace around her neck, the other in her pocket. She scanned the smiling faces of the people passing by. She couldn't help smile herself.

"Excuse me?" said a male voice behind her. She whipped around, a bit startled and looked into the eyes of another fire flyer.

A smile brightened her face as she examined his attractive features. "Yes?" she asked the red-haired cutie.

"Could I get one of those?" he asked, pointing to one of the bookmarks displayed on the table in front of her. She looked daround and notced that she was inside a tent. She hadn't even been paying attention to what she was doing.
Heat came to her cheeks as she stepped out of the tent. "Sorry, I don't work in this tent." she couldn't help giggle to hide her embarresment.

"Oh, sorry...whats your name?"
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