50 Years prior to Sky Angels, at the United Festival, twelve people meet; two from each of the six species: Earthling, Flyer, Spaceling, Waterling, Underling and Mystic. The second in command of the Dark Lord, Volos, pulled them together to inform them of four powerful crystals that will stop the war. At first, this news is meaningless as there is no war going on. But steadily tension begins to rise between the six species and fear of war spreads. Now its a race against time to find the four crystals before the Dark Lord does and stop the war from tearing the Human Race apart.
Just a quick reminder of the rules:
~Power Rules~
Yes, rules but rules make it safe and fun. First up, power rules.
1. In the event I am not here, Rauxlen (Lauren) is my right hand girl. She will be in charge of the RP during those times.
2. If you have a problem with another member, don't post it in public and don't let it build until it explodes into something really ugly. Go to sephiroth2. He is our peace maker or as I like to call him, our Irish Guru.
3. There is no god modding. You must ask that person to use their character first.
~General Rules~
1. No excess language. Hell and damn are okay but to extent. Abusing this rule will in result in it being changed.
2. No using God's name, please. So no "God d*mnit" or anything else up that alley.
3. No excessive gore. Blood is fine but this isn't a horror RP.
4. Its an orginal RP so no video game character crossovers. But this is an RP based off my book so book character crossovers are allowed. Just shoot me a PM about who they are.
5. No super powerful, immortal characters please. They're a bit annoying.
6. I request that you send me or Lauren a PM about ideas that might change the course of the RP. I am open to ideas. There is not much of a story to follow so there is a lot of space for free form ideas.
7. Please don't spam here. Discuss ideas with other members via PM or the discussion thread I'm leaving open.
8. And the most important rule of all....Have Fun. Its an RP for Pete's sake. Don't take it too seriously. Its meant to be a fun place to expand your writing and possibly make friends.
That's pretty much it!
Kings and Queens of the Species: Me
Dark Lord: Me
Volos: sephiroth2
Earthling: Zephyr
Earthling: LS
Flyer: Avalanche
Flyer: CloudxxZach
Mystic: thorn
Mystic: TheDoomOreo
Spaceling: Rauxlen
Spaceling: Lumine
Underling: Omega Prime
Underling: Neku99
Waterling: FrozenSoul
Waterling: Ami-Chan
By the way, from now on my name is Tina.
And so...we begin...
50 Years prior to Sky Angels, at the United Festival, twelve people meet; two from each of the six species: Earthling, Flyer, Spaceling, Waterling, Underling and Mystic. The second in command of the Dark Lord, Volos, pulled them together to inform them of four powerful crystals that will stop the war. At first, this news is meaningless as there is no war going on. But steadily tension begins to rise between the six species and fear of war spreads. Now its a race against time to find the four crystals before the Dark Lord does and stop the war from tearing the Human Race apart.
Just a quick reminder of the rules:
~Power Rules~
Yes, rules but rules make it safe and fun. First up, power rules.
1. In the event I am not here, Rauxlen (Lauren) is my right hand girl. She will be in charge of the RP during those times.
2. If you have a problem with another member, don't post it in public and don't let it build until it explodes into something really ugly. Go to sephiroth2. He is our peace maker or as I like to call him, our Irish Guru.
3. There is no god modding. You must ask that person to use their character first.
~General Rules~
1. No excess language. Hell and damn are okay but to extent. Abusing this rule will in result in it being changed.
2. No using God's name, please. So no "God d*mnit" or anything else up that alley.
3. No excessive gore. Blood is fine but this isn't a horror RP.
4. Its an orginal RP so no video game character crossovers. But this is an RP based off my book so book character crossovers are allowed. Just shoot me a PM about who they are.
5. No super powerful, immortal characters please. They're a bit annoying.
6. I request that you send me or Lauren a PM about ideas that might change the course of the RP. I am open to ideas. There is not much of a story to follow so there is a lot of space for free form ideas.
7. Please don't spam here. Discuss ideas with other members via PM or the discussion thread I'm leaving open.
8. And the most important rule of all....Have Fun. Its an RP for Pete's sake. Don't take it too seriously. Its meant to be a fun place to expand your writing and possibly make friends.
That's pretty much it!
Kings and Queens of the Species: Me
Dark Lord: Me
Volos: sephiroth2
Earthling: Zephyr
Earthling: LS
Flyer: Avalanche
Flyer: CloudxxZach
Mystic: thorn
Mystic: TheDoomOreo
Spaceling: Rauxlen
Spaceling: Lumine
Underling: Omega Prime
Underling: Neku99
Waterling: FrozenSoul
Waterling: Ami-Chan
By the way, from now on my name is Tina.
And so...we begin...
"Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to United Festival! May we remain in peace...FOREVER!" Flyer King Ziekiel announced in a loud booming voice.
The crowds roared with excitement. 1,000 members of each species all gathered in one place every fifty years to celebrate their similarties and differences. The festival had been running all day from the early morn. The smell of fresh frying food filled the atmosphere joined with the sounds of laughter and delight. There was a joyous buzz amongst the celebrating people. There were dances and games, enough food to feed an entire country and lots of music. The festivities took place at the ruins of an abandonned castle along the shore. Hundreds of stands stood radiating around the castle. From above it would have looked like a sun.
There was plenty there for all to do. As well as food stands there were clothing stands, game stands, accessory stands and stands that sold just stuff. In the center of it all was the castle which had a large tent over it. Inside was the main entertainment. There people danced and sang and just had an all out good time. And that was where the leaders from each of the species sat watching the festivties. At times they'd leave their thrones and go have fun in the festival. During those times, they were just regular humans having a good time. That was the main theme of the festival. Everyone was human.
The moon rose high into the air.
(And go have fun! Please have your first posts up by Friday.)