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Sonic the Hedgehog


Every Heart

Here We Go Again
Dec 5, 2004
Inside an empty room, my inspiration flows, now wa
*couldn't find one, so I made one*

So, here's a place to talk about the Sonic games. (In otherwords, it's ok to talk about the anime, but it should mostly be about the games only)

Note: When discussing spoilers(especially ones from Secret Rings and Sonic Next Gen PS3/Xbox 360) put spoiler tags on them please.

Now for my official two cents to the Sonic franchise:

Sonic the Hedgehog came out on the exact same year(hell, exact same month) as the year/month I was born. My family has pretty much grown up with Sonic and have known it pretty well, nearly buying every game that didn't sound like it would suck.(Almost never bought the GBA Sonic games)

My first favorite character was Tails. (I was estatic about Sonic Adventure DX when you could play a story dedicated to just him) His original voice also sounds a lot better than the one in the PS3 game. But I liked him because A. He's kawaii. B. He tries really hard to be as good as Sonic and to do things on his own. and C. He actually succeeds in that area in DX. (and yet he somehow goes back to being the "Sonic, wait for me!!" in future games after that...*shakes head in disapproval*) I think I also like him for his intelligence, especially in robotics(rivals that of Eggmans)

Then when they introduced Shadow in SA2, I was also very happy to see this new addition to the Sonic family. Not that I didn't like Sonic or anything, but I'm more into either dark themed characters or cute characters.

Spoiler Spoiler Show

Anyway, Shadow is my absolute favorite character, followed by Tails. His dark outlook, his mysterious past(becomes even more mysterious when he suffers from amnesia after SA2) and the fact that he feels the same about Sonic as I do: grudgingly accepting of the annoying blue hedgehog.

My favorite game would have to be the Next Gen game, followed by SA2 and Shadow the Hedgehog. In Next Gen, they introduced my now third favorite character, Mephiles(villian of the game). Voiced by Dan Green, who does Yugioh's Yugi and Yami Yugi, plus Knuckles the Echidna, he is similar in appearence to Shadow, except with blue instead of red streaks. He has been considered the most truly evil character in the entire series of Sonic and was the first villian to kill another character. (Don't bother disproving this, as this includes deaths that weren't sending characters to other dimensions, time paradoxs, or other crap like that)

Spoiler Spoiler Show

Yeah...anyway, discuss?

Ragnarok Prinny

New member
Apr 3, 2007
Another Netherworld...
Re: Sonic the Hedgehog Discussion Thread

Well... I'm a really good Sonic... So... I really liked Sonic the hedgehog 1 and SA2 (Sonic Adventure 2)... I really like Sonic and Shadow... Well... I like all the chars... Without them there wouldn't be Sonic... So yea...


New member
Nov 25, 2006
Re: Sonic the Hedgehog Discussion Thread

Hey nice job typing all of that Lol...Well I am not such a big fan of sonic but I really like Knuckles mainly cause he can glide..I didn't watch the anime so much but I got into it mainly cause of the game on Gba called Sonic adventure 2 . I know this game is outdated but it is one of my favorite platformer games on Gba..


Slippery People
May 10, 2004
Re: Sonic the Hedgehog Discussion Thread

The Sonic series stopped being good after Sonic Battle.


Apr 28, 2005
Re: Sonic the Hedgehog Discussion Thread

I've played all the first 3 Sonic games. Then skip ahead played CD, and Sonic Adventure. Those were some good memories, but then I picked up Sonic Heros that was the worst game from Sega I ever got.
Yeah I'll always remember the old sonic games could Sega is doing a bad job with the newer one's *coughSonicforPS3 cough*. I feel like ever since Sonic went Multi it was bad for business, and it made others mad as well. Cause they keep giving us these rip-off games Sonic Riders anyone.


Still Alive
Dec 15, 2004
Re: Sonic the Hedgehog Discussion Thread

I been a fan of Sonic for years. I always loved it because the games were highspeed. The first 2 were really good. Sonic 3D wasnt so fun. I liked the series Sonic Underground. The music was awesome in that show, as well as in the game, Sonic Heroes. Sonic is one of the coolest game characters ever.

Shadow also happens to be one of my favorite characters but I dont say it often because I get critism about "That emo hedgehog", since nowadays virtually anything dark is "emo" to most people on the net.


Mar 27, 2007
Re: Sonic the Hedgehog Discussion Thread

I would have to say that back in the day I was a real Sonic fan, I liked the games including ones like Sonic 2 for the Sega but now the Sonic games have been a real disappointment to me. I think that the series started to go downhill after Sonic Raiders, I mean I thought the game was excellent but it only needed slight improvements. Now on the other hand they are starting to make horrible games like Shadow the Hedgehog I'm still having nightmares after playing that one with its horrible controls and bad camera and I even thought that the Secret Rings game wasn't all that good either I mean the grahics were great but everything else just collasped to me. I'm hoping in the near future though that Sega does get the Sonic game series back on track.

Every Heart

Here We Go Again
Dec 5, 2004
Inside an empty room, my inspiration flows, now wa
Re: Sonic the Hedgehog Discussion Thread

The first Sonic games were good, especially Sonic Adventure DX and SA2. But with games like Sonic Riders and the GBA games, it went slightly downhill for them. Shadow the Hedgehog would of been good if they didn't have the crappy camera thing going on, and I welcome the two games for PS3 and Wii because of graphics and storyline. As far as gameplay of those two games though, I'm not too sure of what to think of it sense I haven't played them very much.


Quarian Power!
Mar 23, 2006
Re: Sonic the Hedgehog Discussion Thread

I've been such a huge Sonic fan ever since It became a habit to watch my older brother play Sega games, when I was like 4, lol. I was infatuated with sonic! >.> Not in that way though! =O


Jul 26, 2004
Ghettoretta SON best check yo self
Re: Sonic the Hedgehog Discussion Thread

I thought shadow was really cool in Sonic adventure 2 battle but in shadow the hedgehog....eh not so much. I just didnt like the fact that he got a gun. why the fcuk would shadow use a gun when he has all these awsome powers. but yeah other then the adventure series I only really liked the 2d sonic games.

Face My Fears

She's not an "it"!
Apr 9, 2007
Re: Sonic the Hedgehog Discussion Thread

I personally hate what they're doing to the games now, I loved them back in the day but now they are just getting lamer and lamer. The best one IMO is the one on the Dreamcast...

Every Heart

Here We Go Again
Dec 5, 2004
Inside an empty room, my inspiration flows, now wa
Re: Sonic the Hedgehog Discussion Thread

What do you think of the villains they have been putting into the games? I think Eggman is pretty good in the sense that he is able to still going despite the fact that Sonic foils his evil plots every single time.

Chaos from Sonic Adventure was pretty cool, Black Doom was a bit...uhh...well...interesting to say the least, Nega Eggman was a bit of a pain, Erazor from the Wii game was kinda lame and too easy to beat in the end, and Solaris was ok, even though the only thing I like about it was that it was the fused combination of Iblis and Mephiles.(I luv him. *glomps Mephiles*)

Face My Fears

She's not an "it"!
Apr 9, 2007
Re: Sonic the Hedgehog Discussion Thread

I agree with you Zaraki, Eggman is the best boss there is and probably ever will be in the Sonic the Hedgehog universe...


Mar 27, 2007
Re: Sonic the Hedgehog Discussion Thread

I really think that they should come up with a much different villain for the Sonic games, I mean Eggman was alright but he's getting kinda boring with the same tactics again and again.


New member
Dec 21, 2005
Re: Sonic the Hedgehog Discussion Thread

Sonic you say?

I'm an old school Sonic fan; grew up idolizing the damn hedgehog. Still very much apart of many of the bigger Sonic communities out there.. Despite this fandom, I'm not a big fan of all that Sonic has produced in recent years: Sonic Heroes was mediocre, Shadow was atrocious and Next Gen was potential wasted. The Dimp games (Advance -Rush) and Secret Rings were the gems amongst the rough though. Secret Rings really took Sonic in the right direction in terms of 3d, and I can't wait to see if they refine the faults that it had in a sequel. If they worked out the kinks, I think that Secret Ring's gameplay is something that make the originals proud. The Adventure games had their amazing spots, but even those couldn't compare to the perfection of the original Sonic games.

I've played nearly every Sonic game, except some of the ones that are literally impossible to play (Sonic Wakku Patrol Car, Cosmic Fighter etc) and some of the newer ones that have been out of my reach (Rivals). Sonic CD happens to be my favorite Sonic game amongst the bunch, it combines the speed and level design that Sonic trademarked, but Sonic 1-K all are in my favorite 20 games ever. My favorite character is Mighty (Hey, look at that!) but I like a lot of the original characters. Other characters, I have my likes and dislikes; I'm not much of a fan of the anime stereotypes they've been producing in recent titles.

I'm looking forward to Rush Adventure, though I have my reserves: Dimps isn't making it and it's Sega's first 2d Sonic platformer since Chaotix. Should be interesting to say the least. Also, Sonic and Mario at the Olympics? Could be fun I suppose.


Mar 27, 2007
Re: Sonic the Hedgehog Discussion Thread

I would really like to see the series back on track because now its been made painfully obvious that Sega doesn't have a clue what a good Sonic game should be like. After Shadow and the Sonic game on the 360 I had given up on all hope of a reasonable game, because if Sega doesn't do something soon they are really going to become less known in the gaming industry for any type of game anymore not just the Sonic series.


The Smiling Man
Staff member
Feb 14, 2006
Re: Sonic the Hedgehog Discussion Thread

I really like Shadow the Hedgehog, putting the camera thing aside, pretty good game play. Loved the fact that you could choose the games outcome. Black Doom was an okay villian, not too hard. Diablon(I think that was his name) and Sonic were annoying, but not hard. Eggman's fight was really fun. Devil Doom was a really good finish. Much better then FinalHazard was. Another thing was that I liked the darker aspect of the game. It was one of the games where it felt like the world could be destroied at any second. I liked that the also brought the ARK back into the storyline...

Shadow is probablly my favorite character. Eggman's my second. I like his voice, it sounds funny =P. Anyways, it would be a real shock if Eggman actually took over the world in one of the games and created the Eggman Empire. <- I also like how he always blabs on about that. =]


New member
Dec 21, 2005
Re: Sonic the Hedgehog Discussion Thread

I felt Shadow was a big "Screw you" to Sonic fans. IMO it wasn't a fan service game, it was a shallow attempt on Sonic Team's part to make a quick buck off of naive kids who like to think they're playing mature games. I say "think" because there wasn't a mature thing about Shadow The Hedgehog, if anything it was the most immature Sonic title in years (Maybe less than Shuffle...). The game literally went out of it's way to make Shadow seem like a "bad ass" by making him say damn (The emphasis was ridiculous in parts) and shooting big guns. It was a cheap attempt to make the series appeal to kid who aren't of age to play games like GTA, but still want to. I found myself disgusted after seeing some of the publicity stunts and interviews they did prior to the game release, most of which they were just grasping at straws to relate Shadow to the "troubled" youth of today. IMO, the game killed anything that was remotely good about the character Shadow. Luckily, Shadow happened to be the best of 3 gameplays in Next Gen; So he's not bottomed out just yet.

If the game was at least average I would of looked over these travesties, but the game was nothing more than a scaled down, glitched out version of the Sonic Adv speed levels. Easily one of the worst Sonic games, and even games in general.