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Fanfiction ► //.{Studying Through the Dark}.\\- [An Ienzo Tale]

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Roger ELizabeth DeBris
Dec 27, 2005
Beware, this fic may contain spoilers, due to elements from the secret ending possibly coming into play during the story.

This is a story about Ienzo, Zexion's whole person, before he was betrothed into the world of the Organization, and Nobodies. Ansem's studies of Darkness will come into play in this fic, so it is before the events of Kingdom Hearts.

This has some thought from the many theories I have read about Ienzo and how he may be tied to the Keyblade due to events of his past. Be aware, this is not a theory, it is a story, so don't go telling me I'm wrong, because this is made up, and not tied to how Nomura want's the storyline to go.

Just to let you know, this is my first fic, ever. I have written prologues to stories in the past, and for now, this is a prologue, lol, but I have never started off a story. So be don't be too harsh if it isn't the best! <3



Prologue: He was Found, at the Fork​

Xehanort and Ansem walked down the dust filled path, tinted orange by the western sun. Large keys were strewn all about, yet, no possible wielders of them were to be found. A desolate wasteland was where they stood, and their studies seemed to not be advancing even though, a presence was sensed through out the vast key covered field.

As the wind picked up, Xehanort squinted his eyes to block the sand cast asunder. The sun beat upon his silver hair, hindering an already weary body from traveling with Ansem during the past week. "There is nothing here Sir Ansem, may we leave?" He asked, with drained eyes, kneeling down onto the warm sand. "No Apprentice," He swiftly told Xehanort. "not until I find the energy I feel. Don't you find these keys rather interesting?" The old man said, picking one up and holding it as a sword. Xehanort looked up in confusion. "Why would one wield such a proposterous weapon?" He told his master with a smile. "Now, you wouldn't want to lose what little respect your Superior has for you, right Xehanort?" Ansem told him smartly, peering into the somewhat ambitious, yet lacking eyes of Xehanort, his Head Apprentice. "I suppose not." The young man told him. Xehanort looked back at Ansem, his eyes of orange gave him a chill, and he averted his eyes immediately. "Now, Onward." Ansem told his apprentice, standing up.

Xehanort lazily stood up and shuffled his feet through the sand as they continued. After walking through the gust abundant field, Ansem saw a limp figure in the distance. "Xehanort, look!" Ansem said in an excited whisper, looking at his somewhat startled accomplice. Xehanort fixed his brown eyes on a young, lavender haired boy, about in his mid-adolescence years, sitting on the ground. The two soon saw that he was situated against a pole that signed the fork. As they edged ever closer, they saw him wielding a one of the many large keys. "Well, well, it seems we have found the source of strong energy I felt." Said Ansem, with a smirk on his face.


Where these forks lead, you may find out in the future. I hope you liked this sad attempt xP, just trying something new. <3

EDIT:Ahh! Something screwed up on the forums. Can a mod close the other thread?? Thanks <3


Roger ELizabeth DeBris
Dec 27, 2005
Thanks you two, that really means alot! <3

Goldy, I read the Prologue and first chapter of your fic, it's good!
Sadly that's all I had time for.
I'll be posting the first chapter later on, hopefully I'll get at least one more review or thoughts on this small prologue!

Thanks again Cloudy and Goldy! <33333


Silver Member
Oct 30, 2004
home sweet home
so far it sounds interesting. i probably couldn't pull anything off as good as the others fics in this section . .but i might give it a try
but anywayz . .post chapter 1


Roger ELizabeth DeBris
Dec 27, 2005
Ok guys, here is Chapter one of an Ienzo Tale! Here we go!

Chapter One: A Wasteland Assemblage​

The young boy could feel his short purple hair fluttering in the steady breeze that surrounded him. He felt a chill rush down his spine which made him slightly more concious. a rough texture could be felt on his hand, but he payed no attention to it. When his eyes were opened, blurred from sleep, he could see two dismal figures approaching. Ienzo quickly stood up, making the two characters, step back. "Who are you?" He shouted to them, now noticing the rough object in his hand was what seemed to be a handle to a large key. "Don't worry child, we have no intention to harm you." Ansem told him gently. "What is the weapon you hold boy?" Xehanort asked him in a bellowing voice.

"I'm not sure, I was surrounded by all of these things in armor, and this is all I had to defend myself with." Ienzo told them in an innocent voice, a bereaved expression on his face. Ansem held up the key he wielded. "Well, it seems you are not the only keywielder who was here." He said to the boy, looking out to the field as he had many times before. Xehanort noticed the young childs' key had a chain on the top of it's handle, while Ansem's did not.

"Well, you hold a strong energy within; there must be something special about you, you bear the only key with a chain." Xehanort told him, his hand on his brow blocking the still bright sun. "What is your name?" Ansem said caringly, pacing slowly toward Ienzo, who immediately stood in a stance for battle. "Calm down, calm down, I'm merely a curious old academic, wanting to know why a young boy such as you has this substantial energy." He told Ienzo, who then put the large key down by his side. "I-Ienzo, is my name. Who are you?" He asked, with wide eyes.

"I am Ansem, and this is-" He was cut off by the appearance of an armored being, dual-wielding two of the many mysterious giant keys. "Ienzo, come back to the Forest, everyone is waiting!" The armored figure told him. Taking off his helmet, he appeared to be about the same age as Ienzo, having spiked red hair, and narrow blue eyes. "Ienzo, where have you been, come back to Moira Chase, we've looked everywhere for you." The young man told him. Ienzo stood in awe, looking over to Ansem, then Xehanort, then the red haired boy."Wait, you're not Rosso!" He angrily told the boy, who then gave him a smug look. "Ienzo, that hurts me, how could you believe I'm not your best bud?"


Just to keep you guessing! Sort of. lol. I will post the next chapter whenever it's ready, I hope you liked it! <3
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Dec 17, 2003
I find this impressive, it's filled with decription, great grammar, awesome cliffhanger at the end of the prologue

its great ^^ and the story is more than original!

awesome job man


Roger ELizabeth DeBris
Dec 27, 2005
I know, I couldn't think of one. Any suggestions and maybe I could make a quick edit?


Roger ELizabeth DeBris
Dec 27, 2005
Ah, RD, I'll take the name Taiki for someone further in the story. :]

Edited, I'll write the next chapter sometime later tonight, and possibly post it tomorrow when I get home.


Roger ELizabeth DeBris
Dec 27, 2005
Ok, I’m mega-inspired tonight, so here’s another chapter. I couldn’t stop the flow of ideas, thus, Chapter Two.

Oops, sorry for double posting also!


Chapter Two: Searching for a Friend

Rosso stood atop the large white dragon who was unsuccessful in the fateful battle. He walked off as it dissipated into dust, which was cast into the wind. “Why was it here? Who could’ve sent it?” He asked himself quietly as he placed his rugged large toothed key on his shoulder.

A colossal battle involving these keys had just taken place, to find it’s true master, and to find the keys with the chains. To Rosso’s surprise, Ienzo obtained a chain on his key during the battle. “And I thought it was just a mere fad among us.” Saying another phrase to himself, he saw his friend walking up to him. “Did you find him?” He asked the female. “I’ve searched the whole battle field, what are you still doing here?” The young woman asked Rosso.

“Well Taiki, I was going to find Ienzo, but a white dragon attacked.” He told her. “Uh huh, sure. Don’t lie to me Rosso. It’s bad enough Ienzo was stupid enough to not wear armor, knowing how hard the fight would be.” She said, seeing their other friend approaching." Wha-!? I'm serious Taiki! He wasn't exactly a walk in the park!" Rosso said, trying to convince Taiki. "What you now say, means nothing!" She said, putting her hand in his face, then laughing. The wind picked up as the other armored person met the location of Rosso and Taiki. “Hey, any luck with finding Ienzo?” Rosso asked, and was answered by a shaking head. “Where did those come from?”

Taiki asked, and Rosso quickly turned his head to see three keys, all with chains. When the trio reached the keys, they each picked one up. “They all have chains, and we can wield them!” Shrieked an excited Taiki. “Well, let’s go look for Ienzo together, I’m sure he hasn’t made it far.” Said Rosso, looking in all directions. “Now, which way to go?” He asked his also puzzled friends. Looking forward, a blurred figure could be seen, and the trio wasn’t about to leave, until it was confirmed that it wasn’t or was their friend Ienzo.

Back at the fork

“Where is Rosso!?” Ienzo asked the one disguised as his friend. “I hear he’s looking for you, my boy.” Said the voice of a woman, now coming from Rosso’s body. The two key’s formed into one large staff, which was placed next to a now black robed Sorceress. “Now, Ienzo, come with me, I would like to know of the special Keyblade you hold, it is different from the others.” She told him in an evil, demanding tone. "Key--blade? That's what they're called?" Ienzo asked quietly to himself.

“You don’t mean good, I can tell. You are of Darkness.” Ansem told her in an affronted voice. “In other words, leave this boy alone you witch.” Xehanort told her in his usual calm voice. This angered her. “I, Queen Wickren (Snow White), will not listen to you fools!” She said, sending a bolt toward Ienzo, forcing him into a stack of keyblades. Wickren then vanished, leaving a black trail in her wake. “Let’s take the boy with us.” Ansem told Xehanort, as he quickly paced toward the boy. “Who cares about him? Let’s just take the key.” He told his superior, looking at the pole that signed the fork.

“I think he will play a vital part in our experiments and these 'Keyblades' that have chains, are extremely powerful, and will only stay with those of strong energy like him.” Ansem said, picking Ienzo up from the sandy ground. “Let’s take our leave, we have no more business here.” Said the blonde haired man to his apprentice. “Finally!” Xehanhort said. “Ignorant Child, at least this boy has some sense, unlike you.” Ansem growled looking back at Xehanort. This set Xehanort back, and he walked the rest of the way back to camp, with his head down.

At the Crossroads

The blurred figure reached the trio. He was a dog-like creature with two large teeth. “I’m afraid that belongs to me! Ahyuck!” He chuckled to Taiki. “Oh. Really?” She asked disappointed. The Keyblade then started to glow, realizing it’s master was near. It left the hand of Taiki and settled in the hand of the dog. “I’m Goofus, nice to meetcha!” He said with a grin.


I know, I know, “How can he be a wielder of the inverted key!? That’s Mickey’s job!” Ah, but this is the past, and it’s my story, so I may do as I please! lol. Goofus is and actual word too. Guess how he is related to Goofy!

Also, I couldn’t find the name of the witch from Snow White, so I named her Wickren, due to it’s similarity to Wicked

Ok, that’s it!

Please comment on how you think the story is coming along!
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The Marauder

Intriguing story. I like it so far, so keep up. I will await chapter 3, and I'm sre others will as well.


Roger ELizabeth DeBris
Dec 27, 2005
lol, thankies TM <3

I'll wait for some more reviews or thoughts until I post the next chapter, if there will be any. -.-


Roger ELizabeth DeBris
Dec 27, 2005
I'll finish writing it tomorrow at school, I'm busy right now ^.^;;

Well, it isn't that highly anticipated, so I believe I can wait to transfer from paper to computer until tomorrow :-}
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