zomg zomg. Me's updarting liek now yo.
Chapter 7: Running From the Rain
Myde and Ienzo made their way for the town gate, unknowledgable of Xehanort's approach. The gatewatchers lifted their spears vertically to allow an entrance of three dark figures whom were unrecognizable against the dim forest.
Ienzo felt a firm hand clasp his shoulder. "Why, hello there." Said Xehanort in a sinister tone. "Where are you going? You don't know what kind of fiends lie beyond this gate at night."
Goofus sighed with relief as he watched the three young men walk off, for it seemed he and the duo had made it to Radiant Garden justin time. "Ienzo!? Myde?" The boys could hear their names called by familiar voices. Turning their heads as they were forcefully pushed by Xehanort, the two saw the faces of Taiki and Rosso.
"Wha!?" Myde exlaimed, breaking the grip of Xehanort. Ienzo still was uncertain of whether to trust it was Rosso, but the dog gave a reassuring glance that made Ienzo break free also. Gathering in a small circle, the group conversed of events that had taken place. "Ienzo, where were you?! We looked everywhere!" Taiki said with a love tap. "It's good to see you." Rosso smiled to Ienzo and Myde. All Myde could do was pull off was a smirk. Ienzo hugged them both.
"Your key has a chain!" Goofus told Ienzo in a startled tone. "Yes, is there something special about it?" Ienzo inquired. "The ones with chains wield the true power to manipulate darkness, and even banish it." Goofus mystically told him, "Only those strong of heart can wield them, and it seems you and I have 'em, Ayuck!"
Xehanort took Ienzo's key, which immediately returned to Ienzo. "Hmm, let's see." Xehanort took Myde's keyblade, and held it up. A small chain appeared on the bottom. "I, have a strong heart?" He said to the shocked group. Xehanort was equally shocked as well, and he entered a trance like state. "While he's like that, we need to go back to Moira Chase." Rosso said, "I'm sure we can handle the fiends." He said as they started on the trail once again.
"I'm quite sure you can't." A portentous voice sounded from atop the town gate. It was Wickren, bent on stopping the five to completing their objective. "Why are you so intent on stopping us!?" Taiki asked the witch. "Simple, you work for light, I work for darkness." She told them with a smug look. Ienzo returned a glance of confusion. and could feel and ice cold raindrop hit his nose.
"That should stop you!" She shouted as she was spread asunder in the form of black dust. There was still hope to go back to town, but the town gate was shut when they reached it. "Let us in!" Myde screamed as the five beat relentlessly on the metal door. They weren't heard, and they had no choice but to head into the forest to look for some form of shelter.
Reaching a large ravine that scarred the forest, the group hesitiated, but had no choice but to cross. "We need ta hurry!" Goofus told the group as the rain bore harder against them. Halfway across the ravine, a large rush was heard. "Oh...oh no...Run!" Rosso shouted as the water rushed for the group.
They ran for the other side of the ravine, and made they're way up the perilous hill.
Ienzo and Myde lagged behind. The mud became more watered down as they edged ever so slowly for the top. The water fastly came for the duo, and the helping hand of Rosso grabbed Ienzo's. The two continued slipping, and weren't making any progress.
Before anyone knew it, the water took the two in it's hold, breaking the the grip of Rosso and Ienzo. "Ienzo!" Rosso shouted in despair as he start to jump in, but was held back by Goofus, shaking his head.
This chapter dragged out way too much. I've gotten rusty, in this short time. I promise my next chap will be better.
RossoxIenzo ftw.
Next chap may contain small hints of mydexIenzo though xD
Hope you liked it.. =/