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Fanfiction ► The Days of Our Pr0n

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an obscene gesture
Jan 30, 2004

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, save those clearly in the public domain, is purely coincidental.​


An almost forgotten empire.

An evil king.

A pure innocent princess.

An unsuspecting pr0n writer.

These are...


Once upon a time, in a great empire, the evil King - aptly calling himself King Kira - had as his prisoner, the lovely princess Fleriënne. For King Kira had received his position due to the unfortunate deaths of Fleriënne's parents, and he was to grant the lovely princess the nation's rule, as soon as she'd turn 20. But he however did not wish that, thus he locked the lovely princess up, and desperately hoped he could thereby keep his position as great ruler of the nation, and bestow his crazed thoughts of his new found religion - The Reformed Atheist Church of Kira - onto the people of the entire country.

However, the lovely princess (creative and strong-willed as she was) decided she would not give into the will of the Reformed Atheist Church of Kira this easily, and with nothing but a hairpin, she dug her way out of the dungeon, and after a long journey underground, she reached the surface, and gasped for air as she felt the bright rays of light come down upon her face. However, the lovely princess wasn't safe yet, as she found out that the dungeon that had imprisoned her before, was placed at the top of a high mountain, therefore making it a true impenetrable fortress.

In the meanwhile, the evil King Kira had discovered that his prisoner had escaped, and sent out all of his guards quickly to search for her. For sure the evil King Kira would lose the nation’s rule if it was discovered that the lovely princess was still alive!

When lovely princess Fleriënne saw the guards come running up behind her, she glanced over the cliff, and quickly took a dive towards the great blue beneath her, hoping that she'd make the great drop.


At the same time however, right below the cliff the fortress had been built on, was an innocent young man sitting in his small boat, writing his pr0n as he had done many days before. He was a truly handsome man, and loved by all the girls of his village, but he however had not found a love that could give him the same amount of pleasure as his hobby: writing pr0n. Little did he know that his luck was to change completely this very day.

As he was just finishing another chapter of his new pr0n story, he couldn't help but overhearing the increasingly loud screams of a young girl. He quickly looked around, but then noticed that the sound came from above, and before he had the time to realize what was going on, the lovely princess crashed through his boat like a brick. Swiftly the young man jumped out of his boat, and looked around as his precious boat was sinking, together with his precious pr0n stories. He however also noticed a shadow sinking beneath him. The young man dived underwater, and noticed a young girl sinking slowly to the bottom of the lake. As soon as he saw the young woman slowly and unconsciously making her way towards the bottom of the lake, he swam over to her, and pulled her up to the surface. Luckily they weren't too far from the shore, so the young man was able to find the strength he needed, and dragged the princess to the land. However, once they were out of the water, the young man noticed that the girl was not breathing anymore, and without hesitation, the young man brought his mouth to hers, and breathed as much air into the woman's lungs as he could. After a few times, the lovely princess suddenly coughed, and spat out a bit of water. When she opened her eyes, and saw the young man sitting on top of her, his legs straddled around her waist, she quickly slapped him in the face, making the young man fall onto his side.
"Why I ever!!" the young girl exclaimed. "I ought to have you decapitated you right now!"
The young man was appalled of the woman's reaction.
"You're welcome for saving your life! What were you thinking? You just ruined my new pr0n! My life's work!"

"Why do I care about some lousy third rate writer? I bet your pr0n stories weren't even that good anyway." The princess replied. As soon as the young man was about to reply to her unpleasant comment, the princess covered his mouth with her hand and looked around. She could hear the guards coming closer.
"If you have any intention of being forgiven for your horrible act, you will find a place for us to hide, quickly, before the guards find me!"
The young man reacted appalled once more "The royal guards are after you? I will get my handsome head cut off for sure!" But just as he was about to run off to find one of the guards in search of the woman, the young man glanced at the lovely princess, and saw that she had the most hawtest and perfect body he had ever seen. She was unlike any of the girls he had met in the village. 'I could use her in my future pr0n stories' he thought, and since he valued his career even over his own life, he decided to help the young girl out in an attempt to raise his popularity and his pr0n writing skills to a higher level.
"I have a shack where I store my pr0n stories nearby, follow me."
As soon as the girl was about to stand up and run after the young man, whom swiftly disappeared into the woods, she tripped over the long frilly ends of her pink dress.

She quickly tore her dress up, and ripped off the lower end of her dress, revealing her legs completely. She was embarassed to dress so ordinarily in public, for she was still a woman of great pride, however she could not care less about her dress. She did not want to fall into the hands of the evil King Kira again, for sure he would want her back, and use her as his toy again. A sick man he was, a sick filthy man, filthier than the pigs of the town's butcher even. For certain he would put the lovely princess behind a computer, and have his way with her, through cyberspace, for nothing turned him on more than cybering with innocent young girls.


As soon as she caught up with the young man, they had already arrived at the shack. Quickly the young man looked around for anyone who could be looking, and opened the shack as he saw there was no-one else besides the princess... and himself.


This is as far as this magical tale goes, for now. But are you willing to hear more? What will happen to the young man and the lovely princess? Who else will they encounter on their mystic journey back to the princess' rightful place on the throne?

Please, expect the new chapter soon, of:

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Nov 4, 2004
MegaFleer Inc.
For those who understand the references, it's hilarious XD

If you don't understand the references, it will be "wtf" to you.

Post more of it. People will recognize the future characters.


an obscene gesture
Jan 30, 2004
It's filled with inside jokes, and it started out as an inside joke. xD It's basically one whole inside joke, so you either love it or hate it.

Vayne Mechanics

Expert of Asian things
Mar 27, 2005
xD Wtf? Lawl! I don't get it but it's funny. I'm guessing the princess = Flare.
Porn master = Ryu.
Monkey = ebil king? >>;

Super Sonic

Bronze Member
Apr 27, 2004
You show me yours and I'll show you mine. ^^

*points to sig*

*starts reading*


dick to a lot of people
Dec 15, 2004
Balmung102 said:
xD Wtf? Lawl! I don't get it but it's funny. I'm guessing the princess = Flare.
Porn master = Ryu.
Monkey = ebil king? >>;
WTF are you talking about dumbass. <_<

It says King Kira right there!

You got the rest right though. Ryu is obviously the pr0n writer. And flare is the princess. xD


dick to a lot of people
Dec 15, 2004
Balmung102 said:
xD I don't know who Kira is.

You want to know who Kira is?

Days of our Pr0n said:
the evil King - aptly calling himself King Kira - had as his prisoner, the lovely princess Fleriënne. For King Kira had received his position due to the unfortunate deaths of Fleriënne's parents

Days of our Pr0n said:
A sick man he was, a sick filthy man, filthier than the pigs of the town's butcher even. For certain he would put the lovely princess behind a computer, and have his way with her, through cyberspace, for nothing turned him on more than cybering with innocent young girls.

Kira doesnt post much anymore. D: He's ussually in the chat all day flaming newbs.

Daniel Faraday

you fucking...FUCK
Feb 7, 2006
My god, you've achieved near perfection with this tale of yours. Though I admit the characters are cardboard cut out sorts, I think that's what you were aiming for.
But just as he was about to run off to find one of the guards in search of the woman, the young man glanced at the lovely princess, and saw that she had the most hawtest and perfect body he had ever seen
Keep going, man. This story kicks more ass than could possiby exist.


killjoy princess
Aug 16, 2005
Dx My gawd.

This was hilarious.
A sick man he was, a sick filthy man, filthier than the pigs of the town's butcher even. For certain he would put the lovely princess behind a computer, and have his way with her, through cyberspace, for nothing turned him on more than cybering with innocent young girls.

.__. I liked that part best. *bookmarks page*


an obscene gesture
Jan 30, 2004
quitejaded said:
*sniff* Ryu... I thought you were a good, wholesome person. *sniff*
Am I not? D:

Princess Sakura said:
It was breathtaking. xD I am waiting to see what happens to the pr0n master. *coughbe-headdedcough*
What?!? ;-;

xD Thanks balmung, monkey, Fenris, Shiro, everyone. :3
I'm glad everyone enjoyed the first chapter, but if you think the cybering evil King Kira or the hawt perfect body of the lovely princess were interesting enough; behold! The next revelating chapter of the Days of Our Pr0n!

We had left off where the young pr0n writer and the lovely princess had just found the shack, and were about to hide inside until safety had returned...



As soon as the young pr0n writer had opened the door, he pulled the girl inside quickly and closed the door behind him, trying to make sure the royal guards would not notice anything. Still in a fiery rage about his new pr0n story that the clumsy princess had ruined, he turned around.

"Now we'll have to discuss how you are going to pay for the damage you have caused by destroying my best pr0n story ever! First of a-"
Before the young man could finish his sentence, the princess pushed him over onto the floor, and straddled her legs around his waist. "What the-" the young man said, and quickly got interrupted again by the young woman, who slapped him in the face so hard it left a big red mark. She then kissed him, as ardently and deeply as nevar before. As badly as the young man wanted to resist, he could not, for the woman seemed to have cast a spell onto his entire body and mind. Shortly after they had undone themselves of their clothing, they had the hawtest seckz evar, better than the young man could have ever written in his pr0n stories.

After their hawt sensual love making, they both fell asleep almost instantly. After an hour of rest, the young pr0n writer woke up at the sound of several people roaming about around the shack. He peeked through a crack in the wall, and saw they all wore the uniforms of the royal guard. He quickly woke up the girl who was still clinging to his waist. However as soon as she was going to attack him with her sensual avances again, he covered her mouth with his hand, and told her to put on her clothes and prepare for what would most likely become a rough escape.

The young man heard the royal guards outside, whisper to each other. 'They are probably hiding inside this shack!'
The young man knew they had some time before the guards would actually open the shack, for all the guards were direct clones of evil King Kira, who had himself cloned in order to increase the amount of smart sensible men. Trying to gain control over everything he could, King Kira had as many clones of himself made as possible. However, as many suspected, all the clones turned out incredibly stupid, for evil King Kira should have learned not to overestimate himself.

Eventually the first guard noticed there was an actual door placed in the wall of the shack. As a group of royal guards surrounded the door, one of them opened the door, and right at that moment, the young man charged out through the back wall of the shack, together with the lovely princess. However, instead of having the possibility of escaping, he found out that they were completely surrounded by countless guards. And no matter how stupid they might be, he knew he could not stand up to this great amount of guards. The lovely princess clung onto the young man's waist as if her life depended on it. Which it did, most obviously.
"Don't let them have me!" she exclaimed. The young man assumed a position showing that he was ready to fight to the death. He was waiting for one of the guards to attack, however none of them did. It appeared as if they were waiting for something, or... someone.

Suddenly, he saw a silhouette appearing behind a couple of guards. The young man could not make out who it was, but once the silhouette came closer and showed his true self, a cold chill ran down his spine. The man who had just arrived, spoke with a terrible voice.
"So there you are, my princess. I knew someone would have tried to take you from our glorified kingdom. Take my hand, leave that awful disgusting peasant and let us take you back to where you belong. Then, let us take his life."

"Never!" she replied.
Upon her answer, the man replied in a fiery rage.
"What?! You dare to defy me?? The great and fearsome servant of great King Kira, The Ninja!?!"
It was at that moment, that the young man recognized who this person was. This was the evil servant of King Kira! His title; 'The Ninja', known by the people as Square Ninja! The people had given him this name, for the unusual shape of his head. Often was The Ninja mocked with the shape of his head. However not many men had gained the courage to do so anymore, for his square-shaped head would be the last thing they’d see, before the sharp executioner’s axe would strike them in the neck.

"Hand over the girl, peasant, and we'll let you die a quick death."
"I know you" the young man replied. "You're the infamous Square Ninja, are you not?"
"Stop your mockery!! The shape of my head has been passed down my family for generations! No man mocks me and lives to see another day! Die, you infidel!" The Ninja exclaimed, and charged at the young pr0n writer with his sharp shuriken.

The young man quickly looked for something to defend himself with, but found that his trusty dagger was still lying in the shack. At the very last moment, he remembered that just like the evil King Kira himself, The Ninja was a sick perverted man, and loved nothing more than... pr0n.

Lucky as the young man was, he had one last page of his self-written pr0n in his pocket. Swiftly, the young man grabbed the last page of self-written pr0n, and held it in front of The Ninja's face as he was about to attack. The Ninja halted his attack, as if enchanted by the piece of paper containing explicit images and graphic descriptions, and fiercely snatched the page out of the young man's hands.
The Ninja then quickly ran into the nearby bushes, after which loud moans and disgusting sounds could be heard coming from the bushes. The guards heard these sounds as well, and they were all petrified by the ardent noises that The Ninja was making. Many of the royal guards were too horrified by this obscene display of affection, and fled to the lake to drown themselves, for they could not live on, having heard this horror.
"Quickly, this is our chance!" the young man whispered to the lovely princess, and they fled the scene without hesitation.


Is this the end of Square Ninja; or will he get his revenge?
Will princess Fleriënne get back her throne safely?
Will the evil King Kira be punished for his violent acts?
Will the young man write more pr0n for us to enjoy?

Find out, in the very next chapter of:


Coming soon!
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