when do we start lol i still need mister monday background
I could have sworn I had posted it. I found it but maybe I didn't post it. I'll look through the thread. If it isn't here I'll have it up no worries.
when do we start lol i still need mister monday background
I don't think it was listed... Monday let the paperwork slide so that many things were lost, Tuesday nearly let the house fall into the Nothing, Wednesday let the Border Seas overflow with Nothing contaminated water into the Secondary Realms, Thursday did let all of those Newniths in which is causing a bit of a problem since the Piper came with them, I suppose that letting the Piper out could cause the downfall since he is causing trouble as well as Saturday... Friday didn't really seem to do anything... She took people from Secondary Realms sure but the book never explained what happened to them anyways and she didn't do much else besides that... I finished Friday today and will start on Saturday tomorrow so I should definitely be done before the 10th even with the madness going on.I forgot to mention that I didn't find how Sir Thursday contributed to the House's downfall. But I know it's probably in the books somewhere. So we'll just forget about it for now. This role play will start Oct. 10. so it will give people time who haven't done their templates yet to do them. I'm going to start this whether there is enough people or not.